Tarotscopes for August 2019

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The Temperance Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

August Tarotscope 2019 – Overview – Temperance

An androgynous Angel in Temperance stands with one foot on land and the other in water; here, it is as if the Angel is gauging the temperature of the water to see if it is just the right to explore. The water represents emotion, imagination, fantasy, dreams, and the intuitive realm. A sun symbol appears on the Angel’s forehead: One representing enlightenment. The Angel grasps two chalices from which it pours life’s essence back and forth.

Temperance suggests August is a month of achievement, happiness, and success, with a little help from Divine intervention. What once seemed an impossibility, now becomes possible. We’ll be full of ideas and inspired to create or make manifest all our dreams. We’ll recognize time as our most valuable asset and seek wisdom in deciding how we spend our time.

If we’ve had difficulty in finding a solution to difficulties, Temperance ensures enlightenment or the wisdom we seek is within our grasp. In August, we’ll be more in tune with our intuitive nature and many of us will acknowledge the tremendous insights we receive with our psychic senses on high alert. Regarding work, Temperance encourages you to approach tasks with patience and moderation. In relationships, Temperance suggests we explore the realm of emotion and “dive in deeply.”

Affirmation: “I acknowledge and embrace the wonderful possibilities on my path.”

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August Tarotscope 2019 – For All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): Four of Swords (Reversed)

The Four of Swords depicts a knight at rest with three swords lingering above his head and one sword on the coffin he rests on; this card depicts going within, into the silence, to retrieve wisdom from the Divine or the Higher Self. The card’s reversal indicates an awakening where troubles, once hanging over one’s head, now disappear. The Four or Swords when reversed also suggests some Divine Guidance or intervention leading to less stressful, happier times.

If you’ve been praying for good things to happen, Aries, the reversal of the Four of Swords ensures your prayers are answered. As a person who always craves action, the Four of Swords suggests you’ve taken a temporary period to renew and rejuvenate yourself. You’re ready to forge ahead and take on any challenge before you. You may even feel restless as your anticipation increases whenever you think of all the possibilities that await!

Regarding work, the Four of Swords’ reversal foretells of a time where you’re working through previous obstacles or blocks. If you’ve been waiting for movement, progress, or success at work, it is on the horizon and this may make you impatience! Your restlessness is the natural byproduct of delayed gratification. In relationships, the Four of Swords’ reversal tells of a time where there is little strife, stress, or difficulty between you and your significant other. Your shared hopes and dreams are about to manifest.

Affirmation: “I receive Divine Guidance through prayer.”

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The High Priestess Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): The High Priestess (Reversed)

The High Priestess sits on a throne poised between black and white pillars. She features a crown made of the new, full, and waning moon, all of which are hinting at her knowledge of the mysteries and the fact she is a vessel for the Divine Feminine. Another crescent moon rests at her feet, alluding to the High Priestess being the human embodiment of “The Queen of the Heavens.” At her breast is an equal-armed, solar cross, indicative of balance. She holds a scroll featuring the word “Tora” meaning Greater Laws or The Secret Law. The veil behind her features pomegranates exposing their inner seeds. She holds the knowledge of all worlds spiritual and physical; mundane and esoteric.

With the High Priestess in reverse appearing for August, it brings us to a point where you will explore superficial, physical matters over the spiritual. Rather than dig for esoteric or spiritual wisdom, Taurus, you’re spending much of the month dealing with day-to-day tasks, accomplishing chores, or conquering milestones relating to projects or goals. A focus on conventional wisdom, logic, and learning are highlighted this month.

The reversal of The High Priestess suggests being involved with work absent of your passion. It’s akin to going through the motions each workday on automatic pilot. You’re growing bored with the status quo or longing for more meaning and creativity. In love, the High Priestess’ reversal suggests an imbalance in Yin and Yang forces. One of you is being too aggressive or passive aggressive and straining the emotional connection.

Affirmation: “I welcome balance, harmony, and peace of mind into my life.”

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The Sun Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

(Gemini May 21 – Jun 21): The Sun

An Angelic-looking child sitting on a white horse appears in The Sun Card, with the Sun in the sky in a “high noon” position. A line of Sunflowers is in the background, rising tall above the garden walls. The child waves a red flag or banner. This card for August aligns with the height of the summer harvest and the theme of reaping what you sow.

All is bright and wonderful during August, Gemini. The sun shines on your life and makes all things visible and transparent; nothing hides under the bright light rushing down to the earth from warm solar rays. Situations and people are transparent, any issues requiring resolution are clear, and each day fills with warmth, happiness, and contentment.

Regarding work, you can expect satisfaction, growth, and success. People will acknowledge your skills and you receive accolades for work well done. In love, if you’ve had troubles in the past, you’re now entering a season of healing. If all has been smooth with romance, you’ll experience ongoing growth, pleasure, and your feelings for a lover will intensify. The Sun foretells of lasting love, and you might even consider tying the knot!

