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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscopes and astrology overview for June 2019! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!
June Tarotscopes 2019 – Overview – Three of Cups
June begins with emotional exploration. The Three of Cups corresponds with the Lord of Abundance. This month we’re happy to bask in the good vibes! We’re feeling a connection to those around us, grounded, and, looking forward to the chaos-free days of summer. Finally!
The Three of Cups depicts the Graces or the Fates dancing around in celebration. The image foretells of a time we are reaping what we sow. As the half-way point in the year (June) and a time when the longer days grow increasingly shorter. If we attune ourselves to the earth’s heartbeat and Her seasons, we hear her gentle reminder: Time is fleeting.
With this in mind, we forge headlong into the sun-filled days, looking to celebrate when we can and honor the gift of life. We find ourselves more focused on spiritual pursuits too. We hear the soft whisper of The Fates telling us there is something more awaiting us. Many of us will focus on life stages, growth, new beginnings, and the Divinely inspired moments which make the more difficult times in life worth enduring.
June finds many of us growing closer to immediate family; reunions help bridge the gap. New friendships develop, but there’s a greater focus on spending time with the loyal friends we’ve met along our path. In matters of love, those in committed relationships reap great rewards for the efforts to strengthen the relationship in the past few months. On the career front, many of us escape the plateau we’ve been on regarding advancement: New doors are opening with opportunities awaiting us on the other side.
Affirmation: “I’m the creator of a prosperous life.”
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June Tarotscopes 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs
Aries (March 20-April 19): The Eight of Pentacles (Reversed)
The Eight of Pentacles corresponds to the Lord of Prudence, and Hod on the Tree of Life; The sphere of conscious thought and ideas. It depicts a man chiseling away at making coins. Several of the coins rising into the sky. One coin is on the ground below him which he doesn’t see at all. The reversal of the Eight of Pentacles suggests a lack of prudence and a loss of something you value.
In June, restless energy may get the best of you. Conditions are unstable. You won’t have the energy reserves you need to accomplish your desires. Acting when uncertain leads to trouble. The reversal of the Eight of Cups shows you looking at the small details and not seeing the bigger picture because of your limited focus.
Don’t forge headlong into your future, a project, or a relationship without considering all the potential outcomes. With the card’s reversal, the Eight of Cups foretells of the ongoing loss or erosion of values. If you’re in a rush to complete a project or to get love off the ground, you’ll miss vital details.
Here, “Haste makes waste,” truly applies. Hurriedly entering a love commitment will leave you feeling dissatisfied and misunderstood. If you’re experiencing problems with a lover, no amount of pushing will make things right. In career, you’re feeling stalled and unappreciated. The solution to what ails you this month is learning to let go and “just be.”
Affirmation: “In letting go of the old, I make room for the new.”
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Taurus (April 20-May 20): Knight of Swords (Reversed)
The Knight of Swords is “The Prince of the Chariots of Air.” The card corresponds with Chokmah on the Tree of Life: The Sphere of Wisdom. With the Knight’s reversal, this card foretells of a time where you’re relying more on emotions than intellect. It’s also a gentle warning not to devalue wisdom by refusing to implement it: Your refusal to use knowledge may manifest in a lack of focus. It can also manifest with you forgoing common sense or acting out in fear.
The reversal of the Knight warns of a period where restlessness gets the best of you. You’ll forge into one or more situations with a “damn the consequences,” state of mind. In other situations, you’ll find you lack the drive, commitment, or energy to give it a go.
In the romantic sphere, you’re likely to find yourself frustrated with your partner. Mind your temper, Taurus, your partner is not up to battling your inner raging bull. In career, it will be a while before you make strides: You’re still a little rough around the edges and have skills yet to master.
Affirmation: “I choose my battles with care.”
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(Gemini May 21 – Jun 21): Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords is “The Lord of Ruin” and corresponds with Malkuth in the Tree of Life: The Sphere of Elements. The card depicts a man on the ground with swords in his back. It’s a disturbing image, as it corresponds with ruin, betrayal, and the inability to manifest dreams. It might have you think during June you’re better off remaining in the shadows or hiding under the covers until brighter days.
But, the Ten of Swords isn’t all doom and gloom, Gemini. A closer look at the card shows a small bit of light shining just underneath all the darkness in the sky. Here, you’re going through one or more trials which will be a catalyst to something better. The difficulties you endure, in hindsight, are a gift or a blessing. The light is at the end of the tunnel, even if it’s around the corner and you can’t see it.
So, this month, conditions test your faith. Ask yourself, “Are you’ll willing to leap?” In relationships, you’ll discover friendships or a romance that no longer serves you: keeping the energy-draining friendships or romantic affair going is akin to beating a dead horse; no matter what you try to improve things, nothing works. You may also find yourself in a dead-end career and longing for a way out.
