The Epic August Horoscope 2019

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August Horoscope 2019 – Overview

August 1st, we feel a fog lift from our minds; Mercury goes Direct, freeing us from chaotic energies. We take a breath with tremendous relief as communication and travel plans become more predictable. The first of August also brings the New Moon in Leo, allowing us to bask in the joys of self-discovery and self-expression.

In August, we’ll deal with the influence of Saturn Retrograde, so we aim for healing and transformation. Chiron Retrograde remains an influence until December, working in unison with Saturn, to help us heal old wounds and rid ourselves of old emotional codes. We’ll face Karmic debts or receive gifts stemming from good Karma, depending on our actions in current and past lifetimes.

August 2nd, transiting Venus Square Uranus has us questioning the strength of an existing love affair. We long for more space and crave independence, causing us to distance ourselves from our partner. Until we’ve explored the old wounds surfacing in our consciousness, it’s not a time to make any permanent changes.

August 8-9th, transiting Venus Trine Jupiter brings positive energies in great abundance to uplift all areas of our lives. Then, Lion’s Gateway opens on August 8th, where cosmic energies balance out existing imbalances. It’s a nice reprieve after recovering from a tumultuous July. Harmony, peace of mind, and prosperity reign.

On August 16th, transiting Mercury Square Uranus creates an energetic disruption triggering a brief period of tension and stress. We can expect the unexpected. August 21st, transiting Mercury trine Jupiter influence heightens our enthusiasm when we receive information that uplifts our spirits.

August 23-25th, transiting Venus Conjunct Mars has us looking for a new love if we aren’t in a relationship already. In an existing love affair, we are looking for greater intimacy. August 30-31st, a Sun Conjunct Mars influence brings an influx of extra energy we can use to conquer the tasks we’ve been putting off, allowing us to accomplish more than we imagine possible.

August Horoscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

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Aries Horoscope

On August 1st, your confidence shines. You’re a born leader, Aries, as people around you appreciate your dependability and directness. Throughout August, others turn to you for counsel, trusting in your wisdom. The 2nd, you’ll seek more spice in the bedroom with your lover.

Your confidence soars on August 8th-12th, you’ll feel renewed, energetic, and ready to take on the world. Transiting Venus Trine Jupiter has you basking in the love of an existing relationship or looking for real love. On the 16th, you must rearrange your existing schedule; either you remember you must handle something important you’ve forgotten or new events calling for your immediate attention arise. August 21st, your instincts are spot on with planning the steps in a project, ensuring its successful completion.

August 23-25th, you’re feeling super romantic and plan an unforgettable evening with your mate; if single, you’ll find a new love with lasting potential. August 30-31st, you’ll have a sudden burst of energy, serving you best if you put it to use in constructive ways.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Fire Agate helps Aries maintain an open connection with the Cosmos and make the best use of this month’s high energy cycles.

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Taurus Horoscope

On August 1st, you’ll get a serious energy boost: One you’ll use to pull yourself out of the emotional or physical rut you’ve been in lately. You’ve been too comfortable with the status quo. The celestial influences shake things up and help you break free of the inertia you’re caught in; it’s tad amount to the Universe waving a red flag in front of the Bull in you, Taurus. You’ll be on the move, trying to chase down your dreams instead of just daydreaming about them.

August 2nd, your ruling planet will Square Uranus and will have you looking for more spontaneous action in your relationship. It can also trigger a desire to buy beautiful things and trinkets; overspending is likely. On the 8th, Venus Trines Jupiter, enhancing self-love and awakening your awareness to the connection you have with the cosmos. On August 16th, all the plans you’ve made for the week turn upside down; you’ll feel you’re running from one task or obligation to the next with no rest in sight.

August 21st, the urge to reorganize everything in your life will overpower everything else; you’ll feel scattered until you straighten out your environment and declutter. August 23-25th, others find you appealing. Your passions run high, whether in an existing relationship or dating. August 30-31st, the energies have you feeling on top of the world, just remember to remain grounded and in touch with reality.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Clear Quartz helps Taurus keep a clear and level head as you try to keep your energies in balance.

