January Horoscope 2018

Monthly Horoscopes January 2018 1280x960

***Special Note***
Below is the Januaryhoroscope and monthly astrology overview for January 2018. Scroll down to find the monthly horoscope for your zodiac sign! Horoscopes are provided for you, Beautiful Soul, by internationally recognized astrologer, Sara Gilbert. Visit her site LifeSpiritConnections.com.au and book your astrology reading with Sara, today!

January Horoscope 2018 – Overview

Most of the world will experience two Full Moons in January. This is sometimes known as a “Blue” Moon but actually the second (on January 31 in Leo) will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse, so will appear “Red” where it will be visible.

2018 begins with a heavy emphasis on Capricorn and the Cancer Full Moon on January 1/2. You will find yourself balancing fear and the need to control your destiny against the mystery and creativity of letting life flow unimpeded towards your true potential. Opportunities for authentic change will present themselves from the next day onwards, in Aries, a direct Uranus also brings you the courage to take the plunge and trust your own instincts.

A week later, on January 8/9 the Sun, Venus and Pluto come together in Capricorn, bringing intense and transformative energy to generate powerful ideas and concepts for beautiful creations, artifacts, relationships, even projects with the ability to create longer term fame and prosperity. The reality of your life will become more clear on January 15/16. Hidden secrets will be revealed to you, courtesy of a productive connection between Jupiter and Pluto (which repeats on April 14/15 and September 12/13). You will renegotiate your priorities and find the power necessary to make an effective transformation. This energy carries into the Capricorn New Moon on 16/17 January, where Sol and Luna combine with Venus and three other planets in the sign.

January challenges you to take control of your life, crystallizing your intentions into physical manifestation. Capricorn is the master manifester and builder through its ruler Saturn, so you will need to have a clear picture of what you desire to create. It’s even more be important to make the right decisions, authentic to your true self.

When the Sun moves to humanistic Aquarius on January 20th, all Zodiac Signs could find themselves becoming more concerned with the welfare of their tribe or larger community of friends. Your intuition plays an important role at this time so be conscious of messages from spirit.

The Lunar Eclipse with the Leo Full Moon at the end of the month enables you to see your shadow side or shadow self more clearly and identify areas of your life where negative emotions are holding you back from healing your heart. There is an opportunity to expand your capacity for love through making magical adjustments to the way you perceive yourself and others who are significant in your life.

This first month of the year is a great time to take a risk and open up your heart to love and life once more!

January Horoscope 2018 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Aries Horoscope

January is the perfect time for Aries to set their sights on a higher rung on the corporate ladder, or to move closer to their purpose in life. Of course, the most important thing is how we see ourselves. The way others see you is as a responsible and dedicated contender so now is the time to take advantage of it!

Insights around Aries’ family, home and-life work balance with clear the way for you to make the moves at the beginning of the year. You will be driven to focus on your personal needs and to be almost selfish, something Aries is inherently good at.

Deep insights about what motivates you will clear the way at the New Moon, for Aries to make the necessary inner transformations to rise to the top. From January 20 onwards will be the right time for change focus to creating the right team to support you in your endeavors. The Leo New Moon on January 31/ February 1 will inspire your creativity helping you to build a sound and productive future for this zodiac sign.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aries’ Ruby birthstone will be perfect to enhance your passion and vitality, aligning your ideals and your will to enable you to focus on the task ahead and also support your natural dynamic leadership.

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Taurus Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Taurus Horoscope

Thinking of traveling, Taurus? This January is the perfect time for you to broaden your horizons, so spread your wings and get ready to fly! What you believe about yourself and the world at large is going to play a big part and the Cancer Full Moon will bring you some self-clarity that enables you to reduce your defenses.

Around the time of the New Moon, information gained from relationship or your partner in some way will give you valuable insight into the direction in which you should expand. When the Sun changes sign to Aquarius, Taurus will be ready for a promotion of some sort at work, or through the vocation that they wish to follow. This brings feelings of inner safety and security that were missing through your family or home life.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Taurus will benefit from being close to their Moon crystal Rutilated Quartz this month. This healing stone helps Taurus to release their hold on the past in order to move forward and truly realize their life plan.

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Have an Taurus Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Taurus Child!

Gemini Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Gemini Horoscope

Throughout January 2018, the focus for Gemini remains with transformation through intimacy and experiencing the other at a deep intense level. This is likely to be at odds with the views of your tribe or the friends you have surrounded yourself with.

