September Horoscope 2017

September 2017 Monthly Horoscopes 1280x960

***Special Note***
Below is the September horoscope and monthly astrology overview for September 2017. Scroll down to find the monthly horoscope for your zodiac sign! Horoscopes are provided for you, Beautiful Soul, by internationally recognized astrologer, Sara Gilbert. Visit her site and book your astrology reading with Sara, today!

September Horoscope 2017 – Overview

Virgo has always been the sign linked to the month of September, as the Sun spends most time there each year. For September 2017 this is amplified like Virgo is on steroids! So, take a minute and really focus on your monthly horoscope because there’s a ton of astrological energy going on!

The planet Mercury loves Virgo best of all the Zodiac Signs. In fact, many astrologers actually say he rules the sign. Mercury or Hermes was messenger to the Gods. He is known for moving like quicksilver, but never more so than the month that lies ahead! Mercury will not only change direction from Retrograde to Direct, but also will change sign three times: Virgo to Leo, to Virgo, to Libra! So your mind will be spinning very fast from all the changes, especially in matters of communication, technology, information, study or travel.

Around September 20, all five of the faster moving bodies in the sky, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Mars will be in the sign of Virgo. This will cover the time from the Virgo New Moon until the moment the Sun moves into Libra for the Autumn/Spring Equinox on September 22/23 US/AUS. So, all the different parts of your make up, the way you feel, think, desire, will and act will be trying hard to get things “right”.

All Zodiac Signs are very likely to ‘want’ to be useful, to focus on your health and to solve all the problems in the world. The only trouble with Virgo is the focus tends to be on what needs to be fixed, rather than celebrating what has been achieved and what we are good at. In this, don’t be surprised if you and everyone around you is a tad more critical than usual!

You will be able to work with your mind for longer and more effectively than usual when Mercury merges energy with Mars in Leo on September 3, coming back together again in Virgo on September 16/17. At both these times everyone will be more competitive and argumentative. It can really help if you’ll be diligent about ‘choosing your battles’ and only defend your position when it is really important to. Being aware of this can help you stop or avoid arguments so as not waste too much energy on conflicts.

Mercury will finally leave his post-retrograde shadow period on September 19 – from then communication and travel should flow more easily. The Sun and Moon will be amplified by Apollo the God of Creativity and Vitality as they come together for the New Moon on September 20th. They are empowered by two previous New Moons in the powerful sign of Leo.

September 2017 brings a rare and lucky six pointed star or Grand Sextile in the sky when the Sun moves into peace loving Libra at the Equinox. Because this astrological event involves the Fire and Air signs, there will be many opportunities to take action and create positive solutions to problems that have been dogging you. After so many months where it felt like change was just around the corner, the time for new initiatives to gather momentum will finally have arrived!

September Horoscope 2017 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Aries Horoscope

The month of September makes it clear to Aries just exactly what kind of service you are here to undertake for the world. Around September 6 you will gain a lot more insight on an inner level which will enable you to develop creative ways to use your hidden talents on a daily basis.

Alternatively Aries may take up a new hobby which uses your hands and has surprising implications. Once the Sun moves into Libra on September 22/23, love and relationship will be on the cards. A single Aries may meet the partner who will inspire them to develop their true potential during 2018. At the end of the month this Zodiac Sign may find themselves reflecting deeply on what they are truly capable of achieving.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Red Jasper will be the perfect stone for Aries to work with this month, as it promotes thinking before you act and helps you consider the consequences of the way you are behaving.

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Taurus Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Taurus Horoscope

Physical pleasure is always at the top of sensual Taurus’ priorities and in September your eyes will be firmly on this goal. Hubba, hubba! 😉

Anything you do to express yourself creatively will need to be over-viewed meticulously and cautiously, to ensure you get it right.

Taurus children are likely to be a focus during the month. You may receive valuable feedback from friends and the people they mix with on a daily basis, about what you need to bring up with them. This will most likely occur around the Pisces Full Moon from multiple sources.

Also for this Zodiac Sign, your family and the way your household functions will be top of the agenda through 2018. Unusual things that need your attention are likely to surface, regarding shared resources or other peoples money.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Taurus Malachite will create the right energy for you in September, as it teaches you to take responsibility for your own life, feeding off your inner strength and endurance.

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Have an Taurus Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Taurus Child!

Gemini Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Gemini Horoscope

This month, Gemini will be asked to find solutions around balancing their home life and family effectively with their work life or vocational passions. The Pisces Full Moon may uncover some aspects of this dilemma that hadn’t previously been obvious.

