The Epic November Horoscopes 2019

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***Special Note***

Welcome to the most in-depth monthly horoscope and astrology overview for November 2019! Make sure to bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for a horoscope ‘check-up’.

Main Horoscope November 2019

November Horoscope 2019 – Overview

We dive into November with our footing unsure as it’s only the second day of Mercury Retrograde. It’s that time of year again where we should double-check – triple-check – everything we put down in writing. We must slow down and remain deliberate about every move. The retrograde movement of the planet encourages us to mull over the past. It’s best to use this time to get organized-so doing ensures our readiness to move forward when energies go direct. It’s not a favorable time to launch new projects or relationships.

The first three weeks prove daunting when we’re struggling to figure out others or get our point across. If uncertainty reigns, it’s best to leave things unsaid until energies support clear communication. November 1st, transiting Saturn Sextile Neptune promises us lucrative endeavors if we remain level-headed and rely on predictable systems for creating wealth.

The transiting Sun Trine Neptune influence on November 8th-9th makes most people benevolent. We’ll extend our concern beyond ourselves as we place our focus on the needs of the greater community. Volunteer activities are ideal now. If we don’t help a nonprofit group, we’ll be at the ready to support friends and family members in need.

November 10th, transiting Sun Conjunct Mercury pushes our inner muse into overdrive. It’ll feel like we’re at the world’s biggest smorgasbord with a menu brimming with delectable creative opportunities. Too many choices paralyze and result in making no choice at all. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 12th has us seeking the comforts of home. Those of us in a relationship spend time in the loving arms of our significant other. For those of us who are single, it’s a period of self-love and indulgence.

Chiron Retrograde remains until December 13th, instilling a surging desire to deal with old emotional wounds. As each day passes this month, there’s a sense of urgency as the feelings we’ve long ignored force their way to the surface of our awareness. If we deny what’s been troubling us deep down, there’s only more anxiety. The 13th-14th, transiting Mars Sextile Jupiter proves productive at work; some of us receive recognition for our ingenuity, while others receive kudos for being competent and enterprising.

Mercury goes Direct on the 20th, putting an end to the retrograded planet’s tumultuous influence for the final time in 2019. We’ll be all too ready to address the communication-related issues we’ve been putting off until this point. When the Sun enters Sagittarius November 23rd, our curiosity about the world increases. Some of us consider traveling the world, while others look for opportunities to learn about other cultures and lifestyles closer to home.

Transiting Venus Conjunct Jupiter we’ll all receive a well-deserved boost in self-esteem. Even when shy, it’s a time for seeking the companionship of others. People are at their most authentic and in need of genuine, compassionate connections. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th has us looking to change our lives for the better. Some of us liberate ourselves from confining relationships. Others turn inward to discover what they want out of life.

November 28th, transiting Venus Trine Uranus we’re feeling fantastic as we spend time with family. November 30th, with the Mercury Sextile Saturn influence, our minds are sharp, and our heads filled with daydreams of a great future.

November Horoscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

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Aries Horoscope

Let’s face it; you are not at all fond of the energies that come with Mercury Retrograde. You prefer your communication to be clear, concise, and without complication. But, despite your mild irritation, transiting Saturn Sextile Neptune has you optimistic about the days ahead.

From November 8th-9th the energies don’t support launching plans, but it is the best time for you to develop the blueprints for the life of your dreams. November 10th, you’ll have a heightened curiosity, and your mind is keen. On the 12th, the Full Moon in Taurus triggers the desire to overspend and buy big-ticket items. You’ll have trouble stopping yourself from breaking the bank if you shop with a “Hey, I deserve it,” attitude.

The transiting Mars Sextile Jupiter energies on the 13th-14th makes you more competitive than usual. Make sure you don’t go overboard, especially now when others misread your intentions and see your competitive nature as envious or aggressive. November 20th, all forms of communication improve, and the energies are ideal for travel. When the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 23rd, you feel like there’s nothing in the world you can’t accomplish.