The Cancer Full Moon at the beginning of the year will bring clarity around how you will maintain the finances you need to support yourself throughout 2018 and whether you will need support from a partner to achieve this. Insights to guide your significant change process at the Capricorn New Moon will come through the people and environment you are spending your life with on a daily basis.

After January 20 this zodiac sign considers the direction in which you need to transform and grow which may involve moving or travel as part of the plan to meet your goals. By the end of the month the way you think about life will have changed especially regarding one or more of your siblings.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Apophylite Gemini’s Moon stone, will calm your hyperactive mind and promote introspection along with your ability to recognize your true self.

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Cancer Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Cancer Horoscope

As 2018 begins, Cancer, it’s time to focus on your relationships. Which ones are really working for you and improving your life and which ones need to be let go of? That’s not a subject you want to be reminded about. This zodiac sign’s sentimental heart wants to hang onto all your connections, particularly those which have been around for a long time. The Cancer Full Moon will shed light on where you need to look out for your own needs the most.

Anything that is getting in the way of Cancer moving up in the world will scream for attention as well. Your children will give you insight into what needs to change around January 16/17 your creativity is another source of good information. Come the end of the month Cancer will have a whole new set of values around what they are worth, there could even be a pay rise in the offering.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Anhydrite will help Cancer release some of your attachment to the past. Spiritually this powerful crystal helps you reconnect with your soul and reach higher states of awareness.

Click to learn all about Cancer Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Cancer Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Cancer Child!

Leo Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Leo Horoscope

With January brings an influx of Capricorn energy. This causes Leo to get responsible for and committed to the way they spend their daily life – what habits they have developed, whether they are good for them and what new routines they need to introduce to replace them?

Moreover, this zodiac sign scrutinizes how they’re using their leadership skills and ability to empower and inspire others. Leo already knows the answer is using their intuition on an inner level but they need to find the self-discipline to institute the required changes.

The need for action will intensify around January 9 and, before the Capricorn New Moon, additional insight will become available through their home and family. After January 20 there is a possibility for things to heat up in the relationship arena. Single Leos may even meet a new partner! By the end of the month your self-belief will have reached new heights and Leo will be on the road to a new lease of life.

Healing Crystals & Stones: This month Leo can best learn to love themselves in a beautiful way through the energies of Rhodochrosite understanding how to express their own unique qualities out into the world.

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Virgo Horoscope

During January, however Virgo likes to express h/her ‘self’ or receive pleasure will be front of mind. Whether it be through their children, love affairs or creative pursuits, personal expression is vital for this zodiac sign at this time. Whatever it is, try not to over think or agonize about it too much, Virgo. Your friends or the group of people you associate with will help you get to the bottom of what needs to be done. No matter if it involves your investments or other people’s money in some way it will be transformative.

Your brothers or sisters may have some hidden knowledge that will come to light around the middle of the month which could lead to you changing your job or the way you live your life on a daily basis. And all before the end of the month! This will be beneficial for your peace of mind or the way you work with yourself behind the scenes.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Sardonyx will support Virgo to supplement their will power and strengthen their character to deal with the changes required at the start of this year. It enhances Virgo’s self-control helping you grind things down to the nub of the matter as well as assisting you to attract good friends.

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Have an Virgo Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Virgo Child!

Libra Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Libra Horoscope

How can Libra control the changes that are re-inventing your emotional foundations as the year begins? Home is where your relationships develop and grow so is an essential component of Libra’s agenda.

What you do to earn a living and provide for those you love will throw light onto what it is that will provide more security. Some kind of windfall around 16 January will enable Libra to uncover hidden truths which can be used to stabilize the situation.

When the Sun moves into the next Air sign of Aquarius on January 20 your imagination will run wild. You could find creative solutions for many of your unresolved problems magically appear, enabling you to move forward towards what you have dreamed and planned for.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Rose Quartz will encourage Libra to love themselves and will bring unconditional love into their life by purifying and opening your heart.

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Scorpio Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Scorpio Horoscope

The year begins with Scorpio receiving clarity from the Cancer Full Moon around what new horizons they need to seek and what wisdom and knowledge they are likely to gain from thinking about life differently. The emphasis is still on what surrounds Scorpio, their early childhood experiences with brothers and sisters, their learning environment.

How can Scorpio build from this to make themselves heard by a wider audience. Daily routines may get in the way of achieving these goals but they will strike gold around January 16 in finding insights about their profile and appearance which had previously been hidden.

