Tarotscopes for March 2020

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscopes and astrology overview for March 2020! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!

The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

March Tarotscope 2020 – Overview – Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles suggests March is a month where we will seek balance in all things. We’ll want to stabilize existing foundations supporting our relationships or pursuits. Much of our focus will center on the material world, money, physical wellbeing, and financial matters, especially when it comes to making sizeable investments. We must be careful, however, how much focus we do place on wealth and financial success, or we may find ourselves prone to miserly or hoarding behaviors.

Career-wise, the Four of Pentacles suggests we will find ourselves on solid ground. We’ll remain true to traditional measures of achieving success as we look to keep our energetic environment calm and free of distractions. On pure instinct alone, we sense this is no time to rock the boat or switch up our day-to-day routine.

In our personal lives, we look to protect what’s ours and to shelter our emotions. Here, we are willing to turn our backs on anything debasing our thoughts or dreams. Our extreme willingness to defend our position, ideas, or convictions may have us coming across as a rebellious, liberal, or as a nonconformist. We have no desire to take on the position stemming from a herd mentality. Ultimately, this month involves us coveting stability and working to achieve full control over every aspect of our lives. When it comes to love, we establish a secure connection with lasting potential.

Affirmation: “I am confident in my choices.”

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March Tarotscope 2020 – For All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): Nine of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Nine of Pentacles predicts a period where you’re not as confident as you may have felt in February. Although you’ve manifested much of what you desire, you still think your ideal happiness is miles away from full manifestation. You may have taken several risks in business the past few months, feeling fortune favors the bold. Some of the changes have paid off nicely while others will demand payment – either in the form of a loss in time, energy, an initial investment, or peace of mind.

A few of your choices may come with a great deal of regret, mainly if it results in the loss of a romantic connection or a chance to reunite with someone you’ve been pining over. While it may seem like a small consolation, the mistakes you make cause you to be less careless and quick to act. Though you’re often swift when making decisions when it comes to opportunities, you’ll still be far less willing to embrace “all or nothing” ventures without thorough consideration of all potential outcomes. If you’ve been self-reliant while handling a project, you’ll look to collaborate with others to ease the burden of work or to connect for some fresh ideas and perspectives.

In love, things are a bit rocky. If you’re in a committed relationship, trust issues are coming to the fore, or your significant other has dashed your confidence. Brewing resentments lead to arguments or a temporary estrangement; at minimum, you’ll want to take some time to retreat to your separate corners. If you’re single, you won’t feel confident around those you’re dating, or you’ll lose faith in the belief love will enter your life eventually.

Affirmation: “In all choices I make, I allow intuition to be my guide.”

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The Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Five of Cups (Reversed)

The reversal of the Five of Cups indicates that after experiencing a recent loss or emotional upset, you’re on the road to recovery. The confusion passes. The future begins to brighten. At one point, you were facing troubled waters with, what appeared to be, no end in sight. You’ll thank the stars the weight of an emotional burden lifts, giving you a new perspective and happier vibes. You can see a path forward in your life after losing all hope.

If you’ve been grieving a loss in the field of your career, you are approaching acceptance. Though you have experienced considerable disappointment, you know there’s no changing the past. You may not be able to forget the disillusionment and frustration. There’s no getting over it, only through the trying times. When you change your perspective, a whole new world of opportunity awaits; it will feel like you have cast away a wet blanket of emotion only serving to weigh you down. Trouble or disputes will colleagues resolve, or you’ll re-win the respect of higher-ups.

In relationships, your newfound optimism has you seeing your existing partner with fresh eyes and greater compassion. Though things may not be perfect between the two of you, things are looking up. Arguments subside making way for forgiveness and understanding. A bridge of communication between the two of you opens the doors to healing. If you are single, you may have given up hope on ever finding love, but you’ll have a change of heart, thanks to an entirely new perspective.

Affirmation: “Hope springs eternal.”

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The Magician Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): The Magician (Reversed)

This month, the reversal of The Magician suggests it’s time to explore what motivates you. It’s also a time for taking a long hard look at what you haven’t been consciously aware of or purposefully ignoring until now; this is not a period where you should go chasing your dreams in hopes of manifesting your aspirations. It’s far better to be clear about your emotions, intentions, and personal agenda before taking deliberate action. Consider the long-term effects of all you say and do; every step you choose has a powerful ripple effect.

Career-wise, your concentration is off, making it more difficult for you to get the job done. Until you get back on top of your game, there will be trouble with meeting deadlines, conquering that “to-do” list, or getting organized. When possible, it’s best to delegate duties for the greatest efficiency. In the meantime, you’ll have to do whatever you can to keep a low profile. Keep out of the line of sight when it comes to authority figures; you won’t come off looking your best at this time.

In relationships, things are out of balance with your lover because you have not achieved balance in your inner world. Once you do, you find greater peace of mind since your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner realm. Consider whether you are too passive instead of receptive or if you are not taking action when it’s most beneficial for you to do so.

Affirmation: “Real power originates from self-knowledge.”