November 24th-25th, you’ll make amends with your lover if you’ve been at odds. Negotiations go with contracts or at work. During the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26th, you’re looking to chase your dreams, no matter what the cost. The 28th, you and your significant other enjoy time with your families. November 30th, you’ll discover a new hobby and establish a plan for learning everything you can about it.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Carnelian gives you an energetic lift while encouraging you to go after your dreams.

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Taurus Horoscope

On November 1st, the energies have you turning your attention inward because the outside world is just too chaotic. You’d rather let your imagination run wild than try to go head-to-head with people who don’t get what you’re trying to say. Your preference for isolation lingers into the second week of the month since you find yourself comfortable in your territory with no one else to bother you.

On November 8th-9th, all that alone time pays off, especially if you use it to meditate and explore your small role in the Universe’s tapestry. November 10th, you’ll spend time freewriting or brainstorming as you let your stream of consciousness come to the fore of your awareness.

The Full Moon enters your sign on the 12th, so your desire for luxurious surroundings and creature comforts are at an all-time high for the month. Whether at home on the couch with a body length pillow and your favorite book or tasting the best cuisine at your favorite restaurant, you’ll savor every pleasurable moment. A Mars Sextile Jupiter transit on the 13th-14th ensures your instincts are sharp in financial investments and money management.

November 20th, it feels like a weight lifts off your shoulders. Difficulty with communication ends and has you looking to connect with others once more. It allows you to fulfill your need to nurture. On the 23rd, with the Sun in Sagittarius, you’ll have fun joking around and chatting with your best friend. You’ll consider traveling to places you’ve never been. The 24th-25th, you’ll either become a matchmaker, setting up two of your friends on a date or a peacemaker who helps a couple work out a conflict.

On the 26th, during the New Moon, you daydream about what your future holds. The 28th, you’re happy to lend family members a hand-it gives you extra time to spend together on the holidays. On the 30th, a desire to try new things to spice up a relationship has you exploring your experimental side. If you’re single, you’ll spend time with a person who takes a liking to you.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Astrophyllite helps you in defining your soul’s mission and discovering your sacred voice.

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Gemini Horoscope

November 1st, rather than take on an all-or-nothing approach, you’ll pace yourself through the next few weeks. You’d rather take things slow than end things in a crash and burn scenario in a relationship. Though you’ll want to launch a project, your instincts tell you now is not the time to do so.

The 8th-9th, transiting Sun Trine Neptune has you thinking about changing up your wardrobe. Success has been at the forefront of your mind, so you’ll feel it’s more important than ever to dress the part. Your innate abilities include being able to read other people; it serves you well when communication is chaotic. On the 10th, you’d love nothing more than to talk for hours if someone was only willing to listen.

The 12th, the Full Moon in Taurus helps you center yourself and ground. The energies make you lazy, but it’s not such a bad thing to slow down occasionally; this is a period where a lot of little “coincidences” occur. On the 13th-14th, you’ll discover your reputation precedes you. The kindness you’ve extended others in the past spread via word of mouth and earns brownie points with those in authority.

November 20th, you’re delighted when communication issues pass. Now you can get the intellectual stimulation and attention you crave without all the confusion. On the 23rd, when the Sun enters Sagittarius, you’ll be feeling reckless-you are longing for new, exciting experiences and to escape your day-to-day routine.

The 24th-25th, you’re looking to surround yourself with beauty, whether its people or things. A New Moon in Sagittarius a day later triggers a desire to try something you’ve never tried before. On the 28th, your bubbly personality makes family interactions fun and memorable. New friends appreciate your never-ending and varied interests. November 30th, even though you’re under pressure, you still shine thanks to your strength of character.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Black Obsidian helps you ground and protect your aura from negative energies.

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Cancer Horoscope

November 1st you’ll start the month looking inward, Cancer. There, you can explore your visions, dreams, and hopes in complete safety. The inner journey begins with meditation, journaling, or just long periods of quiet reflection. The outer world and socialization are just not appealing now.

