Sagittarius Child Personality, Traits, & Characteristics Description 1280x960

Sagittarius Child:
Traits, Personality & Characteristics

There’s a party goin’ on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you.
– Kool and The Gang
To a Sagittarius, life is one big bash!

This star sign is the pleasure seeker of the Universe! Whether for their mind, body or spirit the Sagittarius child will explore every possible delight. To The Archer less is definitely not more.

Their aim is always for more, more, more!

Sagittarius Child Table of Contents

Sagittarius Child Traits, Personality, & Characteristics

The Sagittarius child always has a smile on their face, a bounce in their step, and a song on their lips!

However, the one thing that can pierce the Sagittarius heart is seeing others hurt and in pain. Their tender spirit can’t take it and they will do everything in their power to heal that which has been wounded.

Put your comfortable shoes on mom and dad – this is one child who will keep you moving and guessing!

The Sagittarius child is always popular, which is good because they love all that attention. That means your little Archer generally gets rather distraught when no one notices his or her achievements. If they draw you a picture, don’t forget to put it on the refrigerator!

This characteristic is more than balanced out by the Sagittarius child’s huge heart. They cannot walk by someone who seems sad or distressed. A Sagittarian always leaves a mark on people’s hearts and spirits.

Even at a young age your Sagittarius child looks on the sunny side of life. They are naturally hopeful and bright and spread that energy everywhere they go, much to a parents delight.

To the Archer, life is
supposed to come out right. So your son or daughter may shrug off studying believing that they know the material already (as an example).Optimism makes mom and dad’s job much easier with one exception – risk taking. They become so confident of the “positives” that they’ll run head long into trouble.

In the astrological scheme of things a Sagittarian child is a fire cracker. They never seem to run out of energy. It’s 10 pm and you’re trying to get them inside from the street basketball game or other similar activity.

Additionally your Archer adores exploration and adventure. Don’t be surprised if he or she jumps from one game to another, one hobby to the next etc.

This is very common for Archers who loses interest easily. That means you have to give them a lot of options so they don’t get fussy. No question at the end of the day you’re going to need some sleep just to keep up with them again tomorrow.

If you weren’t already tired, you’re raising a staunchly independent child. They want their space and freedom. This is not a child you can drag to Sunday-go-to-meeting-Church and expect them to sit still, let alone believe what they hear.

The Archer has to find his or her own path in life.

Your Archer will always tell you the truth (no matter how painful) and you can believe what they say.
That means your best parenting comes from walking your talk. Let your Sagittarian child see ethics and values and absorb them. Badgering won’t work; trust will.

Besides the drive for individuality, Sagittarian children thirst for ideas. They’ll always be exploring tough philosophical concepts that seem way beyond their years.

This thinking process comes naturally and it helps the archer “aim” the right direction in life.

Dust off that copy of Dante or Aristotle. You’ll need it.

One final thing, just as real Rams/Goats “blurt” when they “speak”, so, too, will your little Sagittarius. Remember that whole “aiming straight” thing?


Well a Sagittarius’ words shoot as straight and true as any arrow and will come flying out of their little mouths without forethought. Further, they’ll rarely be contrite about anything they said because, in their mind, it was the absolute truth!

The Sagittarius Girl

Sagittarian girls have their disarming charms, which they desperately need. From the moment she learns to talk your daughter will find her uncensored thoughts leaping out of her mouth. This startles many people including mom and dad who are left stammering and apologizing to Aunt Sadie for her brash behavior. Do not be too upset with your girl for this behavior. It’s very normal for Fire-based Sagittarians, and there are many times when fierce truth really has a place. Yes, it’s going to get her (and you) into sticky situations and she’d do well to learn a bit of diplomacy, but you can always trust what she says. No matter their age, Archers can’t condone lies.

In listening to your daughter and watching her actions always remember that a Sagittarius girl sees things just as they are and responds accordingly. On the up-side she has a great outlook, feeling that no matter how bad things are eventually life gets better. This will help her more than once throughout her young years, especially when touched by some of the world’s harsh realities.