You have the power of choice and the ability to minimize your suffering. This month, the words from Jigsaw may ring in your head: “Let’s play a game…” If you bite the bullet and embrace the imminent ending instead of resisting, you’ll make it through this dark period a lot easier.
Affirmation: “In the presence of shadows there is also light.”
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Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): Page of Wands (Reversed)
The Page of Wands is “The Princess of the Shining Flame.” The card corresponds with Malkuth on the Tree of Life: The Sphere of Elements. The Page depicts a youthful, creative figure standing on a barren desert with three pyramids in the distance. He is starting his quest. The salamanders on his attire indicate his fiery will and drive. He stands at the ready to face challenges. But, the reversal of the Page reveals a period where you’ll hang back, fear going forward, or you’ll have trouble with emotional understanding and expression.
There will be moments where your natural emotional insecurities get the best of you, Cancer. It’s likely to affect your general mood and have you looking at life through a skewed lens. Drive and desire are on the decline. Don on a pair of rose-colored glasses until you’re out of this funk.
In matters of love, your relationship reaches a plateau. You’ve grown too comfortable with one another. The zest you both seek requires equal effort to revive, but one of you must be the initiator. If you’re single, your sulky attitude will ward potential suitors off now. In work, you’re growing bored with the same old routine day in and day out. This month, you must pull yourself up by your bootstraps and inject excitement in your life.
Affirmation: “A change of perspective changes the outcome.”
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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Four of Pentacles (Reversed)
The Four of Pentacles is the Lord of Earthly Power and corresponds to Chesed on the Tree of Life. The card depicts a man with one coin under each foot, one close to his chest, and the other on his crown. He clings to each coin; the pentacles (coins) not only represent money but symbolize things he values. Upright the card depicts success, but also miserly action as if there is a fear of future loss.
For June, the Four of Pentacles comes up in reverse, suggesting potential loss ahead, especially if you’re ill-prepared for the rainy days. You’ll feel problems riddle everything you try. It’s like you cut off the head of a hydra and five more problems crop up in its place. Fatigue will catch up with you. You’ll give into exhaustion if you don’t make a change of course quick.
You cling so tightly to what you have longed for you can’t see how much you’ve outgrown the original dream. The Universe has far more in store for you if you’re only willing to let go of the boxed in idea of what could have been or what should be. In matters of love, it’s time to loosen up. Let things be and see where they go without inflicting control all the time. In your career, don’t close your mind to path-changing opportunities.
Affirmation: “I’m open to change and embrace the new without fear or trepidation.”
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Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords is “The Lord of Despair and Cruelty” and corresponds to Yesod on the Tree of Life; the sphere relates to the mysteries, the moon, and the unconscious. It’s the nebula within the mind where the first seeds of thought are born. The card depicts a person sitting up in bed while in despair, with nine swords positioned over their head. It symbolizes grief and mourning.
Virgo, you’ll face heavy emotional challenges during June. Whatever situations this weighted energy influences, you’ll find a path through it to brighter days. This time is akin to seeing a forest fire burn everything to the ground, only to leave fertile soil in its wake.
You may face a dark night of the soul experience, one where you must deal with guilt, or emotional conditions holding you back. The seed of inspiration awaits your discovery. Perspective is crucial during this time: Viewing this period from a positive angle eases your transition as you adapt to uncomfortable conditions. It’s a time to reassess your values and renew yourself.
In romance, you fear love has passed you by. At work, you start to think you’ve taken the wrong path, or you’ll wonder if you’ve missed the boat of opportunity. Not to worry: It’s time to question the road you’re on. It may have you choosing a whole new direction in life.
Affirmation: “Obstacles and blocks in my path lead to innovations and new roads for exploration.”
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Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles is “The Lord of Material Works,” and corresponds with Binah on the Tree of Life: The Sphere of Understanding. The card depicts a mason or architect performing his art. He has all the tools necessary to complete his creation. Two people evaluate his work. The Mason is passionate about his project and pours himself into his artistry.
The Three of Coins is about following your heart’s desire and establishing the foundation necessary to build your dreams. If you’re in a romantic relationship, this foundation may be something the two of you create together.
In personal projects or at work, you’ll find yourself divinely inspired. Collaborative efforts pay off now, and you work well with other members of a team. What you imagine you can create. June will have several days where you’re sure you have a Midas’ Touch. Take full advantage of the inspiration streaming into your mind now.
Affirmation: “I embrace my gifts and free the artist within me.”
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Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): The World (Reversed)
The World card is “The Great One of the Night of Time” and corresponds with the Tau: The Hebrew letter signifying the four cardinal directions and the Universe. The World represents perfect creation, completion, and the Absolute. The female on the front of the card looks like the Renaissance depictions of the Goddess Fortuna. The surrounding wreath symbolizes victory but also Uroboros: The serpent swallowing its tail.
