Tarotscopes for July 2019

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscopes and astrology overview for July 2019! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!

The Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

July Tarotscopes 2019 – Overview – Queen of Cups (Reversed)

Perfect timing: This month we’re expressing our independence. It’s right on time for the Fourth of July! We’re free and wild spirits! The Queen of Cups is “The Queen of the Throne of the Waters.” She corresponds with Binah (understanding) on the Tree of Life. The card’s reversal suggests a time where we focus more on physical senses than intuitive abilities. Our strength is at an all-time high. But we come across as inflexible to others.

We’ll spend a bit of time alone: An isolation of our choosing. When we do interact with others, we’ll put up walls stressing independence over group collaboration. We are the single red rose in the Queens’ garden of white roses in “Alice in Wonderland.” July’s energies call on our inner child and urge us not to fear coloring outside the lines! The Queen of Cup’s reversal suggests something within us stirs up our non-conformist attitude. We’re open to the personal opinions of others, but only to the extent of taking what we find useful. Anything else falls on deaf ears.

We want to have fun and don’t want to be bogged down by responsibilities. Any projects we take on now are likely short-term. We’re looking to bask in the warm summer sun while enjoying the height of the season. Finally, it’s our chance to run wild and free.

Affirmation: “I embrace my individuality.”

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July Tarotscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): Ace of Swords (Reversed)

The Ace of Swords is “The Root of the Powers of Air.” It corresponds with Kether on the Tree of Life or the “Crown,” which references all things above human understanding. The card’s reversal suggests a time of caution, but victory is also ahead. Consider those things “not yet seen” or within your vision.

The card’s reversal features a crown slipping away from the top of a sword. The double-edged blade has one side which cuts away at all that’s “untrue.” The symbolism here is you may sell yourself short, fail in predicting outcomes, miss important details, or pay karmic repercussions for past actions.

The mountains in the Ace of Swords are beneath the card when upright. Reversed, the card shows mountains upside down and delivering a crushing weight. Your spirit feels crushed or you’re emotions are weighing you down. You may feel a growing sense of anxiousness or anticipation.

During July, be careful with every word, action, thought, and deed, Aries. Not one who cares for obstacles, frustration grows, particularly with your career and love relationships. “Don’t let your temper get the best of you.” Find the silver lining in all the chaos, and you’ll soon see the dark clouds rolling out into the distant horizon.

Affirmation: “Temporary setbacks are lessons helping develop my strength and character.”

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The Temperance Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Temperance

Temperance is “The Daughter of the Reconcilers.” The card aligns with the 15th letter in the Hebrew alphabet, “Samekh. The letter’s design depicts a “support” or “prop” symbolizing the link between the heavens with earth, or the base of the spine with the crown, and rising energies of the Kundalini. Temperance depicts an angel with one foot in the water and the other on land (linking the rational and emotional realms). The angel holds two chalices while transferring liquid from one to the other, all in mid-air, without spilling a drop.

July’s energies inject harmonious energies into day-to-day activities, despite Mercury retrogrades chaotic presence. You’re in tune with the Divine. Inspiration and creativity run high. You’ll spend a lot of time smiling while recognizing even the smallest miracles in life. Spiritual growth becomes a top priority. Plus, opportunities appear in your career and your love life for growth and advancement.

Taurus, your psychic senses are on overdrive this month. Expect many dream messages or waking visions during meditations. Use your intuition to gauge the temperature of emotional conditions in relationships. If you’ve been holding a grudge or two, consider forgiveness. Liberate yourself from emotional baggage. You’ll put more focus on your physical well-being by starting a new, more “balanced” diet and engaging in “moderate” exercise.

Affirmation: “Moderation is the key to remaining in balance.”

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The Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

(Gemini May 21 – Jun 21): Four of Swords

The Four of Swords is “The Lord of Rest from Strife.” It aligns with the sphere Chesed (kindness) on the Tree of Life, which signifies expansion and growth. The card depicts a person at rest with prayer hands pointing upward. This month signifies a period of recovery, rest, and restoration.

This month there’s a focus on peace and tranquility. Embrace it. If you insist on going “against the tide,” and fighting the energies now, you end up restless and “waiting for the other shoe to drop.” Just as you should put off starting things during Mercury retrograde, the Four of Swords suggests this is a period for putting things on hold. Don’t make any major decisions.

Be still. Make the most of this quiet period. Reexamine yourself and your inner world. Regarding your love life, this is no time for significant changes. If you’re uncertain if you’re with the right person, meditation and prayer help find clarity.

As for work, keep your nose to the grindstone and remain productive. July is no time for extremes, Gemini. Keep your communications open and light. Be careful when choosing your words as not everyone will get the gist of what you’re saying all the time. Be empathetic with family, friends, and a lover.

Affirmation: “In the stillness, I find answers and guidance.”

