One of my business mantras is “Transparency in all communications and intentions sure would make things a whole lot easier for everyone.” This is why I’ve created an Affiliate Disclosure page for your review.
If I endorse a product or service on my site, you can bet it’s one I’ve personally used or researched the heck out of and absolutely believe to be in the highest and best interest of my site visitors.
Please know that, in some cases, I have formed an affiliate partnership with whatever person/company produces/manufactures/offers said product or service.
Simply put, I will receive compensation for some of my referrals and recommendations.
To that end, I also introduce/review products and services from which I receive zero compensation – of any kind. Further, I am forthcoming when I believe a product or service doesn’t live up to its “hype”.
As I see it, affiliate partnerships allow us all to benefit from connecting with one another.
Ain’t life grand?
Should you have any questions regarding my affiliate disclosure and/or partnerships please contact me!