The Epic July Horoscope 2019

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for July 2019! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.

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July Horoscope 2019 – Overview

The 1st-2nd of July, we’re excited about summer prospects! Fun in the sun: It remains our focus, and we’re looking to enjoy family picnics, fireworks, and every moment we can celebrate life! Early in July, we’ll begin thinking realistically about our dreams and how to make them tangible, thanks to the Saturn Sextile Neptune Transit. Then, July 1st-7th, a Mercury Conjunct Mars Transit has our minds buzzing with all the things we want to accomplish; we’ll feel ready to take on whatever challenge awaits.

On July 7th-9th, transiting Venus Sextile Uranus has us socializing and looking for deeper connections with those we love. But, the 7th also brings the second Mercury Retrograde period for 2019; it lasts three weeks, until the Planet goes Direct on August 1st. It’s time for looking back at your childhood and sharing a few memories, but not a great time for starting new relationships. July 8th, Chiron also goes Retrograde, giving us all a chance to resolve old emotional injuries; this will be an underlying theme each month until Chiron goes Direct in mid-December.

On July 11th, the Mars Squares Uranus causes anything restricting to irritate us; when expected to conform, we’ll want to push the limits. July 14th, when the Sun Opposes Pluto, we feel less sure of ourselves; this insecurity affects how we interact with everyone we encounter. July 16th, the Full Moon enters Capricorn, casting a shadow over self-confidence. We’ll often second-guess ourselves when making decisions.

The next day, with a Venus Oppose Saturn Transit, we’ll look for greater intimacy in a love affair. The 21st, we’ll struggle with the way we express ourselves. We’re scattered or restless, thanks to the Sun Conjunct Mercury Transit. Come July 29th, a Sun Square Uranus Transitour mood lightens; we can sense an energetic change too, especially with Mercury’s retrograde drawing close to an end.

July Horoscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

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Aries Horoscope

July 1st, you’re thinking about how to launch a work project with greater efficiency. Optimism rules the day. July 1st-7th, you tap into your quick wit when you need it the most. You’ll take on the role of a protector when coming to the aid of another.

From the 7th-9th, everything seems exciting and a bit chaotic all at once. It stimulates your sharp mind and gives you a creative edge. Be careful with communication and remain direct when speaking. On July 11th, you’ll struggle with a romantic partner or a family member; no matter how hard you try, you just can’t see eye-to-eye. July 14th, try to keep an open mind in a situation where being stubborn seems all too easy. When the Full Moon arrives, you’ll have a better time with work if you just loosen up a little bit.

The 17th, you’ll feel like you’re dragging your feet. It’s a day where you’d rather reminisce than work. July 21st, your alert, and spot-on when identifying problems. You’re even quicker with clever solutions. Then, July 29th, you’ll start to unwind from the energetic tension you’ve built up the last few weeks.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Garnet is an exceptional stone for protection and to contribute to emotional healing.

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Taurus Horoscope

July 1st-2nd, you’re feeling grounded and centered. Having been out-of-touch with your spiritual center, you’ll explore your role in the Universe. The 1st-7th, you’ll feel on edge. If someone irritates you, your normally calm demeanor may disappear. Don’t let someone wave a “red flag” and set you on a tirade, Taurus.

From the 7th-9th, your eye for beauty comes out in your artistic endeavors; you’ll have a natural draw to landscapes and skyscapes. When Mercury goes Retrograde, you may find it more difficult to express your emotions with a lover. Be careful how and where you store electronic documents too, or you’ll risk losing them.

On July 11th, you and your mate experience a breakthrough; if things have been stagnating, an injection of new energy and a positive outlook revives the relationship. On July 14th, jealousies arise in a love affair, even if there is no ground for such feelings. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 16th has you feeling nervous about expressing yourself in social situations.

July 17th, you’re feeling gloomy and for unexplainable reasons. The 21st, there’s an energetic pick-me-up underway, where you start to finish work or chores you’ve put off. You’ll experience a mild rollercoaster effect with emotions until the 29th when you steady yourself again.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aventurine helps you manage the more stressful periods during the month and maintain a calm mind.

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Gemini Horoscope

July 1st-2nd, you’re more “in balance” than usual. There’s no trouble delaying gratification with personal projects: You’re willing to wait to see things through to completion. From July 1st-7th, you’re defensive. Instead of letting someone see your vulnerability, you’ll “take flight” and seek isolation.

On July 7th-9th, you’re drawing like-minded people to you, and looking to make real, lasting connections. With Chiron’s retrograde, you’ll start working out old emotional issues. July 11th, you want to have plain old, ordinary fun. You might take an impromptu day or two off work just to hit the beach. July 14th, there’re problems with electronics, home appliances, or your vehicle. On the Full Moon, others try to pressure you into doing something against your better judgment; stand strong and stick to your values.

The 17th brings struggles with romance and, even if you’re in a relationship, you feel lonely and unloved. The 21st, your practical and more level-headed than you have been the last few days. July 29th, you’ll feel the final effects of Mercury Retrograde as those around you behave in unexpected and erratic ways.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Poppy Jasper can help you keep your energy levels high even when you’re under pressure.