During the first week or so of the month your ruler Mercury has had Gemini reviewing some of your thinking and communications. Specifically, these internal reflections will be regarding your career and looking for some more practical ways to shine. By the time the Sun moves on into Libra on September 23 this Zodiac Sign is likely to become more intent on keeping the peace with everyone who is involved on the home front. It is possible that your children will be the main cause of dissent as the month draws to a close.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Gemini has a tendency to blurt out information without thinking about the consequences once they access new knowledge. Chrysocolla teaches you when to restrain your excitement remaining silent and when to share your perceptions.

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Have an Gemini Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Gemini Child!

Cancer Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Cancer Horoscope

Is your technology making you feel a little crabby Cancer? It seems the way you acquire information and communicate with others will be under review during September and you make have to update your technology or learn some new techniques to keep up with the times. It will be clear around September 6 what impact this is having on your ability to gain knowledge and grow – maybe even limiting your ability to travel expand your reach or travel. You may find yourself going back over how to solve this, so you are able to demonstrate your true value in the workplace. After you make the necessary changes, opportunities you hadn’t anticipated could eventuate in your employment area, resulting in an improvement to your financial situation.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Calcite will be the best energizing stone for Cancer as it is great for absorbing your negative and outworn emotions and igniting your creativity and your powers of manifestation.

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Have an Cancer Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Cancer Child!

Leo Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Leo Horoscope

Leo may find some last minute changes are needed to the way they communicate their new profile or adapted their appearance. This comes as a result of the heavy emphasis on their Zodiac Sign during August.

Have you got the balance right? Are you roaring loud enough? Are the right results starting to show through in the take up of your new offerings? Are others seeing the increased value in what you have created? Some review may be needed towards the middle of the month, but the potential will remain until the end of the year for you to continue building your profile and creating an expansive future for yourself. However, this is all providing that you find a message which keeps everyone happy from September 23 onward.

Leo, make doubly sure you take steps to embed this all the way through to daily routines, to maintain your advantage, once this right point is reached.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Tiger Eye one of your birthstones, will help Leo keep tabs on their pride which can be a bit of an Achilles heel! This beautiful golden stone enables Leo to use their power wisely by empowering themselves to recognize their inner resources and use them to achieve their goals.

Click to learn all about Leo Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Leo Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Leo Child!

Virgo Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Virgo Horoscope

Well Virgo, this is your time to shine and be in the spotlight! How does that make you feel? A little uncomfortable maybe, but those changes that you have been running your mind back over will be ready to implement after September 10, when your ruler Mercury moves you onto center stage!

This Zodiac Sign is likely to chang their appearance, image or profile – either in person or through the way they promote themselves in some way. It will cause a bit of a worry as Virgos are always worried if they “have it right”. This could be your worst nightmare, but this time it has to happen!

The Full Moon in Pisces will clarify what need to change through relationships or business partners, even your competition, and you will feel it strongly in your gut. By the time the Sun enters Libra on September 23, Virgo creativity will know no boundaries and you will already be feeling the difference in your self-esteem and maybe even in your bank balance. It will be full steam ahead!

Healing Crystals & Stones: Virgo’s emotions and self-confidence will need all the help they can get this month and Moss Agate can help no end! Virgo needs to connect with their feelings and communicate more from their heart. This crystal will help Virgo accept their true worth by boosting their awareness of their positive qualities and raising their self-confidence.

Click to learn all about Virgo Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Virgo Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Virgo Child!

Libra Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Libra Horoscope

Libra, your inner zone is the area of life that has had your mind “to-ing” and “fro-ing”. As only a Libra can do, there’s likely to be extreme vacillation between getting things right and shining your aesthetic light brightly out into the world.

After September 5, this Zodiac Sign should actually be able to make a decision about where they can have the most effect on the community. A few weeks later, at the time of the Equinox, it will be Libra’s turn to strut their stuff!

With your ruler Venus entering Virgo at the same time as the New Moon, this will have to be executed with the most perfect taste, but that’s Libra’s area of expertise after all!

At the end of the month Librans may find themselves starting to reflect on some of the transformations that have taken place on the home front and what this means for the future.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Ametrine combines Amethyst’s ability to unite spiritual thoughts and practical common sense with Citrine’s effect of reducing sensitivity to criticism. This healing stone could be invaluable in helping Libra put decisions into practice and steer situations into a positive direction.