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The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): Page of Pentacles

In March, the Page of Pentacles indicates you are emotionally sensitive, sincere, reflective, and highly imaginative. You’ll focus on romantic pursuits rather than concentrating on personal achievements or work. You’ll have a deep longing for that fuzzy, a static, euphoria you can only get from being wildly in love.

Your feelings may prove so intense for another that you’ll have considerable difficulty wrapping words around your thoughts as you find your word choice is far too limiting to express your deepest desires and emotions. If you are single, you may long for someone new to enter your life who will desire lasting love, or your heart is still pining for someone from your past.

There’s a sense of usefulness about you as your exuberance for life has you chasing new encounters and experiences, especially those that prove emotionally stirring, provocative, and memorable. You may channel much of your emotionality into creative ventures. Experimenting with unique mediums will help you express yourself in fulfilling, meaningful, and poetic ways. Whether you are in a committed relationship or you are single, don’t be surprised if you have one or more admirers. You’ll daydream about romantic encounters and may even consider doing so as “strategic foreplay.”

Affirmation: “I attract love into my life, and love others authentically in return.”

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The Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Seven of Wands (Reversed)

The reversal of the Seven of Wands indicates a period where you are defensive and super sensitive to your surroundings. In situations where you remain uncertain about your footing, you’ll take extra measures to ensure your financial or emotional safety; this is not a time for speedy, decisive action. Instead, you’ll consider every situation and remain passive until conditions feel right or you get some sign from the universe that all the elements are favorable.

If you’ve meant to take a stand on an issue, you’ll continue to waver on your stance, in part because a matter of conscience arises, making you feel hypocritical. Career-wise, you’ll find those in authority demanding this month, to the point the pressure becomes unbearable. There’s way too much put on your plate. The additional work arrives all at once. You’ll struggle managing all your responsibilities.

In your love life, your partner will put too much pressure on you to handle household tasks. You may feel as if they want too much from you. Promises go unfulfilled, leading to a buildup of frustration. If you’re single, you’ll feel vulnerable, so you’ll put up an emotional front. You won’t want intimacy because you’re just not ready for it.

Affirmation: “There’s an appropriate time for action and passivity.”

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The Two of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Two of Wands

Unlike last month, where your world was literally upside down, you are seeing a full turnaround for the better in March. The Two of Wands tells of a time where things are in balance, you can communicate with perfect clarity, and you can shape your reality. The world of possibilities opens up wide. Promise is on the horizon once more. Now, the world is your oyster.

In your career, others see your hidden talents. Others see you as a valuable asset, team player, an exceptional leader, or top contributor. All your hard work is finally paying off. Now is the time to share ideas you’ve saved for a better day. You’ll come up with an unbelievable elevator pitch all because your persuasive abilities are at an all-time high in terms of excellence.

If you are in a strained committed pairing, finally, you find a means of mending fences. The two of you are well on your way to healing your relationship. If you’re single, you’ll find someone who returns your affections.

Affirmation: “I know what I want and attract all I need.”

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The Five of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Five of Swords

The appearance of the Five of Swords suggests this month you are dealing with unfinished business. Yes, you’ve conquered many challenges and overcome so many obstacles, but there are still loose ends to address. It may involve dealing with old emotions that you’ve buried for a long time, or facing conditions you walked away from while never achieving full closure. There may also be a few bittersweet moments on the horizon because not all battles won come without scars, lasting wounds, or resentment, and regret.

In your career, your never-ending quest for balance will have you questioning if you are where you want to be, and if where you want to be is where you belong. If you have put money as your focus over your dreams, no doubt you’ll face regrets.

In love matters, if you are in a committed relationship, you’ve been dealing with debates, disagreements, or hostilities arising from harsh differences in opinion. Now might be a time to question whether you’re a fair fighter or a right fighter. It’s best to consider each person’s perspective is valuable. If you’re single, you may refrain from dating until you have tended to some old emotional issues overshadowing your views on love.

Affirmation: “I effectively manage my emotional priorities.”

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The Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Three of Swords (Reversed)

Positive vibes in February carry over into March with the reversal of the Three of Swords, which foretells of the end of any emotional storm. Long held emotional wounds and scars are something you are now getting through; painful feelings are more manageable now. You can see a path of light and promise. Hope tears through the clouds and lights up your everyday reality. Logic rules instead of emotion, allowing you some relief and a chance to take control of the reins once more.

In your career, you’re facing the reality of why you have been dealing with less than you deserve. Or, you are examining your contribution to your current position. You’ll consider whether failing to speak up or take a stance has a lot to do with the inability to achieve your dreams in the past. Now that you have greater clarity, you can take deliberate action to make a change for the better in your life.

In romantic matters, battles and fights leading to a broken heart come to an end. You’ll either mend your heart, your relationship, or both. Here, you reflect on the imperfection of yourself or your partner and the very nature of what it means to be human. Forgiveness allows you to pull yourself and your relationship out of emotional limbo. If you’re single, you’ll finally get over your ex, but are perhaps, not over the failure of the relationship. You need more time to heal before getting involved in launching a new romance, so the old love affair doesn’t overshadow the new.