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The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): The High Priestess

The High Priestess is “The Priestess of the Silver Star.” The card corresponds “Gimel” in the Hebrew alphabet. The glyph for Gimel symbolizes a camel. Since the camel relates moving from one point to another, it signifies “linking” and “connection.” Indeed, The High Priestess “links” the physical and spiritual realms: She holds knowledge from both.

For July, The High Priestess tells of a time of balance. Despite Mercury retrograde’s entrance, you’ll keep your wits about you. Others may look to you for guidance, all the while wondering how you stay so amazingly calm amid chaos. Of course, the secret to your poise is your intuition.

The Divine works through you. In July, you’ll see this connection manifest through sudden epiphanies, and lightning strikes of inspiration. Acting on what inspires you causes “the magic” to happen, wherein you bring into physical manifestation what is solely in the realm of thought. You’re the Law of Attraction in action!

In love, the unity you feel with your lover elicits euphoria. If you’re looking for love, you attract it. Any emotional insecurities you have you’ll cast to the wayside. You’ll also experience a growing interest in the mysteries.

Affirmation: “I am in control and remain in balance.”

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The Sun Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): The Sun (Reversed)

The Sun is “The Lord of the Fire of the World.” It corresponds with “Resh,” in the Hebrew alphabet, referencing illumination and the totality of the universe. The Sun, depicting a smiling child on a white horse, a line of Sunflowers and the Sun beaming down over everything is a card representing growth, expansion, and renewal. Its appearance, even with its reversal, promises “sunny days ahead,” “a sunny disposition,” and a chance to get your moment in the sun.

Despite the confusing times Mercury retrograde promises, the sun shines right through those clouds for you, Leo. You’ll see things with clarity with all conditions transparent. It saves you much trouble when communicating with others.

During the sun-filled days in July, if you’re not spending time doing laps in the pool, you’ll spend time out in nature getting some low impact exercise. A new wardrobe, hairstyle, or a complete makeover leads to continuous “feel good” vibes this month.

The only warning for the month is to make sure you remain in tune with others. Not everyone will have a good time. Flaunting successes now, make others envious or bitter.

Affirmation: “I come into my full power through enlightenment.”

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The Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Ten of Pentacles is “The Lord of Wealth.” It aligns with Malkuth, the bottommost sphere on the Tree of Life. “Malkuth,” means “kingdom” or “realm.” It references the physical body and world. Upright, the card depicts satisfaction with a life well lived; it’s reversal points to several difficulties coming up in July.

For some reason, you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture, Virgo. Either you’ve been obsessing over the small details, or you’ve given up control by taking on a victim mentality. Here, when doing a life review, you may have regrets, focus on lost loyalties, and put all your attention on your failures instead of successes. You’re spending time just existing and not living.

You have forgotten that co-creator reality with the Universe. In career and love, you’ll face a standstill with no progress or growth. Your refusal to take responsibility for what you can change has you facing insurmountable obstacles. It is the Universe’s way to tell you “Wake up and live!”

The Ten of Pentacles’ reversal suggests you’re feeling a complete disconnect with others, the world, and the cosmos. As you view things now, everything boils down to chance and being in the right place at the right time. With this perspective, there’s little question your heading for trouble down the road.

Affirmation: “I maintain power by controlling my actions and reactions.”

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The Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups is “The Root of the Powers of Water.” It corresponds with Kether on the Tree of Life. The card depicts the hand of God holding a chalice. Five streams of water pour from the cup, symbolizing the tactile senses. Lotuses blossom and rest above the water: A symbol of spiritual ascension.

Upright, the Ace of Cups assures you’ll find fulfillment in all you do. In love, you and your significant other bond deeply, as each of you identifies with the divine being within the other. If you’re single, you’ll find yourself highly compatible with the people you meet. In your work, you’ll experience a deep sense of passion for what you do and enjoy the process.

You may experience more lucid dreams at this time, or you’ll develop an interest in astral travel and past life regression. You may spend time doing volunteer work, or you’re ready to provide comfort when others need it. The balance you’re always seeking is here at last.

Affirmation: “I walk the world in bliss and perfect balance.”

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The Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is “The Lord of Material Gain.” It corresponds to the sphere Yesod (foundation) on the Tree of Life. The foundation Yesod references is where God created the world. As such, The Nine of Pentacles aligns with the Earth Element. The card depicts a woman standing confidently. She wears a long, yellow flowing robe as she stands in a vineyard. The grapes grow in abundance in the scene behind her. On the one hand, rests a falcon. Her other hand rests on the sixth coin (pentacle), referencing love and the goddess, Venus.

The appearance of the Nine of Pentacles promises much in the way of love this month, Scorpio; this includes self-love, romantic love, and love of humankind. In romance, if you’re in a committed relationship, your feeling warm, passionate, and confident your partner is faithfully yours. If you’re seeking love, your glowing confidence proves attractive to those who catch your eye.

Your love of self will have you demanding nothing but the very best in life, so if you’re discontent at work, you’ll look to other opportunities where you feel people appreciate your talents or skills.

