March Horoscope 2018

March 2018 Monthly Horoscopes 1280x960

***Special Note***
Below is the March horoscope and monthly astrology overview for March 2018. Scroll down to find the monthly horoscope for your zodiac sign! Horoscopes are provided for you, Beautiful Soul, by internationally recognized astrologer, Sara Gilbert. Visit her site and book your astrology reading with Sara, today!

March Horoscope 2018 – Overview

Both the US and the Land of Oz will experience two Full Moons in March 20018 – in Virgo on (March 1/March 2) and Libra on March 31, the famous Blue Moon the media is so fond of reporting! However this time neither will be an eclipse or a Super Moon, where the Moon is especially close to the Earth. This enables you to establish an element of control and establish some order from the chaos.

The March Full Moon brings light to what you are ready to purify, refine, simplify or heal. It brings you back to creating reality in your life, grounding you into looking after your body and daily routines.

The Sun in Pisces merges energy with Pisces ruler Neptune, increasing the sensitivity and chaos that accompanies any Full Moon; whereas the Virgo Moon will make a favorable connection to Saturn in Capricorn (the sign of his rulership).

A big Pisces party goes on early in the month. With Venus and Mercury joining the Sun in cozying up with usual suspects – Chiron and Neptune. All 5 will closely merge energy with each other on March 4 and 5. This could be a somewhat confusing time when sensitivities are heading through the roof.

Jupiter begins his backward sojourn from 23 to 13 degrees of Scorpio, on March 9, giving you a chance to re-evaluate some of the hidden and underhand activities that have emerged since late last year. On the same day Mercury enters his pre-retrograde shadow period in preparation for his backwards steps from almost 17 to 4 degrees of Aries which will begin in earnest on March 22/23. He moves ever closer to Venus in Aries (from March 16 through to Equinox time on March 20/21). The pair forms an easy opposition pattern to the Nodes. This provides you with a unique opportunity to move away from any remaining disassociated feelings from the South Node and more fully enhance your true accomplishments and creativity at the North Node. This is best accomplished through aligning what you value or desire, with what your mind knows is good for you.

This period encompasses the Pisces New Moon on March 18 (where the Sun and Moon conjunct Chiron and are squared by Mars in Sagittarius). It provides more impetus to make a move on healing deep wounds at a soul level. Jupiter will have moved back to help you uncover any remaining manipulative energies from the past.

The second Full Moon in Libra (March 30/31) will throw light on relationships of every kind and the equality that exists within them. Are you able to be yourself and allow your partner the same freedom. Are you really giving more than you are receiving? A square from Mars conjunct Saturn to the lunation, suggests that your relationships may be tested as you navigate the challenging ground between what you need and whilst taking others priorities into account.

March Horoscope 2018 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Aries Horoscope

The Virgo Full Moon will have Aries questioning the way they spend their life on a daily basis. Aries mulls over what they are doing as far as diet and exercise routines and whether this is producing the energy levels they require to be successful in the workforce.

Aries may feel confused or over-sensitive about some of the effort they have put into helping others over the last month or so and how the world at large has viewed them as an outcome. From March 20 onward, it’s time to revert back to what Aries does best – thinking for themselves and pushing forward to enjoy the activities that bring them pleasure and feelings of achievement. The end of the month will see this bringing benefits through relationship if they endeavor to meet their partners priorities half way as well.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Citrine will be a great stone for Aries to carry on their person or sleep with in their hand. It assists spontaneity without trampling over the feelings of others and reduces potential for conflict by encouraging the acceptance of constructive criticism.

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March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Taurus Horoscope

Taurus, it’s time to simplify what brings you joy! Life can’t just consist of hard work and responsibility. Perhaps it’s time to delve deep into your inner belief systems and ensure that you find creative solutions to spend more time with your family having fun.

The Virgo Moon will throw light on which parts of your life need healing and where the beliefs of your friends are preventing you from seeing the wood for the trees. Taurus may find themselves reconsidering how they view the dynamics in their relationships in the light of what has been revealed in the media recently. Later in the month they will spend time reviewing what they have put into supporting others and keeping a low profile. The end of March will make clear what needs to change about the balance between work and family on a daily basis.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Taureans will get a confidence boost through enhancing their sensuality with their birthstone, the voluptuous Emerald in March, encouraging them to live life to the full, overcoming any feelings of doubt and misfortune.

