The Epic February Horoscope 2019

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for February 2019! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.

February Horoscope 2019 – Overview

main horoscope february 2019 350x350Last month we had hopes high about what we’ll manifest this year; This same buzz of positivity carries over into February 2019! While some of us have already given up on the all-too-restrictive and unrealistic resolutions, we look to more reasonable approaches this month.

We found clarity under the celestial influence of the Full Blood/Wolf Moon coupled with a Total Lunar Eclipse as we entered Aquarius. (Whew!) We happily embraced innovative thinking, enlightenment, and felt comfortable with our own idiosyncrasies. We’ll carry this comfort right through the moment the celestial influences shift from Aquarius to Pisces on the 18th, only we’ll add more emotional depth and imagination to the mix! The theme of February involves finding balance no matter what energetic influences reign over us.

On February 1st, a Mars Square Pluto Transit triggers discord as we take up the reins of the chariot leading our lives’ direction. Since the New Year, our adamantine resolve has us fighting for control in relationships and career. The Venus Trine Uranus Transit on February 2nd stimulates our creative genius as we look to connect with the world in unusual ways. Then, the transiting Mercury Sextile Jupiter on the 3rd finds us clear-headed and ready to sculpt the future.

February 13th and 14th, a Mars Conjunct Uranus transit triggers a need for careful consideration. If we’re too quick to find a resolution or to make important decisions, we’ll find we’re swept away from the unpredictable fallout stemming from our choices. On the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces. There’s a Venus Conjunct Saturn transit that’s sure to through you for a loop; your view of life falls under the shadow of an icy mood.

Thankfully, it only takes 24 hours to turn the chaotic energies around. February 19th brings the influence of a Mercury Conjunct Neptune influence; it’s a time where creativity is high as is your love of life and learning. Transiting Venus Conjunct Pluto on the 22nd has us full of hope as we view the future seeing it abundant with opportunities. We round out the month on the 27th with a Sun Sextile Mars transit leaving us ready to take on challenges the Universe presents.

February Horoscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries Horoscope

aries horoscope february 2019 350x350Transiting Mars Square Pluto brings conflicts into your life on the first of the month. Your need for action has you micromanaging everything in business and relationships. On the second, you’re just itching for new experiences; you instill new energy into relationships and playtime. Transiting Mercury Sextile Jupiter on the third triggers a desire to write down a “to conquer” list; as you write, you can taste your desire to achieve all your dreams.

February 13th, transiting Mars Conjunct Uranus has you feeling chained in place; to break free from monotony, you think spontaneity is a solution. Take care here, Aries; rush decisions contribute to complications. On the 14th, just a dash of the spontaneous will do to get romance off the ground. Enjoy the good vibes while you can. By the 18th, when the Sun enters Pisces, you’re feeling too moody for romantic pursuits. You’ll crave alone time and may even push your partner away because of heightened irritability.

But, February 19th, your creativity heightens, and you have an ardent desire to pursue time drawing, painting, writing, or listening to your favorite music. On the 22nd, your stoic “I-don’t-need-to-be-with-anyone attitude” dissolves. Your heart craves a genuine connection with another. On the 27th, you’re feeling healthy, secure, and ready to conquer the world.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Pyrite helps you complete what you start and strengthens your leadership attributes.

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Taurus Horoscope

taurus horoscope february 2019 350x350The first of February has you diving right into your interests and chiseling away at obstacles keeping you from future success. On the 2nd, you’ll put full focus on romancing your lover or finding a lover to romance. The third, your amazing visualization skills help you envision the posh and soft existence you crave; your daydreams do not go to waste but help you put your intentions out into the Universe instead.

The 13th-14th, you’ll be feeling all too comfortable and seeing no need for change. Inertia is problematic, but with the celestial influences at work, standing still is beneficial. You’ll have plenty of time for advancement on the 19th as you undertake studies in astrology, numerology, magic, and the occult, or other fringe sciences.