Your daughter has strong family ties, but also a fierce desire for freedom. She will run off on a whim without telling you where to find her. That means asking her repeatedly to just take one second to keep you in the loop. Ordering an archer around does little good, but a well-formed request usually lands on open ears.
Emotionally your daughter isn’t prone to wearing her heart on her sleeve. She feels things very deeply but often contends with those feelings alone. Again this is part of the independent nature of the Archer. She will retreat and consider how things went so terribly wrong. So long as that personal “time out” doesn’t last too long you have little to worry about. She’ll confide in you in her own time.

Unlike the very tempered Taurus, Sagittarian girls love to spend money. As soon as she gets her allowance be ready for that shopping trip complete with a wish list. This is especially true during her teen years. About the only thing that may bring about savings is the chance for travel. This gal has wanderlust written all over her personality. If there is the chance to get her out seeing the world, it really feeds the Archer’s soul.

The Sagittarius Boy

Hang on tight folks, your Sagittarian boy is a born adventurer. He will take any and every opportunity to turn the most routine of outings into an exploration. Don’t be surprised if his imaginative playtimes include becoming a pirate on the high seas or a man on the moon. Your son will always have big dreams, but he also has the energy to bring some of those dreams into reality later in life.

Your little boy is sweet and pleasant, and you’ll be tempted to keep him close to the nest. That’s the worst thing you can do to the Sagittarian spirit. He needs his independence and you need to cut apron strings as soon as practicable. Don’t worry, he loves you completely, but there’s a whole world out there and he wants to see every corner of it. Holding back that nature leads to a very sullen Archer. When given age-appropriate freedoms, however, the funny and giving child you adore returns.

As your son grows you’ll notice a propensity to think very deeply about life. He ponders questions like “what is beauty” and often reaches out to people from various walks in life attempting to find an answer. This is actually a very endearing quality as your Sagittarian son doesn’t have a prejudicial bone in his body. Such intense questioning may lead him to exploring various religions or philosophies as a young adult.

When people see your Sagittarian son they’re captivated by his demeanor. He always carries himself with an air of authority and he truly can be an excellent leader with his keen sense of justice and bright mind. This impression lasts typically until he blurts out something with unbridled honesty. Like all Archers he has a very sharp tongue and it cuts deeply at the worst possible moments. Parents do well to teach their Sagittarians from a young age to pause, think, count to three THEN talk. Once in a while that actually works, and if your boy sees positive results he has the ability to become more tactful without losing that brilliant truthfulness on which a parent can rely.

One thing with which your son will always struggle is scheduling, planning or the expectations/demand of others on his time.

First, he has no sense of time.

Second, being forced to adhere to deadlines affects his psyche the same as if he were shackled and put into prison. These put a chink in his independence. The Sagittarius boy is not a planner, he’s a DOER. Being more flexible than you might perhaps be personally comfortable with regarding how you set up your son’s day can save lots of arguments. A helpful solution might be getting him involved in the planning since he’s likely to change everything on a dime anyway!

Sagittarius Facts & Metaphysical Associations

Sagittarius Symbol:
The ArcherSagittarius Dates: November 23- December 20

Key Phrase: “I See”

Sagittarius Planet: Jupiter

Sagittarius Birthstone: Citrine (November); Blue Topaz (December)

Number Vibration Numerology: 3

Sagittarius Element: Fire

Sagittarius Flower: Narcissus & Dandelion

Sagittarius Color: Light Blue & Purple

Sagittarius Day: Thursday

Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Chinese Zodiac Twin: Rat

Funny Chinese Zodiac Twin: Rat

Tarot Card Association: Temperance (Sagittarius), The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

Healing Crystals: Amber, Chrysocolla, Imperial Topaz, Jasper, Malachite, Moonstone, Tourmaline, Turquoise

Celebrity Sagittarius: Jimi Hendrix, Ms M. Bette Midler, Mark Twain, Frank Sinatra, Walt Disney, Brad Pitt

60 thoughts on “Sagittarius Child Traits, Personality & Characteristics

  1. Starla says:

    This sounds so very much like my almost three year old Sag boy. He’s just easy, and happy, and independent. Any advice for a Gemini mama?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Starla!

      It’s a good think you’re a Gemini because Sagittarius boys/men are hard-headed like you can’t believe! LOL BUT they are also incredibly logical and super smart! So, just use your magical communication skills to appeal to his intelligent side. He will appreciate it and communicate in kind.