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Gemini March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Gemini Horoscope

Certain situations around what needs to change in the home of the twins will become apparent at the beginning of the month. Gemini will uncover interesting information which enables them to decide what needs to change and will simplify confusing situations around where they are heading in the career arena. Issues around investments or your partners financial situation are likely to bring this to a head.

The friends or groups you associate with may come under review, around the way they are helping you get your messages out into the world as Venus and your ruler Mercury come together with the Pisces New Moon. By March 31 the emphasis will be with sorting out issues in the relationships with your children or lovers, those who bring you most pleasure. Whose needs are coming first theirs or your own? Time to get the balance right!

Healing Crystals & Stones: As Geminis rarely stop to rest, they are often prone to nervous exhaustion and this month will be a real test! Lying down for at least 15 minutes holding a piece of Golden Topaz will recharge your energy, as it acts like a battery.

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Cancer March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Cancer Horoscope

Cancer will start the month feeling somewhat lacking in physical vitality and lacking the get up and go to make plans for the future. Travel is likely to be on your mind and the spotlight will be on how best to organize it. However, you can’t seem to get your head around what would be an improvement on past experiences and you are loathe to try something new. Your partner may come up with compelling arguments, but you are still likely to feel confused.

The middle of the month may bring more clarity as changes in the workplace enable you to move away from uncertainty to a position which feels more secure and in line with your values. The Libra Full Moon at the end of the month will make it easier to see how to balance the demands made on Cancer by the area dearest to your heart, your home and those you love. Are they getting enough of your attention?

Healing Crystals & Stones: Ruby is a must for Cancer this month, you hide it well but you are actually highly ambitious, this stone has the passion and energy to propel you forward into realizing your goals and attracting outlets for your hidden talents.

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Leo March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Leo Horoscope

The way you feel about yourself at an inner level is under review from March 2. Leo, it is second nature for you to look for reinforcement from others to boost your self-esteem, but this needs to change to an inner knowing of how wonderful you really are. Some uncertainty around how deeply you are prepared to share your all with your significant other will test your resolve but it is time to step up to the plate.

Changes to your belief in yourself will be strengthened as your ruler the Sun moves into fiery Aries on March 21 and you will feel the improvement in your relationships across the board. From the Libra Full Moon on March 31 you may have a new mindset around how you stand in relation to your siblings, neighbours or those you feel you compete against from the point of view of intellect or communication.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Tiger’s Eye will strengthen the Leo resolve, facilitating constructive manifestation of their powerful will productively and promoting their latent talents, while unblocking creative abilities.

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Virgo March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Virgo Horoscope

Virgo, your Full Moon at the beginning of the month shines the spotlight fair and square on you, your body, appearance and profile. What changes are in order to enable you to promote your image just a little bit closer to perfection. You may feel quite confused and de-motivated about your relationship prospects so focus on the changes which are under your control.

It’s time to stop being of service to everybody else and determine what practices you need to instigate in order to feel calmer from the inside. Personal transformation will be high on your list and by the end of the month you will find yourself rewarded by recognition of your previous hard work, maybe even through a promotion or a pay raise. At any rate you will be in a position to value yourself at a much higher level.

Healing Crystals & Stones: This month Peridot is a must for Virgo, one of your co-birthstones, it will help you let go of habits that block growth, so you can admit mistakes and accept them as learning experiences, instead of spiraling down into self-criticism.

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Libra March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Libra Horoscope

You have been beavering away behind the scenes working on a project that is dear to your heart. But you’re not totally sure what it’s going to mean for you on a daily basis once the final steps have been taken. How much will it change your life and what impact will this have on those you care about around you? It is time for you to move from expressing your creativity privately and work out how you can share it with the wider community?

You may find yourself somewhat at odds with your relationships as your ruler Venus moves into her least comfortable sign of Aries. You will want to have your own needs met much more urgently than you feel bound to try to balance them with what others need around you. The Full Moon in your sign on March 31 will bring this to a crescendo and you will want to make your new boundaries clear to everyone around you.

Healing Crystals & Stones: The unconditional loving energy of Rose Quartz is once again the best stone for Libra to help keep their heart open, allowing them to receive beauty of all kinds and the peace and harmony they crave.

