The Epic December Horoscopes 2019

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for December 2019! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.

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December Horoscope 2019 – Overview

December 2nd-3rd, transiting Mercury Sextile Pluto has us feeling on top of our game. It’s a nice reprieve from all the chaos the first three weeks of November put us through. We’ll have more than enough energy to tackle all the things we must take care of before the holidays arrive. As we socialize and work with others, people are easy to read, making personal agendas and desires predictable.

With the Venus Sextile Mars transit on December 3rd, a current love affair seems more enchanting. Singles will have a long-time admirer or encounter someone looking for real love. We should take full advantage of the higher energy levels that “euphoric love buzz” gives us. With the Sun Square Neptune influence, many of us will experience a significant energy drain, making us feel like our “get-up-and-go has got-up-and-gone.” At the root of our lack of energy is a lack of inspiration.

Our lack of enthusiasm might have to do with our perspective. If we let it rule, it will make us prone to isolation during the Venus Conjunct Saturn transit on December 11th. If we’re not careful, we’ll even come across as cruel and condescending. It is no time to overspend on those enticing holiday sales either; it leads to money problems.

The next day, when the Full Moon enters Gemini on the 12th, we change up our perspective, making our everyday life happier. During the Mars Trine Neptune influence December 12th-14th, what we’ve always wanted appears out of nowhere like a Divine gift. Our creativity levels will be at an all-time high for the month, just as our excitement for life peaks.

December 13th, Chiron goes Direct, allowing old wounds to heal and giving us a greater sense of wholeness. Then, with transiting Mars Sextile Saturn on December 18th-21st, we’ll have all the stamina we need to ready ourselves for the busy holidays. We’ll have enough energy left over also to conquer our objectives when chasing down our dreams.

On Winter Solstice December 22nd, the Sun enters Capricorn. It triggers a sense of nostalgia. Many of us will make serious decisions about how we’ll use the year ahead for self-improvement in every aspect of life. The same day, there’s a Venus Square Uranus influence, which may put as at odds with an existing romantic partner if the relationship is already under strain. For those of us in healthy relationships, this period is smooth.

On the 24th-25th, there’s a Sun Trine Uranus influence. Now we can tap into our psychic senses with greater ease. Our creative muse speaks to us uninhibited. Supportive and loving family and friends make the holidays memorable. The 26th, there’s a New Moon in Capricorn. Many of us will seek the acknowledgment of others or attempt to justify how we’re feeling by getting others to take our side. December 30-31st, the Mercury Trine Uranus influence guides us into 2020. On New Year’s Eve, many of us will spend time with entertaining people. We’ll consider all the possibilities the New Year brings.

December Horoscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

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Aries Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, you’ll feel philosophical, Aries, and consider how you got where you are now. Instead of diving headlong into the fray, you’ll reminisce and contemplate on self-discipline. You’ll have more zeal in a current romantic relationship during the Venus sextile Mars transit on the 3rd. You let your guard down on the 7th-8th, leaving you vulnerable to untrustworthy people.

On December 11th, you’ll mull over some hurtful memories or your romantic partner may say or do something that wounds you. On the 12th, with the Full Moon in Gemini, you’ll be looking to up things a notch by doing exciting things. It’s also a period where you’ll seek like-minded folks so you can talk up your favorite topics. December 13th, Chiron goes Direct, leaving you to feel more self-assured.

The Mars Trine Neptune transit December 12th-14th intensifies your creative musings. You’ll attend several social events. The Mars Sextile Saturn transit on December 18th-21st increases your energy levels.

On Winter Solstice on the 22nd, you and your significant other achieve a delicate balance between spending time together while also allowing each other independence. The Sun Trine Uranus influence on the 24th-25th, you’re comfortable just being yourself when spending time with relatives and friends.

The New Moon enters Capricorn on the 26th. It helps you keep any emotionality under control. December 30th-31st, the connection between you and the Universe is almost tangible. You’ll satiate an undying curiosity within you.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Amethyst helps you remain sound of mind.

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Taurus Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, you’ll have no trouble convincing others to follow your lead, Taurus. It’s a period where it is easy to get along with coworkers, friends, or your mate. December 7th-8th, you’ll feel insecure or as if all eyes are on you. December 11th, you’ll face a situation where someone does not support you or betrays your kindness-the lesson may be a karmic one. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 12th, pre-holiday tensions rise. Arguments ensue if you don’t keep your bullish mood in check.

Chiron goes Direct December 13th. It’s a period where you can look to the future after healing issues once limiting your self-love and sense of worth. During the Mars Trine Neptune influence December 12th-14th you’re not one to be a bystander in the face of ignorance. December 18th-21st, work colleagues respect you more than you know.

