***Special Note***
Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for February 2020! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.
February Horoscope 2020 – Overview
February 1st, the Sun remains in Aquarius, at least until the 18th when it enters Pisces. For the time being, we’ll feel out of synch with the rest of the world. Our rebellious inner child starts stomping its feet and crying out for release; there’s a desperate need for freedom and a chance to play!
February 1st, we’ll also have the influence of the First Quarter Moon in Taurus, which will have us enjoying the relaxing, energetic influence of the period; now, we are seeking emotional sanctuary and stability. We’ll spend time tending to the home, enjoying privacy with a lover, and just partaking of all the beauty in life. Creativity runs high, so it’s a grand time for tapping into our inner muse and artist.
The energies surrounding us now will have our minds flooding with ideas. It leaves us both excited and apprehensive: Thrilled with the influx of inspiration, but not knowing where to start. It’s like we are standing at a buffet of insights and epiphanies, our plate already full, with each new idea more enticing than the next. It’s best to take on short term projects only, especially with the potential for energetic disturbances stemming from the first period of Mercury Retrograde looming on the horizon. It’s a good idea to break out our future to-do list or our “idea journal” to jot down some of the amazing thoughts that come to us now; we can always pursue terrific ideas at a later date.
With a Venus Sextile Pluto influence February 2nd, we’re already ramping up for the romantic days ahead. We appreciate our significant other more than ever now, especially as we look back at all the cherished memories we share. For those of us who are single, it’s a month of the highest hopes that real love will flourish, blossoming into a lasting, committed relationship.
On February 3rd, the Venus Sextile Saturn influence makes us crave compassion, love, nurturing, and the companionship of others, whether that’s with friends, family, or a lover. Committed couples will find this period one where communication is open, easy, light, and fun. General happiness reigns supreme now. If you’re single, chances are a twinge of loneliness tweaks your heart, but just enough to make you focus on making your reality of a loving relationship manifest. In the meantime, spending time with your closest friends or family will satiate your need for companionship until true love arrives.
February 9th, with the Full Moon in Leo, partying, hanging out with friends, dating, or expanding our social circle, prove what our main interests are all about now. We love being the center of attention and all the responsiveness, but it’s even sweeter just to have one or more people tuning in to what’s important to us and what we say.
Then, on February 17th, our stress-levels may climb dramatically; for some of us, several days beforehand, we begin to fret the coming days well before the Planet of Communication’s retrograde action. The Universe ensures we remain in this turbulent time until March 10th. Energies now threaten to disrupt even the best of our well-made plans. It’s not a good idea to launch new projects, mergers, partnerships, or relationships. When it comes to important or even intimate conversations, we’ll need to take considerable care by minding every word we speak. Making assumptions or being unclear when we communicate with others only leads to more confusion and strife.
Mercury’s retrograde action may also influence those of us who are traveling; it’s time to double-check our vehicles for possible mechanical issues, reconsider logistics, or check and double-check that we’ve packed everything. For those of us who plan to fly anywhere, there’s the potential for unexpected delays. Anything to do with electronics calls for our careful attention, just as all forms of communication are cloudy.
February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces, intensifying our emotions and heightening our psychic awareness. We’re likely to have dreams about the ones we love or the kind of relationship we want to have in our life. Lovers may have shared dream experiences, dreaming of one another meeting up in the surreal realm of the dreamscape. Lucid dreamers may find this a particularly fun and enticing period, acting out myriad romantic encounters in a lucid state.
February 20th, with the Jupiter Sextile Neptune influence, we can breathe a whole lot easier. We can relax, which shows in our lighter mood. We’ll be particularly daydreamy and nostalgic as we think about all the magical moments we’ve already shared with the one we love. The sentimentality extends the entire month through, leaving us more open, expressive, and intimate. Talking with a romantic interest is not only fulfilling; it’s easier than ever to release the softer, most vulnerable side of ourselves. Though always cautious to protect ourselves emotionally, many will experience a deeper level of trust than we have ever known up until this point in our lives.