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Gemini Horoscope

On August 1st, Saturn and Chiron retrograde join forces imposing an energetic influence on you that forces you to take a long hard look at your emotions, Gemini. Your airy nature often steers you to focus on intellectual pursuits and makes it easy for you to compartmentalize feelings. All the while, you tell yourself you’ll deal with your emotions later. The celestial influences in August make it clear that time is now. Hurt feelings reemerge from the subconscious, demanding your full attention.

August 2nd, you’ll seek things new things to experience because you’re craving entertainment. If you remain in balance and avoid going to extremes, you’ll find love relationships are free of arguments and chaos. On August 8th, you’ll repair strained relationships at work, and you’ll find you draw people toward you with your positive vibes. August 16th, you’ll attend to important documents, but may overlook important details; make sure you go over everything twice.

August 21st, your never-ending curiosity sparks an interest in travel and experiencing different cultures; now is the time to plan a vacation getaway. August 23-25th, this is an excellent time for establishing new relationships, both in business and social matters. On August 30-31st, you’ll have plenty of energy to deal with work and obligations at home. Don’t let the good vibes go to waste.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Dalmatian Jasper helps Gemini remain grounded with high energies threaten a potential imbalance.

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Cancer Horoscope

The first of August brings in an energetic influence awakening your deepest, most heartfelt emotions, Cancer. You’ll experience some joy, but you’ll also examine the feelings you’ve been avoiding. Saturn and Chiron retrograde stir up your insecurities forcing you to look at them for what they are and to question why you feel so apprehensive.

August 2nd, if you’re in a relationship, you’re moody because your heart longs for more than a partner is delivering. If you’re single, a sense of loneliness might overwhelm you. August 8th-9th, you’ll spend time with your closest pals and given your watery nature, you’ll hit up the nearest beachside or water park for some summer fun. August 16th, you’ll try to focus on work but will find your head is someplace else; if someone promises to do something for you, it falls through, leaving you disappointed.

August 21st, you’re craving something new and may plan a weekend getaway to break away from the boredom you’re feeling. On August 23-25th, you crave a creative outlet, especially something you’ve never done before. August 30-31st, make sure you busy yourself with something you enjoy; if you let all the positive energy just stagnate, it will turn into growing irritation.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Calcite helps Cancer quell tense emotions and relax when energies may cause irritation otherwise.

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Leo Horoscope

August 1st, your creativity is at its height, Leo. You’re clear-headed and in touch with your playful inner child. An amazing sense of pride draws others to you, but it also holds you back from expressing your most intimate feelings or making amends when you’re in the wrong. Saturn and Chiron retrograde bring all your hidden emotions to the surface for resolution. It’s a good thing you’re craving adventure, opening you to take risks and being vulnerable. Consider this a time to heal and make amends.

August 2nd, transiting Venus Square Uranus has you drawn to eccentric types; you’re seeking new experiences and to expand your already large social circle. If you’re in a relationship, your feelings intensify because your willingness to experience vulnerability makes the two of you more intimate. If you’re single, you’ll continue to date until the “right one” comes along. August 8th-9th, is a great day for shopping; you’ll want to beautify your sacred space and may do the same for your workspace.

August 16th, you may say something to another they take the wrong way; reflecting on the words you choose can help prevent miscommunications. August 21st, you’re thinking about taking a trip to reconnect with family or friends you haven’t seen in a while. August 23-25th, you’re looking to improve your well-being and take up something new; you might take up learning martial arts or dance. August 30-31st, engage in some physical activity to work off the excess energy available to you now.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Labradorite helps Leo explore the realm of dreams and encourages transformation.

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Virgo Horoscope

August 1st, celestial influences drag you out of your emotional fortress, Virgo. Although you have no problem engaging with others in the workforce, more intimate relationships make you hesitate to dive into emotional waters. The New Moon in Leo encourages you to explore feelings and to rediscover your desires. With Saturn and Chiron in retrograde, you’ll cast aside your introverted self and make the romantic connections your heart craves.