Affirmation: “All wounds heal with time.”

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The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): The High Priestess

The High Priestess tells of a time where your intuition is ultra-sharp. You’ll seek harmony in all that you do. If looking for spiritual progress, you’ll find a desire to align the mind, body, and spirit, or to develop a more intense and clear connection with the Universe. This month, you veil your emotions with an air of secrecy. If you don’t conceal your motives, you may question the intentions of others.

Now, people are transparent, and you can read through their facade to see true intentions. Still, you won’t let them know how you get secret knowledge about them. You may prove a mentor for another or will desire to help others on their spiritual journey. This month, you’ll have an intense interest in the occult, astrology, numerology, and the arcane arts.

At work, gut instinct is your guide with every decision you make. You’ll tap into long-hidden talents and discover skills you didn’t realize you have; these abilities will emerge when you are feeling creative, experience a Divine epiphany, or think outside of the box and beyond limitations.

In relationships, a current love affair thrives. The two of you experience a Yin-Yang harmony and lasting fidelity. You are also in synch with one another and may meet up in the dream realm or have shared psychic experiences. If you are single, you will remain so, choosing consorts at will and having relationships as you will it.

Affirmation: “All secrets are knowable.”

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The Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Two of Cups (Reversed)

The reversal of the Two of Cups foretells of difficulties with partnerships, mergers, family relationships, friendships, or love affairs. You may put all of your energy into a partnership and feel others are not reciprocating with the same amount of effort. Energetically, you may feel drained or that others are psychically stealing energy from you. If you put all your energy into attending to the needs of another, you may lose yourself or feel like others are cheating you out of the attention you know you deserve.

At work, it may be difficult to see eye to eye with another. Something requiring cooperation is put on hold until all participating parties agree on how to handle things. It’s best if you remain flexible and open to opposing points of view so you can find some middle ground.

In love relationships, you are attracted to your mate because they are so much like you. But the attraction can also have you dealing with the troubling aspects of your personality. Your relationship may be a lesson in how to embrace the shadow self as your partner reflects you. If single, you may involve yourself in a relationship that lacks the potential for growth, or you’ll smother each other by cramping one another’s independence.

Affirmation: “I am open and balanced in every relationship.”

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The Tower Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): The Tower (Reversed)

The reversal of The Tower indicates a period of time where you’ve endured some chaotic conditions or trauma, whether the difficult time was on an emotional or physical level or both. But the card’s reversal also reveals the worst of the chaos is over; though all that remains of the tower’s structure is a pile of dust and debris, you can crawl out of the figurative rubble and begin anew. From this moment forward, you face a fresh start. There’s nowhere to go but up. With a new beginning in the offing you can anticipate a great deal of change. All you’ve been through and all you’ll soon face requires the ability to remain as flexible as possible and to adapt.

Career-wise, though you’re facing chaotic conditions in the workforce, you remain stable in your present position. You may be going through a change in management or a merger where new rules result in a complete upheaval of the old ways of doing things. Some of your colleagues may not make it through such a transition, but you’ll hang on despite the odds. If you own a business, you might completely wipe out your former means of doing things, create a new business plan, or change the focus of what you do.

In love matters, those in committed relationships have seen the very worst from one another. In some pairings, the basic seeds of love and devotion remain, so a healing is in the offing. In other pairings, you may see no way of repairing the seemingly irreparable emotional damage that’s been done. Either way, a new day is dawning – what you and your partner make of it is up to you. If you’re single, it’s easier to connect with people emotionally.

Affirmation: “From all endings there’s the opportunity for renewal or rebirth.”

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The Six of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Six of Swords (Reversed)

The reversal of the Six of Swords suggests in April, you’ll see the world through a clearer, more objective point of view. Rather than looking at everything subjectively, you won’t let current or past emotions cast a shadow over the lens in which you look at your life. Though there is no movement, really, it’s more like a mini period of hibernation – or even better, a time of incubation. Now, it’s as if you are cocooning yourself, undergoing mental or intellectual transformations, and will soon emerge with a new attitude and brighter hopes for the future.

In your career, you want to make big changes or to see more positive things unfold. For a long time now, you’ve been afraid to rock the boat or that, if you make any move in any direction that will result in change, you may lose the favor of those you are trying to impress. The stagnation you feel is frustrating, but the fear of remaining in permanent stagnation is even more so. Now, you’re looking at all aspects of your situation and see the truth of the matter: The only thing holding you back from achieving your aims is you.

In love matters, if you’re in a committed pairing it’s likely the two of you have had a tumultuous period. No matter what caused the difficulties, emotions ran high, out of control, and lasting hurt lingers. You’re hoping for a smoother experience going forward where you don’t get sucked into a whirlpool of tension. Looking at what you really want and to consider your partner’s feelings from an objective perspective reveals a path forward free of any further emotional issues. If you’re single, you’ve been playing the dating game with no serious connection up until this point. But you’re preparing to let your guard down with a special someone to see how things go.

Affirmation: “I control the flow of my emotions.”

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