TarotScopes for February 2019

Tarotscopes February 2019 1280x960

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The King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

February Tarotscope 2019: Overview: King of Wands

Welcome to your February 2019 Tarotscope reading! The forecast for February 2019 comes from the energetic influences the King of Wands represents. Sitting on a high-back throne, one resting on a stone foundation, the King of Wands peers out into the distance. We cannot see what he is looking at, but his focus is constant. Behind him is the cloudless, blue sky and mountains.

The rear of his yellow-backed thrown features lions and salamanders. He wears a matching yellow cloak featuring salamanders eating their tail, corresponding with Ouroboros symbolism. The King has a crown with flame-shaped peaks, a red robe, yellow boots, and a salamander appears at his side near his feet. A lion necklace hangs from his neck. He holds a wand with fresh leaves growing from it.

The King of Wands tells us February 2019 features challenges. We’ll focus on communication and our passions. It’s time to achieve our highest aims. We’ll need courage and strength. The card signifies upcoming transformation and events or relationships involving a trial by fire. However, we are like the ancient salamander seen escaping from burning logs: They appeared to endure fire without harm. We’ll come out of any experience unscathed in the end.

In February 2019, we are like the legendary Phoenix. Once the flames consume the mythical bird, it rises once more from the ashes. Here, our inner Phoenix we’ll help us resurrect dreams we have long put aside.

After self-analysis, we’ll recreate ourselves into something better. Ouroboros imagery reiterates this promise. The serpent devouring its tail symbolizes rebirth, resurgence, and the eternal.

In business and career, February will see many of us launching new projects or entrepreneurial pursuits. Communication is the highlight of the month and will be essential to our success in the industry of our choice.

Romantic relationships will have their strength tested, notably in the department of emotional expression. Pursuits of knowledge will also appeal to us, and any relationship involving a focus on intellect will thrive.

Affirmation: “I have the strength and will to rise above the fray.”

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February Tarotscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

The World Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): The World (Reversed)

The World Card features the number 21 revealing the energies of the number three (21= 2+1=3), which resonates with change and creativity. In the card’s center is a nude female with a drapery wrapped halfway around her body. She is floating in mid-air, but wingless. She holds a wand in each hand, with both arms down by her sides.

In each corner of the card appears the four figures creating tetramorph; a human head, eagle, ox, and lion. (Note: The characters are rich in symbolism, as they represent Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John or Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel. The imagery also alludes to the Book of Revelation where writings describe God’s throne. The same four symbols correspond with Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo, and the four elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. With elements in the four corners, the woman in the center represents the Akashic Element or World Spirit.) There’s a large wreath around the nude female, reminiscent of the Ouroboros, and alluding to cosmic consciousness.

The reversal of the World points to upcoming changes. You’ll feel as if your world has turned upside down. Obstacles are ahead in relationship, projects, money, and career. It’s as if someone has pulled the rug out from under you. Frustration reigns. Not to worry, Aries. It’s not the end of the world!

Turn your desire for action into focus on the hidden lessons beneath your current experiences. The energetic influences in February will have you looking to the past for answers. Consider your achievements, but reflect on unfulfilled ambitions. Ask yourself, “Going forward, what way can I wisely ration time so I can tie up loose ends?” Call on your creative skills for innovative solutions.

Affirmation: “Every experience helps me grow.”

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The Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): The Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups sits on a stone throne featuring cherubs and a seashell design (alluding to the birth of the Love Goddess Venus). She wears a light blue robe that looks like water streaming from her body. Her shoes are blue, and the one visible foot is in contact with the ocean waters before her. An enormous yellow cliff and the blue sky serve as the setting. In her hands, she bears the Holy Grail. She wears a yellow crown.

In February, your focus is on finding or cultivating love. It’s all hearts and kisses this month as you and your partner engage in equal give and take of comfort and affection. If single, you’ll seek a lifetime partner for real intimacy. Superficial relationships just won’t do. In career and business, you’ll feel you’re on the road to success and put your passion into all you do.

The Queen of Cups is hypersensitive to all in her surroundings. She is an emblem of empathy and emotional connection. February 2019 will be a time for emotional attachment and healing. Just remember not to give yourself away in the process Taurus.

Affirmation: “I will give to myself as much as I give to others.”

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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck

(Gemini May 21 – Jun 21): The Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords sits on a stone throne featuring cherubim, a crescent moon, and she wears a yellow crown with three butterflies. The Queen holds up the Sword of Truth. On her left wrist, are prayer or meditation beads. The upper portion of the sky is blue with a single bird flying off in the distance. But, all around the throne’s base, the Queen of Wands has white clouds surrounding her. A few trees are in the backdrop. She wears a white robe and cloak covered in a blue cloud-filled sky pattern.