      Hope that helps!


    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Preeti;

      Ohhhh, a Sagittarius child and a Taurus mom. LOL Horns are definitely going to lock on this one! Taurus people hate change and Sagittarius people crave change so you two will definitely challenge each other. Well, Bull momma, just try to honor the lust for life your baby Sagi has. They burn and yearn inside to experience all good times life has to offer and responsibility is NOT their middle name. LOL Your Sagittarius child is not deliberately disrespectful, he/she is simply easily distracted by anything that is shiny (to them).

      Hope that helps!


    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Michele;

      The Virgo and Sagittarius relationship will have its share of challenges. Your Sagittarius boy will want to go, go, GO and may not be the most responsible child there ever was. The Archer loves to party but they don’t like to plan the party or clean up after the party! LOL Virgos think they are responsible to serve the whole world and are so pragmatic that your little one is likely to wreck your last nerve – at least on occasion. When two opposites come into each other’s lives, it’s always so each can learn from and maybe even adopt traits from the other. So, in times that you want to tear your perfectly appointed hair out (because a Virgo will only have perfection in all things) – take some time to focus on your son’s carefree way that he approaches the world. I’ll bet in those moments you’ll find yourself relaxing and, even, smiling. 🙂

      Hope that helps.


      • Nora Cassandra Dadi says:

        Exactly what I feel and so glad you put it in such words. Being a Virgo mother with a Virgo teen daughter and got married to Pisces then get suprised blessings at older age with a little Sagittarius boy… he is 2.5 and I have to say NOTHING like my Virgo daughter who makes all sense to me! But he is a joy bringer… maybe my older age helps to keep calm even though sometimes he does make me want to pull my hair off my head but soon he comes to ask for hugs and kisses me so hard that I really forget that anger!

        He is already playing pretend as you mentioned his favorite is ghosts, dinosaurs and lions… can’t wait for older pretend games.. he also is over interested in nature and even chose Snail sign for his coming kindergarten because he saw them in nature picked them off the road to place them back into the green sides of the forest.

        What I found but stressful and surprising while he is so attached to me he is over social and walks and literally says hi to everyone passes by even people who don’t look pleasant as dirty, scared, bleeding drunk man on a subway… I’m very happy he is social and doesn’t see the unpleasantness that I see as an adult and hope he stays loving and caring to all human, animals and nature!

        Thank you again for this it was helpful to see what all other parents going through as I am!

  2. Sasha says:

    My 9 month old sagi son has some of these characteristics already!! so weird he sounds like hes getting traits from me, and his Taurus dad. Any advice for a Leo mom?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Sasha;

      Please accept my apology. I normally respond much faster. I was on a mini vacation and, then, Hurricane Matthew decided to visit me in Florida. 😉

      Leo mom, you and your Sagittarius child will do very well together as both of you long for adventure! It could be the Taurus hubby who locks horns with baby Sagittarius because The Bull does not like change and The Archer craves it! Also, Sagittarians tend to be a bit flighty, their attention can rarely be held for very long. Taurus daddy might see this as irresponsible so maybe try to help the hubster see that not everyone’s path is about staying the course until they keel over – and that doesn’t make someone a ne’er-do-well.

      Hope that helps!


  3. Taylor says:

    My son is also only 9 months and already has so many of these traits. He’s very strong willed already! Any advice for a cancer mom? Thank you ?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Kolli;

      Please accept my apology. I normally respond much faster. I was on a mini vacation and, then, Hurricane Matthew decided to visit me in Florida. 😉

      Whew! The ever-responsible, sometimes a bit stodgy, Capricorn raising the ever-free-spirited Sagittarius child – well, it will never be boring around your house! LOL OK, Capricorn mom, here’s the deal. Sagittarius children are a big party rolled up into one little being. They truly don’t mean to be scatterbrained and they truly do want to follow the rules but they simply can’t and here’s why…

      Sagittarius children and adults simply must have freedom. There are no words to describe how suffocated they feel knowing the alarm clock will go off in the morning and that they ‘have’ to go to school or work. It makes them absolutely miserable inside whereas Capricorn’s believe everything is their responsibility. So, you two are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

      Try to meet your little dude in the middle. Help him maintain his tremendous spirit of adventure while helping him figure out how to craft a life where he can be ‘free’ yet ‘responsible’ at the same time.

