April Horoscope 2017

April 2017 Monthly Horoscope 1200x630

***Special Note***
Below is the April horoscope and monthly astrology overview for April 2017. Scroll down to find the monthly horoscope for your zodiac sign! Horoscopes are provided for you, Beautiful Soul, by internationally recognized astrologer, Sara Gilbert. Visit her site LifeSpiritConnections.com.au and book your astrology reading with Sara, today!

April Horoscope 2017 – Overview

The Sun began the New Year according to the Zodiac on March 20/21 (AEDT/EDT), when we reached the Equinox for the first time in 2017 – (Autumn/Spring depending on the hemisphere you live in). On March 28/29 this was cemented in by the Aries New Moon, bringing you courage to believe in yourself and stand up for what is right for you. It’s a great time to be selfish if you like – the reverse of what you were taught as a child!

Venus Retrograde is asking you to look at the whole way you approach relationship at the same time. Is it really working right for you? Altogether there were five planets in Aries at the time of the New Moon, so you may have noticed a bit of competition and aggression in the air.

On April 6/7, Saturn (the Lord of Time and Karma) begins his annual four and a half month backward journey through the zodiac – right slap bang on the same degree as the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy, 27 Sagittarius. The Galactic Centre is a Black Hole emitting powerful infra-red radiation which has the ability to squeeze your subconscious into releasing old emotional programs that are no longer serving you. So you will be going over what really is the truth in your beliefs around your talents and abilities, as well as what do you really believe about the Natural Laws of the Universe.

Mercury joins Saturn on April 10 and Pluto on April 20/21. So with Jupiter already being in retrograde motion for a while, there will be five aspects of life you will have the opportunity to revisit, going back over, replaying, remembering and reviewing the decisions you made the first time around.

The Full Moon on April 11 will have the Aries Sun merging energy with Uranus and Eris the Goddess of Discord, in opposition to the Moon in Libra with Jupiter. Any restrictions from your partnerships or relationships will be under the spotlight, and you will see clearly which parts of your authentic self are being sacrificed on the altar of togetherness. Artemis (the Goddess of Freedom and Nature) will be with the pair and a cross will be formed in the sky with Juno (the Goddess of Marriage), opposite Vesta the Pure Spiritual Flame, all in the active and initiating Cardinal signs.

The pressures to be true to your own needs will have never been higher or clearer! This all needs to be dealt with before the New Moon in Taurus on April 26, when Mercury and Uranus the planets of the mind, will be combining their energies – highlighting exciting possibilities for a safe and successful future.

April Horoscope 2017 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Aries Horoscope

The spotlight is firmly on you in April Aries, it’s your time to shine! But where do you want to point your horns? There are new ideas surfacing about how to present yourself to the world, something to do with your image needs a revamp, bringing Aries forward to lead the way in the public eye. How can you extend your view of the world and play to a larger audience?

Aries’ attention may become more focused on protecting what you value in life, from the second week in April, as your ruler Mars and the trickster Mercury have an influence on your cash flow and other material necessities in life. The Full Moon will intensify Aries’ need for freedom to be your authentic self, and relationships will be tested and clarified at this time. You may find yourself seeking fresh pastures for a while, as you are drawn back over the recent changes you have made to the way you live your life.

By the end of the month you will feel much clearer about what is really worth fighting for and what your value to the world really is..

Healing Crystals & Stones: Fire Agate is an awesome stone to jbring Aries attention deep into yourself. It provides a sacred flame to envelop your whole body, replenishing your vitality and providing you with a calm centre.

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Taurus Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Taurus Horoscope

During April, you, Taurus, will feel rather unsure about who you really are. As you plod backwards and forwards, between wanting to be noticed and appreciated and wanting to remain in the background, you’ll be quietly working on your next move. It is not a good time to make changes to how you are seen, so this is all happening for a reason.

Big transformations are taking place for you on a deep inner level. You are letting go of emotional patterns that are not working for you anymore. Around April 11 Taurus will find more balance coming into the way you spend your daily life. In some way, you will be more strongly connected to nature or natural remedies.

