The Epic January Horoscopes 2020

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for January 2020! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.

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January Horoscope 2020 – Overview

In the beginning weeks of January 2020, we are still under Capricorn’s influence until the Sun enters Aquarius on January 20. We’ll look toward the days ahead with many of us goal-oriented, productive, and well-grounded. Many of us will have a more intense focus on getting organized at work and home, tying up loose ends or finishing incomplete projects, and just simplifying our day-to-day living.

From the 20th onward, the influence of Aquarian energies will make it feel like someone flicked a switch somewhere from the “off” position to “on,” causing us to shift our concentration from all things physical or material to all things emotional or mental. It’s time for a reevaluation of our ethics, beliefs, and thoughts. January, therefore, becomes a month where we are clearing out the old clutter in our external surroundings as we also clear out old thinking patterns and emotional baggage. Everything we do now is to ensure no shadows are overcasting new experiences on the horizon.

In the first half of the month, we’re somewhat rigid in our thinking as we redefine how we handle things in our external environment. The second half of the month will usher in greater flexibility, openness, and a willingness to rebel against conformity. We’ll break away from the monotony of routine, and the symbolic “mind cleanse” leaves us feeling happier, lighter, and ready to take on the world.

We’ll still feel a bit of the energetic influence coming from Uranus Retrograde until the planet goes Direct on January 11, 2020. The energies only emphasize our desire for change and progress; the subtle influence plants the seeds for our life reassessment. We’ll wear positivity as an emotional cloak as it becomes easy to see all the potential the new year brings; all the while, we’ll wake up most mornings with “a-nothing-can-stop-me-now” attitude.

All the focus on internal and external reorganization is not for naught; we’re looking to make the most of every minute this life offers us and to live more mindfully. Every hour we save from having to deal with tedious tasks or work is an hour we can dedicate to doing what we’re passionate about or spending more time with those we love.

As we work toward making positive changes, realism rules the day. We know what we desire in every aspect our life will not happen overnight, and we’ve got the patience to watch everything unfold as the Universe sees fit. This year may differ for many of us when comparing it to years past. We are only resolving reasonable accomplishments instead of taking on too many resolutions all at once only to see them fail because we run out of steam to maintain our resolve.

On January 10, there’s a lunar eclipse with the Full Moon in Cancer. It’s a time each of us will crave harmony at work and home. We’ll yearn for a deeper connection with the Feminine Divine, but we may also feel the ebb and flow of our moods and emotions are tumultuous until January 13 when the Moon’s influence wanes. The same day, Venus enters Pisces. We’ll become more compassionate and forgiving than usual and may mend a long-broken bond. All intense feelings will multiply threefold.

On the 16th, Mercury enters Aquarius. We look for undertakings to feed our minds and will crave conversations with brilliant and inspiring people. We may find such inspiration in a mentor, and Elder, or in something as simple as watching a few “Ted Talks.” Right around the same time, there’s a Venus Sextile Uranus influence ensuring we’re not all about work and that we’re all too ready to play. It’s time to say “Yes” to social invitations as it’s a fantastic time to expand our circle of friends. On January 18, we’ll all do well to remember the adage, “Man plans. God laughs.” Unexpected events way beyond our control will upset anything we attempt to put into motion.

January 22, with a Sun Sextile Chiron influence, it’s a day some of us may attempt to redefine our identity considering the recent life changes redirecting our personal or spiritual paths. It’s a period for examining some of our darker attributes too, so we’ll inspect phobias, anxieties, or other feelings that, if we leave unattended, will undermine our present progress. Then on the 23rd, the influence of transiting Venus Sextile Jupiter shifts our focus onto love. From the 25-28th of January, we’re flirty and playful, while our partners are equally smitten. But, on the 29th, with Mars Square Neptune energies moving in, disagreements may arise as will difficulties with trusting people.

January Horoscope 2020 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

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Aries Horoscope

With the Saturn conjunct Pluto influence from the 1st-24th, it’s a period of all business and little pleasure, Aries. Time is of the essence in your mind as you tackle each one of your well-defined goals. On January 2, you’ll experience a flight of ideas, but you won’t let them distract you from your course. Instead, you’ll add good ideas to your “bucket list” and scrap the rest.

This month, you’ll have no trouble keeping your budget balanced because of your incredible carefulness with spending during December. With your love life, there’s limited to no focus on romance until the last week of the month. You’re all about pursuing your career ambitions figuring a stable financial foundation is one of the main pillars of an excellent relationship.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Green Tourmaline helps Aries clear away energy blocks and in aligning or clearing the chakras.