August 2nd, you may have words with a romantic partner; the relationship has stagnated, leaving you longing for more and exposing hurt feelings. August 8th, your keen sense of numbers reveals an investment opportunity you won’t want to pass up. August 16th, someone takes something you say to heart, even when you didn’t mean it the way the person assumes. Be direct when communicating and make sure others know what you mean when you say it.

August 21st, you’ll be handling contracts and renegotiating terms; everything will settle in your favor. August 23-25th, you’re wanting to celebrate all the blessings in your life; you might host a backyard barbeque or family reunion. August 30-31st, you may start a new exercise routine, which is perfect timing for ensuring you balance your energetic resources.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Green Jade helps Virgo keep balance in the material and emotional worlds.

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Libra Horoscope

The past few months you’ve been less social, but that’s all about to change on August 1st; your chatty nature serves you well as you turn your attention to the social circles you’ve neglected. You’ll reconnect with old friends and family and make a few new alliances along the way. At the same time, if there have been some unaddressed emotional conflicts, it may cause some relationships to end. But it also allows the healing process to begin.

August 2nd, when your ruling planet Squares Uranus, the heat turns up a notch in your romantic relationship. If you’re single, you’ll date and have a one-night stand that leads to more than you expect. August 8th, you’ll love the feel-good sensation you get for giving gifts to others for no other reason than “just because.” On the 16th, you’ll view your life and everything you do from different angles to develop new approaches to how you handle things.

August 21st is an ideal day to launch that business you’ve been thinking about starting or asking for that promotion at an existing job: The odds weigh in your favor for success. August 23-25th, you want to turn up the volume on passion in your life; you and your mate or date grow closer and more intimate. August 30-31st, consider how your romantic partner views you; if they’re seeing you negatively, it’s time to mend some fences.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Tourmaline helps Libra establish emotional stability while discovering their true voice.

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Scorpio Horoscope

On August 1st, you may find yourself the center of attention. While you appreciate the admiration of others, it’s mildly uncomfortable. A private soul, Scorpio, you rather remain the wizard behind the curtain than center stage. The celestial influences are forcing you to look at phobias and weighty emotions. Ready yourself to embrace the uncomfortable. The New Moon in Leo is all about self-discovery. You’ll challenge the very idea of who you think you are.

On August 2nd, transiting Venus Square Uranus has you in conflict with a lover who refuses to give you their full trust. The situation may frustrate you to the point of no return, forcing you to consider ending the relationship. If single, you’ll remain happy with the status quo until you find a partner who completes you. On August 8th, you’ll be a source of positivity for others and you’ll cheer up those who are otherwise drowning in sorrow. On August 16th, you may encounter someone from the past you haven’t seen in years; their reemergence is temporary but will allow you to gain a lesson from the encounter.

August 21st, you’ll be buzzing around like a busy bee, meeting new folks, and making new friends, some of which may offer a leg up in business. August 23-25th, you’re thinking about the future and creating a family; you’ll discuss the possibilities with your partner. If single, you’ll dream about the future. August 30-31st, you may argue with a friend or your significant other; try not to let your anger take control of your words.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Peridot helps Scorpio remain steadfast when facing obstacles.

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Sagittarius Horoscope

The only reason you feel stuck right now because your day-to-day lacks the adventurous spice your spirit craves, Sagittarius. August 1st, the New Moon in Leo encourages you to take a few risks, particularly with exploring how you feel. You begin the month wanting to define or redefine who you are. You’ll also shake up the predictability of your day-to-day routine freeing yourself from monotony.

August 2nd, whether in a relationship or single, experimentation is the name of the game as it appeals to your need for continuous excitement. August 8th-9th, you’ll repair a family bond that’s been frayed a long time. On the 16th, you’re feeling uptight and too tense to handle existing obligations; changing your schedule allows you to address responsibilities when you’re feeling more confident.