Whether or not in a relationship, you long for lasting love, Taurus; on the 22nd, you’re looking to take romance to the next level. February 27th, you’ll have an undeniable urge to get up off the couch and get moving.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Malachite helps Taurus be adaptable and ready to take on challenges.

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Gemini Horoscope

gemini horoscope february 2019 350x350On the first, you’ll feel as if you’re the subject of other’s scorn and without due cause. Avoid Machiavellian maneuvers; it won’t ease the situation. On February 2nd, true to your airy-nature, you are fickle, bored, and in need of a reboot. Every small detail calls your attention, so you’re sidetracked and feel you’re getting nowhere. The 3rd, you’re chatty and the literal hub of your social circle. People seek you out for your opinion, which you’re all-too-happy to provide.

The 13th and 14th, you’ll find your penchant for extremes gets you in a bind with those you love. It’s better to find a constructive means for burning off your restless energies. On the 18th, you’re not feeling like your usual loving self; you’re grouchy and having trouble tolerating being in your own skin. On the 19th, you’re feeling more like yourself and your back on the perpetual teeter-totter of extremes. If you’re considering having an affair though, this is not the time to do so. Karmic repercussions are always high.

On the 22nd, you shine socially while attracting all the right people; you’ll build a network of accommodating peers willing to help you get a leg up in your career. You’re feeling competitive on the 27th; if you don’t have someone challenging you, you’ll challenge yourself instead which leads to personal improvement.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Howlite helps you gain clarity when emotions cloud an issue.

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Cancer Horoscope

cancer horoscope february 2019 350x350On February 1st, you’ll be looking for a place to shade yourself from pervasive negative vibes. Fighting for position and confrontations aren’t your cup of tea. On the second, you’re looking to reconnect with your lover and hoping for some sign feelings your lover reciprocates your feelings or someone you’re interested in is ready to embrace romance. On the 3rd, you’re far more open than usual; you’ll have no problem making allies, friends, or strengthening bonds with a lover or family member.

The 13th and 14th your goal is achieving a delicate balance between your willingness to chase after your dreams and tossing caution to the wind to fulfill your passions. Seeking a happy medium as your ideal. On the 18th, you don’t recognize yourself or your unruly behavior. The 19th, you experience an increase in psychic sensitivity. You see right through the motives of others. It’s a proper time for negotiations, signing contracts, and making deals.

On the 22nd, you’ll want to curb your tendency for hiding away from the world; it may lead the unscrupulous to manipulate you after seeing your emotional vulnerabilities. On the 27th, you tackle loose ends and look to finish incomplete projects.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Chrysocolla helps you achieve serenity during chaotic times, Cancer.

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Leo Horoscope

leo horoscope february 2019On the 1st, you’ll seek the adoration of your adoring social circle but receive an unpleasant surprise; not all smiling faces are sincere. You’ll assume one or more people have your back when they don’t. On the 2nd, you’re a smitten kitten Leo and looking to turn up the heat in the bedroom. If single, you’re seeking a playmate who likes things just as hot as you do. Your mind craves stimulation on the 3rd; you’ll look to take classes or teach yourself something new.

With the Mars Conjunct Uranus transit on the 13th, funnel your restlessness into something productive; doing so allows you to prevent chaos from winning over the moment. The same approach applies for the 14th; use your energy for something constructive, and everything else falls right into place. On the 18th, you’re feeling resentful against the entire world and seek a retreat. Thank goodness you’re back to your old self on the 19th; your compassion shines through when you take part in volunteer work or philanthropic opportunities.

On the 19th, you’ll find you’re moving against the tide; usually trusting until you have a reason not to be, you’re suspicious of a partner. Trust your instincts, they won’t steer you wrong, Leo. On the 27th, your high energy levels have you ready to tackle your extensive “to-do” list.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Citrine helps you bring out your charismatic and compassionate nature.