Be patient (something Taurus is not good at) and all the confusion will prove to be worthwhile by the time of your New Moon on April 26, when the way forward will reveal itself.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Taurus can be extremely fixed and when they are a square peg in a round hole, they will often accommodate the discomfort, rather than find a place that fits their abilities. Aquamarine offers Taureans the ability to climb out of the hole.

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Gemini Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Gemini Horoscope

Gemini you don’t enjoy focusing on what you feel, but this month it’s time to put the spotlight on what you really believe you need from partnerships and relationships. Yes get serious about your love life for once! April will begin with a busy social life, but don’t let Gemini’s myriad of friends distract you and take you on too hectic a merry-go-round. The Full Moon will make clear issues that have been on your mind, about children or the other things you do to get pleasure in your life. Creative projects will also start to flow more easily for Gemini. By the end of the month you will have gone back over your role in supporting others from the background and come to some interesting conclusions about your future. Transformation is taking place deep down in your sub-conscious that isn’t ready to see the light of day just yet!

Healing Crystals & Stones: Geminis are well known for preferring to talk about their feelings rather than feel them. Lying down for at least 15 minutes holding a piece of Howlite encourages emotional expression and helps to deals with this issue.

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Cancer Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Cancer Horoscope

Your career or vocation will be centre stage this month Cancer, and the Full Moon on April 11 will make clear to you which family responsibilities and relationships are holding you back from achieving your true potential. You are beginning to see the light Cancer, and some changes may become apparent this month, in the kind of people you are drawn to hang out with, old friends may suddenly reappear in your life after a long break. You may start to think differently about the way you are spending your life on a daily basis and introduce some new diet or exercise regimes, after April 6. The New Moon on April 26 will see you setting some practical goals and targets, changes are in the air around the way Cancer approaches the relationships that are important in their life.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Chalcedony is a prime nurturing stone that promotes group stability. Cancer has enormous potential for nurturing and is easily exhausted. This stone teaches you to care about, rather than care for, others.

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Have an Cancer Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Cancer Child!

Leo Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Leo Horoscope

Travel and new experiences are high on the Leo agenda as the month begins. It’s the right time to please yourself and roar your appreciation out into the world in joy! By the time of the Full Moon, any technology or communication issues that have not been dealt with, may rear their heads and give Leo’s some grief. Be careful that this doesn’t get in the way of your social standing in some way, as Mercury causes Leo to rethink your place in the world throughout the month. Leos will find themselves reflecting on what is closest to their heart, rethinking the way they express themselves out in the world, through their creativity and their children. How do you really need to experience love and from whom? By the time of the Full Moon at the end of the month, a new career direction will begin to materialize.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Rhodochrosite encourages Leo to express their passion spontaneously and overcomes any blocks to the erotic system. It is beneficial if if you are repressing something in yourself that you are not prepared to face.

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Have an Leo Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Leo Child!

Virgo Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Virgo Horoscope

Virgo may benefit from increases in their financial status through partners or investments of some kind in April, however it is more certain that they will experience some kind of deep transformation,n through letting go of emotional patterning, which impacts their security at a most deep and private level, with roots back to childhood and family. By the time of the New Moon, the North Node of the Moon representing Life Purpose will be ready to trigger the way Virgo is seen in the world, through a breakthrough in their self-confidence and self-belief. It is a better time for Virgo’s to focus on their inner journey than to try to travel in a physical sense. Any trips that have to be taken after April 10 should be planned carefully with the upmost of Virgo’s characteristic attention to detail, delays or glitches can be expected, so be prepared just in case, with a Plan B in place wherever possible.

Healing Crystals & Stones: This month Amber can be used by Virgo, to soothe anxiety and digestive issues, by placing it on the abdomen or slipping it through your fingers during stressful momemts.

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Have an Virgo Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Virgo Child!

Libra Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Libra Horoscope

Relationships will be front of mind, even more than usual, for Libra in April. You have been reflecting on your whole approach to love and what you really need in the relationship stakes, this month you have the opportunity to try it out for real. Single Librans may well meet a new partner, those already in relationships will find themselves tested in a new way. By the Full Moon this will result in new understanding of who you really are and what you need to hear in the way of communication from your significant other. You will find yourself revisiting the inner transformations you have undergone and remembering the patterns that you have learned to detach from. By the time of the New Moon, the progress you have made will be plain to see.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Libra can draw their attention to their own needs as well as those of others by using Tiger Eye, circumventing the people pleaser suddenly becoming an Aries and shocking everyone.

