Healing Crystals and Stones
Meanings and Healing & Metaphysical Properties

Magpies of the world, unite! There is something pretty and shiny for everyone Scroll down to find the healing crystal you’re looking for and click on the image or link to read all about the stone’s meaning and healing properties! Also, click to learn more about healing crystals & stones!

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Amethyst Meaning & Properties

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Azurite Meaning & Properties

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Healing Crystals & Stones Spiritual Meaning & History

Crystals and gemstones are a part of the primeval earth. They remember the world before people, and remind us of the spiritual view of the world our ancestors held so dear.

These ancient humans, like us, could not help but be enamored of something that seemed to have a life all its own. Throughout history people honored gems for their mystical energies.

Crystals were categorized by planetary correspondences, give specific attributes and used as tools particularly among the rich and powerful.

Consider the king who drank from an amethyst cup believing it would protect him from not only drunkenness but also sinister poison (no need for a day-after remedy).

If he had a crystal ball and could look forward in history what astonishment awaits!

Amethyst still bears those attributes in metaphysical and magical circles.

The very first amulets, talismans and charms were probably very simple, water-washed stones that attracted the traveler’s eye.

Being somewhat superstitious and having a society that believes in animism, the happy traveler tucked the stone in a pocket or bag and kept it for good fortune.

This was a gift from the water spirit, and perhaps it would keep the traveler from going thirsty along the way.

See how that connection forms? If a stone came from fire, it could protect against fire.

If it appeared from the snow, it kept you or your hearth fire warm (the Northern part of the United States could use a whole lot of fire stones!).

In pondering the significance of gem and crystal symbolism in our world, we find some answers in an unexpected place: from a gemologist in the 1800s by the name of George Fredrick Kunz.

Kunz traveled and lectured frequently about the history and mythology of stones and finally wrote a book called the Curious Lore of Precious Stones.

He was way ahead of his time with a unique, crystal clear perspective on the importance of precious stones.

Kunz wrote, “Many of these ideas may seem strange enough to us now, and yet when we analyze them we find that they have their roots either in some intrinsic quality of the stones or else in an instinctive appreciation of their symbolical significance.”

OK that’s a bit of a mouthful.

What Kunz was getting at essentially is what all sensitives from Shamans of old to modern Lightworkers have told us.

There is more to crystals than just their beauty.

Yes, a belief in the supernatural certainly drove a lot of lapidary correspondences from the magical applications to how to use gems in medicine.

Truthfully many a healer recommended stones as talismans and even sometimes as part of potions meant to fix what ailed you.

Now there was a gem of an idea!

For the most part the gem powder didn’t hurt the patient, but any positive outcome typically sprung from what we now know as the placebo effect.

One thing that’s important in your exploration of stone symbolism is the understanding that language translations and allusions didn’t always sort themselves out the right way.

You know the old game where you whisper to the person next to you, and they do the same all around the circle.

The message usually comes out hysterically wrong! LOL

That’s sort of what happened with Crystals and gems.

For example, when Pliny mentions sapur in his writings, people initially thought he was talking about sapphire. We now know that it was actually Lapis Lazuli.

This type of transliterate tongue tripping occurred with many other items like herbs and plants.

So this limits the accuracy of information from a purely historical perspective.

For the modern seeker yet another obstacle exists.

If we are building our metaphysical volumes of crystal correspondences based on ancient contexts, guess what?

There are a lot of stones you never hear about.

Some have only been recently classified or discovered (as far as we know). This is where we must begin trusting our intuitive self and tap into that gem’s spiritual matrix for applications and meanings.

Put your witch’s hat on, if you ever needed a cone of power now’s a good time!

Thankfully there does seem to be some continuity in the magical community about these youngling crystals and their symbolism, which is often tied to their color or shape.

Healing Crystals, Gems and Good Vibrations

So what about crystal atmospheres and energy? Is it all hokum? Attend a New Age gem show just once and you’ll have a firm answer to that question.

Even the most psychically blocked person comes out buzzing like they hit a bees nest head on!

Remember that when crystals form certain electrons remain free-roaming, which means the crystal can carry a charge. If you still doubt, check your quartz watch.

Let’s take this little science lesson further. The color of a stone has a specific vibrational frequency.

That means only certain types of light or power can move through each. This is part of what gives your crystal its symbolism.

As a generalized overview, red stones shimmer with life and movement, orange acts as a regulator, yellow crystals offer joy and symmetry, pink are friendly and approachable, green bring inventiveness, blue promotes peace and intuitiveness and purple taps into Universal wisdom and lessons.

Ah, but there’s so much more (you knew that didn’t you?).

Crystals and gems have an energetic fingerprint as unique as those among humans.

People sensitive to stones often talk of a stone expressing this through a little spark that fires an idea or phrase that introduces the stone spirit.

We mention this because as with any metaphysical tool, crystals have a very personal facet to them. Yes, there are books upon books telling you what a stone represents and how to use it, but your stone may have totally different ideas.

Trust in your Higher Self and the stone’s voice to guide you.

Finally you don’t have to wear crystals just for their attributes.

To share a story, when traveling a friend was approached at a Metaphysical show and asked what her necklace “does”. She answered, “it’s pretty and I like it.”

The person asking the question looked confused and asked again, “but what does it DO?”

She repeated, “it’s pretty and I like it. That’s all.”

So enjoy the mystical world of crystals and gemstones, but stop to also appreciate the wonder and beauty that Mother Earth created.

As with the other crystals discussed on our website, we encourage you to explore carnelian in various shapes.

Each one intertwines with your Chakras and Aura differently. The more you work with them, the more you’ll have a greater understanding of applying them effectively.

With love & sparkles,

Bernadette King Psychic Medium Tarot Reading Sig 300x77

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