***Special Note***
Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for March 2020! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.
March Horoscope 2020 – Overview
On March 2nd, the First Quarter Moon is in Gemini. It triggers a sense of restlessness, which causes some of us to behave in careless ways. We are eager for change, and with Mercury Retrograde in full swing, making us feel unsure, unstable, and vulnerable, we’re looking to establish a feeling we’re on solid ground. The way to make it through this tumultuous period is to remember to be direct with all we say and do; this is no time to sugarcoat our emotions or make assumptions. It’s better if we ask questions when uncertainty arises and to make sure that, in moments of expression, we avoid double entendres and innuendos. Remaining conscientious, we can stop ourselves from appearing disconnected or coldhearted.
On March 3rd, there’s a Venus Square Saturn influence, adding to the tension Mercury Retrograde creates and making it even more difficult for us to communicate with those we love. We may come across as aloof, unemotional, cold, or even unattainable, but it’s not because we have no feelings for the significant other in our life. Instead, we worry about how that person perceives us, so we shy away from interaction until we’re feeling more confident in who we are and how we express ourselves. For those of us who are single, we may feel downhearted or pessimistic about love; it’s all too easy to think since we haven’t found that special someone by now, we may never experience true love in this lifetime. Energy levels are low now, but that doesn’t mean we’ll have time to rest.
Thank goodness there’s a Mercury Sextile Venus influence on March 4th, leaving us in a more amiable mood. Friendships are highlights now, as are outings, and we’ll enjoy attending social events. In romantic relationships, we’ll do a complete 360-degree turn around with our mood and outlook. In a committed relationship, we’ll experience peace and balance; we’ll look to spend some quiet time with the one we love to make up for the lost cuddle time we’ve missed out on the past few days. If single, we’ll meet someone who we find alluring and will find a great surprise at how quick we bond with someone new in our lives.
On March 7th, a Sun Conjunct Neptune influence heightens our psychic awareness and allows us to connect with others with greater effectiveness and less ambiguity. For those of us who are empaths, we may take on more energy and feelings than we can handle, leaving us overwhelmed and tired. If we can control the energy, it empowers us. Being open to others has its pitfalls, so it’s best to be on guard from those who might otherwise try to take advantage of our good nature.
The Venus Conjunct Uranus influence on March 8th points our attention to our most intimate relationships and the friends we hold dear. We’re looking for adventure, change, and new experiences. It’s time to break out the bucket list and conquer some things we’ve always longed to do. Sharing such experiences with loved ones makes the time even more rewarding.
The Full Moon is in Virgo on the 9th, leaving us feeling strong, in control, and sure-footed. Some of us may plan an early spring clean up to rid our home or office of unnecessary clutter. If we’ve been leaving things undone until a better time comes for dealing with them, we’ll address things we’ve left in limbo. If we are not careful, we can become a bit too obsessive about the orderliness of things, which will leave us stressed out from trying to achieve perfection with everything we do.
There’s a Sun Sextile Jupiter influence on the 10th. It’s the same day Mercury goes Direct. Many of us are all too happy to see the chaotic vibes of Mercury’s retrograde action fade into the distance. It lets us see the world through a brighter, clearer, and far more upbeat perspective. The plans we’ve been holding back on are ready for implementation, and we’ve got plenty of energy to pursue our goals. The seeds we plant now will blossom into our future successes.
March 13th, there’s a Mars Sextile Neptune influence, which has us longing for physical gratification. Many of us will feel confident now: An attribute that radiates outward and attracts others of like mind. If we’re in a committed relationship, we’re turning up the heat in the bedroom, making sure experimentation is on the menu. For those of us who are dating, we’ll find someone attractive and will enjoy many sensual moments together, which may lead to a deeply felt soul connection.
On the 14th, there’s a Sun Sextile Pluto influence uplifting our spirit and personal drive. We’ll feel like we’re competing with the entire world and that success is the be-all-end-all of what defines us. There’s also a Mars Sextile Neptune influence ensuring there’s plenty of love in the air; we’re confident and in synch with others, especially when it comes to how we relate to and interact with our romantic partner.