On the 22nd, a Sun Sextile Mars influence leaves us feeling pretty darn good about ourselves as we buzz about with a tremendous amount of extra energy. In theme with the earlier part of the month, we’re loving, affectionate, giving, and kind with the people in our lives. On the 23rd, the New Moon is in Pisces, leaving us in tune with our environment, psychically sensitive, and amazingly aware of the ebb and flow of energy around us. One caution here is that we may tap into things we may not really want to know about without even trying to do so.
February 26th, the Sun Conjunct Mercury influence sheds a little light through the clouds hovering over us from Mercury Retrograde, making it a clearer time for communications, contracts, writing, emails, and the like. However, many of us will still second guess our feelings and not trust this small window of calm. Finally, on February 28th, a Venus Square Pluto influence brings in heavy energy: One strikingly different from the lovey-dovey, sweet sensations other planetary influences introduced earlier in the month. Long-held bitterness or hurt feelings left unaddressed threaten to rear their ugly head, but really, it’s a mask covering more significant issues that require your attention. If you pay attention to the trivialities, you won’t make any progress as far as working out what really concerns you and your significant other.
February Horoscope 2020 – All 12 Zodiac Signs
Aries Horoscope
Things are looking up for you this month, Aries. You’ll practically sense you’re on the verge of success and wake up most mornings feeling like nothing can stop you now. Any mental blueprints you’ve developed regarding projects, your education, or your career are something you can implement with perfection. The success you achieve will not only have you feeling on the top of your game, but most others will also want to jump on the bandwagon of achievement. Be wary of those who want to steal your thunder. In February, you may find you’re weeding out one or two fair-weathered friends from your social circle.
For the first two weeks of February, the Aries-born venture capitalist is likely to find backers for a major project. You’ll find yourself surrounded by the real movers and shakers in business who are all too happy to help you expand your network. If you’re looking to team up with someone or several people in a collaborative effort, all the stars indicate it’s a go! Any unresolved problems at work seem to melt away as if they never happened. After the 15th, you’ll find things slow down a bit as you perfect the steps you’ve already put into place.
You’ll have no problems balancing your budget as your income to debt ratio is well under control. From the 1st through the 14th, your family life is simple without any disagreements or debates. If you’re in a committed relationship, you’re feeling quite romantic, primarily as the days draw nearer to Valentine’s Day-you already have something super special in mind for the occasion. Those who are single will find casual dating exciting and fun-you’ll turn up your charm, and others will find you quite appealing when you do. It’s a good idea to remain true to your word in every instance. In the last two weeks of the month, you’re most vulnerable to having your most intimate secrets revealed.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Selenite helps you tune into your innate psychic abilities and maintain a clear head.
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Taurus Horoscope
Though you may feel as things have been moving slowly for you, it’s only because you’re dealing with your inertia, Taurus. February promises new doors of opportunity will open for you, so you can relax in knowing the rut you’re in is coming to an end. In the area of career, don’t be afraid to ask for that well-deserved raise or promotion-the energies promise positive change from the 1st to the 15th. If you’re looking for a new job, get ready to hit the bricks and knock on one door at a time until an opportunity presents itself. You won’t be able to turn to others to pave the way for you.
As always, you’ll want to ensure your home is beautiful and will accept nothing less than the best with big-ticket purchases. The second half of the month is best if you’re looking to get approval for a home improvement loan. Be careful about how much you borrow, or you may regret your decision later. It’s more important to catch up with bills now than it is to add new burdens to your financial situation. If you’re not renovating the home, you’ll likely start looking for a new place as something within you longs for all that’s fresh and new.
