Tarotscopes for September 2019

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The Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

September Horoscope 2019 – Overview – Three of Cups Reversed

The Three of Cups presents with three happy maidens dancing around in a circle. They are celebrating all the blessings in life. Each maiden lifts a chalice in the air as if toasting or waiting for the Universe to fill their cup. The women dressed in red and yellow attire appear to move Deosil (dance clockwise) creating a sacred space between them, but the woman in white appears to twist her body in the opposite direction: She serves as the symbol of fate’s volatile nature and how quickly it can change the course of one’s direction. Around their feet are the symbols of a wonderful harvest.

For September, The Three of Cups appears in reverse, which shows a shift from light, celebratory energies, into focused and purposeful action. As we move from August into September, the lighter, fun days of summer fade away. Now we’re concentrating on work, going back to school, and mundane tasks. Our productivity doesn’t decrease, but what we put our energies into changes significantly.

In career, many of us will look to change our routine and increase efficiency. A reordering of workspace or a redesign of daily scheduling results. We’ll be looking for a better balance between work and play, without diminishing our output or limiting what we can achieve. Nothing happens by accident now. Fate has no hand in what we manifest and what we do accomplishment results from hard but satisfying work.

In an existing relationship, the “good vibes” that seem the norm are something we have to work harder at maintaining. We may feel fate has played its hand, but there’s work ahead if we want to make this connection continue to thrive on the physical plane. September will call for action, both in word and deed, where we face the challenge of showing how we truly feel in a loving relationship. If single, this is no time for casual connections; our heart yearns for something lasting and true.

Regarding spirituality, some of us will come to realize just how much we’ve been neglecting the celebratory aspects. Note the three maidens in the Three of Cups are barefoot: They are in touch with the Earth Mother. It’s time for us to get back to our spiritual roots and to honor our connection to Spirit through rites of celebration.

Affirmation: “I embrace life’s blessings as they manifest.”

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September Tarotscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Three of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): Three of Wands Reversed

The Three of Wands is a card in which Hermes or Mercury rules: The God of Commerce and Boundaries. A man stands at the edge of a cliff or island, looking out at three ships as they sail across the sun-glistening waters. He symbolizes potential, possibilities, and opportunities on the horizon.

With the reversal of this card coming up for September, it shows this is not the time to forge forward with business, Aries. Right now, there are loose ends requiring resolution before making a giant leap forward. If you’re looking to launch your own business, there are several more steps you need to take before you’ll see success.

When the three of wands is in reverse, there’s a fast hold on the past which means this is a month for dealing with old emotional wounds. Since Chiron is retrograded for the entire month, old emotional codes are something you can finally eradicate; doing so will ensure they no longer cast a shadow over your success in business and love.

In an existing relationship, you’ll concentrate on spending more quality time with the one you love. If you’re single, you spend time alone rather than engage in superficial or temporary connections. You’ll find a non-committal attitude is no longer satisfying. Spiritually, you may feel as if you are not making progress in terms of growth; you are undergoing a transformation which is essential to your spiritual development. Patience is key.

Affirmation: “I am ready for opportunities to unfold.”

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The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): The Chariot

The Chariot depicts a charioteer steering two sphinxes: One black and the other white; this represents the choices one makes in deciding life’s direction, and the path of one’s spirit. The charioteer has a crescent moon on each shoulder reminiscent of the High Priestess’ crown (two crescent moons and the full moon). Here, the Full Moon’s representation is the charioteer’s head or mind; it symbolizes his understanding of metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric matters. He boldly forges forward into the battlefield of life aware of his limited physicals resource but vast knowledge base. What lies ahead will challenge both his strength and wit.

In career, you can expect to see great advancement when the Chariot appears, Taurus. You are steering in the right direction with projects and goals. This is a time for making concrete plans for the next phase of your success. What you’ve been looking to accomplish is now possible. If you’ve been lacking surety in the work field, this month you’ll beam with confidence!

In an existing relationship, any doubts you’ve had about your current partner fade away. You realize you are both on the same path in life, although you may approach the path in your own unique ways. Working together helps build and strengthen the trust between you. If single, you’re looking for a soulmate and will not settle for less.

Affirmation: “I steer the course of my life to achieve that which I am destined.”

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The Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

(Gemini May 21 – Jun 21): Eight of Pentacles Reversed

The Eight of Pentacles depicts a man sitting on a bench etching the details into a coin. The card is about making money or increasing things of value; being attentive to detail and investing in something of importance.

Regarding work, the reversal of the Eight of Pentacles suggests a period of dissatisfaction with what you are currently investing your time into, Gemini. You may feel less passionate about your current career because of disillusionment or disappointments. It can also point to a lack of efficiency, productivity, and therefore a diminished level of success.

In an existing relationship, the status quo will no longer do. You are no longer willing to accept mediocrity or half-hearted participation. A desire for change stirs within. If seeking a relationship, you may skip the finer details of a situation because you’re in a hurry to find lasting love; this is no time to rush: Doing so will only contribute to loss down the road. Spiritually, you are disconnecting from Spirit because you are focusing too heavily on the mundane or money matters.