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Taurus Horoscope

In the first week of January, after a full evaluation of every aspect of your life, including career, home, finance, family, and romance, you’ll choose just one area of focus to put all your efforts into improving. The rest of your priorities are something you’ll tackle at a later time, feeling you need a sensible approach for reinventing your life.

For most of the month, a happy-go-lucky energy rules the day. The Law of Attraction is powerful, as it will seem as your thoughts manifest into tangible results. You’re a natural-born romantic with Venus governing all you do. So, focusing on romance over a career is no big surprise–if you’ve been thinking about deepening your commitment, you’ll take things to the next level with a romantic partner.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Clear Quartz helps Taurus feel reenergized, clear-headed, and psychically charged.

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Gemini Horoscope

In the first week of January, you won’t go back and forth in your mind over what goals you want to achieve. For the first time in a long time, certainty rules the day. Your gift for eloquent communication serves you well now. Whether chatting socially or negotiating that once-in-a-lifetime contract, you’ll sway your audience in your favor or impress those in authority.

You’ll have more focus on establishing a homey environment. Consider this period one of “nesting.” If you’re single, you’re getting yourself ready to welcome others into your life and home. Committed couples want to make their love nest warmer and more welcoming, so there’s always a soft place to land. This month, you’ll give thought to renovating your space or investing in a new home.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Fire Opal helps Gemini maintain better balance in the face of small or dramatic change.

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Cancer Horoscope

On January 1, if your emotional insecurities have been holding you back from letting yourself embrace a relationship, you’ll recognize your emotional hang-ups and change the way you interact with a romantic partner. If your insecurities relate to career, you’ll dive right into the fray giving your current position everything you’ve got. This month, you may feel as if your job is on unstable ground. Remember, the energies now are temporary and will pass.

Just as you desire to change in your personal life, so too are many corporate leaders and small business owners. Those in authority will don on an “out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new” philosophy, which will require you remain flexible enough to adapt to the abrupt changes. You’ll struggle the first three weeks of the month in the realm of finance after recovering from excess holiday spending–finances smooth out toward the final weeks of the month. Singles will have more than one ideal suitor. Committed couples will grow closer or reconcile differences.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Garnet helps Cancer tune into their heartfelt feelings and find the strength to express their emotions without fear.

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Leo Horoscope

The first week of January, whether a friendship or romance has created blocks for you, or you feel like a relationship is stagnant, you’ll come to realize letting the person go is best for all involved, no matter how difficult the separation might be. In your career, like a true leader, you’ll be like a beacon of light for others who want to emulate your “conquer all and take no hostages” mentality.

You’re above the red financially. It’s a continuing trend throughout the year, thanks to the recognition and accolades you’re getting at work or in business. Couples will find contentment in the status quo. Single Leos will enjoy the dating life while not looking to tie themselves down just yet.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aquamarine helps Leo refortify their existing courage so they can tackle challenges while remaining bold, daring, and confident.

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Virgo Horoscope

You may endure conflicts at work the first week of January, as you may not be flexible enough to accept the view of others in authority. Tensions will die down by the middle of the month. By the last two weeks of January, you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place. You were ready to tear down the Christmas tree and store away decor the day after the holiday; as far as you’re concerned, 2020 couldn’t come fast enough. Your main goal this month is financial cleanup and trying to hack through all those credit card bills before you have to pay additional interest.

You’ll invest in your home, especially if you’re reorganizing. New storage containers, boxes, closet organizers, and anything that makes your home more efficient is on the top of your list. While you’re practical about spending, you’ll spare no expense to ensure your continued productivity. This month, you’ll look to spend more time with your mate or spouse and quality time with the kids. Those who are single are in no rush to tie the knot. But singles are happy to establish a solid romantic connection with another.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Labradorite helps Virgo tap into the deep well of emotion and makes them more open to receiving messages from the dream realm.

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Libra Horoscope

Normally, you’re used to concentrating on at least two things at a time, given your desire for balance in all things. So, during the first week of January, narrowing down what you’ll concentrate on to just one area of your life will feel utterly foreign to you. You’ll feel tense if you have to limit your creative pursuits for the time being, at least until you get other areas of your life under control.

Your single focus for this month is on building or rebuilding tighter family bonds, thanks to your “family first,” philosophy. For you, career, finance, and romance are important, but will not take priority over you establishing a better connection with your immediate family. A windfall helps you make it through the month financially. You may use some of that money for renovations or redecorating. All your effort is in establishing a comfortable, dreamy, and lovely abode.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Emerald helps Libra become more grounded and less flighty.