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Cancer Horoscope

The first couple of days in July, there’s a chance to mentor someone; share your personal experiences and wisdom–it’s an opportunity to pay it forward. From July 1st-7th, all your bottled-up emotions are threatening to rise to the surface. You’ll spend much of the week skirting conflict and trying to keep unruly emotions under control. From the 7th-9th, you’re less introverted than usual; just be careful when communicating with others to avoid any confusion.

July 11th, instead of crawling into a figurative shell when things get heated, you’ll finally release all your pent-up emotions. It’s time to demand your lover tunes in and really listens to what you have to say. On the 14th, you’ll find yourself resisting upcoming changes which are for the better.

July’s Full Moon has you shining at work when others recognize your true talents. A day later, your mood brings you down. You’ll prefer being alone until the 21st when you’re looking to hang out with close family and friends for a little social support. If you’re thinking about doing some household repairs on the 29th, it’s better to call in the professionals.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Hematite helps you remain calm and centered when faced with conflict.

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Leo Horoscope

On June 1st, someone younger than you looks to you for your advice–they seek to emulate your success and look up to you as a role model. From July 1st-7th, you’re looking to put your skills to use; if not involved with an existing project, you might consider undertaking a new hobby or getting involved with some charity work.

On the 7th-9th, you’ll be the light of every social gathering; if you’re single, you’ll meet a new romantic partner. Don’t get too attached–with Mercury Retrograde in action, it’s not likely the love affair will last. July 11th, there’s excitement and a touch of anxiety within you; it leaves you feeling edgy. Watch out, or your emotions may lead to rash actions. July 14th, you’ll experience an awakening in which you recognize your recent actions have not been serving you very well; you’ll look to make some serious and positive changes.

The Full Moon in July has you reaching out to others for their opinion, but you aren’t really interested in their thoughts on the matter. You just want to have someone support your philosophy. Then, you’re feeling like someone has stolen the last bit of energy you have on the 17th; it’s a good day to take it easy. July 21st, you’ll feel a lot more energetic and ready to get back to taking care of business. The 29th, problems with appliances or electronics crop up; get a second opinion before trying to fix it on your own.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Onyx helps you tune into your intuition and promotes happiness.

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Virgo Horoscope

The Saturn Sextile Neptune Transit has you all dreamy and distracted on July 1st. You’re thinking about how you can integrate your spirituality into your daily existence. From the 1st-7th, challenging your mind makes for a fulfilling pastime; word searches, riddles, and puzzles will appeal to your analytical mind.
July 7th-9th, you’ll meet someone who is interested in making a romantic connection. Neither of you is ready for real commitment. Old emotional hurts you’ve been hiding for years come bubbling to the surface now. On July 11th, you’re feeling creative and energetic. It’s time for finding innovative solutions to problems at work. Then, on July 14th, you’ll have a better time going with the flow when you stop trying to micromanage everything.
The Full Moon in Capricorn has you questioning your own values when you should really put your full trust in your intuition. The 17th, you’ll struggle to keep your emotions from ruling your head; it’s a day to keep your nose to the grindstone at work. The 21st is an exceptional day for business meetings, making plans, or finishing existing projects. The 29th, you’re still struggling with keeping a cap on your emotions; if you’re going to avoid problems, make every effort not to lose control.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Labradorite helps you access the dream realm and receive messages from dreams.

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Libra Horoscope

On July 1st, you’ll look to live more mindful and in the moment. From July 1st-7th, you’ll have an easy time solving problems. Your natural sense of balance and your auric profile may rub people the wrong way, especially when they are out of balance themselves.

From the 7th-9th, you’re drawn to those who have a flighty nature. You’re more chatty than usual; be careful not to say anything another might misconstrue as it will only lead to unnecessary conflict.

On July 11th, you’re looking to maintain balance when the energetic influence has you feeling flighty. Someone at work pushes your buttons and you’ll have trouble remaining diplomatic. July 14th, someone says something off-hand which diminishes your self-confidence. Consider what the person is saying and use it as constructive criticism.

On the Full Moon in July you’ll want to help your friends, family, or you’ll want your lover to let you take care of things for a while. You feel far better about yourself when you feel useful. The 17th, you’ll spend the day balancing your budget and dealing with unpaid bills. By July 21st, your schedule is full and your mind buzzing with everything you need to accomplish. Call on your natural diplomacy come the 29th to avoid potential disagreements.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Malachite helps promote peace and balance within.

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Scorpio Horoscope

Although you love your privacy, Scorpio, July 1st-2nd a need to help others is stirring within. You’re looking to find ways to help friends, neighbors, family, or colleagues. From July 1st-7th, you’re ready to stand tall in the face of any and all opposition, whether someone is harassing you or another. July 7th-9th, you feel wild and free. You’re looking to connect with those of a similar mindset. If in an existing love affair, it’s time to turn up the heat. July 11th, you look for positive ways to channel all your extra energy. You may engage in creative pastimes or take up a new sport.