November 8th-9th, transiting Sun Trine Neptune triggers an interest in unusual subjects. What others see as strange you see as intriguing. November 10th, the Sun Conjunct Mercury transit only intensifies your already growing curiosity in fringe subjects. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 12th has you wanting to connect more with Mother Earth. You’ll also feel stronger and more emotionally sound.

On November 13-14th, you’re craving interaction with like-minded folks. Your amiable personality makes it easy for you to make and keep friends. If you’re feeling insecure or shy, a few of your friends encourage you to come out of hiding. On the 20th, it’s a lot easier for you to say what you mean, especially when communicating with a romantic partner.

When the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 23rd, it’s an excellent time for financial investments, making travel plans, or making a big-ticket purchase for the home. The 24th-25th, your eye for all things beautiful and a need to satiate the longings of your creative inner child triggers a desire to redecorate your sacred space.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th promises you a spell of good luck in all ventures. Whatever you aim for now is achievable over the short-term. The 28th, you’re looking to upgrade your electronics to the latest gizmos. November 30th, your memory and ability to concentrate make getting through the workday a breeze.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Bauxite helps you see things with greater clarity while letting go of toxic feelings.

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Leo Horoscope

You’ll keep a tight watch on the people in your inner circle on November 1st. Conflicts among friends lead to people trying to get you to take sides. It’s better if you stay out of things. Once problems subside, no one shuns you for playing favorites.

The transiting Sun Trine Neptune on 8th-9th influence has your romantic relationships intensify. The depth of your feelings for one another only grows stronger with a shared spiritual connection. If you’re single, you’ll seek someone with a big heart who has a similar outlook on life. The Full Moon in Taurus on November 12th, despite your strong disposition, has you like a kitten in need of some cuddle time.

November 13th-14th amps up your bravery. You couple your courage with a positive outlook as you take on duties requiring you to embrace a high profile. Your charisma makes it easy to sway any audience you address. On the 20th, you’ll let down your guard a little when handling electronic documents and paperwork. Mercury Retrograde’s influence fades, leaving you less concerned with embarrassing snafus. The 23rd, the Sun enters Sagittarius, you’ll try living life on the wild side-drinking, dancing, and other social gatherings appeal to you now.

November 24th-25th, transiting Venus Conjunct Jupiter triggers a period where everything you try succeeds. You’ll feel particularly blessed because of the wonderful people in your life. With the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th, there’s an urge to expand your knowledge and challenge yourself. The 28th, a touch of creativity comes over you as you beautify the meal you prepare or the home environment. The 30th it’s time to buckle down and put business plans into action.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Datolite sharpens cognitive processing while attuning you to your innate gifts.

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Virgo Horoscope

November 1st, the Saturn Sextile Neptune transit triggers a desire for a deeper spiritual connection. Living more mindfully, meditation, and prayer are at the top of your to-do list. You’ll develop a plan for spiritual studies.

On November 8th-9th, your desire to help others has you extending a hand to your family members or neighbors. Enjoy the natural buzz from showing others your compassionate side. November 10th, it’s not time to tackle the ever-growing pile of paperwork on your desk at work or the home office. You’re likely to run into your fair share of frustrating snags.

The Full Moon in Taurus on the 12th intensifies your need to double-check and triple-check your monetary standing. The 13th-14th of November are great days for dealing with business matters if you go over contractual agreements with a fine-tooth comb. When Mercury goes Direct on the 20th, you can breathe a little easier. When the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 23rd, it’s difficult to bite your tongue when someone tests your patience.

On the 24th-25th, you’ll reap the rewards for your conscientiousness. On the 26th, you’ll be franker with your lover or a friend than usual-it adds to the existing strain on the relationship. The 28th you’ll step outside your comfort zone as you host the family gathering for the holiday-the day turns out far better than you expect. The 30th your desire to interact with like-minded people has you attending social gatherings or joining a club.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Fulgurite helps you manifest the things you desire most in your life.