Affirmation: “I can manifest the love and life I desire.”

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The Sun Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): The Sun Reversed

The Sun features a happy child riding on the back of a white horse with a red drapery waving in the air. The Sun shines down upon the child and a garden filled with sunflowers. Upright or in reverse, The Sun is a card of blessings and a sign of reaping rewards to come.

Work-wise, the reversal of The Sun indicates you are on the precipice of great things unfolding; just look at it as the Sun rising on your condition. If you haven’t reached the point of success you have always dreamed of, it is still on the horizon. You are dawning on new situations where you’ll shine; with The Sun’s reversal, it’s likely you still have a few things to accomplish or more epiphanies and insights await before you can make the most of your full potential.

In love and existing relationships, healing, which seems to have been a long time in the coming, finally begins. If you and your partner have been emotionally distant from one another, this month you’ll “warm up” and show each other more compassion. Forgiveness for past transgressions and heartfelt sentiments are in the offing. For singles, the sun is just rising on new possibilities. You’ll meet a few people who can prove ideal candidates for a love affair. Spiritually, where you may have once experienced confusion, enlightenment reveals the way forward.

Affirmation: “All good things are coming to me at the appropriate time.”

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The Strength Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Strength Reversed

The Strength card reveals a woman who stands next to a lion. Her hands hold the head of the beast; she has a calming effect or controls the creature. A lemniscate over her head reveals her connection to the Infinite. The female depicts innocence while the lion symbolizes the unexpected and untamable; here, innocence and purity win over the volatile.

The reversal of the Strength card shows erratic conditions at work this month, Leo. You are not in a position of strength when it comes to making any advancement. What is holding you back may very well be your own fears and anxieties; you feel you have the lion by the tail instead of having full control of what lies ahead. No matter what position the card is in, upright or reverse, you’re still dealing with a “tamed” creature, and what you fear is more a product of your emotions than real-world conditions.

In an existing relationship, the Strength card’s reversal tells of a time where you question whether you are deserving of the love you’re receiving. You may even doubt that your mate’s love is true. If you act on irrational fears, it confuses your partner, forcing them to retreat. If you’re single, a lack of self-confidence may hold you back from finding that special someone you seek. Spiritually, you may doubt your faith or calling; it’s time to re-attune yourself with the Divine.

Affirmation: “I recognize and honor my own strengths.”

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The Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Knight of Pentacles Reversed

The Knight of Pentacles sits on a still, black horse as he contemplates what awaits on the horizon. A fertile patch of land is ready for seed planting. As he sits, the knight considers what he values and what he wants to blossom. He knows there is much work ahead if he is to manifest what he truly values.

This month, the Knight of Pentacles is in reverse, showing a time of limbo for you, Virgo. In career, you are not regressing, but you’re not moving forward either. Something holds you back and prevents you from taking the first step in planting the seeds for future manifestation. All conditions indicate growth is possible, including the fertile soil at your feet. But you worry your effort to establish solid roots will fail. Your pessimistic attitude is your hindrance.

In an existing relationship, you enter a similar state of limbo. You may be happy with the status quo where you do not pull away from your partner, but you are also not pushing for further commitment. If single, now is a time where you won’t make any connections. It’s a transitional period where you’ll focus on self-improvement before connecting with another. Spiritually, you’re making no progress on the path to growth because you’re expecting the Universe to do most of the work for you via miraculous events or Divine intervention. While the Universe may help you along your path, it is your path to walk.

Affirmation: “My head and actions align allowing me to free up the blocks holding me back from success.”

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The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles depicts a male with a coin on top of his crown, one he holds close to his heart, and two beneath his feet. He clings to his coins showing how he protects what he values the most. His back turns from the city behind him, showing his refusal to conform.

Regarding work, The Four of Pentacles shows you protecting your values and refusing to conform to rigid rules or enforced guidelines, Libra. Sometimes rebellion makes you stand out from the crowd or look like a real innovator. Other times, it makes you look like you’re a fly in the ointment causing nothing but problems. Here, the Four of Pentacles suggests you consider the values you protect so dearly. You may cling to outmoded emotions or ideas and to your disadvantage.

In an existing relationship, you are clinging to the one you love, which is fine, if you don’t smother your partner with possessiveness or jealousy. If you are single, you may hold your values or expectations too high, making it impossible for anyone to meet your demands; open your mind and be more flexible with the people you date. Spiritually, your head is focusing on material success far too much; it’s blocking spiritual progress. Consider if you are putting too many hours into work and not enough on personal transformation.

Affirmation: “I am open to new possibilities and embrace opportunities for growth.”

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The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Three of Pentacles Reversed

The Three of Pentacles shows a sculptor at work as two people look on either for evaluation or for giving instructions. The worker uses all his skills, as an artist, and puts himself into the work. Three coins appear in the archway representing spiritual growth and the merging of two into something greater.