On Winter Solstice December 22nd, your romantic life is unstable. There’s just too much energy and excitement. The 24th-25th, gift recipients will remember the extra time you spend buying and wrapping gifts. With the New Moon in Capricorn on the 26th, you’ll remain level-headed even amid post-holiday chaos. The 30th-31st, you’ll want to spend the evenings at home having some good old-fashioned fun. Gather the family around. Break out some board games.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Turquoise helps you find inner peace during the chaotic energies that arise pre-holidays.

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Gemini Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, take it easy when voicing your opinion, Gemini. It’s acceptable to voice your concerns, but you don’t have to hit people over the head with a hammer to do it. On the 3rd, there’s also a Venus Sextile Mars transit making it the perfect time to promote yourself for a position at work. Remember to break your famous charms. December 7th-8th, someone tries to get the best of you in an argument. Now’s the time to let your opinion fly without regard to what others think.

With the Venus Conjunct Saturn transit on December 11th, being alone proves more enticing than chatting it up with friends. Not to worry, the next day the Full Moon is in your sign, giving you a super-fast energy boost. The 13th, journal writing helps you heal emotions.

December 12th-14th, the Mars Trine Neptune influence triggers a desire to explore different spiritual paths so you can challenge and strengthen your convictions. On the 18th-21st, transiting Mars Sextile Saturn contributes to relationship difficulties, especially if you ignore your partner’s concerns about how flirtatious you can be. Then, on December 22nd, work is comforting. There’s no trouble keeping your emotions in check. The Venus Square Uranus transit heightens spontaneity.

On the 24th-25th, you’ll spend the holidays with extraordinary people who appreciate all your eccentricities. The 26th, with the New Moon in Capricorn, it’s a period where you want to spend time in the arms of someone who makes you feel secure. The 30th-31st, you’ll spend the day thinking about the future of your relationships and career.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Bloodstone helps you maintain a balanced disposition.

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Cancer Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, you’ll empathize with others who are going through a difficult situation. Because you can relate, you’ll offer much-needed emotional support. December 3rd, your insecurity has you seeking constant reassurance from your mate. If you’re single, you’ll stop pining away for unrequited love. December 7th-8th, you’ll sense a growing desire to be of service to others.

December 11th, transiting Venus Conjunct Saturn, you’ll feel anxious when you and your mate spend too much time apart. During the Full Moon in Gemini on the 12th, it’s a period where you do everything you can to keep your mind distracted. Reorganizing everything from the closets to the home office will do the trick. On the 13th, Chiron goes Direct, allowing you to put closure to emotional wounds stemming from childhood.

On December 12th-14th, you need to nurture other-you fulfill the need when standing up for the defenseless. Then, December 18th-21st, as much as you’d rather avoid the spotlight, you won’t be able to at work. On December 22nd, the energetic influence has you feeling bold. The Venus Square Uranus transit on the same day has you wanting more quality time with your romantic partner. If you’re single, you’ll seek the companionship of genuine people.

The holidays are blissful. On the 24th-25th, you’ll get along well with everyone, even if you were at odds. On the 26th, some festering emotions threaten to rise to the surface of your consciousness, but you refuse to expose others to your unruly feelings. December 30th-31st, when attending a social gathering, you’ll be more quiet than usual.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Garnet helps you manifest your deepest desires.

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Leo Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, transiting Mercury Sextile Pluto brings a period where you’ll appreciate what others have to say. On the 3rd, there’s also a Venus Sextile Mars transit which will have your mate seeing you as a playful as a kitten. If you’re dating, there’s serious chemistry between you and another. On the 7th-8th, you’ll turn your attention toward your mate, family, or other loved ones. The emotional connections you make re-energize you.

During the Venus Conjunct Saturn transit on the 11th, you’ll not only redefine your convictions, but you’ll feel even stronger about them than ever before. With the Full Moon in Gemini, you’re more persuasive. On the 13th, you’ll feel like a weight lifts off your back once you let go of old emotional hang-ups. Your passion for all life offers renews. December 12th-14th, people love being around you.

December 18th-21st, your determination to get things done might get you in a bind if you push too hard. If you exhaust yourself now, you won’t be able to enjoy yourself later. On Winter Solstice December 22nd, someone will surprise you with an unexpected, early, holiday gift. On the 24th-25th, there’s a euphoric feeling you get every time something in your environment triggers a flash of inspiration. December 26th, any volatile emotional conditions disappear considering your ever-growing self-confidence. Then, on the 30th-31st, as the clock approaches midnight, your excitement for the New Year increases minute-by-minute.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Stilbite helps achieve as a state of inner harmony.