On March 16th, the Last Quarter Moon is in Sagittarius, we’re feeling philosophical about life. Some of us may question our origins or the reason for our existence, while others may engage in new spiritual pursuits while hoping to achieve growth or attaining arcane wisdom. Otherwise, we’re feeling upbeat as things look good on the home front or at work.
March 19th, there’s a Sun Sextile Saturn points our full focus on personal projects, business planning, and organization. We’ll seek the advice of a parent, teacher, or guide as part of the planning process. The same day, a Mars Conjunct Jupiter influence ensures our energy levels peak, allowing us to conquer everything on our current “to do” list along with a few rainy-day tasks we’ve been putting off until now.
On the 21st, the influence of Mercury Sextile Uranus has us receiving important messages from the Universe through epiphanies and the dreamscape. All intellectual pursuits prove successful, so it’s an excellent time for taking up a new course, studying, and test-taking.
But on the 22nd, the Mercury Conjunct Uranus influence means we must take a “brain break.” It’s a day that’s perfect for hanging out with friends, “just chilling,” and enjoying our relaxation time. If we’re single, a Venus Conjunct Neptune influence suggests a new romance may be in the offing. For those of us in healthy, committed relationships, we’ll dote on our romantic partner. If the relationship is on the rocks, it’s a time for facing some harsh truths.
March 24th, a New Moon is in Aries influence has us ready to handle whatever trouble comes our way. We conquer obstacles without hesitation, feeling there’s no time to waste on trivial issues. If we’re not careful, we can end up making a rash decision that proves costly. It’s okay to deal with troubles, just as long as we don’t leave more significant problems in their wake. Rushing means hasty decisions and haste can lead to missing essential elements or things we need to consider before we act.
March 27th, there’s a Venus Trine Jupiter influence, which has us ending the month in a terrific mood and our hopes high. It’s a great time for renovating or redecorating the home. We round out the month with a Mars Conjunct Saturn influence on the 30th, which ends up stirring the fires of passion within; how we channel our zeal will either cause us to experience and an emotional high or a dark period from which we must recover.
March Horoscope 2020 – All 12 Zodiac Signs
Aries Horoscope
You’re on the move in March, Aries. Spring is in the air, and so is your desire for change, advancement, and success. The feeling you’ve waited long enough for your dreams to manifest is practically overwhelming and proves to be the catalyst behind all you say and do. Your sincere desire is empowering if you channel this energy with wisdom. But, if you confuse aggression with assertiveness, you’ll come off as quick-tempered, arrogant, prideful, selfish, and intolerant of those around you. It’s perfectly acceptable to want to climb the figurative ladder of success, but trampling over others who share your journey only leads to discontent and bad karma.
Work-life proves steady, stable, and rather boring and uneventful the first few weeks of March. Until the end of Mercury’s volatile retrograde influence, you’ll want to keep your head down and nose to the grindstone. Dreaming about new pursuits, starting out on your own in a business endeavor, or visualizing potential work partnerships is one thing, but it’s no time for taking action. After the 10th, the powerful winds change and for the better. The plans you make the first few weeks of March can now become something to pursue; you’re driven, impassioned, and ready to realize your career and financial goals.
March allows you to embrace a new beginning in the area of romance; for those in a long-term relationship, it’s time for renewing your existing bond and reminding your partner just how much you care. You’ll prefer lots of private cuddle time versus being out in public, but your partner will be right in synch with you in that regard. If you’ve experienced a recent break-up, this is a prime opportunity for second chances and mending emotional wounds. For those Aries born who are single, the spring air carries love, lust, and desire in on the changing winds, so watch out – you might just get swept up by another and that casual date can turn into a crazy, wild, and maddening love affair!
Healing Crystals & Stones: Rose Quartz helps Aries remain compassionate, warm, and understanding when interacting with others; it’s the ideal stone from improved relations and launching friendships.
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Taurus Horoscope
March is a month where you’re looking to enjoy the little luxuries in life, and by little, it doesn’t mean insignificant. Instead, day-to-day joys that fulfill the heart and mind are what you’ll covet more than anything else. So, crank the volume on your favorite tunes, bask in a hot bubble bath with the scent of lavender floating in the air, or take a walk in the wild where you can partake of all the new budding flora with the promise to unfold into the lovely blossoms you favor so. Every little moment you cherish is a treasure.