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Libra Horoscope

November 1st, you pull someone out of a dark mood. November 8th-9th, you’ll investigate innovative ways to achieve your goals with the highest efficiency. If you’ve already accomplished your objectives, you’ll turn your attention to helping others do the same. November 10th, your natural chattiness kicks into overdrive because your mind is racing with exciting ideas.

The Full Moon in Taurus on the 12th, the day is all about self-love and spoiling yourself: A day at the spa is not out of the question. If you make any purchases, you’ll have an eye for the beautiful and high-quality items. November 13th-14th, if you’re looking a higher-up’s attention at work, you succeed at turning a few heads. When Mercury goes Direct on the 20th, you’ll feel the energetic shift and double up on the opportunities to socialize and chat.

On the 23rd, with the Sun in Sagittarius, you’ll struggle with keeping balance and taking things in moderation. If you attend a celebration, avoid over-indulgence. On November 24th-25th, you’ll feel at peace as you ready yourself for a busy work week ahead. The 28th, you’ll spend the weekend at home. Instead of renovating, you’ll redecorate and rearrange your household furnishings to give your home a different feel. November 30th, your interests in genealogy heightens.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Inesite helps stabilize romantic relationships and improve emotional security.

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Scorpio Horoscope

On the first of November, you’ll look to heighten your awareness and hone your psychic skills through meditation, visualization, and extrasensory exercises. Your dreams are particularly vivid. On the 8th-9th, your dedication and self-discipline pay off as you work at developing a strategy for making your fondest aspirations a reality. On the 10th, you’re inquisitive and show a genuine interest in the stories other people share.

When the Full Moon is in Taurus on the 12th, your stubbornness multiples tenfold; it makes it near impossible for your mate to get through to you when you have a fixed mindset. November 13th-14th, you’ll serve as a role model for others because you won’t let the grass grow under your feet when there’s work to do.

On the 23rd, you need to satiate your never-ending curiosity-whether you read one of the latest best-selling novels or sign up for an adult class; you’ll expand your horizons. On the 24th-25th, if you’re single, others find you charming and passionate. If in a relationship, you and your mate have a romantic meal at home, complete with flowers and candlelight.

On the 26th, you’ll explore your beliefs through long, philosophical debates with others. November 28th, you’ll host a small get together for your family-if tensions among family members arise, you’ll play peacekeeper. The 30th, you’ll play a few brain games to sharpen your cognitive skills.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Covellite helps you tune into your Higher Mind and the Universe for guidance.

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Sagittarius Horoscope

On November 1st, you’re looking to meet new people and try new things this month-you’re not one to let things get dull. You encounter people through an online group or a local meet up. If your single, you’ll meet someone interested who has a serious love of animals. November 8th-9th, you’ll try your hand at a new hobby like drawing of photography. On the 10th, you’ll embrace the unconventional and unusual-it’s an excellent time to consult a card reader or psychic for insight into your future.

During the Full Moon in Taurus on November 12th, your desire to have beautiful things surrounding you intensifies. With the influence of transiting Mars Sextile Jupiter on the 13th-14th, someone at work says something you feel threatens your reputation. Handling the issue by dealing with the individual face-to-face helps eradicate the problem.

On the 20th, Mercury goes Direct, so you and your mate put an end to ongoing debates. November 23rd, when the Sun enters your sign, you won’t be in a trusting mood. You’ll encounter a “seeing is believing” situation where you’ll take no action without certainty. Transiting Venus Conjunct Jupiter on November 24th-25th, you’re looking and feeling your best. People take notice as your confidence proves undeniably attractive.

On the 26th, the new moon’s influence causes you to question life’s meaning. November 28th is a day you’ll spend reminiscing with loved ones. The 30th of November, you’ll consider taking a class or two so you can advance in your career.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Picasso Stone helps you tap into your natural artistry and desire to create.

