Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Click on each Tarot card below to find out more about its Tarot card meaning, including the upright and reversed Tarot card meanings. Also, scroll down or click to learn all about the Major Arcana meaning and symbolism.

The Fool Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

The Fool Tarot Card Meanings

The Fool Tarot Card Meanings The Fool tarot card symbolizes the self’s complete surrender to the divine source. The Fool ...
The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Magician Tarot Card Meanings

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Magician Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Magician Upright The Magician Reversed ...
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings High Priestess Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The High Priestess Upright ...
The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

Empress Tarot Card Meanings

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Empress Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Empress Upright The Empress Reversed ...
The Emperor Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Emperor Tarot Card Meanings

The Emperor Tarot Card Meanings Emperor Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Emperor Upright The Emperor Reversed ...
The Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings

The Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings Hierophant Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Hierophant Upright The Hierophant Reversed ...
The Lovers Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Lovers Tarot Card Meanings

The Lovers Tarot Card Meanings Lovers Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Lovers Upright The Lovers Reversed ...
The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Chariot Tarot Card Meanings

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings The Chariot tarot card is a rags-to-riches story in the truest sense, but it’s much ...
Strength Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Strength Tarot Card Meanings

The Strength Tarot Card Meanings Strength Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Strength Upright The Strength Reversed ...
The Hermit Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Hermit Tarot Card Meanings

The Hermit Tarot Card Meanings Hermit Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Hermit Upright The Hermit Reversed ...
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Wheel ...
Justice Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

Justice Tarot Card Meanings

The Justice Tarot Card Meanings Justice Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Justice Upright The Justice Reversed ...
The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Hanged Man Tarot Card Meanings

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meanings Hanged Man Tarot card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Hanged Man Upright ...
Death Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

Death Tarot Card Meanings

The Death Tarot Card Meanings Death Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Death Upright The Death Reversed ...
Temperance Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

Temperance Tarot Card Meanings

The Temperance Tarot Card Meanings Temperance Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Temperance Upright The Temperance Reversed ...
The Devil Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Devil Tarot Card Meanings

The Devil Tarot Card Meanings Devil Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Devil Upright The Devil Reversed ...
The Tower Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

Tower Tarot Card Meanings

The Tower Tarot Card Meanings Tower Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Tower Upright The Tower Reversed ...
The Star Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Star Tarot Card Meanings

The Star Tarot Card Meanings Star Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Star Upright The Star Reversed ...
The Moon Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Moon Tarot Card Meanings

The Moon Tarot Card Meanings Moon Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Moon Upright The Moon Reversed ...
The Sun Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

Sun Tarot Card Meanings

The Sun Tarot Card Meanings Sun Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Sun Upright The Sun Reversed ...
Judgement Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

Judgement Tarot Card Meanings

Judgement Tarot Card Meanings Judgement Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The Judgement Upright The Judgement Reversed Metaphysical ...
The World Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Cards Deck 1280x960

World Tarot Card Meanings

The World Tarot Card Meanings World Tarot Card Table of Contents Key Symbolic Meanings The World Upright The World Reversed ...

Major Arcana Symbolism & Meaning

The 22 cards of the Major Arcana describe our journey through this universe – what’s happening.

In a way, they map out the workings of the human mind: how we perceive, process, and react to the world around us.

The idea is that they represent what psychiatrist Carl Jung called archetypes: a group of images or symbols in the collective subconscious everyone can access.

It’s a bit like the World Wide Web, but on a spiritual level.

If you place the Major Arcana in numeric order from 0 (The Fool) to 21 (The World), they form a story often called “The Fool’s Journey” – which is pretty much the same story as “The Hero’s Journey,” popularized by Joseph Campbell.

Here, you (yourself or the querent/client) are called on a grand adventure on which you experience an initiation and then return back to the world.

The Hero’s Journey is a powerful metaphor. When you divide this set into three groups of 7, it’s also a nifty way of memorizing the order of the Major Arcana.

Erm, but there are 22. You can’t divide that by three.

True, but remember that the Fool’s number is 0. He’s the one who’s going on this journey.

The first group of cards in the Major Arcana is made up of those forces that prepare him for the journey.

Sometimes they’re actual people and sometimes cosmic forces or helpful spiritual beings.

The Magician and the High Priestess are his spiritual parents, while the Empress and the Emperor are his physical ones.

When it’s time for the hero/Fool to leave his home, he receives his education from The Hierophant.

The Lovers represent his passion, the one thing that motivates him to prove himself.

The Chariot is the moment he actually sets off on his quest.

But a hero story without plot twists would be pretty boring, wouldn’t it?

The Fool’s story continues in the next group of 7.

Strength represents his first successes, his mastery of himself and the world, but The Hermit – often a card of warning – tells him that danger lies ahead.

The Wheel of Fortune shows that things have already been set in motion. Often it’s an experience that leads him to an important insight, which becomes plain in the Justice card.

The Hanged Man represents his trials and challenges, leading to a defeat – Death – that would crush a lesser person. But it’s actually a moment that transforms him, allowing him to tap into hidden reservoirs of courage and strength. This process is shown in more detail in Temperance.

Of course that’s not the end of the story. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a heroic quest, but a depressing story by Kafka.

The Devil is the part where things can’t get any worse, and our protagonist has almost resigned himself to his fate. The Tower is the miracle that saves him in the nick of time.

Once the dust has settled, The Star shows the first glimmer of hope. Now, The Moon lights his path to victory. The Sun is his moment of glory, as he rides off into the final battle. Judgment is his triumphant victory, and The World represents order restored.

Major Arcana In a Tarot Reading

A large number of Major Arcana, say at least 4 in a 10-card “Celtic Cross” spread, acts as a series of exclamation marks, so pay attention. Chances are, something big is happening.

They’re pointing to an event or insight that’s likely to change your life – permanently, or at least for a very long time.

This change is not only physical, such the birth of a child or a career change.

Keep in mind that the Major Arcana function mostly on the level of the psyche and spirit. This means, they’re more likely to affect how you think and feel about yourself and the world in general.

They represent life and spiritual lessons.

Among the most important of these are the Tower, Strength, and the Empress.

These tarot cards are so important that Dr. Robert Wang calls them the “shocks of the soul” in his book Cabalistic Tarot. They connect the “positive” and “negative” poles on the Tree of Life.

Their lessons so powerful that they can feel a bit like sticking your finger in a light socket.

Bzzt! Oh, life can really be so much better than this (Tower)?

Bzzzzt! Oh, easy does it, too (Strength)?

ZAP! Oh, God/dess really is about love and joy (Empress)?

It’s not always bad news when the Major Arcana are reversed. Remember that they represent the energy flow between the fixed points (Sephiroth) on the Tree of Life.

This energy can run both ways, and a reversal generally shows that it’s flowing the opposite direction now.

For some cards, like the World, it means that class is still in session. Information is still coming in, and you need to wait a little more until you can move on.

But for others, such as the Devil, it means that “teach” is letting class out early, because you’re ahead of the curve!

Bernadette King Psychic Tarot Reading 785x300

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