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Virgo Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, you are alluring. Intuition spikes. Self-reliance makes you feel stronger. On the 3rd, you can put your project into motion after spending many weeks of careful planning. The 7th-8th, your general sense of well-being is not where you’d like it to be. You may have back problems or difficulty with your ankles or feet. You’ll examine the strength of your support system.

On December 11th, you’ll take the chance on romanticizing a platonic relationship because friends can make exceptional lovers. December 12th, your strongest attributes are your flexibility and resourcefulness. On December 13th, when Chiron goes Direct, you’ll obsess less over little imperfections, and you’ll be more compassionate with yourself as you embrace your humanness.

A Mars Trine Neptune transit on the 12th-14th triggers your desire to be of service to the greater community. You’ll also have a desire to release your long-stifled creativity. The 18th-21st, you may have more than a couple of events to attend. December 22nd, on Winter Solstice, there’s a growing sense of excitement as you prepare for the transition into the New Year.

The 24th-25th of December, you pull off holiday events without a hitch. All your pre-holiday planning pays off. On the 26th with the New Moon in Capricorn, you’re ready to return to work so you can get yourself ahead of the game. The last two days of the year, you can expect to hear some excellent news about the year to come.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Tektite helps you master the lessons you should learn in this lifetime while on your soul’s journey.

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Libra Horoscope

The first few days of December, you’re feeling the need to dig into a situation or to do some research. The truth is within your grasp. On the 3rd, your ruling planet joins forces with Mars, making you unusually talkative, flirtatious, and engaging. The 7th-8th of the month, you’ll be able to capture your audience’s attention because you are genuine when sharing your life story.

December 11th, you want to finish the last of your holiday shopping. Your never-ending desire to keep things in balance clashes with your generosity with buying gifts for others. On the 12th, you become more aloof. It makes others step back when you come across as fickle and domineering. December 13th, you’ll feel it’s a lot easier to find that happy medium feeling now since Chiron goes Direct.

From the 12th-14th, transition Mars Trine Neptune you may stick your neck out for someone you love. On the 18th-21st, you’ll want to do hands-on work. Then, on the 22nd, your existing partner feels jealous because of how flirty you behave around others in social settings-a little consideration, and reassurance goes a long way in mending the problem.

The 24th-25th, you’re the traditional social butterfly as you mingle with friends and family during holiday celebrations. On the 26th, you’re looking to help others in need. The 30th-31st, the messages the Universe is sending comes in loud and clear. Pay close attention to dreams now.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Kyanite helps you conquer old emotional wounds holding you back from living the life you desire.

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Scorpio Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, any problems you’ve had in the recent past seem to melt away. The period restores a sense of balance within you. Your intuition peaks, making it easy for you to connect with others and the Universe. A Venus Sextile Mars transit on the 3rd heightens your desire for romantic interludes with your existing lover or a new partner. The 7th-8th, you’ll turn your attention to your spiritual progression.

On the 11th with the Venus Conjunct Saturn transit, you’ll have trouble producing the right words to tell someone how much you care. December 12th, with the Full Moon in Gemini, you’ll make progress in ironing out an issue at work. When Chiron goes Direct on the 13th, you acknowledge the healing of emotional wounds that had you distrusting your intuition. From the 12th-14th, your passionate motivation at work has others wanting to emulate you. On the 18th-21st, an existing romance has you feeling smitten. If your single, you’ll long for a full-time partner. With the Venus Square Uranus transit on Winter Solstice, the good vibes between you and your mate continue.

The 24th-25th of December are days of good fortune. You’ll travel to spend time with distant friends and relatives, or they’ll travel to see you. On the 26th, with the New Moon in Capricorn, you’ll spend the day making plans for the new year and defining what you’ll accept in your life. December 30th-31st, during the Mercury Trine Uranus transit, your mind is sharp.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Jade helps you achieve inner tranquility while enhancing your meditation sessions.

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Sagittarius Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, there’s a great deal of trust between you and another. Sharing your thoughts with another takes a weight off your shoulders. On the 3rd, the Venus Sextile Mars influence, you’re charismatic, playful, and creative. When trying to sell your point of view, you’ll have no trouble doing so. The Sun Square Neptune transit on the 7th-8th starts a period where you won’t have as much as you usually do.

December 11th, you may hear from a friend you haven’t heard from in a long time. Forgiveness has some karmic lesson for you. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 12th has you spending time with family members or your closest friends. Your mood, however, swings from one extreme to another.