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Capricorn Horoscope

On November 1st, you want to achieve your highest goals at work. But your gut instinct tells you not to make a move now. For the next three weeks, you go over your ideas and the steps to take to achieve your objectives. On the 8th-9th, you’ll spend extra quality time with your pet. If you don’t have a pet, you’ll consider visiting a local animal shelter to find a new animal companion. November 10th, your intellect is sharp, so any problems arising at work or home have easily discoverable solutions.

The Full Moon in Taurus November 12th has you longing for some relaxation at home-surrounding yourself with things that bring you emotional comfort rejuvenate your spirit. The 13th-14th, tensions continue to rise at work due to an ongoing conflict with a coworker. When Mercury goes Direct on the 20th, you’ll find a resolution to the problem.

The easy-going vibe you get from friends has you feeling on top of the world. On the 23rd, with the Sun in Sagittarius, you’ll believe so strongly in your point of view that you might not remain objective. November 24th-25th you’ll have luck in whatever venture you undertake.

November 28th, family members who haven’t seen you in a while re-enter your life-it’s a time of great happiness. Lasting friendships are in the offing. November 30th, you’ll resolve a long-term dispute you’ve been having with another.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Menalite is a white stone good for connecting with earthy energies and remaining grounded.

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Aquarius Horoscope

November 1st you have difficulty getting your point across when talking with others. But there are no crossed signals with your psychic abilities. Where you struggle to communicate through regular means your intuition helps you navigate difficult conditions. On the 8th-9th, transiting Sun Trine Neptune has you feeling oversensitive to the surrounding chaos-seeking alone time to recollect yourself is the only solution.

November 12, with the Full Moon in Taurus, everything in life seems so fantastic, even your favorite foods taste better. November 13th-14th, your energy levels increase. Be careful if you decide to prank someone-they might not share your strange sense of humor.

The 20th of November, a happy-go-lucky air reigns the day. It’s an ideal time for social gatherings. Your empathy for others intensifies. With the Sun in Sagittarius on the 23rd, your luck increases. The desire to take a huge bite out of everything life has to offer stirs within.

The 24th-25th, your insatiable intellect has you looking for new experiences where you can expand your knowledge or experience new cultures. With the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th, you’ll resolve to make significant, positive changes in your life.

November 28th, you’ll be as busy as a bee preparing for a family affair or a gathering of your closest friends. It’s a time where your popularity increases and others find you intellectually appealing. Your awareness heightens on the 30th, but the energies make you cautious with what you share with others.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Tremolite is a light green stone promoting intellectual stimulation and creativity.

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Pisces Horoscope

November 1st you’ll feel safest when drawing inward. You’ll use the first three weeks of the month as a period of reflection. Journaling, meditation, dreamwork, and visualization are ideal practices-all methods that help you plan how to move forward when Mercury goes Direct on the 20th.

The 8th-9th you see situations and relationships with no illusion or denial getting in the way. Psychic awareness heightens, but you’ll still prefer isolation over socialization. November 10th, the transiting Sun Conjunct Mercury influence and the planet’s retrograde put double emphasis on working out past emotional hurts. The Full Moon in Taurus on November 12th, you and a romantic partner share some sensual moments.

November 13th-14th, career opportunities present themselves for your consideration-even the riskiest endeavor among them produces a positive result. The Sun in Sagittarius gives you a colossal self-esteem boost-it makes you feel safer sharing emotions and socializing. The 24th-25th, the planetary joining of the great benefics Venus and Jupiter promises plenty of excitement and happiness.

On the 26th, your upbeat outlook continues as you consider all the future has to offer. The 28 of November, you’ll express your appreciation for those you love. November 30th, if you’re in authority, others respect and adhere to your guidance. Your mind remains clear, so it’s easy to concentrate on accomplishing objectives.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Sardonyx helps you maintain an upbeat outlook and a focus on your well-being.

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