In your work life, your creative nature comes to the fore. Those in authority already realize your drive, commitment, and reliability. Now it’s time to show them what you can really do. Your colleagues will find you reliable and a source of stability when all else seems unstable; a few people may choose you as a mentor or someone to emulate. As far as finances, start tucking your coins away for the tough times: Too much spending on luxury items now may hurt you later.
You’re rarely, if ever, impulsive or careless when it comes to matters of love, Taurus, and that’s because your ruling planet is Venus: The Planet of Love. As a Taurus, you covet lots of affection and prefer to take things slow when you are starting a new love affair. You’ll stretch that seduction period at as long as possible, basking in every sultry moment as if you’ve found Nirvana. If you’re in a committed relationship, you’ll grow super comfortable with your partner – but it’s all too easy to get too comfortable and lazy about keeping the romance alive. The energies in March come in with lightning speed, to stir within you, desire, and lust, which you can channel to revive a relationship that’s gone stagnant. Whether single or committed to another, incredible change is ahead for all Taureans, particularly in the area of love.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Jasper helps Taureans keep themselves safe from the influence of negative energy, all while empowering them to tap into their innate abilities and deal with tumultuous conditions with greater effectiveness and efficiency.
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Gemini Horoscope
This month, you’ll be looking to define or redefine relationships, particularly with those of a social nature. It’s time to examine the status of your friendships so you know exactly where you stand; for those pairings that aren’t working out, it’s time to cut them loose to make room for friendships that are more supportive. If any relationship makes you feel trapped, you’re likely to get irritated and express your upset. You’ll prefer to move between different social circles as you grow bored with ease. While you enjoy in-depth, philosophical conversations because you’re an endless seeker of wisdom and arcane knowledge, basic chit chat has you losing interest quickly. Others might perceive you as one with a short attention span.
At work, you’ll find you achieve the easiest successes when you’re willing to collaborate with others. While working alone is okay, you’ll find things move along far faster if you have support, and you thoroughly enjoy the intellectual interaction with others on the same page as you are in terms of goal orientation. If you’re looking to start your own business, partnerships prove promising now, but it’s best to wait until after March 10th to merge into a partnership, sign any contracts, or launch new ideas.
In love matters, you’ll find interactions with your significant other upbeat, passionate, and full of good humor. If you’re single, you may feel you’re in a hurry to see things unfold. Take a step back, breathe, and let things unfold over time: It will ensure a stronger relationship foundation to build upon in the end, and it will give you a chance to savor the sweet moments that come from a budding romance. By mid-month you’ll be fully enchanted and feeling like a smitten kitten in a newly formed romance.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Quartz helps a Gemini focus and find a balance between the mind, body, and spirit; the stone is exceptional for helping you maintain clear mind and intense concentration.
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Cancer Horoscope
If you’ve been having problems in your love life, the spring air will feel like it’s lifting a wet blanket of emotion off your back, Cancer. For the Cancer born in committed relationships, new sparks of intrigue and interest will revive your relationship, reminding you of the remarkable chemistry you have with the one you love. For those who are single, casual dating will prove satisfying, as you make easy connections with others of the opposite sex. Don’t be shy, Cancer – now’s the time to take full advantage of the stellar influences surrounding you, promising a budding romance if you’ll open your heart to another.
In the middle of March, the Universe aligns all the stars for you to tap into your creativity. Doing so will allow you to make the most of all your brilliance. Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous or try something you never thought of trying before. This period let your inner voice guide you on the path to follow, whether that’s with relationships, work, or adventure. You’ll feel far more confident than usual, especially with Mercury retrograde’s influence fading away after the 10th. Midmonth, if you’ve been feeling pessimistic about your current career, you’ll take steps to change what it is you do, how you perform your everyday tasks, or you’ll look for a complete career change entirely.
With all the energy stirring around you, you may feel restless at work. You don’t want confining positions or to find yourself stuck performing rote actions; there’s a desire for being on the move, constant change, and freedom. Freelancers and entrepreneurs will find the greatest success this month, seeing they control the work they take on and the pace they complete the work.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Selenite helps the Cancer-born tap into a sound sense of calm, especially in the midst of chaotic conditions. As a meditation tool, Cancer can use Selenite for the discovery of insight or for making decisions of great import.