On July 14th, you find new rules at work uncomfortable. Over the long term, the changes make for a better atmosphere. The Full Moon has you retreating a bit and preferring isolation; it allows you to maintain your sense of true North. On July 17th, you’re seeing your actions more clearly, especially when it comes to your interactions with a lover: It gives you an opportunity to improve your relationship. The 21st, you’re as busy as a bee at work and home; you’ll have little time to let restless energy get the best of you. July 29th, you’ll unwind as energies shift, allowing you to let down your guard.
Healing Crystals & Stones: Turquoise helps you achieve success in business and love.

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Sagittarius Horoscope

On June 1st-2nd, you’re looking to engage with others of like mind. You may become an advocate for those who are less fortunate through voluntary work or fundraising for charity. From the 1st-7th, you are at the ready to dive into risky situations where tensions are high. You’re a role model in the face of chaotic conditions. From the 7th-9th, if you’re single, you may find the love of your life, especially when you’re seeking an adventurous, free soul. If you’re in an existing relationship, you’ll establish one or more lasting friendships with like-minded people.

July 11th, you have a distaste for regulations at work, but you’ll adhere to them all the same. It’s a good time to bite your tongue and keep your true feelings to yourself. July 14th, you’ll make big changes around health and fitness.

This month’s Full Moon has you rethinking any risks you might take without a second thought otherwise. Then, the 17th, you’ll set your mind on the practical and look to tackle things you’ve been putting off around the house. The 21st is a day to deal with documents and communications of all kind; you’ll catch up with those you haven’t spoken to in a while. The 29th, you’ll remain diplomatic, so doing helps you avoid potential arguments.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Lapis Lazuli helps you tune into your psychic senses and heighten awareness.

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Capricorn Horoscope

June 1st-2nd has you planning and implementing home improvements. You’re normally level-headed approach will serve you well when dealing with conflict and unexpected confrontations from the 1st-7th. From the 7th-9th, you let a little bit of your wild side out. It attracts those who are independent and free-willed, allowing you to make some lasting and eccentric connections.

On July 11th, you embrace and express your full independence. On July 14th, you’re looking for ways to make your every-day life feel more fulfilling; you also try to intensify your relationship with an existing mate or to find a new love.

On the 16th, you feel like you’re on top of your game. Your mind is clear, and any illusions fade away, leaving you with a clear sense of where you’re headed in business. Romantically, the lunar energies stir up the fires of passion. On the 17th, it’s best to avoid any problems at work or in relationships. The 21st is a better day for addressing relationship issues because your partner is more willing to talk. The 29th, you may consider taking a mini vacation just to get away from it all.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Peridot helps promote success and peace of mind.

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Aquarius Horoscope

July 1st-2nd, you’re interested in deepening your knowledge of the mysteries. You’ll take a practical approach to your studies and create a step-by-step plan for your esoteric and spiritual development. Your intellect rules when conditions may otherwise trigger an angry response from the 1st-7th. From July 7th-9th, if you’re in an existing relationship, you may change your mind about what commitment means. You’ll consider settling down with the one you love. If single, real and lasting love is in the offing.

On July 11th, if you need to express pent-up feelings, do it with someone you love and trust in a private environment. You don’t want your most intense emotions to fall on deaf ears or have others criticize you for feeling a certain way. July 14th, you’re looking to draw closer to your immediate family.

The Full Moon has you desiring the carefree days of your youth, but you won’t let it influence your commitment or focus at work. The 17th, you’ll feel the need for quiet time just so you can clear your head: A walk in nature will help. June 21st, you, and your lover have a sit down to discuss what the future holds. July 29th, trouble in love rears its ugly head, but if you remain open to all possibilities, you’ll find a way through this trying time.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Amber promotes a calm mind and helps soothe frayed nerves.

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Pisces Horoscope

June 1st-2nd, you’ll develop a clearer picture of the spiritual progress you want to make over the course of the next year. You may vow greater self-discipline when pursuing spiritual knowledge. Those you know who are often friendly and warm seem anxious and cranky. You’ll turn to introversion to find a safe place to hideaway from potential conflict.

From the 7th-9th, you’ll develop new friendships, but may shy away from romance. With Chiron’s retrograde on the 8th, you’re swimming the waters of your emotional world and looking for closure to conditions that have otherwise haunted you.

On July 11th, you take the “safe road” in all you do, whether it’s work or play. You’re feeling scattered and restless–the unsteadiness has you heeding every caution so you can avoid disastrous consequences. Then, July 14th, you and a close friend draw even closer by making it through a difficult event together.

The Full Moon in Capricorn has you second-guessing your abilities. Believe in yourself and you’ll shine, especially when trying to get others to take notice of your abilities at work. Your natural introversion will have you drawing away from others on the 17th, including your lover. You’d rather think all by yourself. You’ll be far more social and talkative on the 21st. Then, July 29th, you’re looking to make significant changes in your life, all to boost your self-confidence and improve your general wellbeing.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Rhodochrosite helps you deal with and heal long-held emotional wounds.

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