The Three of Pentacles comes up in reverse for September, Scorpio, meaning there’s work ahead with things still left undone. Projects you want to complete will remain in limbo and you’ll feel like things are in a precarious balance, as if you are running back and forth to keep everything running smoothly. You may feel as if you’re losing interest in your career or those in authority are too oppressive and demanding.

In an existing relationship, if you are trying to take things to the next level, now is not the time to do so. Things are not in balance with the give and take in your relationship. There may be an “elephant in the room” you are failing to address. If single, this card shows you will not commit to one person; casual dating is more likely. Spiritually, while you may feel firm in your convictions, something causes you to question your faith.

Affirmation: “I recognize when conditions call for change and I am the initiator of change when necessary.”

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The Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Four of Wands Reversed

The Four of Wands depicts a happy couple standing beneath the “House of God,” where the Universe protects them from the external chaos of the world. They enter a balanced relationship filled with joy, ambition, and a love for life. Sharing time with friends and family and great contentment await.

With the reversal of the Four of Wands, you will still witness achievement and success in career, Sagittarius, but you are at the very foundation of greater things to come. You are setting the stage for bigger achievements. You may feel restless or impatient or even nervous about the volatility of conditions disturbing carefully made plans. You will do better doing work solo than working in a team effort now.

In an existing love affair, you have a good foundation with your partner, but there are areas in the relationship requiring attention. The way you communicate with one another is out of balance; it can cause bitterness and resentment if you don’t attend to the matter. If you’re single, people from your past will come back into your life. Remember, you can’t go home again; there’s no stable ground for a reunion. Spiritually, you have reached a plateau in your growth; it’s a time for reassessing your values and what you want to achieve.

Affirmation: “My mind is open to new opportunities for achieving balance.”

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The Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords depicts a person sitting up on a couch or in bed with nine swords hanging over their head. They hold their head in their hands as if grieving. The card indicates emotional trials or tribulations in the physical realm.

In career, you may have fallen short of the success you’ve always dreamed, and it dashes your hopes. Your perception doesn’t allow you to see the benefit in the situation where conditions are releasing you from what no longer serves you. While this may be a dark time, all things end; the number nine shows you are nearing a cycle of completion where you may grieve the old as new and better things come into being. Just like giving birth, there’s nothing easy about this process, but the outcome assures happiness will return in abundance.

In an existing relationship, you are mourning the outcome you hoped for; either you saw something in your partner that was wishful thinking, or your partner’s fallible and very human traits have left you disillusioned. You’ll grieve the person you expected your partner to be. But this decisive moment doesn’t mean things have to end if you’re willing to rebuild and release yourself from the fixed mindset you have now. If single, you won’t find an ideal mate and may suffer from loneliness; this too will pass. Spiritually, you have completely disconnected from the Divine Source and it makes you feel you are utterly alone.

Affirmation: “I remain hopeful in the face of adversity.”

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The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Page of Pentacles Reversed

The Page of Pentacles depicts a young person standing on solid, fertile ground. A freshly sown field in the background is just beginning to show the fruits of one’s labor. The person stands with a coin in hand as if admiring it; it symbolizes values and what the person plans on investing in their future. The youth wears all green attire, showing their practical nature and level-headed in decision making.

The reversal of the Page of Pentacles tells you this is no time to expect things to manifest, Aquarius. Instead, this is a period where you should plan for what you desire and consider all potential outcomes before making a move. In work, you may feel like rebelling or making a stand, but you are not standing on enough solid ground to do so. If you already have a course of action you want to take to improve your status, this card’s appearance suggests you take a very close look at the plans you do have: Something is amiss.

In an existing relationship, the Page of Pentacle’s reversal suggests you may behave immaturely and the judgments you make are based on erroneous assumptions. You may blame your partner for conditions in which they are blameless. If single, you’re looking to remain that way, at least for now. You’re not ready for a serious commitment. Spiritually, this card suggests a need for being careful with the wisdom you have: Using it for manipulative purposes has a negative impact karmically.

Affirmation: “I am clear-headed and make wise decisions.”

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The Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands reveals a man holding ten staves, all of which block his view of what lies before him. The staves are tremendously heavy, causing him a considerable burden. If he would just drop them, he could free himself of difficulties.

In work, you are taking on too much responsibility or assuming the responsibility of others; it makes it difficult for you to remain in balance. If you don’t remedy the situation, you’ll see no light at the end of the tunnel. Bitterness and resentment are the outcomes.

In an existing relationship, the way you communicate with your lover is creating unnecessary blockages. You are assuming the responsibilities of your mate and growing resentful. It’s time to draw a line in the sand and re-establish your personal boundaries. If looking for a mate, you’ll want to be careful about the partner you choose, otherwise, they may take advantage of you. Spiritually, life’s obstacles trigger disbelief in an orderly and organized Universe, and you risk losing your faith if you don’t change your perspective.

Affirmation: “I see and understand the hidden lesson in life’s challenges.”

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