Celtic Zodiac Signs & Astrology
Meanings, Traits, Personality, & Compatibility
It seems that nearly every culture around the world had ways to honor the lessons from nature and integrate them to help with daily life. The Celts were no exception to this concept. They observed their environment, watching for omens and signs that could guide their actions and interactions. Similarly to Native American tradition this observation lead to creating a divinatory system that followed monthly moons. Each moon had a tree and an animal assigned.
Depending on which month in which you were born you could determine certain personality traits for yourself and your Tribe. Remember, to the Celts the spiritual world and the mundane were inexplicably and forever connected. They did not compartmentalize life as we do. All is ONE and ONE is all.
By studying the Celtic Animal Zodiac signs and meanings we can help ourselves re-attune to nature in meaningful ways. Mother Nature, her cycles, the mythology that holds hidden meanings to many of life’s nagging questions are all a part of this system. From birth to re-birth, from humankind to Divine kind the ties that bind us impact our lives in very real and powerful ways every moment. The Celtic Animal signs resonate with those influences.
The Sacred animals of Celtic tradition come from the world in which they lived. These ordinary creatures became superior in spiritual form and in the stories of the Celts. The Shaman of the tribe was the bridge between everyday tribe members and this magical world. The connection between animals and the tribe was so deep that some believed that certain members became animal spirits upon their death, or descended from animals.
Click on the images or links below to read all about your Celtic Animal Zodiac Sign. Which one is yours?
Cat Celtic Zodiac Sign
Snake (Adder) Celtic Zodiac Sign
Fox Celtic Zodiac Sign
Celtic Bull Zodiac Sign
Seahorse Celtic Zodiac Sign
Wren Celtic Zodiac Animal
Horse Celtic Zodiac Sign
Salmon (Fish) Celtic Zodiac Sign
Swan Celtic Zodiac Sign
Butterfly Celtic Zodiac Sign
Wolf Celtic Zodiac Sign
Hawk or Falcon Celtic Zodiac Animal
Stag or Deer Celtic Zodiac Sign
Celtic Animal Zodiac Summary
While the Celtic Zodiac looks mainly at personality traits, there is no reason that you cannot use this information when exploring your Totems, Spirit Animal Guides and Power Animals as an adjunct. Every different era and culture sees animals from that unique lens. The question for you is what you find most useful. Keep an Animal Zodiac notebook along with your writings about experiences with any animals that appear to have meaning. See what the Spirits tell you.
Love Learning All About Zodiac Signs?
Make sure to read our “Ultimate Guide to Zodiac Signs“!