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Scorpio Horoscope January 2020

Scorpio Horoscope

January is a no-nonsense month for you, Scorpio. You’ll feel you have so little time to deal with your responsibilities that anything frivolous will not only annoy you, it will have to go. Remember that old clock you’ve meant to fix for the past six months? Remember that art project you’ve meant to finish for the past two years? If you can’t find the time to do what you want, you’ll trash the project.

For you, it’s an all-business approach in January, as you look to build or redesign your existing network. You’ll base your efforts on the belief the key to success is moving in the right circles with affluent or influential people. You and your mate may consider home shopping. It’s time for the two of you to scour the market to find the perfect sacred space to invest in together. There’s plenty of energy for any task you undertake this month. It may surprise you that you both have enough pep left over for some adventurous times together.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Yellow Jade helps boost Scorpio’s confidence and master life lessons by opening their mind to ancient wisdom.

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Sagittarius Horoscope January 2020

Sagittarius Horoscope

January is not a time to throw caution to the wind, and it’s not a good period for being nonchalant. The Universe is testing your resolve to get things done. If you buckle, you’ll face one obstacle after another until you steer yourself back on course again. You’ll also discover all your risk-taking in business and investments are about to pay off and pay up big–expect promotions, partnerships, new contracts, and a higher bottom line this month. Your money situation remains exactly the way you want it since you’re a master at cash conservation. You’ve been saving up for a big-ticket purchase. If it’s a house, you’ll find that “fairy tale home front” with ease.

You’ll spend a bit more time at home, which is outside the norm for you, with your preference for being in the limelight or traveling to various places all over the world. It’s a time for reconnecting with your “home base,” your immediate family, and those who grew up with you. You may also discover a desire to reconnect with the Godhead or Universe and may embark on a new spiritual path.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Carnelian helps Sagittarius remain motivated when dealing with less-than-amusing obligations.

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Capricorn Horoscope

The first week of the month, your sense of organization, and your natural desire for being as productive as possible, along with your unshakeable ethics, makes this a fortuitous period for you. You avoid unnecessary shortcuts because you refuse to accept mediocrity. You declined to take any extra vacation days during the holiday season, knowing you’d want the extra cash to offset the financial burden. It allows you to start January off ahead of the game financially.

Your finances are not the only thing in good order. You feel you can conquer any obstacle that stands in your way by the third full week of January. It’s the perfect time to switch focus to the interior of your home. Your goal is comfort and efficiency, but it has to be a place that’s suitable for relaxation too. You refuse to sacrifice practicality for comfort, however–you demand efficiency over beauty every time. As for love, right now you prefer an open relationship. You’re still questioning if a committed relationship will serve you well or hold you back.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Red Jasper helps Capricorn explore their spiritual path and cleanse the Root Chakra.

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Aquarius Horoscope

Within the first couple of weeks of January, remember, thinking outside of the box and rebelling against tradition is one thing, but unnecessary shortcuts and cheating are another. The high road in business promises success. The alternative ensures trouble for months to come. If you stick to your moral ground, you’ll also move through the month with a solid sense of peace. You’ll feel a need to let bygones be bygones or to mend frayed relationships–it’s part of your “starting the new year with a clean slate” philosophy.

In career or relationships, you’ll have a no-pressure approach and the patience to watch things unfold without forcing it. If you’re in a committed relationship, you’ll feel distanced from the one you love while trying to bridge the communication gap between you. Early in the month, there are no financial issues, but if you take advantage of this period of balance, you’ll struggle to make ends meet toward the end of the month. Even worse, the financial struggles could lead to fighting about money with a lover.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Topaz helps Aquarius tap into their naturally altruistic nature.

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Pisces Horoscope

In January, the simple, “tried and true” path to success pleases you. While you want success and recognition just as much as everybody else, you know genuine happiness comes from remaining true to yourself. You’re looking to surround yourself with people who offer you 100 percent support. Nothing less will suffice. With every person you allow in your life now, you’ll take a “trust and verify” approach to prevent emotional injury; only the tried and true will enter your inner circle of “friends.”

You’ll try to come out of your shell, meet new people, or to be more social in general. Watch what you spend in January and take the time to put a chunk of cash away for something unexpected. You’ll need it by the end of the month to recover. If dating, you’ll have your fair share of suitors. If you’re in a relationship, temptation knocks on your door. It’s best not to answer the opportunity for an outside affair.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Celestite helps Pisces discover and maintain emotional harmony.

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