The Epic June Horoscope 2019

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for June 2019! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.

June Horoscope 2019 – Overview

The warm days of June have us longing for lasting love and full of hope. As we enter the month, a Venus trine Pluto aspect causes passion to soar in an existing romance. If single, there’s an insatiable desire for intimacy. We’ll deepen connections with friends, family members, or a lover.

On June 3rd, we’re looking to deepen or link with the Divine Source. June 7th, the transiting Mercury sextile Uranus influence ensures smooth sailing when communicating with others. We understand others better and are more empathetic.

June 9th, a transiting Jupiter square Neptune influence erases illusion when we realize a friendship or love affair is not all it should be. The same day, a Sun square Neptune transit has us craving privacy and isolation over socialization.

From the 10th-12th, a Sun opposite Jupiter transit paves the way for joy. From the 13th-16th, a Mars Opposite Saturn transit has us upset when we feel as one or more people are holding us back from success.

On the 19th, the Mercury opposite Pluto transit has us brimming with creative ideas. Then, a Venus square Neptune transit moves in on the 24th, stirring up insecurities in relation to how others see us. Finally, the Sun sextile Uranus transit from the 27-28th has us welcoming the unexpected.

June Horoscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac

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Aries Horoscope

Get your warrior gear on Aries: this month you’re fighting for and defending your love interests. There’s plenty of passionate moments in June. It’s as if your romantic life heats up right along with the hot summer sun. You’ll feel so deeply for the one you love you may worry about would-be intrusions from outsiders.

The 3rd, you’ll reflect on life’s purpose as you look to make improvements in all areas of your life. June 7th, you won’t hesitate to fire up a conversation with anyone willing to tune in and engage. There’s a growing sense of excitement brewing within you when you realize how much you can learn about the world just by interacting with others.

June 9th, you may unjustly put your trust in others. If you’ve been lingering in a relationship that’s just not working, it’s time to consider letting go: A hopeful outlook will not change anything. On the 10th, no matter what you do, you can’t go wrong, Aries; there’s a smile on your face, joy in your heart, and skip in your step. From the 13th-16th, you’ll feel like raging when things don’t go as planned with a work project.

On the 19th, you’ll take pause and focus on one important project rather than burn yourself out. June 24th, you may feel mildly paranoid and wonder if there is really someone out to get you. On the 27th, you’re looking to learn new things will ask another to mentor you.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Pyrite helps you tap into your determination so you can achieve your goals.

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Taurus Horoscope

The first couple of days this month, your ruling planet forms a trine with Pluto; this increases your desire tenfold when it comes connecting with a lover physically. You’ll be looking to surround yourself with things and people that bring you pleasure, comfort, and happiness. Your emotional connection to your immediate and distant family members runs deep in June, but you’ll spend most of your free time trying to woo your significant other. On the 3rd, you’ll map out a plan defining how you’ll accomplish all the spiritual goals you set for yourself.

You may experience a few snafus on the 7th; it’s a day full of unforeseen obstacles. June 9th, you’re frustrated for having overlooked something financially important; it forces you to tighten your belt with money for the remainder of the month. The 10th, you’re basking in blessings and loving the little luxuries in life. From the 13th-16th, consider your motives when taking up a personal endeavor – you may be setting yourself up for future disappointment if you aren’t careful.

On the 19th, there’s a desire to expand your knowledge. You might take up a new class, creative project, or read self-help books. The 24th, you’ll see life through a lens filtered by negativity – hold tight, this period will pass. On the 27th, there are lightning flashes of inspiration – pay attention to the Divine messages you receive.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Jade helps manifest prosperity, abundance, and true love in your life.

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Gemini Horoscope

If you’ve been running hot and cold in the love department, the temperature turns to high heat in June, Gemini. You’ll take your relationship and emotional connection with a lover to a whole new level. It’s as if the summer sun warms your heart and melts away any doubt about jumping in with both feet. You’re longing for another’s undivided attention and won’t be satisfied until you get it.

June 3rd, you’re a mentor to someone who wants to emulate you. Remember, you were once under the protective wings of a caring mentor. Today you get a chance to invest in your karmic piggy bank.

Your love of conversation has you socializing; from the 7th onward, you’ll make many acquaintances, but will also be lucky enough to connect with a person who proves a lifelong friend. The 9th, you’re tempted to overspend but don’t really have to waste. June 10th, you’re outspoken and brash – you’ll overlook the ripple effect of words and actions. From the 13th-16th, you won’t feel you’re at your best and will long for a well-deserved rest.

The 19th, your mind is racing with the things you want to accomplish. Narrow down your efforts to a select few ideas. June 24th, no matter how much your romantic partner reassures you, you’ll wonder if their love is true. Then, June 27th, you’re ready to let the ¬¬¬¬¬world to see the “authentic” you.

Healing Crystals & Stones: A moonstone helps you manage the erratic ebb and flow of your emotional tides.