On the 13th, you’re more productive at work than you have been in a long while-it’s because you have a better attitude about the job. December 12th-14th there’s a Mars Trine Neptune influence which turns your focus on the arts and music. December 18th-21st you’ll have a boost of energy.

December 22nd a desire to enjoy the companionship of others. You accept a last-minute invitation to a social event. The 24th-25th, transiting Sun Trine Uranus promises plenty of excitement and happy moments with friends and family. On the 26th, your relaxed demeanor help you get through some otherwise chaotic moments. December 30th-31st, you’ll be buzzing with brilliant ideas about what you can manifest come 2020.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Citron helps you open yourself to forgiveness, compassion, and love.

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Capricorn Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, transiting Mercury Sextile Pluto has you even more opinionated than usual. The Venus Sextile Mars transit on December 3rd heightens your desire for a romantic interlude. Then, on the 7th-8th, you’ll have little patience for people who don’t pull through or fulfill their promises.

With the Venus Conjunct Saturn influence on the 11th, old emotional wounds rear their ugly head as if to have a last go around with you. It’s a period where something tests your even-temper at its core. The 12th, you’re in a fantastic mood but are a little restless because of a sudden influx of energy. On the 13th Chiron goes Direct-it will have you turning your attentions outward and beyond yourself. From December 12th-14th, you’ll share sensual, intimate moments with your lover. If you’re single, you’ll attract charming individuals who find the attraction mutual.

December 18th-20th, during the Mars Sextile Saturn transit, you earn the respect and recognition of your peers because of your reliability. On Winter Solstice the 22nd, during the Venus Square Uranus transit you attract unusual people into your life. It’s a chance to experience a part of life through a different lens.

December 24th-25th, the good vibes on the holiday will excite and inspire your inner muse. On the 26th, the New Moon in your sign has you thinking about potential business ventures to launch in 2020 and what steps you’ll need to take to get things off the ground. New Year’s Eve, your senses, both physical and psychic, are on supercharge. New ideas stir high hopes for a promising future.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Sardonyx helps you celebrate love in your life and improves the health of all relationships.

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Aquarius Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, you have a way with words that make others not only willing to listen but wanting to hang onto every word you say. Your approachable and friendly personality proves attractive. On the 3rd, you and your significant other are happy, playful, and compassionate with one another. If single, you’ll discover excellent chemistry with another and consider taking the relationship to a more serious level.

December 7th-8th brings transiting Sun Square Neptune influences which call for you having to be honest in all your affairs. It’s best to avoid contractual agreements now. December 11th, though typically social and appreciating a large circle of friends, you’re still a bit distrusting. The 12th, you’ll feel the total opposite and look to reengage with people you’ve alienated.

December 13th, the sense of “not quite fitting in” dissipates. You won’t feel so out in left field. From the 12th-14th, there’s a focus on spiritual pursuits. You’ll look to improve your progress on your spiritual path come 2020, making new age, holistic, and even esoteric studies part of your agenda. The 18th-21st, if you’re angry at someone, you’ll release the anger and forgive.

December 22nd, you’ll want to express your individuality. The 24th-25th, you’ll feel those around you embrace the “authentic you.” On the 26th, your friends or significant other will reassure you by showing how much they respect your boundaries. On the 30th-31st, it’s easy to resolve outstanding issues at work or home.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Magnesite helps you remain centered, grounded, and calm.

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Pisces Horoscope

December 2nd-3rd, during the Mercury Sextile Pluto transit, all communications you have with a friend or significant other are thought-provoking. On the 3rd, the Venus Sextile Mars influence has you ready to come out of your emotional shell. Then, on the 7th-8th of December, your disposition is joyful, especially when you have an opportunity to create.

On December 11th, Venus Conjunct Saturn, what you’re feeling on the inside plays a huge role in how you engage with others. Try to maintain a positive perspective. It’s easier to balance your mood on the 12th with the Full Moon in Gemini. December 13th, if you feel as if you have faltered on your spiritual path, you’ll be ready to begin again and work toward spiritual progression.

From the 12th-14th, you’re dreamy and fantasize about future romance. Then, on December 18th-21st, you avoid all conflicts. The 22nd, there’s plenty of excitement and good cheer-you may attend one or more social events now.

The 25th-26th, your psychic senses are on high alert. You’ll have no trouble sensing what others need to remain calm and satisfied. It’s a period where you may finish the sentences other people start or know just how to ease a high-stress situation. On December 26th, it’s a period of emotional balance and relaxation. On the 30th-31st, it’s easy to get along with anyone you encounter.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Pink Aventurine helps you discover your true creative talents.

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