Affirmation: “I embrace all the well-earned success coming my way.”

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The Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): Ten of Pentacles

In the Ten of Pentacles, an older man looks on at a scene before him where a finely dressed couple and their child stand under an archway. The archway features a family crest and a small, balanced set of scales. Behind the couple is a lavish home. Two dogs are at the man’s feet and the small child plays with one of them. The old man’s robe features images of ripened grapes. Ten coins (pentacles) appear out of nowhere, raining down from the sky.

The Ten of Pentacles promises you won’t be hiding away in some shell this month, Cancer. Instead, you’ll enjoy prosperity, great abundance, happiness, and good times with family, friends, and romance. Ten coins are equivalent to blessings pouring down upon you. Two dogs in the card signify developed loyalties with those who you socialize and interact with; an older man seems to look at the couple as if doing a life review and having no regrets about what he sees as a life happily lived. Grapes on his gown signify wealth and prosperity, but also the euphoric feeling one has when experiencing pure satisfaction.

Regarding work, you’ll fortify your value employee and a vital asset to the business. If you work for yourself, you’ll reach the pinnacle of your success. In relationships, love deepens, and you’ll spend time reminiscence about the best times you’ve shared with a loved one; you’ll also experience an abundance of affection, joy, and ecstasy on every level, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Affirmation: “Life is full of wonderful blessings and all of which are within my reach.”

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The Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Ace of Cups (Reversed)

The Ace of Cups depicts a hand appearing out of nowhere with a giant chalice in its grasp. An upside down “M” appears the side of the chalice. A dove flies down toward the chalice’s opening with a Eucharist in its mouth featuring an equal-armed cross symbolizing balance and the cross signifying “host.” Water pours forth from the cup in five streams representing the physical senses. A body of water is beneath the chalice, representing the realm of emotion, dreams, and intuition. Lotuses rise for the water in full bloom, signifying the conquering of obstacles and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.

The reversal of the Ace of Cups depicts a time where things fall short of success, Leo. You are close to attaining all you desire, but there is still more work to do. With the card in reverse, the waters pour over the cup, symbolizing the need for further exploration of the emotional realm or your motives. Here, the card signifies a heavy focus on the physical plane to the neglect of spiritual pursuits.

Regarding work, you may discover you’ve been working in a passionless pursuit just for the money. Without love for what you do, you may develop bitterness, resentment, or stirring within to rediscover your passion. August will present you with energetic influences that will make you restless. In your love life, if in an existing relationship, going through the motions will no longer be enough. You’ll look to improve the relationship or end it. If you’re single, the energies in August trigger feelings of incompleteness, heightening your desire to find a suitable mate.

Affirmation: “I control of the vehicle of change within my life.”

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The Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Nine of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Nine of Cups depicts a lovely woman in a vineyard or garden full of lush, ripened grapes hanging from the vines. She stands confident, poised, with one hand hovering over six coins resting behind her in a pile and the other hand, gloved, with a falcon perfectly perched. Three coins rest just beneath the gloved hand on the ground. The sun shines and matches the yellow of her attire. A castle-like structure pierces the skyline in the distance.

When this card is upright, it symbolizes confidence, love, and spiritual fulfillment along with the attainment of desires. Its reversal tells of the minor difficulties you may encounter this month, Virgo. You’re spending too much time working and not enough time enjoying the fruits of your labor. You’re focusing on physical matters, material attainment, and ignoring spiritual goals or pursuits of love.

Regarding work, you may very well be reveling in your success, but you’re not taking the downtime you need to rejuvenate and re-energize. You’re facing burnout if you continue with this path. Regarding love, your workaholic tendencies are taking away opportunities to strengthen and enrich the feelings you have for one another. You may even feel lonely without understanding why or your partner may complain about your inattentiveness.

Affirmation: “I seek balance in all activities, situations, and relationships.”

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The Five of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Five of Swords

The Five of Swords depicts a male holding three swords: two over the shoulder and one point to the ground. Two more swords lay haphazardly near his feet. The skies feature jagged clouds. A body of moving water is in the background. Two men, one who walks away without looking back and another holding his head in his hands as if in despair, appear behind the first male holding swords.

The appearance of the Five of Swords foretells of a time when you must choose your battles, Libra. While you may crave harmony, not all in your life is in balance. The Five of Swords shows you’ve won some battles by default, others have led to regret, and now you enter a time where you’ll reap what you’ve sown. August brings in energies urging you to tie up loose ends; you may do a life review, consider regrets, and tend to things left undone or unsaid.

Regarding work, choose who you challenge wisely. When faced with resistance, consider if indignation will do you justice. If you’ll just enter another battle resulting in unfinished business or regrets, there’s no point in the battle. Regarding love, you and your mate have hurt feelings you’ll want to address. An apology may be in order. Now is not the time to seek a mate if you’re single.

Affirmation: “I claim and make the most of my personal power when I take responsibility for my choices.”