      Hope that helps!


  4. Ania says:

    Im sagittarius mum for sagittarius boy. Please I need some advice x
    …. All I can say he is little charmer and since hes been born he left already couple marks on ppl hearts ?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Ania;

      I’m not sure exactly what kind of advice you’re looking for. However, given that you both are Sagittarius – what fun you will have! Adventure after adventure awaits! And, for some reason, I feel like you both LOVE, LOVE, LOVE music so be sure to keep as music going as you can!

      Hope that helps!


    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Taylor;

      For sensitive Cancer mom, having a Sagittarius child will challenge you to stand your ground rather than retreat back into your shell during times of stress. Once your Sagittarius baby sets his/her sights on a goal they will pursue it at all costs. Of course moms can’t always allow this so this will be one of the times Cancer must stand fast.

      Now, I call Sagittarians “blurters”. They tend to blurt out their truths, giving no forethought to anyone else’s feelings. So, be prepared to have your feelings hurt every now and again. Also, be prepared for your little one not to understand why what he/she said was hurtful. After all, it was the ‘truth’ wasn’t it? They truly don’t understand that their truth is not always the truth.

      Finally, just as shy as Cancer star sign people can be they also have the capacity to use their claws just as effectively as a Scorpio uses it legendary tail. Be careful here because Sagittarians are notoriously thin skinned and you don’t want to crush your little crusaders spirit.

      Hope that helps!


  5. Maria says:

    Hi Ania, I am raising my Sagittarius grandson, He is 12 years old. Born DEC 4. He Is the kindest boy I know. Very giving. Also very charming.
    Wondering how an Aquarian mom and A Sag boy get along?
    Thanks so much

  6. Jamiesa says:

    I find this article very informative as I am a new mother to a Sag boy. He’s now 9 months and I believe this article describes him perfectly. Any advice on the relationship of a Pisces mom and Sag child?

  7. Candace says:

    I’m a Capricorn mom I’m having a Sag girl her father is a true Cancer… any advice for first time girl parents? Great article by the way!!

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Candace;

      Thank you for the kind praise. So happy you enjoyed the read!

      The best advice I can give is – during those time when your Sagittarius baby girl seems irresponsible, won’t stay on track, and won’t finish anything she starts (which will be almost every day of her life), try not to judge her. Capricorn is the planner, the uber-responsible one – especially Capricorn moms! You two will undoubtedly lock horns over her playful, party-like-a-rock-star personality. She won’t be able to help it – anymore than you can help feeling like everything in the world is your responsibility.

      Dad will be fine. Just let your little Sagittarius know that daddy is the kind of person who needs alone time to recharge his batteries.

      Hope that helps!


  8. Krystal says:

    Hello, Bernadette! Absolutely loving your articles and would be very grateful for some advice 🙂

    I am an Aquarius, my husband is an Aries and our little 2 year old girl is a Libra. We had always wanted a Libra child because we thought it would make for a perfect little family – and we were right! But now we are planning to start trying for another baby and we can’t decide on a Leo or a Sagittarius. I personally love both signs, but want to know which one fits best with all our three signs. What do you think?


    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Krystal;

      So happy to know you are enjoying the Zodiac Signs for Kids series!

      IMHO, a Sagittarius child will fit in best with your tribe. Now, always remember that a complete astrology chart is best when considering all situations. However, going solely on the zodiac signs, I think a Sagittarius kiddo will mesh well with the entire family’s need for independence and adventure! Leo tends to want to dominate and control and that may not go over well with any of the other zodiac signs mentioned in the family.

      Sure hope that helps!


  9. Laurie says:

    Hi! I’m a sag mum raising my 11month old Sagittarius boy! He’s gorgeous, sweet & funny but oh so challenging! What’s the best method for discipline for my little Sagittarius? Any advice would be amazing. Thank you!!

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Laurie;

      LOL My husband is a Sagittarius so I feel your pain! 😉

      The very best way to get a Sagittarius child to ‘tow the line’ is to A. redirect instead of deny and B. lavish them with praise when they accomplish goals as this will encourage them to keep working toward the desired end result.