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Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Scorpio Horoscope

Scorpio, are you hanging out with the right crowd? Can you trust them all implicitly? The Virgo Full Moon on March 2 could bring some inconsistencies to light which have you doubting some issues to do with the way you have expressed yourself in the past, even with your children. Some personal boundaries need to be re-examined and possibly redefined. You may find yourself rethinking changes to your daily routines made over the last few weeks. New aspects about who you are and what you believe in may also need another review after March 9 – you may have missed some vital details.

This is your time to progress in your vocation or purpose through life instigated through the kind of service you would like to provide to others. By the end of the month you will see that the only opinion that really matters is your own and you will feel like a completely different person at a deep inner level.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Smoky Quartz will work well for Scorpio in March, helping you to let go of what no longer serves you and supporting your ability to see deep down under the surface.

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Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Sagittarius Horoscope

During March your career and public profile will be under review. Is it providing you with the freedom you crave and do you believe you are really making a difference in the world? As the month begins you may find your energy at a lower ebb than usual, as well as unusually sensitive and somewhat confused by some family issues that are occurring in the background. New ways of finding pleasure will help you move forward from the mass of information at your fingertips to ascertaining what can really be converted into long term plans.

You may need to revisit some of the new private practices you have instigated as the result of what you felt was deep enough research and investigation. The Libra full Moon at the end of the month will find you trying to balance the activities you feel drawn to complete on your own with those you feel responsible for undertaking as part of a group or with friends.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Sagittarius needs to move away from ongoing doubts and uncertainties at the moment and their Ascendant crystal Topaz will be just perfect for the job! It will increase your confidence in making the right decisions by instilling trust in the Universe and teaching you to be rather than do.

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Capricorn March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Capricorn Horoscope

The Virgo Full Moon brings more clarity to what Capricorn would like to achieve out in the world – as a long term plan for the future. Is travel on your horizon or maybe some kind of higher knowledge or know-how is coming to completion? You have an urgency to get it right and refine your plans with a little blurring of the boundaries or confusion around the fine detail. Deep down there may be some doubt whether you are up to the job Capricorn which is making you procrastinate. This is a time where personal transformation is definitely on the cards providing you can believe in yourself and bolster your self-confidence.

The Libra Full Moon at the end of the month will clarify the opportunities to move up the corporate ladder and could see Capricorn established in a new role.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Garnet is one of Capricorn’s best stones to work with this month. A co-birthstone it will help to infuse lightness into your life, revitalizing you and bringing serenity or passion as required, It encourages commitment and fidelity from those you love so keep a piece close to your body during the daytime.

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Aquarius March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Aquarius Horoscope

Aquarius, intimacy is something that you tend to steer away from. You don’t like to give too much about your feelings away! You won’t have much choice at the beginning of the month. When the Full Moon is in Virgo, you’ll be challenged to look more deeply into where you need to transform and how much you are prepared to risk on order to experience the full range of your emotions.

As the Sun moves forward into Aries, this Zodiac Sign will likely feel sensitive and somewhat confused about what they really value about themselves. Aquarius may also ponder what it takes to make them feel safe. But it is time to move away from total individuality and open up to a deeper more committed relationship. It’s time where recent decisions about what is right for you can be reconsidered along with some new beliefs you had come to around your purpose in life. The end of the month will see Aquarius with more balanced plans to expand and grow your reach out into the world

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aquarius prefers to disassociate from their feelings wherever possible. Clear Quartz your Moon stone, will enable you to harmonize your vibrations and overcome your deep-seated fears of change, supporting your evolution on all levels.

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Pisces March 2018 Horoscope 350x350

Pisces Horoscope

Pisces sensitivity is heightened at the beginning of the month, possibly bringing about feelings of confusion, being lost, and a lack of vitality. It’s time to make adjustments to what people and situations they bring into their life and whether this is having a nourishing or depleting effect. Relationships and the patterns they have created will be under the spotlight.

Pisces may find themselves re-evaluating what they believe and will obtain grounding from having the right groups of like-minded friends to support them. The New Moon will bring Pisces the opportunity to convert what they have been working on behind the scenes, into daily activity which provides practical service to others, providing they value themselves enough to give it full exposure. The Libra Full Moon enables Pisces to assess how much their partner’s priorities and resources are impacting on their own ability to transform and grow testing the depth of intimacy and sharing they are prepared to continue on with.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Lace Agate is the perfect stone for Pisces this month as it can form a cloak of protection, absorbing negative and out worn emotions and bringing a calm and grounded centre, along with ignited creativity and powers of manifestation.

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