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The Strength Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Strength (Reversed)

The Strength card depicts a female wearing a white robe. A lemniscate is above her head and she holds a lion by its head. There is a mountain in the background along with fertile land. The sun shines down upon her and she wears a peaceful expression on her face.

For August, Strength appears in reverse and foretells of a time where you must consider how you use your strength and personal power, Scorpio. The reversal of Strength suggests you may not be putting your power to its best use or you may not be giving all you can in a situation. Ask yourself how you may be holding back and examine your motives. You may feel like you have a wild lion by the tail when it is your perception of the situation skewing your thinking.

Regarding work, it’s time to consider your strongest attributes and how you are using them. The reversal of Strength points to the lack of recognition for your strengths. Ask if the job and those in authority are holding you back from growth and advancement or if it is your own doing blocking the way forward. In love, the reversal of Strength calls for you to look at your recent behaviors. Are you trying to bully or overpower your lover? Or, are you behaving passive aggressively and not taking action to make positive changes when you are perfectly capable of doing so?

Affirmation: “I use my strength in positive ways to instigate equally positive changes.”

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The Two of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Two of Wands

In the Two of Wands, a man stands on the roof of a structure overlooking the vast ocean. He holds a wand in one hand with another standing upright to the opposite side of him. In his other hand, he holds a globe. Near his feet appear the Rose, a Cross, and a Lily. The Two of Wands is about harmony, balance, and possibilities.

Your world looks bright in August, Sagittarius! The Two of Wands promises balance in communication. Whether at work or dealing with friends or a lover, you’re easily understood by all of those you interact with and no one is making erroneous assumptions. With making plans, all goes well. You’ll pull off tasks and personal projects without a hitch.

The Two of Wands has you looking to all the potential you have, and in work, others will see the potential you offer. Regarding love, you and your mate will consider where your relationship is going. You’ll make plans that will fulfill your dreams. If you’re single, the world is your oyster and you’ll have your choice of appealing mates.

Affirmation: “I have the power to make all of my dreams a reality.”

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The Judgement Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Judgement

The Judgement card depicts an Angel in the sky blowing a trumpet from which a red and white flag hangs; an equal-armed solar cross appears on the flag’s surface. The scene below depicts people rising out of their coffins which appear to float or rise out of a vast body of water. In the distance, a snow-capped mountain peaks appear. The card symbolizes endings and new beginnings, death and rebirth, spiritual awakening, and divinely inspired insight or epiphanies.

Regarding work, you’ll experience a new or renewed sense of purpose. You will put to rest any issues once holding you back from success; you may hear of an upcoming promotion or you’ll enter a new phase of progress on your career path. Your amazing leadership skills contribute to your current success. Now, more than ever, you’ll serve as a role model for others.
In love relationships, you and your mate will put any disagreements to rest. It’s time to restore the harmony between you. You may renew or reignite your former passions and lift the relationship off the ground. Listen to the still voice within; it will serve as your guide and compass through relationship difficulties.

Affirmation: “I am at the precipice of positive change and ready for the changes to come.”

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The Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups sits on an ornate throne covered with cherubs, mermaids, and there’s a seashell design to the throne’s backing. Her robe looks like flowing water and touches a vast body of water with her feet. Here robe features images of clouds. She appears to be sitting at the ocean’s edge. Off in the distance, a cliff-side appears. She holds the Holy Grail in her hands and looks at it with adoration or satisfaction.

The appearance of The Queen of Cups foretells of a time where your psychic abilities are at their zenith, Aquarius. You are in tune with those around you and are detecting their emotions via your empathic abilities in August. While this ability can serve you well, taking on too many emotions from others can also overwhelm you.

Regarding work, you’ll be able to work well alone or with others and will sense the emotional needs of those you work with: your empathy can help you become the hub of a work team, where you can then allow your leadership skills to shine. Regarding love, you are very giving to your lover and such kindness will not go unreciprocated. Just be careful not to allow your lover to get “too” comfortable with the status quo.

Affirmation: “My psychic senses are sharp and serve as my internal compass.”

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The Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Seven of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Seven of Pentacles, when upright, depicts a youthful male gazing down at a garden in which he seeks to maintain. The garden features six coins (suggesting a love of what he values), with the seventh coin at his feet. With the card upright, the image foretells of a period where the young man invests in the growth of his values and to care for what he loves. He may grow romantic love, spiritual understanding, or knowledge.

The reversal of the Seven of Pentacles suggests, in August, you may question your values and what you are investing in; this card also indicates you have more money going out than coming in, so it’s a call for you to pay more attention to your personal finances.

Regarding work, you’ll question if all your hard work has been for nothing. You’re not finding satisfaction in the pay you receive or the work you do. Regarding love, you may feel the relationship you are in is not blossoming the way you expected. You might also feel you are putting more into the relationship than your lover.

Affirmation: “I use my time and resources wisely no matter how I invest them.”

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