The reversal of The World for June suggests projects or tasks are reaching near completion or hitting a temporary plateau. The reason for the delays you face are part timing and luck: You need more of both before you can bear the fruit of your labor.
The temporary blocks you experience stem from a disconnect from the Divine. The Universe is sending messages or signs you have yet to tune into or interpret. While this period might frustrate you, it’s to your benefit. Rest and contemplate before you complete your quest. Upon completion, you’ll jump right into the next life lesson.
Affirmation: “Perfection takes time and patience.”
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Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Three of Swords (Reversed)
The Three of Swords is “The Lord of Sorrow,” and corresponds with Binah on the Tree of Life. The card depicts a heart with three swords piercing it. Gray storm clouds swirl in the background suggesting you’re entering an emotional storm.
If you aren’t amid situations which prove emotionally painful, old emotional codes may influence your behavior now. Past hurts crop up from the subconscious which makes you fearful of being more open with others or intimate with a lover. But this period is giving you a chance to acknowledge the pain and rewrite the emotional code you’re responding to; if successful, you’ll let go of old hurts and will allow yourself to be vulnerable with others.
If you find yourself afraid to take risks in love or you fear success, ask yourself where the fear stems. The key to making it through this period is in identifying the pain and facing it. Once you do, you’ll find good vibes and love is all around you, just waiting for you to embrace it.
Affirmation: “In knowing myself I can conquer my weaknesses.”
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Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): King of Cups (Reversed)
The King of Cups is “The Lord of the Waves and the Waters,” which is an apt title once you see the King on his throne floating on turbulent ocean waters. However harsh the waves are, he stays steady on his throne sailing toward opportunities on the horizon. But his reversal suggests a loss of control, with emotions threatening to overcome his calm and composed demeanor.
In June, it’s difficult to see a bright future ahead. It’s like you’re viewing the world through a lens underwater: Things are only semi-clear or hazy. If looking for a mate, you’ll hook up with somebody to gratify the immediate moment but won’t find the relationship fulfilling in the long term. If in a relationship already, your melancholy mood will drag your partner’s mood and energy down as well. You’ll either wallow through the month barely interacting or running away from each other. In career, you’ll feel as if ridge rules are smothering your passion.
Former emotions brew deep within you and fester. You’re like a pressure cooker that built up too much pressure and finally blew your lid. Instead of dealing with emotional disruption little by little, now you must deal with the whole enchilada all at once. Emotions rule and rationality falls to the wayside.
Affirmation: “I recognize when uncontrolled emotions are governing my decisions, and I take back my power.”
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Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands is “The Lord of Swiftness.” There are eight rods flying through the air. If things have been “up in the air,” or if you’re waiting for a response, what you’re waiting on will soon arrive. The Eight of Wands represents information, communication, or energy coming your way. If you’re in tune with your innate psychic senses, you may even feel the energy as it moves in your direction.
Regarding manifestation, this card is one assuring you the Power of Attraction is at work. If you’ve been waiting on that special someone to contact you, they’ll soon meet up with you in person. The doors of opportunity will swing open for you this month, Aquarius, and will require your quick response. Acting fast will ensure you make the most of the gift the Universe sets on your path. Take care to pause for consideration, even if just a moment, before harnessing every opportunity, though. Too many irons in the fire will surely burn you.
On the career front, if you’re seeking work, you’ll hear from one or more interviews you’ve been on; if already working, you get a raise. If you’ve been experiencing blocks with creative pursuits, inspiration springs forth from the most unlikely sources. You and your romantic partner will be looking to spice things up.
Affirmation: “I’m at the ready when opportunity knocks.”
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Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): The Chariot
The Chariot depicts “The Child of the Powers of the Waters:” A warrior in full armor ready for war. He is self-assured and knows confidence is half of winning the battle. He has crescent moons on his shoulders, signifying his emotions, but also the esoteric knowledge he retains from his Divine spiritual connection. No matter what challenges lie ahead, the Charioteer faces them head-on, all while staying responsible, dignified, and honorable.
The Chariot corresponds Cheth, so its appearance denotes a time of balance, excess energy, and attracting the same energy to yourself that you put out into the world. He is on the journey of his soul. His quest is to find himself.
This month, you’ll experience successes in leaps and bounds. If you’ve undergone hardship recently, it was to prepare you for the appreciation of a sweet victory when it’s yours at last. Concerning love, you’re transforming. If you’ve been experiencing heartbreak, wounds heal. You’re ready to let love into your reality again. At work, projects see successful completion. You earn great rewards.
Affirmation: “I’m victorious in all I set out to do in my life.”
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