      Those born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius are extremely sensitive to ‘failure’. So, if you give your Sagittarius boy a task or directive and he doesn’t complete/accomplish it (even when he doesn’t want to accomplish it – such as cleaning up his toys) he takes it as a personal failure. So, help your Sagittarius to see that doing things he doesn’t like to do can actually help him to feel good about himself because he ‘wins’ once the goal is accomplished – and Sagittarians love nothing more than WINNING!

      Hope that helps!


  10. Cady says:

    This sounds just like my boy who turned 14 today. I’m a Pisces mama and very attached to my boy. Any advice? I know he needs more space/freedom, he’s already pulling away and it’s so difficult for me. Thank you!!!

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Cady;

      Oh, Pisces momma. When children start growing into young adults, water sign parents always have just a little bit of heartbreak. With a Sagittarius boy, this can be especially difficult because they always want to off on great adventures, hunting their next great love – whether that be a person, place, thing, hobby, etc. Maybe now is time for you to find some interests of your own. Also, remember that Sagittarius people do NOT like to be hemmed in or told what to do. If you’re craving time with your baby, create scenarios where you two can have FUN together!

      Hope that helps!


    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Jai;

      Congratulations!!! Good thing you’re a Libra! You can mediate the horn clashing that might go on between your super responsible Aries hubby and your adventure loving (and maybe not so responsible) Sagittarius daughter. LOL That said, Aries and Sagittarius are the great adventurers of this world. I’m sure hubby/daughter will have many terrific moments of discovery together.

      Hope that helps!


  11. Toni says:

    Hello Bernadette !This article is wonderful and gave me some insight with my little explorer . It describes him to a T! What about the Sagittarius child with Leo mom and Libra Dad?:)

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Toni;

      Apologies for the tardy reply. Was on vacation. 🙂

      Your family is actually a fairly balanced Zodiac Sign mix! Sagittarius and Leo will, no doubt, butt heads as both are fire signs. When this happens, peacemaking Libra will step in and negotiate a truce that will make both parties happy. That said, where there’s fire there’s passion! Find common passions and work together on them. This joining of power makes Sagittarius and Leo longtime allies and creates a happy, healthy family!

      Hope that helps.


  12. Megan says:

    Beautifully done site. I am a 30 year old Aries and a first time mother…quite unexpectedly and delightedly so. My little one is a year old Sagittarius girl. I would like advice on how to encourage and discourage certain behaviors in an effective way according to her personality. There’s no limit to what I expect from her and I cant help but wonder if i should expect less or encourage her completely.
    Thank you very much for your time.

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Megan;

      Apologies for the tardy reply. Was on vacation. 🙂

      Congratulations! Oooo, Sagittarius children are loads of fun! This Zodiac Sign pairs great with Aries because both always seek great adventures! Some astrology parenting tips for the Sagittarius child are:

      • Encourage completely! And, teach your baby girl to follow through. Sagittarius is notorious for starting thing but rarely finishing them. Help her learn how to stay on track or she could become disillusioned in her ability to ‘accomplish’.
      • Sagittarius girls need enough support to become confident but not enough loosening of the reins that they start sowing their wild oats. Sagittarius girls can get into trouble if their independent streak is left to run wild. So, keep an eye on your Archer – help her learn to set her sights on positive people, places, and situations.

      Hope that helps!

      PS Thank you for the kind words about!

  13. Desaray says:

    Ima Libra mom to a 1 month old sagg baby girl and m boyfriend is a cancer . Im wondering how all our signs would mesh together once she starts getting older ?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Desaray;

      Apologies for delayed reply. The first of the year is always crazy booked with psychic readings. Whew! LOL

      Congratulations on your new Sagittarius baby girl! Get ready for a big adventure! 🙂 As she grows, all will rejoice is the legendary Sagittarius optimism! It fits in well with Libra and helps Cancer boyfriend be better able to see the sunny side of life.

      Over the years, there could be some clashes because of the other legendary Sagittarius personality trait – acting and talking before thinking. Sagittarius can be like a bull in a China shop whereas Libra and Cancer tend to be a bit more refined in their words and deeds. Just remember when your Sagittarius daughter rushes in and blunders, it’s her way of showing up in the world and she is learning via her own unique needs.