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Cancer Horoscope

Your psychic senses are vibrating like a tuning forth the first days of June. With your power period running from mid-June to mid-July, this is really no surprise. The 1st-2nd, you’ll suddenly find you’re attracted to someone with such intensity you’re taken aback by your feelings. If you’ve been looking for love, you’ll find it now. All the coins you’ve put into the karmic piggy bank up until now are starting to pay off. The 3rd, you’re deeply reflective and ponder the mystical. All through June, your dreams carry powerful insights.

The 7th, you share your intense feelings with another who finds you intellectually stimulating. Let your compassionate nature shine, Cancer! On the 9th, you’ll look at others with a very careful eye; your insecurities have you wondering who to trust. June 10th, you’re well rewarded for all the hard work you’ve been doing. The accolades you receive boost your self-esteem. From the 13th-16th, you’ll feel you’ve been racing around to get things done – it leaves little time to appreciate the finer things in life.

June 19th, you and your lover decide it’s time to call on someone who can help you translate your feelings. On June 24th, you’ll realize you’ve put far too much pressure on a romantic partner by expecting them to be someone they are not. June 27th, you’ll find yourself drawn to eccentric people.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Chrysocolla bolsters self-esteem and helps lessen the weight of emotional insecurities.

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Leo Horoscope

June 1st-2nd, you’re feeling charismatic, energetic, and alive. In the past month, you’ve done the lion’s share of the work when it comes to stabilizing a romantic relationship. You’ve made serious efforts to impress your mate and all that hard work is paying off. Your partner sees you in a new light. If you’re single, you’re looking for a serious companion: One with potential for becoming a lifelong mate. The 3rd, you’ll decide to live more mindfully; part of your new plan will involve daily meditation, dream journaling, or trancework.

June 7th, you’ll gain incredible insights from the dream messages you receive. You’ll feel “in tune” and “plugged into” the Universe. The 9th, when looking for someone for support in a situation, you’ll turn to your closest friend. June 10th: Make sure you clue your partner into any plans you might have otherwise they’ll feel left out. June 13th-16th, you may feel as if others are judging you.

June 19th, you need to express your opinion and you don’t much care who likes it – a lion needs to roar every once in a while! On the 24th, your hopes dwindle because you’ve had a pie in the sky understanding of love thus far – today you discover your partner is only human. June 24th, so many ideas come to light you’ll have trouble keeping your focus. The 27th, you’re the main attraction at a social gathering.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Black Onyx helps you center, ground, and stabilize your emotions.

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Virgo Horoscope

If you’re in a new relationship, the first few days of June will see you and your lover completely enchanted with one another. You’ll feel like you’re living the fairy tale life, complete with a ride off into the sunset. Later, your practical and sensible nature grounds you. Though you’ll continue to be in love with your new mate, the rose-colored glasses fall away revealing a more realistic romantic partnership. June 3rd, you’ll consider your role in the community and how you can help others.

June 7th, your shifting your focus to consider what lies ahead in your personal and business life. You are open to adventure and hope the Universe will be kind enough to give you a sign when you need one. The 9th, you may go to work but your head won’t be in the game. June 10th, you’ll analyze your recent behaviors and explore personal motivations. From the 13th-16th, refrain from sharing too much information with others at work – not everyone always has your best interests at heart.

June 19th, others promise more than they can deliver. Remain hopeful but realistic to avoid disappointment. June 24th, you’ll vow to yourself that you’ll never allow someone to take advantage of you again. On the 27th, there are several projects you want to launch, but you only have the resources to focus on a single opportunity.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Fluorite helps you keep a positive perspective, even when conditions are negative.

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Libra Horoscope

June 1st-2nd, a Venus trine Pluto aspect has you fantasizing about where your romance is heading. You’ll consider decorating your sacred space to give it a Zen-like vibe. If you been thinking about making a big money purchase, now is the best time. June 3rd, you’ll think about how you can instill more harmony in your life.

June 7th, you will feel reminiscent about childhood and will remember fondly your favorite friends and playthings – it will have you running the attic or the storage shed to seek out the beloved items you once coveted. June 9th, though hopeful a project would prove successful, you’re disappointed when it falls flat. If it’s harmony you seek, Libra, you’ll find it on the 10th. You’ll sing while you work and laugh a lot. From the 13-16th, you may covet what another has – consider the reasons why.

June 19th, your keen sense of balance has you easily detecting when others have ulterior motives. The 24th, you’ll find great satisfaction with the status of your love relationship – you’ve finally found a partner who respects you. June 24th, it’s hard to think about harmony or anything else for that matter – your mind is buzzing with racing thoughts. June 27th, the chaos stemming from an overflow of ideas leaves you feeling ill at ease.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Lapis lazuli helps you tune into your psychic senses and express sacred voice.

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Scorpio Horoscope

From the 1st-2nd, you and a romantic partner are content staying at home to cuddle. You’ll enjoy the private time and grow closer. The two of you will consider household renovations. By the 3rd, you’ll both be looking for a little space from one another – a bit of independence only contributes to lasting harmony.