The Universe has got your back, Gemini. You are receptive of all the energies around you and tapped into the Divine Feminine. Your relationships benefit from your intuitive and empathic nature and love blossoms under your love and generosity. You’ll make business or career decisions on the fly. It’s time for doing away with outmoded ideas or old habits which no longer serve you.

This is a period where you’re more thoughtful when making major decisions, Your instinct serves as your guide until clouds of confusion give way. Situations once “iffy” will become clear.

Affirmation: “All conditions and relationships become transparent.”

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The Emperor Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): The Emperor

The Emperor is the archetypal father figure in the Major Arcana. He signifies laws, organization, and discipline. A stone throne serves as his support, and there are massive yellow peaks behind him. A tiny body of water is in the background, implying his purpose separation from emotion. He represents the physical world, while his crimson robe and the four Rams on his throne, representing Aries and Mars influences, signify action and ambition. He bears an ankh as a symbol of resurrection and rebirth. In his opposite hand, he holds the world, a sign of his sovereignty.

Cancer, you enter the world objectively and with focus sharp. All practical matters become the center of attention. You’ll cast aside the tendency for introversion. In your career, you’re more competitive than usual: You’ll refuse to take the back seat and demand recognition.

You’ll look at love matters in “black and white.” If you’ve been having difficulty in an existing relationship, your aim is to resurrect the ultra-passionate moments. In situations where there’s trust issues, you’ll try to rebuild. When single, you’ll weigh pros and cons before diving headlong into love. You’d rather be alone and happy than in a relationship absent of emotional support. With family, old rivalries may continue to brew.

Affirmation: “I conquer all obstacles to achieve my every aim.”

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The King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): The King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles sits on a stone throne featuring four bulls. His robe features grapes on the vine (aligning with the Gods Dionysus and Bacchus). His armored-covered feet are visible. A golden crown rests on his head. In his one hand is a scepter, in the other, a single coin (Pentacle). In the backdrop, there’s a bright yellow sky and castle.

February is full of love and bliss, Leo. The world is your oyster and is just waiting for you to embrace what is yours. If you’re in an existing relationship, you’ll bask in euphoric. Your relationship is secure, so there’s nothing left to do but enjoy everything life has to offer. If you’re dating another, you’re well on your way to the mature relationship you seek. If your single, self-love allows you to walk through the world with head held high.

In business and career, you’ll feel like Midas, where everything you touch seems to turn to gold. Decisions you make end up rewarding you more than you thought when results pan out in your favor unexpectedly. Just be careful not to get too confident Leo, even Midas’ luck came with limits.

Affirmation: “My life overflows with abundance.”

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The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Three of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Three of Coins depicts a Mason working on a building as two others look on and examine his work. In the structure’s archway, there are three coins forming a pyramid. The two onlookers are holding a document, perhaps a blueprint or a contract for work. The Mason stands on a bench to elevate himself. He wears a dark grey tunic, yellow apron, and blue pants.

The Three of Coins promises upcoming changes for February. In business, it’s all about foundations, the basics, and getting to the root of a matter. You’ll discuss guidelines, plans, and resource management. In career, you’ll work in a collaborative effort, but still find you do your best work alone.

In relationships, the theme of foundations remains the focus. If you’re in an existing relationship, you’ll set new or renew ground rules to help improve how you relate to one another. If looking to start a new relationship, you and your new partner will discuss expectations. You may question your ability to support a lasting relationship and what resources you bring to the table.

Affirmation: “I am Divinely inspired as I create.”

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The Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands rides a horse that rears back as if in fear or as if it is preparing to leap a hurdle. The knight remains in balance on the horse despite the horse’s position. He holds a large wand in his hand (reminiscent of the Ace of Wands) as he looks off into the distance in front of him. Salamanders cover his yellow clothing. Feathers, which look like flames, are on his helmet. Three pyramids, a desert, and blue skies are the backdrop.

You may see obstacles before you, Libra, but that will not stop you from forging forward. You’ll feel confident enough you’ll defy the odds and find success in all undertakings. It’s important not to grow too self-assured; you don’t want to overlook important steps vital to success.

Your mind blazes with inspiration. You’ll find your ideas well-received by the people you interact with, and despite minor challenges, there’s nothing but blue skies ahead.

Affirmation: “I am strong and passionate.”

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The Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Six of Wands (Reversed)

When upright, the Six of Wands depicts a man riding into town on a white horse. He carries a staff with a wreath of victory hanging from him. The horse prances as a crowd cheers the victor. He is in a position of honor. A careful look at the card, however, shows at least one person who is not happy about the man’s success. But, the card comes up in reverse for February.

At work, consider the power of your words before speaking. In love relationships, you find yourself in situations where the conversation lags or runs dry. Don’t force the issue, it will only make matters worse. You need to learn how to be as comfortable with silence as you are when talking to one another.