      Hope that helps.


  14. Maria says:

    Hi there 🙂
    I am a bit stumped as to how most effectively to handle my 5yr old Sag girl. The poor little one is surrounded by water and I don’t want her to drown but I also want peace in the household. My husband and I are both Scorpio, my 14 yr old son and 2 yr old daughter are both cancers. My little Sag never listens lol ever and you have to get almost extremely mad before she might even consider anything said…..any advise on how to have a happy medium? I have spent much time studying spiritual and personal growth etc so my intention is to respect the people and their choices in our home as best I can….my husband on the other hand, not so much ? And I always fear the effect his anger will actually have on her. He gets so frustrated that he doesn’t know what to do (me as well at times) so I feel kinda hopeless at finding peaceful solutions. Any help would be great. Thank you 🙂

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hi, Maria;

      Apologies for delayed reply. The first of the year is always crazy booked with psychic readings. Whew! LOL

      Wooowwww! That is an incredible amount of the water element in one family. What a cool case study that would be! 😉

      So, anytime fire (Sagittarius) is added to water steam will rise! However, that’s not a bad thing. Steam makes wonderful al dente veggies and a terrific sauna experience. 🙂 And, steam can scald – but, then, Scorpio and Cancer can pinch and sting like the dickens.

      At the end of the day, your Sagittarius is kind of an island surrounded by water. Take great care with her emotions. Yes, she will always be willing to do battle because Sagittarians do NOT like to be told what to do. Scorpio and Cancer never forget a betrayal or hurt. Sagittarius never remembers. Don’t allow the water signs to wall off (emotionally, mentally, or physically) from impetuous Sagittarius’ words and deeds. If the family is not careful, she could end up feeling much like that island – isolated and alone.

      Finally, maybe your little archer showed up to help the rest of you learn how lighten up a bit. And, maybe the fireball needed to learn some of the more heavy duty soul lessons like how to be more open-minded and respectful of others’ needs and opinions – essentially, dial her soul’s ego down a few notches. 😉

      Hope that helps!


  15. Jamie says:

    I absolutely loved this article!!!! It fits my 2 year old daughter perfectly. She’s smart as can be and extremely independent. I feel like I literally have to give an explanation or negotiate absolutely EVERYTHING with her…from brushing her teeth to trying to get her to sit down for a meal. Any suggestions on trying to negotiate with a 2 year old and explaining to her that she can’t do EVERYTHING by herself???

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Jamie;

      Sagittarius kids, tweens, teens, and adults are just like you describe! LOL As I don’t know what your Zodiac Sign is, I can’t really comment on best practices. What I can tell you is that Sagittarians do NOT like responsibility of ANY kind nor do they like anyone telling them where to be and when to be there – it make them feel shackled. Now, what they DO like is being the BEST! So, make these things a game/goal and that should help quite a bit.

      Hope that helps.


      Hope that helps.


  16. Linda says:

    Love this page! Hi, I’m a Pisces married to an Aries with a 16 yo Scorpio, 14 yo Sagittarius, and 9 yo Gemini; all girls. You could say there’s never a dull moment! The Sag and Scorpio have a very difficult time getting along, the Gemini goes back and forth so it’s always 2 against 1. Any advice on how to help them get along?

    • Bernadette King says:

      Hello, Linda;

      Apology for delayed reply. I’m finding that having two hands is not enough and I’m looking into getting surgery to become an Octopus. 😉

      Going only on the Sagittarius/Scorpio relationship (meaning – I don’t know their rising signs) I can offer the following…

      Sagittarius can almost never, ever admit when they are wrong. Why? Because they can be a bit judgmental. And, when they believe they are right about something (and they usually do) they will go to their grave without ever changing their minds – even if they are wrong.

      Scorpio is ruled by Mars – the God of War. Even if a Scorpio admits they are wrong (which they seldom will) they will also go to the grave fighting about something they believe in.

      So, the best thing to do is get Sagittarius to see that they can be too blunt and this hurts Scorpio’s sensitive heart. Try to appeal to Scorpio’s love of being superior. Explain that, as a Scorpio, she will likely understand her Sagittarius sister better than the sister will ever understand her and to cut her some slack because she (Scorpio) understands “better” than the sister. That should to do the trick. 😉

      Hope that helps.