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Leo Horoscope
In March, you’ll take a step back from social relationships and may feel like a hermit until the middle of the month. You’re trying desperately to avoid drama, gossip, and all the pitfalls that come from erratic energies surrounding friendship, love, family, and communication. By the second week of the month, you’ll make up for lost time, giving generously of yourself to others and looking to be in the limelight once more. Throughout the month of March, your feeling energetic and perhaps a little too much so. You’ll want to channel the extra energy into creative projects, work, or in building solid relationships. If you cannot funnel the excess energy constructively, you’ll pay for it later with an absence of peace of mind and restlessness.
At work, your colleagues or boss may try your patience repeatedly, even without the intention of doing so. Be careful about how you react; all eyes are on you now. You may also feel you have to remain ever vigilant in looking over your shoulder or like someone is out to get you. It’s not paranoia, but your intuition is warning you of would-be ladder climbers looking to push you out of the way of the path they perceive as leading to fast success. Double-check any guidance you get from those who provide you with instructions at work; mistakes in conveying what needs to be done can cause problems and work delays.
All your energy may lead you to having debates with friends or family members and full-blown arguments with the one you love, Leo. Feelings run high in intensity now, and if you don’t take a step back, you can end up hurting the ones you love irreparably with your words or deeds. From the 1st to the 10th, try to avoid assuming you know what your romantic partner needs when they are unclear about what they feel; ask for clarity to avoid complications or having to eat your own words later on down the road.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Shungite, known as the Stone of Life or Miracle Stone, helps the Leo-born harness energetic influences lending to a personal metamorphosis, emotional or spirit growth, and life transitions or rites of passage.
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Virgo Horoscope
Everything’s a big rush for you in March, Virgo. You’ll feel like saying, “Hurry up and let’s get this over with,” when you’re working on projects or trying to tend to day-to-day obligations. But, if you don’t loosen up a little bit and you continue to plow through things, you’ll find careless actions lead to more significant problems you’ll have to fix. If your job or personal life results in you having to travel before the 10th, be prepared for problems; you’ll be extra irritable, and your temper is on a hair-trigger until the middle of the month. Try to avoid road raging too; it will only increase your blood pressure.
In matters of love, the March air seems to make everyone a little crazy in your world, Virgo. It goes against your keen sense of practicality and sensibility. But, if you don’t go with the flow, your resistance to others will only worsen matters now; if you remain fastidious, expecting perfection from your family, friends, or lover, you’ll be disappointed every time. And though you rather be direct with the words you convey, it’s better if you sweeten what you share with a bit of compassion and love. Remember, everyone is human and prone to making mistakes; forgiveness and understanding is what will keep you out of the emotional swamp this month, and in matters of romance, it may even keep you out of the dog house!
At work, things couldn’t go more smoothly, Virgo. Your ever-vigilant watchfulness, intellect, and ability to observe those around you is your saving grace. You’ll pick up on whatever others miss, and it will result in you saving the day – you’ll ensure a project gets pulled off without a hitch or that any problem that arises sees the implementation of a swift solution. When working with others, try to find something to compliment them about when you can – it will keep the relationships at work positive. If you remain overcritical or criticize others, you’ll only alienate yourself from the pack.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Citrine aids the Virgo-born in making the most of their creative abilities, all while instilling the mind with energy and invigorating the body; a purifying stone, Citrine helps Virgo eradicate negative moods, and increases one’s confidence.
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Libra Horoscope
In the first few weeks of March, you may feel like your detached or out of touch with the rest of the world. Most of your interactions will be shallow or superficial, so don’t make any big promises now. Try to remain the consummate diplomat; you know how to use your natural charm to your advantage. You may feel lackadaisical until the 10th; try to keep in mind that if you slack off now, others may see you as not playing fair.
At work, remember, “haste makes waste.” Entirely in line with your motto of balance in all things, you’ll want to pay attention to every detail when working on job tasks. Your special attention to the work performance will prevent you from having to clean up a mess later or having to explain to the boss why things went wrong. With the energetic influences this month, you’ll be dealing with a lot of closure, finishing things off, and preparing for new endeavors, projects, or business launches. Remain tactful and goal-oriented to ensure you enjoy the fresh starts underway.