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Virgo Horoscope

virgo horoscope february 2019 350x350Your need for organization is on overdrive come the 1st; it’s your means of micromanaging your way through an otherwise chaotic day. February 2nd, though you don’t know how or why you’ll find eccentric people flocking to you. You engage in relationships with Bohemian types as if to address your own morbid curiosity. The 3rd, others will call on you for your negotiating skills; you’ll be able to talk things out in a romantic relationship or work out difficulties in work relationships.

Your desire for everything pure and your anal tactics help you avoid the repercussions from reckless energies on the 13th and 14th. On the 18th, you’re nitpicking and nagging everyone to the point it becomes harassment. You settle down on the 19th and put your organizational obsessions to better use; you’ll compare needs versus wants to declutter and simplify your life.

On the 22nd, you’ll realize despite your desire for simplicity, you often complicate matters in the realm of love. Your attraction to a bad-boy/naughty-girl personalities contributes to relationship complexities. February 27th, your confidence and skill shine. It has you gaining all the right attention in the workforce.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Tourmaline helps you stay receptive to others and instills harmony.

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Libra Horoscope

libra horoscope february 2019The Mars Square Pluto Transit on February 1st triggers the need to play diplomat with everyone; be careful not to overstep your boundaries by saying something off the cuff. Your Venus-ruled heart and mind are seeking stimulation; but when a situation leaves you wanting, your interests melt like fallen snow on a roaring hearth-fire. You’re called on for diplomatic skills on the 3rd; a calm demeanor and couth make you a role model.

With your motto being “I balance,” you know just how difficult supporting your equilibrium can be, Libra. On the 13th-14th, your ability to walk that fine line is put to the test. While you’ve always had a cat-like balance in your life, on the 18th, you feel you’ve fallen right off the balance beam. On the 19th, you pick yourself back up; here, you’re looking to improve existing relationships by tuning in and just listening without judgment.

On February 22nd, you’ll find an existing romance exhilarating: things heat up in the bedroom whether you’re in a committed relationship or not. On the 27th, you deal with enemies you didn’t even know you had by outshining them.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aquamarine helps you keep an open mind and heart.

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Scorpio Horoscope

scorpio horoscope february 350x350On February 1st, you’re off and running before the race begins, despite all the hemming and hawing of naysayers. Nothing is stopping you from reaching your financial and personal goals. On the 2nd, you’ll turn your creative genius in creativity in the bedroom; you’re looking to up the ante between the sheets from perfectly piquant to ”Muy Caliente! On the 3rd, the Mercury Sextile Jupiter transit has you thinking about travel; whether a short jaunt or week-long getaway, you deserve downtime.

The 13th-14th, if you rush in where angels fear to tread, it’s tad amount to stinging yourself with your own barb, Scorpio. The venom you inject into your life is chaos; it will leave you looking for refuge when the storm hits. Usually easy-to-get-along-with; the 18th’s celestial influences have you cool, aggressive, and sometimes mean. On the 19th, your head clears as your temper cools. You’re ready to look at your role in relationships and what you contribute to its stability.

February 22nd brings a Venus Conjunct Pluto transit; you’re likely to find 50 Shades of Grey a source of inspiration now, as your experimental nature in the bedroom heightens from your desire for adventure. On the 27th, your instincts are sharp in business so you can sense a good deal when one arrives.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Smoky Quartz helps you stay calm when during emotionally charged conditions.

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Sagittarius Horoscope

sagittarius horoscope february 2019 350x350Not one for repressing your desires, on February 1st, you’re forging forward into your future like a warrior waving the world’s sharpest blade in the air. Any obstacle, you cut away. The second, your bones are just aching for your next adventure; you get euphoric from making plans. On the third, you’re taking the next step to make your plans for adventure a reality; Bungee Jumping, Skydiving, or swimming in the ocean while seeking treasure, it makes no difference to you, if it gets the heart pumping.

A Mars Conjunct Uranus transit triggers the need to settle down and quiet your wild and independent spirit; there’s plenty of time for your exploits later, but the Universe doesn’t support it. You speak your mind through innuendos and subtle hints, but the 18th’s Venus Conjunct Saturn transit may have you a lot more sarcastic than usual. On the 19th, you’re ready to let go of what’s been holding you back from becoming emotionally attached to another.