From January 20 the focus will change to ensuring that Scorpio feels emotionally safe and secure in their home base. The Leo Full Moon will bring potential to achieve this through their career, vocation or public status in some manner.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Scorpio should place a crystal of Smoky Quartz beneath their feet to draw off negative energies or hold one to draw off the dark energy that comes from your own intense emotions and dark shadow.

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Sagittarius Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Sagittarius Horoscope

Its time to get serious about the energy of money and soul currency, Sagittarius! How you are going to provide for yourself financially going into the future. What are you worth, how are others valuing you, are you being paid enough?

The Full Moon in Cancer at the beginning of January will bring clarity over any investments you or your partner have and whether you can rely on this. There is a crisis of sorts to be faced, regarding how authentic all of this is to your creativity and what brings you pleasure. Your inner voices will give you the answers around the time of the Capricorn New Moon.

After the Sun changes sign to Aquarius you will be able to work on communicating any new strategies out to a wider audience. The Leo Full Moon will help you see any areas of shadow that you have missed in the process, facilitating your seamless forward development.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Turquoise, one of your birth stones offers Sagittarius protection on your journey and attunes you to the spiritual realms. It can help open your intuition and still your restless mind.

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Capricorn Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Capricorn Horoscope

Take a bow Capricorn! From the start of 2018 the planetary energy is balanced heavily in your zodiac sign. It’s time to make the world aware of who you truly are. The Cancer Full Moon will bring opportunity For Capricorns to establish themselves as serious contender with the inner strength to make things happen.

January 9 to 11 will bring new understanding of just what you are capable of achieving and you will be able to move forward with your plans for a new image, website or media campaign, providing Capricorn is prepared to put in the hard effort required to get it off the ground. A week later you could uncover information through a friend or a group you are involved in. This enables you to successfully launch your new image with the Capricorn New Moon, on January 16/17.

Your value and commitment will be recognized by a wider community from January 20, as the Sun moves into your sister sign Aquarius also ruled by Saturn. The end of the month will see you transforming your self-belief around how you are perceived by others, so that Capricorn feels truly at home in themself.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Magnesite will be the perfect stone to help you love yourself Capricorn as you go through this month of heavy transformations. This will prepare you for accepting love from other people and obtaining the deep emotional connection that you seek at a deep level.

Click to learn all about Capricorn Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Capricorn Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Capricorn Child!

Aquarius Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Aquarius Horoscope

Those born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius will feel the strong pull of Capricorn energy most clearly through their inner life – especially during activities they perform for others behind the scenes and during the time they spend on their own devoted to finding inner peace. Aquarians traditional ruler is Saturn (also works most effectively in Capricorn) so there will be no inner conflicts in finding what brings you inner peace.

The Cancer Full Moon will clarify routines you can employ on a daily basis to be useful to others and cement this further. This is likely to involve communicating your beliefs to others in some way, you will discover a means of making this more public just before the New Moon which will help Aquarius promote yourself out into the world more fully once the sun enters your sign on January 20.

The Leo Full Moon will bring more love your way through relationships, as you recognize the significant role you your Aquarius self play, in allowing yourself to receive the love that you yearn for so much.

Healing Crystals & Stones: As a catalyst for spiritual growth Selenite is the ideal stone for Aquarius in January. It can help you balance the erratic emotions that your aloofness and desire for independence can bring stabilizing them and dispersing the need to fight between wanting change and wanting to remain fixed in your beliefs.

Click to learn all about Aquarius Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Aquarius Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Aquarius Child!

Pisces Horoscope January 2018 350x350

Pisces Horoscope

Pisces’ are always strongly driven to heal the world and January 2018 infuses even more energy into this, your favorite role to play.

The Cancer Full Moon clarifies the path forward for you to create the means to achieve this, recognizing the value you bring to others in many other ways. New beliefs will emerge around how to reach a wider audience just before the Capricorn New Moon and the drive to make a difference will intensify.

From January 20 onwards Pisces focus will become more inward and you will be more content to work towards your dreams from behind the scenes. The end of the month will see Pisces finding new ways to spend your daily live and new routines and habits to develop that will help you meet your deepest inner intentions.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Amethyst will assist Pisces to develop your capacity for deep emotional sharing, so you can be of enormous help to other people, not confusing pity with love or sympathy with empathy.

Click to learn all about Pisces Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
Looking for love? Click to read all about Pisces Compatibility!
Have an Pisces Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Pisces Child!

Love Learning All About Zodiac Signs?

Make sure to read our “Ultimate Guide to Zodiac Signs“!

The Ultimate Guide to Zodiac Signs 1230x960

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