Click to learn all about Libra Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Libra Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Libra Child!

Scorpio Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Scorpio Horoscope

The theme for Scorpio in the month of September is how to get the perfect balance between how much you reveal when you express yourself out into the world, and how this lines up with your deep and insightful Scorpio values.

It’s also a GREAT time to consider the kind of people you trust enough to let into your friendship zone or tribe. You feel like you have been over and over it in your mind, but does it really feel right to your psychic core? Are you setting the bar too high and suppressing your creative juices? Are you missing out on great friendships because you’re too critical? And, are you, yourself, the perfect friend?

Towards the end of the month Scorpio will find it easier to find the right employment opportunities with the appropriate rewards, whilst still remaining true to their long term vocational aspirations. This will set Scorpio up for a more fulfilling three months ahead.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Try Larimar in September Scorpio, linked to Atlantis it has an incredibly high and spiritual vibration, which can help you move away from self-sabotaging behavior towards much more constructive pathways.

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Sagittarius Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Sagittarius Horoscope

September could just be the time when the Sagittarian career takes an upward turn and your standing in the world gets a bit of a boost. Be extra careful about putting your foot in your mouth though, Sagittarius. Now, you and your business are in the spotlight and it will pay more than ever to think things through before you communicate.

The Full Moon on September 6 will clarify some problems Sagittarius has been experiencing around their home or family. This Zodiac Sign may also find themselves reviewing any major changes you have made to your financial portfolio towards the end of the month, do they still make sense? Sagittarians will find it easy to facilitate their long term plans in a way that increases their freedom to see more of the world, in a way that suits their personal integrity.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Garnet can turn a crisis into a challenge for Sagittarius, reducing the urge to move on, rather than work on situations that have become difficult and involve them using their emotions.

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Capricorn Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Capricorn Horoscope

Any legal matters or contractual issues outstanding for Capricorn will require extreme attention to detail in September 2017. Providing you have done the right thing they should end up being resolved in your favor!

It’s time for Capricorn to take a broader perspective in your plans for the future. It’s also a great time for this Zodiac Sign to plan a holiday with those you love or do something which takes you away from the usual surroundings, even in your imagination.

When the Sun has moves into Libra you will be looking forward to some kind of improvement or promotion in how you earn your living over the next three months. This will enable you to transform the way you view yourself and provide for those you love, your family.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Capricorn will find Fluorite very useful in tempering their tendency to passing judgement, especially in areas where they need to be impartial and objective. This crystal can also help Capricorn to connect with spirit in a practical way that feels more comfortable to their realistic nature.

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Have an Capricorn Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Capricorn Child!

Aquarius Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Aquarius Horoscope

Aquarians are likely to retrace their steps over relationship changes they made over the last six weeks. Did they get it right? It’s so hard to assess emotional issues with your mind. Though it’s tough for you to do, try to get out of your mind and into your heart. It all actually works so much better when you allow yourself to feel!

This Zodiac Sign can look to experience a focus on deep transformative change to intimate matters and shared resources. What have you lost in this area recently? The Full Moon on September 6 will enable you to see what you value in life much more clearly.

As the month progresses, Aquarius, you will find it more and more easy to communicate with all the important people in your life, friends, partners and family. You will feel more confident that you are managing to get your point of view heard.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Moonstone is excellent for balancing Aquarian biorhthyms which are controlled by the pineal gland one of your body associations. Placed on the crown of your head the production of hormones will be stimulated in your body and you will find it easier to get to sleep.

Click to learn all about Aquarius Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Aquarius Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Aquarius Child!

Pisces Horoscope September 2017 350x350

Pisces Horoscope

September 2017 is the month where love and relationships seem to be top of the agenda for the Zodiac Sign of Pisces. You fishies may find it is time for to finally start swimming in the direction upstream. Those Pisces already in relationship are likely to find their level of intimacy deepening after September 23.

Changes you have made to the way you live your life on a daily basis will have a final review before you take up some new routines around a healthy lifestyle, a new Gym or diet may be on the agenda. This is the part of your life in which Pisces can make some significant transformations over the next 15 months especially if you value yourself by putting your own needs first and find you own unique place to stand in the world.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Lace Agate will bring Pisces peace in September, it will enhance your imagination and help Pisces distinguish between your mind and your feelings so you can apply your intuitive insights in a rational manner.

Click to learn all about Pisces Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
Looking for love? Click to read all about Pisces Compatibility!
Have an Pisces Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Pisces Child!

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