From the 1st to the 14th, love is in the air, and it intensifies as Valentine’s approaches. With Venus as your ruling planet, you’re a natural romantic and eager to surprise your significant other with a fun date and sentimental gift. After the 14th, those in committed relationships will begin focusing more on day-to-day routine and responsibilities, which can prove mildly dull. If you and your partner grow bored with one another, you may have nonsensical arguments to spice things up a bit. Some singles will find great pleasure in dating while others might focus more on self-love and staying alone, at least for now. At least you’ll have a lot more pep in your step this month as you’re finally beginning to feel like your old self again.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Abalone is the perfect stone to help you tap into your imagination and the energies of Venus.
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Gemini Horoscope
Just as you are naturally prone to extremes, you’ll feel like the energetic influences in February swing from one extreme to another. Thankfully, you’re rather used to dealing with the fast-changing conditions and opposition. From the 1st to the 15th, you’re upbeat, energetic, and feeling like the world is your oyster. You’ll make the best use of your chatty, social nature by spending time with friends and family. If you let your imagination run wild, some wonderful epiphanies will come to you. Just make sure you ground yourself once in a while, so you don’t lose sight of the other things that are important in your life.
From the 17th onward, things go a little crazy in the communication department. Your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde for the first time in 2020, so you may feel like you are talking a foreign language no one else in the world seems to understand. Whether talking with a friend, lover, or coworker, misunderstandings and erroneous assumptions are practically a guarantee.
The latter half of the month is a period where you should refrain from making any promises. It’s best to keep a low profile for the next three weeks, at least until your ruling planet goes Direct once more. At work, if you find yourself struggling to get through a task, turn to a mentor, boss, or someone in authority for clear advice.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Sunstone helps illuminate the mind and reduce tension.
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Cancer Horoscope
You’ll rely on your intellect heavily this month, especially when assessing new opportunities as they make themselves available to you. From the 1st through to the 18th, it’s business as usual, with little chaos entering your day-to-day existence. Work projects run without a hitch, you manage your household obligations without issue or concern, and personal projects allow you to derive a deep sense of satisfaction while letting your unique talents and voice shine.
In the month of love, though you are often skittish about opening up to others, especially when with a fairly new romantic partner, you’ll be more willing to let another see you at your most vulnerable moments. Straight through until Valentine’s Day, you’ll let your guard down, while remaining eager to give and receive expressions of love. Things may become particularly spicy in the bedroom now, with you feeling trusting and more experimental. If you have a lover, you’ll want a whole lot of cuddle time.
One area you won’t want any vulnerability, however, is in finance. From the 17th onward, you should double-check your budget just to make sure you don’t overspend or miss a bill when tracking your payment obligations. It might be too easy to have someone take advantage of your open and trusting nature, especially if you let your guard down.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Malachite helps you become more confident, grounded, centered, and secure.
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Leo Horoscope
In the first half of the month, you’ll shine in the career and financial sectors. If you’re looking to expand your horizons, you’ll find a chance to do so by accepting greater responsibilities or a leg up at work. Your fantastic ambition ensures you have well-balanced finances with a bit of extra cash on hand during the first half of February. Though you might be eager to spend your hard-earned, well-deserved funds, it’s best to tuck the extra money away for the end of the month, when you may realize you’ve overlooked an important bill or expense.
In the month of the lovers, your animal magnetism will have your spouse or lover looking at you longingly. They want to spend every free minute possible with you. Your sheer joy for life and sunshiny disposition draws people to you like a moth to a flame. If you become too flirtatious, a lover may present signs of jealousy. But with a brilliant mind and a generous spirit as your main selling points, you might question who can possibly resist your charms? You can’t help it people see how truly wonderful you are!
When it comes to your everyday life, mundane tasks, household maintenance, repairs, and the like are simple enough to manage. You’ll look to tick off your to-do list quickly as you much rather be having some fun. Not to mention that you’ll want to take the time to prepare your “den” for the upcoming love encounters promising to unfold during the month of romance. Your lover will literally make you feel like royalty, and you’ll be all the happier when you get your chance to return the favor!
Healing Crystals & Stones: Amazonite helps you become more emotionally expressive.