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Have an Libra Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Libra Child!

Scorpio Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Scorpio Horoscope

What do you really believe you are worth Scorpio? This is what you will be validating in April, along with your material possessions. The transformation for you will be who you will trust enough to communicate your findings to? You may surprise yourself and make some real progress in this direction. The Full Moon will clarify some of your deepest fears about being alone and you will find solutions through new activities you take on a daily basis. Some Scorpios will acquire a new pet to look after during April. Relationships will also be put under the microscope and Scorpio’s may be pleasantly surprised with the results that flow from reviewing past issues in this area, by the end of the month.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Apache Tears the translucent form of Obisdian which will enable Scorpio to control their power urges and enable them to release its intense depth of psychological insightto master manifestation.

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Sagittarius Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Sagittarius Horoscope

New beginnings are likely for Sagittarius at the beginning of the month, involving your children, love affairs or creative projects of some kind. You will have a lot of energy to get things started but may run into a few glitches after April 10 around the routines and habits in your daily life or your health. There may be emotional patterns around your self-belief which still need to be re-examined, in relation to these areas, and this is the time to finally put them to bed, with the New Moon in Taurus continuing the emphasis at the end of the month. The Full Moon should provide more clarity around just what is stirring you up in the areas of friends and groups you belong to. Transformations you thought you had dealt with in the area of money and self worth will need another look after April 21.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Sagittarius needs to hold Red Spinel in their lap, picturing a sacred flame spreading out from the crystal to envelop your whole body. Its powerful energy will ignite your creativity and powers of manifestation.

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Capricorn Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Capricorn Horoscope

Home and Family will be top items for Capricorn at the beginning of the month, there could be plenty of conflict and disagreement which may prove somewhat unsettling. However changes to your appearance or image that you thought were over and done with are likely to demand your attention again, for another tweak, from April 21 and over the next five months until September. The New Moon will make clear the effect that Capricorn’s focus on work and material status is having on their family life. Outcomes will be unclear around issues with your children, lovers or artistic pursuits throughout April, you may get the answers you seek towards the middle of May, until then communication will tend to be inconclusive.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Fluorite can help Capricorn overcome a tendency to being judgmental and is particularly beneficial when they need to act impartially and objectively. It helps overcome entrenched principles and the concern with justice.

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Aquarius Horoscope April Monthly Horoscope 2017 350x350

Aquarius Horoscope

The Full Moon on April 11 will be the turning point for Aquarius in discovering what it is about your need to travel and broaden your mind that causes conflict amongst your siblings or neighbours. You may find communication difficult, and having a flow on effect through to the rest of the family as the month progresses. You may have to do some rethinking about what is really important and how it affects your home life towards the end of the month with the New Moon. Aquarian hopes and dreams around equality and fairness will come under the microscope from April 6, where you will be required to find a practical way of living out your ideals and what is the truth about some of the people you consider like-minded friends..

Healing Crystals & Stones: Blue Celestine will take Aquarius into spiritual peace and help them contact the angelic realms. It jumps starts spiritual development and urges you on to enlightenment.

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Have an Aquarius Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Aquarius Child!

Pisces Horoscope

Pisces will not find April a good month to travel, buy new electronic technology or run important communication campaigns of any kind. Mercury in Taurus is centered on your life areas around travel and communication, so if possible make plans but don’t commit or arrange anything until the second part of May. Long term plans and goals may actually continue to undergo transformation for the next few months, so is is a more fluid time than usual for the changeable fishes, best to drift with the tide and not try to resist too strongly. The Full Moon may reveal more deep seated reasons for Pisces recent re-evaluation of their self-worth and new resolve to manifest abundant material assets.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Bloodstone (Heliotrope) is the perfect stone to help Pisces stay grounded and hone their intuition. It keeps out undesirables influences and stimulates dreams, encouraging selflessness and idealism. Best of all it facilitates Pisces acting in the present moment.

Click to learn all about Pisces Traits, Personality, & Characteristics!
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Have an Pisces Daughter or Son? Click to read all about the Pisces Child!

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