  17. Amanda says:

    Im a scorpio mum and my partner is a cancer and my son is a cancer…we want another child, what sign will fit in best with our family?

    • Bernadette King says:


      Apology for delayed reply. I’m finding that having two hands is not enough and I’m looking into getting surgery to become an Octopus. 😉

      I’m moving in with you! I’d love to be surrounded by that much water! LOL If you had a Pisces you could win the trifecta! 😉
      As to what sign would fit in best, I think it would be most helpful to take a look at everyone’s rising sign. Then maybe see how much more water there is in the family as well as take into consideration any other elements (earth, fire, air). Aquarian’s are rebels but because the waters of life flow from their pitcher, it would be kind of like having another water sign but not. This way, the water element fits in without having soooo much water that the whole household washes away in emotions.

      Hope that helps.


  18. J says:

    Hit my Sag 16yr daughter on the head!!!….Mother (me) a Leo…and dad a Tarus….older brother Aries…..I feel like I’m surrounded by bullies at times lol!!!!

    • Bernadette King says:


      Apology for delayed reply. I’m finding that having two hands is not enough and I’m looking into getting surgery to become an Octopus. 😉

      Listen. You’re a LEO! That makes you mommy of the jungle! Let them hear you roar and you won’t have any bullying going on anymore! LOL

      Thank you for commenting on and visiting!


  19. Trish says:

    I am a well organized person and timely. My sag son is 12 and its a constant battle. Highly intelligent but comes off like a slob with a smart mouth. I won’t and don’t entertain his zodiac characteristics. Its a constant battle. He is so comfortable with his way of doing stuff no matter how wrong it is. If its right to him thats all that matters. My problem is he only cares about whats important to him. As a child your job is to do and listen to responsible adults. Whether he likes or agrees doesn’t matter. I want him to understand everything can’t be done on his time frame but the proper time frame.

  20. drkmichael1 says:


    First off let me say this has been a very interesting read lol. I’m a Virgo dad with a libra wife and we have a 4yr old sagi. Sometimes I feel like pulling out my hair! Lol Listening is not his strong point and we always have to tell him a million times to do something before he makes an attempt. My real concern is that I’m having a bit of trouble Teaching him educational things. I know they are doers so we try do interactive activities to make it fun for him to learn, but it’s hard to do sometimes because he doesn’t feel like doing it and has/tries to throw a fit. What could you recommend that we do in order get him Into a learning frame of mind and use that smart sagi brain.

    Thanks in advance!!

  21. crystal says:

    My 2yr old sagi is real Sagittarius boy. He is very curious and loves adventure. I find it quite hard to let him go, it always bring out my over protective side. Im a Scorpio mom, can you give me some advice?

  22. A person says:

    I am a Sagittarius boy (11 years) and these are all true about me. It’s true about being smart because I have been computer programming since the third grade and now I have my own small business. Do you think I will be successful in life and business?

  23. Courtney says:

    Hello! I’m a Gemini mum in waiting, and my partner is a Cancer (on the cusp of Leo). Our baby will be due around December 9 this year… any suggestions or hints of how we will all fit together?

  24. Jaz says:

    Hello Aries mom here and my 4yr old son and I are really close, he’s many of these things but except when it comes to school. Its like he wants to go but doesn’t want to leave the comfort of mommy to. Any advise?

    P.S Its really hard for me to let go too

  25. Nora Cassandra Dadi says:

    Any advice to my over protective Pisces husband with our 2.5 year old Sagittarius son? I see he is over caring and protective over our Virgo daughter who turning 18 in Sep.

  26. Age says:

    I love this article. My 5 year old daughter is alllll of these things, and we are a house of fire (husband and I are both Leos) so there’s a lot of drama. She is fiercely independent and thinks it’s so unfair that she doesn’t get to make the rules. 😂 She is so adventurous, so curious, and so perceptive and astute in a way I’ve never known a child to be. She hates sleep and can’t sit still, but her imagination and zest for life are huge, and while sometimes she’s infuriatingly frustrating, she’s so much fun and so delightful it’s all worth it.

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