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Virgo Horoscope
If you plan on traveling for business, Virgo, be practical about it and do so during the first few weeks of February. While a trip may prove successful during the middle or end of the month, you’re still taking a pretty darn good chance things will go wrong if you travel during the retrograde period. To avoid chaotic travel hassles, which can be as simple as a flat tire when you’re already a half-hour late for an all-important meeting to more irritating flight delays, you’ll want to expect the unpredictable from February 17th onward. Throughout the month, as long as you mind your files and track your documents or contracts, you’ll find all business ventures run reasonably smooth. You can thank your impressive organizational skills for ensuring you keep conditions in balance now.
Keeping to your budget is easy enough, especially since your all about crunching numbers. But, don’t be surprised when you’re tempted to spend a bit more than what you really can afford on someone you love when buying a gift. And why not? Love is in the air, all hearts are focusing on the euphoric feeling close lovers share, and Cupids arrows are flying everywhere! Just don’t let your heart let your head and logic get away from you!
If you’re in a committed relationship, you’ll look to celebrate your union in many ways throughout the month and not just on Valentine’s Day. Short day trips, dancing, dinner at the restaurant you had your first date in, and even weekend getaways are on the list of possibilities. If you’re single, not to worry, one of those arrows flying about is very likely to pierce your heart!
Healing Crystals & Stones: Moonstone helps you maintain a sense of calm while examining emotions.
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Libra Horoscope
With Venus as your ruling planet and air as your element, you’re feeling light, warm and fuzzy, and compassionate. With your mantra, “I balance,” you’ll most assuredly be looking to return all the love and affection another gives to you freely. Because so many good vibes are in the air, you’ll feel like there’s little about your love affair you don’t like. Even if your lover has an attribute or habit that rubs you the wrong way, through the lens of romantic love, it makes them all the more charming!
In matters relating to business or career, up until the 18th, all plans and prospects run smoothly. You’ll find your creative edge offers you nontraditional methods for approaching problems or complex tasks. If you run your own business, you’ll spend the first part of the month evaluating what you’ve accomplished so far, and the second half, redesigning your business approach. There’s no point in implementing plans now, not until Mercury goes Direct on March 10th. Starting anything before the period concludes will only serve to undermine your efforts.
In personal finance, you won’t make much progress in the way of change, but you won’t move backward either. It’s more a month of “borrowing from Peter to pay Paul,” if anything else…and “balancing” things is your middle name!
Healing Crystals & Stones: Rhodonite helps you ground and keep a cool head.
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Scorpio Horoscope
In February, you’ll stick to a code of behavior that continues to ensure your success in business and finance. In the area of personal finance, you’ll refrain from overspending only to continue to stash away cash for that rainy day. After handling personal taxes, you’ll take a new look at your budget, too, reviewing it with considerable care and an eye for accuracy.
While the rest of the people of the world seem like they are running around without common sense or aim, you’re cool, calm, and collected. Your self-discipline, practicality, and organizational skills make this high energy period far more manageable. You’ll be happy to see your personal finances remain relatively stable the entire month through.
You’ll long to connect with immediate and extended family or to reunite with a long-lost friend this month. When it comes to romantic encounters, you’ll feel incredibly close to the one you love. Trust blossoms and your affections deepen. Desire courses through your veins for the first half of the month, having you looking to share as many romantic moments as possible and the opportunity to physically express your love. In the second half of the month, you’ll crave plenty of relaxing cuddle time. The energies between you and your lover start out as a sizzle, but never cool down past hot! If you’re single, you’ll find contentment dating and connecting with others who stimulate your mind.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Tourmaline helps you remain upbeat, confident, and hopeful.
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Sagittarius Horoscope
February is a bit surprising in the areas of career and business, with unexpected issues seemingly cropping up out of nowhere, Sagittarius. You may feel like you’re playing a sophisticated and professional game of Whack-a-Mole, where you hammer down one problem in a specific area only to have more trouble crop up just as fast somewhere else. It’s a good thing you have ultra-high-energy reserves to tap into, otherwise, you’d have trouble keeping pace.