On the 22nd, you’re seeking your next adrenaline rush, so you’ll up the ante with your lover and the bedroom antics. Turning on the charm gets you brownie points with a romantic partner on the 27th.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Bronzite brings you peace and helps you center.

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Capricorn Horoscope

capricorn horoscope february 2019 350x350On February 1st you’re all business and no play. If you’re in a relationship, your partner doesn’t take well to the lack of focus on romantic pursuits. On February 2nd, you’ll want to get in on a business partnership, but it’s better to second guess the move; your best work stems from independent pursuits. Romantic relationships stay in limbo or nonexistent; you’re just not looking to navigate the waters of emotion right now. The third and fourth have you far more optimistic than you have been as of late; New Moon energies have you looking to the future with full enthusiasm.

The 13th-14th, you’re feeling ho-hum as if every day is just more of the same. While wanting a little excitement is normal, it’s best to wait a day or two before you end up unintentionally stirring the beehive in your quest for more sweetness in your life. The 18th, you’ll find trouble getting your point across without hurting someone’s feelings at work. At home, you’ll face conflicts, especially if you’ve been isolating yourself.

On February 19th, you’ll find success if you decide to launch new projects or to enter in romantic relationships. February 22nd has you casting aside your all-business-no-play attitude as you get down to business with a lover. On the 27th, you’re tuned in an turned on by a romantic partner.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Peacock Ore encourages self-care, love, and compassion.

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Aquarius Horoscope

aquarius horoscope february 2019 350x350Your success comes from your innovation, but your cool attitude rubs others the wrong way; on the 1st, your accomplishments are threatening to those around you. On the 2nd, you let your infamous eccentricities shine; there’s no hesitation in strutting your unconventionality around like a proud peacock showing off exquisite feathery plumes. The third has you feeling amorous with high hopes for love; often running from commitment, now your longing for a relationship to become more serious.

Transiting Mars Conjunct Uranus calls for some out-of-the-box thinking on the 13th-14th; when you’re in need of more spice in your life, originality of thought makes upping the ante more rewarding when you’re successful doing so. You’re an easy-going talk-coholic, but the 18th has you distancing yourself from your social circle. Try not to be too trite or unconventionally cold; it will cost you a friend or two if you’re not vigilant against unwarranted aggression.

The 19th, you’re looking for fulfillment spiritually. February 22nd brings life lessons through the guise of romance; embracing the experience contributes to karmic balance. You’re not shy when approaching your lover on the 27th; open communication leads to intimate moments.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Lodestone helps you identify the best spiritual path to pursue your development.

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Pisces Horoscope

pisces horoscope february 2019 350x350A Mars Square Pluto Transit has you feeling unsure; so, on February 1st, you take on a “when-in-doubt-do-nothing” approach. It’s as if you think those around you can only sense your presence throw motion. Your solution: Don’t make a move and negativity will go away. Wishful-thinking goes unfulfilled. On February 2nd, you’re looking to be more social, but only after you give your external image a boost; a new wardrobe and salon visit are in the offing. The third arrives with influences that trigger a desire for spiritual development; in romance, you’re opening your partner parallels your passion for spiritual pursuits.

The 13th-14th, you’ll want to use any restless energies you’re dealing with productively. Exercise or finish household chores. Stabilizing yourself makes interacting with family and romantic partners a lot easier. The 18th, you want to isolate yourself from everyone; a heavy depression weighs you down like a heavy blanket. Thank goodness it is a passing mood; On the 19th, you’re ready to find real and lasting love.

On the 22nd, you’ll find satisfaction through romantic pursuits. You’re looking to navigate through intense emotions on the 27th; the waters feel safe because they are so it’s time to dive into romantic pursuits.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Galena helps you make the changes you need to make life improvements and spiritually develop.

Read All About The Pisces Zodiac Sign

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