August 21st you’ll put plans in motion for taking a trip you’ve been putting off. August 23-25th, your feeling like you can’t get close enough to the one you love; be careful or you’ll come off clingy. Then, on August 30-31st, if you feel a partner in business or a relationship is attacking you with their words, your immediate reaction is to put up defenses. Before reacting, take a step back and let angry energies die down.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Red Jasper helps Sagittarius find peace of mind when high energies threaten to destabilize inner harmony.

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Capricorn Horoscope

Free from Mercury retrograde’s turbulent energies, you’ll feel a calm sense of normalcy wash over you on the first, Capricorn. If you’ve been holding off signing contracts or dealing with important documents, you’ll tie up loose ends and start new projects. But, don’t get too comfortable being comfortable. The New Moon in Leo along with Saturn and Chiron retrograde will have you looking at your emotions and the feelings you’ve long ignored. There will be no sidestepping the issue; it’s time for healing.

August 2nd, if your love affair has thwarted your growth, you’ll consider taking some time apart to explore other options. If you’re single, you’ll bask in the freedom of independence. On August 8th-9th, you’re feeling relaxed and back on track with a romantic partner; you’ll spend quality time together planning the future. August 16th, you’re tempted to express yourself without filtering your words; be careful when you do as it may cause hurt feelings.

August 21st, you’ll look to take up studies that will give you a leg up in business, particularly in the areas of law and marketing. August 23-25th, your energy is off the charts; use it to your advantage and make sure you balance work with play. August 30-31st, you’re in tune with your instincts when an unexpected situation arises. Just go with the flow and things will work out fine.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Okenite helps Capricorn discover new directions in life.

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Aquarius Horoscope

On August 1st, those partnerships you’ve been looking to form are more likely to happen now that you’re freed from Mercury retrograde’s influence. Whether it’s a business opportunity or a romantic pairing, new relationships will prove successful and lasting. If an existing love affair has gone stale, you’ll dig your heels in to find out why. You’ll reconsider what you contribute to the relationship, and if lacking, you’ll step up your game.

August 2nd, you’ll assert your independence, but this is nothing new to your romantic partner, who knows you all too well and your need for space. On August 8th, you’ll crave attention as it gives you a little ego boost. On August 16th, forego the urge to act rash or dive into an opportunity; there’s more to learn about conditions before deciding anything.

On August 21st, if you’re dealing with legal issues and contracts, you’ll do well with negotiations and settlements. Then, on August 23-25th, you’ll think about taking a wine and painting class or learning something that fulfills your need to create. August 30-31st, growing tensions disrupt the harmony between you and a dear friend. Consider your friend’s point of view before you launch a verbal attack.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Amethyst helps keep Aquarius calm and stable when energies are high and volatile.

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Pisces Horoscope

On August 1st, Saturn, and Chiron retrograde calls you out from the depths of the emotional realm where you often escape from the real world. Your challenge this month is to deal with emotional issues head-on instead of hiding from them. The New Moon in Leo encourages you to explore who you are and what you want out of life. It leads you to a new, more fulfilling life path.

Transiting Venus Square Uranus on the 2nd has you reexamining an existing love affair. You’ll question whether it fulfills you, and if not, you’ll have some hard decisions to make. If you’re single, you’ll remain so until you’ve finished rediscovering yourself and what you want out of life. As part of the “new you” develops, you’ll find the week of August 8th you’ll crave social situations where you can get to know people better. Your popularity is on the rise. On the 16th, prepare for the unexpected; you’ll face obstacles challenging your patience and flexibility.

August 21st, your amiable nature makes it easier for you to make new friends of influence now. August 23-25th, whether at work or home, you’ll have no obstacles to deal with; you’ll fulfill your pre-made plans without disruption. August 30-31st, you’ll feel pressured by someone you care about; it may cause you to feel irritated and moody until the conflict resolves.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Moss Agate helps Pisces explore their heart’s desire.

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