Not to worry though, this chaotic energy will die down just as quickly as it arises, and will be all but entirely gone by the end of the month. Until then, you’ll just roll with the punches like you always do. The good news is at least you don’t experience any issues regarding your finances.
Regarding romance, you’re looking to mix adventure with play, so you may plan a surprise getaway with a lover or vice versa. Well-connected couples may have a desire to take the plunge into engagement or marriage, and long-termed married couples may long to renew their vows. Whatever the case may be, there will be plenty of surprises in store and excitement in the air. If you’re single, you won’t connect with anyone unless they are really considering a lasting and serious commitment.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Lapis helps you tune into the connotation of what people are really saying.
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Capricorn Horoscope
Your commitment to perfection in all you do at work supports your ongoing success in February. Energies this month prove erratic for some, which makes it important for you to remain the consummate professional: you may very well prove to be the light at the end of the tunnel for someone who has otherwise lost their sense of direction.
When confusion reigns, others will turn to you for guidance, assistance, or they’ll simply try to emulate your calm, collected, behaviors amid chaotic conditions. You’ll also see chances for advancement in your field and shouldn’t second-guess opportunities when they arise, even if there are some mild inconveniences associated with an opportunity at first.
If your love life has been a bit on the dry side, you might not see the vast improvement you crave, at least not to the degree you might prefer. But it doesn’t mean there’s no opportunity to make things better. What you’ll come to realize is that the stall in your relationship is a harsh reminder for you to put more focus on your emotional world and to not get so caught up in your work or the pursuit of your aspirations. It’s not always best to put business before pleasure.
When seeing little improvement in an existing love, it will have you reconsidering the validity of the relationship entirely. By the end of the month, if you don’t decide to make things work, you’ll walk away for good, thinking it’s the best for all involved.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Aquamarine helps you with emotional expression.
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Aquarius Horoscope
Lady Luck walks into your life on February 1st and seems to guide you along a path of happiness right up to the Leap Year and beyond. You’ll feel like Midas, where every plan you put into action unfolds exactly as you anticipate, and every situation or relationship turns into figurative gold.
In your career or business, you’re looking to expand. You may take courses to expand your mind or the expansion you seek may be more physical, like adding a new building to an existing chain. Expansion can also mean requesting a promotion or taking that leap into a new profession altogether. Whatever the case may be, there’s a lot to consider and plenty of paperwork attached. If you’re working contracts during the latter half of the month, read oh so carefully through the fine print.
In relationships, things run smoothly if all has been well. Otherwise, the situation is on the upswing in the way of improvement, so not to worry. The first two weeks of the month are exceptional for intimate communications. Midmonth, you and your partner put home renovation and obligations on the top of the list of priorities, but it doesn’t mean you won’t have a lot of fun working together! You’ll certainly find imaginative ways to get your chores done so you can get straight away to those romantic evenings, satiating your heart’s desire with all that cuddle time!
Healing Crystals & Stones: Labradorite helps increase awareness, heighten intuition, and calm the mind.
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Pisces Horoscope
You’ve got big dreams and even bigger hopes, Pisces, as you look to make your highest aspirations your reality. But you won’t be able to take to wing just yet, no matter how eager you might be. The energies in February are far more conducive to planning and projecting, not taking action. You’ll only get so far and stall if you try, which is the Universe’s way of telling you to slow down and enjoy the darn ride already!
There will be a sense of hurry up and wait only to stop and hurry up and wait again. Don’t let the period frustrate you. It’s best to focus on the present moment to see this period through. What you perceive as roadblocks are merely re-directional challenges. It will ensure you don’t take on too much too quickly.
When it comes to romance, you’ll be able to trust in the one you love and will spend plenty of private time together, while sharing your deep affections. If you’re single, you’ll let go of the pain from a former relationship, which will otherwise hold you back from making a real connection. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you’ll find ways to remain close despite the distance.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Azurite helps heal old emotional hurts.
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