In March, it’s time to tip the scales of balance back toward a focus on love and romance, Libra. Toward the end of February, your concentration may have shifted to dealing with work-related tasks or personal projects. Still, now it’s a period where your attention will best serve you in reviving the fire in an existing relationship or in making amends in a broken one. If you’re single, then it’s time to get serious about finding that lifelong love match you hope to discover. No matter what, you’ll want to take your sweet time tending to a lover. It gives you a chance to dote on them and remind them of what they really mean to you.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Amethyst helps the Libra-born to still the mind, harness psychic abilities with greater effectiveness, and tap into and trust their natural intuition, all while helping one to achieve a coveted desire for balance in one’s thoughts, deeds, and actions.
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Scorpio Horoscope
In March, there is stirring within, the desire for something new and exciting. If you want to try something new, wait until the end of the month to seek a career change as the energetic influences are more conducive to change. If you’re restless in a relationship, this is no time for a casual affair – it will prove more destructive than it’s worth. Consider every action with great care and remember the ripple effect that follows every move you make. When talking with others, persuading someone is one thing, manipulation is another. Remain steadfast, sincere, and honest with all you do.
At work, reread plans, instructions, or blueprints before proceeding with tasks. Stick to the program exactly as written without wavering; if you stray from the plan, you’ll get all caught up in fixing mistakes due to miscommunications and disagreements. Collaborate with others, but make sure you take into account everyone’s opinion. Don’t let your ambitions or desire to impress someone to get the best of you. From the 10th onward, you’ll have greater focus, easier communications, and all you set out to do will be easier to achieve.
It’s of vital importance you give your significant other the full attention they are so deserving of in March, Scorpio. Don’t be afraid your attention will seem smothering; your lover needs all the affection and doting you offer and then some. If you don’t concentrate on your mate, they’ll believe you have other interests, resulting in jealousies and potential disagreements. If your partner seems cool, aloof, or critical, it’s only because you’ve set the stage for it. Make sure you think about the role you have been playing in affecting the current status of your relationship before coming to any decisions. Being judgmental can lead to alienation and break-ups. If you’re single, your expectations of others may have it difficult to make any real connections.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Tiger Eye helps the Scorpio born diminish stress, improve awareness, and remain clear with thoughts as well as in the methods one communicates; the perfect stone for any venture where one’s goal to is achieve success and abundance.
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Sagittarius Horoscope
In March, you’ll look at friendships and family relationships and think about how to solidify the bonds you have or how you can improve your connection. If you look over the past several months, you may notice there have been a few connections you’ve neglected or taken for granted. In the first couple of weeks in March, you’ll tend to be irritable or impatient with others; try your best not to be too blunt as your words can prove painful.
At work, the higher-ups appreciate your straightforward approach and remarkable work ethic. You may receive the rewards you deserve for all your hard efforts. In meetings, you’ll be able to persuade or impress those you connect with, providing such sessions fall after the 10th. Any meetings before then may end abruptly, be suspended for a short period, or not happen at all because energies don’t support communications.
In March, it’s high time you found love, Sagittarius. If you’re already in a relationship, you’ll find yourself utterly smitten with the one you have spent your life with, and may look to renew your commitment or take things to the next level. If you’re single, you’ll feel a growing urge to buckle down and have a family. You’ll seek someone who shares your big heart, generous nature, and love of adventure. If you’ve experienced a recent breakup, you’ll reflect on the relationship as you try to uncover what lessons you can draw from the painful experience. If you’re dating, don’t let old emotional codes overshadow your progress in the relationship with your new interest.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Hematite is the perfect stone for helping risk-taking, adventurous Sagittarius stay grounded and protected from negative influence.
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Capricorn Horoscope
There’s no doubt out of all the zodiac signs, you are the most disciplined, Capricorn, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be flexible too, and the influences this month will call for just that – you’ll need to be ready to adapt to fast changes and to other people’s limitations if you’re going to make it through the month unscathed. Try not to let pessimism take over and let go of the habit of being adamant about how you want things to be. When communicating with others, don’t hesitate to share some of your experiences; being shy will make you seem unattached or disconnected. Open yourself up to make real connections, and people will find it easier to open themselves to you in turn.