In your career, you feel your achievements go unrecognized. Take care you don’t become bitter; it will change the lens in which you view the world. With some of your friendships, you’ll question if you are getting just as much as you are giving. If you feel like just another face in the crowd or unimportant, don’t rush to judgment about relationship foundations. You might make the mistake of severing ties with someone when a simple conversation can remedy the situation.

Affirmation: “The words I choose hold great power.”

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The Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22–Dec 22): Three of Cups (Reversed)

The Three of Cups features three women (the Fates or Graces) dancing around in a circle (circumambulating). The circular movement symbolizes the natural order, mimics the motion of the Sun, and establishes sacred space. Each holds a chalice high in the air as if toasting. Fruits of the harvest are at their feet, suggesting one reaps what they sow. Their robes are colorful in hues of white, red, and yellow. A red robe signifies will, the yellow corresponds with intellect, and the white robe means purity; the symbols suggest a time for purity of thoughts and intent. It’s a card signifying friendship and community. But the card comes up as a reversal.

In February, you’ll feel as if you’ve lost your direction. You’ll question your life’s mission or if you are on the right path at all. Early in the month, your energy is high, but as days progress, you’ll feel the sting of exhaustion. All that hard work means hard play too. You’ll cherish your downtime more than ever. You find peace of mind in isolation. When you have more energy, you’ll return from your temporary retreat stronger than before, and at the ready to spend time with friends or to help others.

Affirmation:“My life mission remains clear.”

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The Judgement Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Judgement (Reversed)

The Judgement card depicts an angel in the sky blowing a horn. From the horn waves a flag with an equal-armed red cross. The scene below the angel shows people rising from the dead as they reach up to the sky from their graves. There’s an ocean of water surrounding the people and the caskets they stand in float on the water’s surface. The card signifies one’s life experiences, examining those conditions or relationships, and the need to put emotional issues to rest once and for all. Judgement signifies a resurrection at hand, but a rebirth that’s pending on a person’s willingness to accept what has been: Good and bad.

The celestial influences this month will have you dealing with old wounds. The problems you face might prove surprising; denial and avoidance may lead you to believe you were over an issue, but this month it rears its ugly head causing you to question everything. It triggers a period of intense reflection and self-exploration.

If you’re in a problematic business pairing, you’ll question whether it’s better to remain in the same partnership or go your separate ways. If the problems occur within the family, old sibling rivalries may come back for another go around. Difficulties in romance stem from long-term rocky conditions. You remain in a relationship that no longer serves you. Now, the Universe challenges you to inspect why you refuse to break from your psychological chains.

Affirmation: “I am spontaneous, adaptable, and ready to embrace new conditions.”

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The Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords depicts an androgynous figure sitting up in bed in what seems like the darkest hours of the night. Nine swords hanging over the person’s head as a looming threat, whether sensed or actual. The card signifies stress, anxiety, and the dark night of the soul experience. It can also mean mourning, grief, and enduring unresolvable or impossible conditions. With this meaning in mind, it may seem as if the February forecast for the Aquarian born is grim and dismal.

February will bring emotional challenges, but you have the strength to endure. The experiences you’ll encounter this month involve situations and conditions that are otherwise unavoidable. Love relationships may feel as if they are being tested and stretched to well beyond their limits. Work conditions may seem bleak, stagnate, stale, and unchangeable. The card suggests difficulties with all relationships, including friends and family.

The Nine of Swords is a card associated with karmic repercussions, regret, and remorse. But, it doesn’t end there: The card signifies a period of learning, paying a karmic debt, and making it through emotional difficulties. There may be no escape from current conditions, but you can work through them; It’s the darkest hour before the dawn, but there is still light at the end of the tunnel. A willingness to change is a crucial attitude to make it through existing conditions.

Affirmation: “I will let go of what no longer serves me.”

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The Justice Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Justice (Reversed)

When Justice is upright, it depicts an androgynous-looking figure female sitting on a throne between two concrete pillars. The figure takes on the role of observer and judge, for unlike most images representing Justice, the character has no blindfold. In one hand, she holds up the sword of truth, and in the other the scales standing for balance. The pillars represent rulership over the physical realm. The card signifies a time of fair judgment and strength.

When considering the antithesis of Justice, we get injustice, but this oversimplifies the forecast for the future. To better understand upcoming conditions, you must prepare yourself for digging in a situation or relationship to figure out from where the injustice stems. Self-analysis is vital to get to the root of conditions. Question if you are playing favorites which result in an unjust situation for someone or if you are oppressing another, even if it’s unintentional. Remember injustice conditions have many causes, whether it comes from inexperience, the inability to see a solution, corruption, or fear or refusal to change.

When Justice comes up in reverse, it means you’ll want to examine your motives and those you interact with; if you identify imbalances, make sure fair-play trumps inequities. The most important thing to remember is that there are many times where you’ll have power to mend unjust conditions.

Affirmation: “I will not close my eyes to the truth.”

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