The sweet days of summer are ones you’ll fill spending time with family and friends. You’ll spend a lot of time going to social gatherings or hosting get-togethers at your home where you’ll entertain your closest friends. This month, your greatest ambition is to live every moment to the fullest.

Affirmation: “I am mindful and live in the moment.”

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The Five of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Five of Swords (Reversed)

The Five of Swords is “The Lord of Defeat” and aligns with the sphere of Geburah (judgment) on the Tree of Life. Upright, the Five of Swords depicts a man drawing up swords for battle. One male stands in front of a body of water, holding down his head in sorrow. Another puts down his swords and walks away. The reversal of the Five of Swords tells of a time where you need to think before acting.

If you’ve been in a battle with a family member, lover, friend, or coworker, it’s best to give up the “right fighter” mentality now. It’s time to drop the swords of battle and seek peace. Moving forward in aggression will only lead to disastrous consequences. Such consequences may be immediate in the physical and emotional world, but the results may also play out karmically. It’s time to swallow your pride so you can embrace a time of healing.

If something is not working out for you, whether it’s a job or a relationship, the energies in July will encourage you just to let it go and move on. There’s no point fighting the tide or trying to squeeze a square peg in a round hole; in other words, the obstacles you’re encountering are meant to steer you into a new direction.

Be careful with what battles you plan to pursue, Sagittarius. Yes, you like taking risks, which also means you’re familiar with weighing out the costs of your actions. How much will forging forward cost you in the end if you continue fighting something that no longer suits you? Ultimately, you’ll find what you’re fighting against has little or nothing to do with your original objectives.

Affirmation: “When obstacles are before me, I recognize conditions as a road map to a new path.”

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The Strength Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Strength

The Strength Card’s title is “The Leader of the Lion. It corresponds to the letter “Teth” in the Hebrew alphabet. The glyph for “Teth” depicts a coiled snake ready to strike. It symbolizes raw power or the release of rising tension. The Strength card depicts a female who stands hovering over a lion. Her hands hold the lion’s head, but she shows no fear of the lion’s bite. Above the woman’s head is a lemniscate, symbolizing her connection with the infinite.

Your strong personality and character shine this month, Capricorn. You’ll keep a nice balance between work and play, and in both realms, you’ll find blessings in abundance. In your love life, you and your significant other discuss what happiness means for you both. If single, people will find your strong will and ambition an attractive attribute.

At work, you’ve got things under perfect control. You complete all tasks on time and to perfection. Going with the flow never felt so good. It has you feeling amiable and chatty, and because of your good mood, you’re likely to make a couple of friends as a result.

Affirmation: “I stand strong in my principles and convictions.”

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The Two of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Two of Wands (Reversed)

The Two of Wands is “The Lord of Dominion.” It corresponds to Chokmah (wisdom) on the Tree of Life. It depicts a male looking out at an ocean and into the distance. He has the world in his hands. There is a wand (staff) on both sides of him. Upright, the card symbolizes balance and “being on top of the world.”

For July, the Two of Wands comes up in reverse, so many situations, including interactions in relationships, will be out of balance. Now is not the time for making long-term plans. You’re going to experience a double blow from the Mercury retrograde energies this month, so be careful with communications. Hold your breath here, Aquarius, July promises a bumpy ride!

The energies this month contribute significantly to the experience of brain fog; you’ll also be more prone to illusions and self-deception; this is no time to make major decisions, so don’t if you don’t have to do so. If you can put off signing contracts, it’s for the better. Wait until your head is clear.

Now, you always hold a unique view of the world, so this period is one you can get through a whole lot easier with a change in your perspective. Consider this a period of rest or “a cocooning” of sorts. Use the time to reflect on the past, examine what you’ve achieved, and determine where you’re at in terms of accomplishing your dreams.

Affirmation: “My perspective can change my reality.”

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The Judgement Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Judgement

Judgement is “The Spirit of Primal Fire.” The card corresponds with the Hebrew letter “Shin,” which has three “points” representing flames and the Trinity. As such, The Judgement Card tells of a time where everything comes into balance or completion, but it also signals purity and rebirth.

The Judgement card aligns with the Fire element. As such, its appearance promises a trial by fire, one where purification follows. Be wise during Mercury retrograde. Clear out things in your life which no longer serve you. Use your “judgment” to discern what situations are promising and what is a waste of energy.

When Judgement appears, it’s time for self-reflection, contemplation, meditation, and soul-searching. You’ll explore the meaning of life. July stirs with energies encouraging you to examine your imperfections and your shortcomings so you can make every effort to overcome them.

Expect major strides in your spiritual development, Pisces. The things you’ve been praying for will finally happen, so you’ll feel doubly blessed. If you’ve been out of tune with your intuition, you start to trust your gut instinct more. Practice working with your sixth senses to sharpen your skills.

Affirmation: “I understand my soul mission and work toward achieving that aim.”

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