June 7th, you’ll recover something you thought you would never see again – the item was merely misplaced. June 9th, you’ll look to past projects which did not result in all you hoped so you can learn from mistakes. By the 10th, you’re feeling everything in your life is in balance. From the 13th-16th, you feel a bit more secretive than usual.

On the 19th, you try to manipulate your romantic partner into doing something for you, but your partner will not question your motives. On the 24th, you’ll confide in your romantic partner by sharing one of your deepest secrets. You’ll have to dig your heels in on the 27th to keep your mind on responsibilities.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Citrine helps you tap into your inner fire and fuels ambitions.

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Sagittarius Horoscope

June 1st-2nd, you begin considering how you can change your look. You’ll reflect on alterations that are lasting or permanent. If you’re not thinking about plastic surgery, you may give serious consideration to getting body art. On the 3rd, you’re looking to buddy up with like-minded people.

You’re feeling confident when working with hard facts and numbers on the 7th. On the 9th, you’ll find yourself saying “I’m sorry,” a lot, even when it isn’t necessary; don’t feel guilty for expressing yourself. June 10th, you may find yourself in a bind when going out on a limb; be sure to consider all potential outcomes before taking a risk. From the 13th-16th, you’re feeling frustrated and have difficulty expressing what you’re feeling.

June 19th, you’ll engage in situations or conditions with a high amount of pressure involved, but that’s just how you like it – the bigger the challenge the better. June 24th, you begin to feel the high-pressure atmosphere is too much and that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. June 27th, you’ll spend time daydreaming about romancing someone.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Bronzite helps you remain in balance when conditions are chaotic.

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Capricorn Horoscope

The first couple of days of June, your tapping into your creative soul. Whether at work or in your private space, it’s time for doing a quick spring clean before moving into the early days of summer. You’ll have the urge to organize your space and will do so by rearranging furnishings or giving one or more rooms a fresh paint job. On the 3rd, you’re feeling altruistic and will attempt to help one or more charities or offer your support with a campaign or cause you invest in emotionally.

On June 7th, you’re looking to make a more solid connection with people you know; you’ll do so by relying on social media tools to interact with others so you can strike up intriguing conversations or break the ice. On the 9th, you replace skepticism of others with open-mindedness and acceptance. June 10th, you’ll step outside your own boundaries and shed the introverted, shy persona you often have when interacting socially. From the 13th-16th, you’re not sure how to react to a situation in your personal life – it will leave you taking on the “when in doubt do nothing approach.”

On the 19th, you’ll experience brain fog – you’ve been working far too hard lately and your body will tell you so. June 24th, you’ll find your romantic affair isn’t working out the way you wanted and may consider straying. On June 27th, you’ll find it easy to multi-task with your responsibilities.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Garnet helps you remain light of heart and in the mind.

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Aquarius Horoscope

In June, you want to accumulate more wealth. It’s time for exploring the means of making money, from looking for a higher paying position to entrepreneurial options. Aside from a career change, you may turn to a financial guru for investment advice.

On the 7th, your desire to learn new things achieve a peak; you may take up adult college courses, online study, or you may step up and create your own independent study of the magickal arts, astrology, numerology, and other fringe subject holding your interest. On the 9th, you may hear rumors that others are talking about you, but there’s something lost in the translation and you receive erroneous information. Come the 10th, you’ll feel the world is just – you’ve been kind and now others repay the favor. From the 13th-16th, you’re looking for a more constructive way to cool your jets – channeling your frustration in positive ways contributes to your well-being on every level.

On the 19th, you may find other people suspect and will pull back from socialization as a result. June 24th, you’re emotionally vulnerable and because of this, you may erroneously put your trust in another who will try to take advantage of you. June 27th, any changes you make now will go smoothly.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Amethyst helps calm the mind and brings clarity.

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Pisces Horoscope

On May 1st, you’ll cast introversion aside. Your high energy levels make you feel ultra-confident because you have a good sense of who you are. On May 2nd, you’re looking to understand humanity and the way people think so you can make stronger personal connections. The 3rd, you’ll find the circle of friends you establish end up as part of your network for support in business and private ventures. On the 5th, your confidence shines through; you have come to accept yourself, and it shows.

May 8th-9th, you’re more sensitive than usual which also leaves you emotionally vulnerable. You can understand how others feel, so people seek your advice. Someone catches your eye, but don’t succumb to the desire to dive right into a relationship. Wait for a more stable period. May 16th-18th, you’re looking for a fast thrill just to get an adrenaline rush. Careful what you choose to chase after right now; you might experience a let-down later.

May 22nd-23rd, you’re restless and anxious. Use the excess energy you’re bottling up inside to finish off tasks you haven’t gotten to yet. May 30th-31st, you’re looking to better your outward appearance. It gives you a serious confidence boost when you do.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Angelite helps Pisces find their true voice and overcome emotional hurts.

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