At work, if you are training others or serving in a leadership role, you’ll need to draw on your well of endless patience. Not everyone learns things as quickly as you do. You’ll find it better to guide others in different ways until those in receipt of your help understand what has to be done and how to do it without errors. Also, be careful you aren’t too demanding now. Everyone doesn’t have the same endless amounts of energy you do; have high, but reasonable expectations of others, and they won’t let you down.
The celestial influences right now have you seeking assurances in relationships; you may test the loyalty of a lover or question one’s ability to remain faithful to you. Consider whether emotions from an old relationship where you were hurt are rising within you and influencing your behavior, Capricorn. If you feel you’re existing partner is shortchanging you in your interactions and not showing you true affection, you’ll question the strength of your bond. If you’re dating, you may not feel ready to lock in on one person right now. Take your time and wait until you’re feeling more confident and secure before making relationships more permanent.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Emerald helps the Capricorn born tune into the earth’s natural rhythm, ground, improve relationships, make friends, and augments a person’s sensitivity to the vibrations surrounding them.
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Aquarius Horoscope
If you’ve been overly critical of yourself, Aquarius, the renewing, fresh, and vital spring air encourages you to let yourself off the hook, at least a little. In your quest for happiness or spiritual growth, you may assume you have not made much progress, but it is really time to consider if maybe you are exactly where you should be at this moment in your life. You may feel a deep desire to be somewhere else, anywhere else than you are now, but this is not a good time for trips or for exploring new territories.
Pull back the reigns, Aquarius, slow down, and take your time in love matters. You’re all riled up, more than ready for commitment, and you want to seal the deal as of yesterday. But rushing into a relationship now will only lead to a fast fizzle and fade of your interests, especially if you’re looking to make a substantial commitment before the 10th. Even after the 10th, when Mercury Retrograde makes communication a whole lot easier, it’s not wise to dive into emotional waters until you’ve navigated them for a while. Ask yourself, “What’s my hurry, anyway?” All things unfold at the proper time. Breathe and enjoy the building of the relationship. If you’re dating, don’t be in a big rush to choose from an existing lot of suitors; there may be that perfect partner who has yet to enter your reality.
At work, you may meet new people, or you’ll have an opportunity to become more social with some of your existing colleagues; you may even be surprised by their broad intellect and cultural interests. If you’re working on a team project, don’t let your adamantine approach create communication difficulties or feelings of resentment. Remaining adaptable and open to other’s ideas is crucial if you’re going to be successful in completing a long-term project. You may not see eye-to-eye with everyone, but you’ll have to be okay with the status quo.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Celestine helps the Aquarius born connect with Spirit, achieve peace of mind, trust their natural intuition, and open up their Crown Chakra.
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Pisces Horoscope
The spring air has you feeling cheery, hopeful, and uplifted; you’ll sense that no matter what you do or engage in, you’ll have no trouble whatsoever manifesting the outcome you desire. Your unusual sensitivity will prove a draw to others of like mind, who may help you in achieving one or more of your goals because of your mutual interests. Toward the end of the month, you’ll find inspiration in unusual places; try something new and watch as the epiphanies strike!
In work-related matters, you’ll persevere if you remain open, patient, and you forego worrying so much about being in control. Keep a cool head and step back and observe what’s happening before taking action. Try to keep personal biases from influencing any of your decisions. Even if what you’re working on tends to bore you, keep your focus on the task ahead, so you get through this period without complications.
If you and your lover have been ignoring the need for that all-important talk about making things right between you, there will be a growing sense you are both running out of time. There’s been an increasing distance between you both, screaming for resolution. When you decide to talk, the first couple of weeks of March make it difficult for you to understand one another or see one another’s point of view. After the 10th, it’s easier to relate because your empathy runs high. Don’t make any big relationship decisions until you’ve turned over every stone and tried every measure possible to rescue the relationship. If you’re single, you’re dreamy and hopeful, waiting for your one true love to enter your life. Remain alert; a real love may be in the offing.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Desert Rose Stone aids the Pisces born in stilling a restless mind, finding peace and balance, and improves one’s ability to meditate, visualize, and tap into one’s creative abilities.
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