Tarotscopes for October 2019

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The Four of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

October Horoscope 2019 – Overview – Three of Cups Reversed

The Four of Cups features the “Lord of Blended Pleasure.” A male is sitting with arms crossed while in a lotus position beneath a tree. He looks at three upright cups. A man sits on the grassy earth which grounds him, but his mind is elsewhere as he contemplates the past, present, and future. The Hand of God holds the fourth cup out as it bursts forth from the sky, signifying Divine intervention-the man doesn’t quite see this cup because it’s not within his vision.

The reversal of The Four of Cups tells us October will be a month of awakenings. Rather than contemplate our personal history and the narratives we build around our life experiences, we are looking to step into action. We’ve done all the planning we need to do and are ready to manifest our imaginings.

Rather than focusing inward, we’ll turn to the external world for intellectual and emotional stimulation. For those of us in romantic relationships, spending time with our significant other becomes our central focus. We’ll refuse to accept the status quo of things that aren’t working in our lives. For those of us who are single, we’ll redefine what we want from a potential lifelong companion or mate. October is a month of action, focus, and spiritual progression.

With the Four of Cups in reverse, the card tells of a period where we feel a subtle “push” from the Universe. There’s no waiting around for the Godhead to intervene; we’re responsible for whatever comes from the choices we make.

While there will be moments of introspection throughout the month, including the time we spend dreaming and meditating, we won’t lose ourselves in our thoughts. For those of us experiencing recent creative blocks, inspiration comes down the Cosmic pipelines from the Muses. We’ll find our greatest happiness lies in making manifest all we’ve imagined until this point. It’s a month of surprises and enlightenment for us all.

Affirmation: “What I imagine I can create.”

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October Tarotscope 2019 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles depicts a juggler or performer who is balancing himself on one leg. He attempts to keep two coins up in the air, with one coin higher than the other. A lemniscate forms between the coins, demonstrating an infinite energetic connection. Behind the juggler, there’s a body of tumultuous waters with two ships sailing out on the distant horizon.

Simplicity is your motto for the month. In October, you’ll be putting things into balance, Aries; this includes your finances and emotional priorities. It’s time to figure out what’s most important to you. With your budget, you’ll cut down on overspending, particularly on “frivolous items” and the things you feel you can do without. With emotions, you’ll begin facing old feelings and ridding yourself of the old emotional codes influencing your actions.

There will be moments your mission to simplify life will go smoothly. Other times, you may feel like throwing in the towel. You’ll feel like you’ll never get to the place you want to be where everything in your life is as efficient as you desire; this is when you’ll need to narrow your focus. Stop looking at how far you have to go to cross the figurative finish line. Concentrate on dealing with one small step at a time. Before you know it, you’ll achieve what you set out to do.

In matters of love, you have a harmonious relationship with great promise for growth on the horizon. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone who you’ll try hard to impress. With work, you’ll multitask effectively, even when there’s an overwhelming amount of work to do.

Affirmation: “Great blessings come from simplicity.”

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The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles depicts a mason or artist hard at work. The man puts himself into what he’s doing as if he has a great love for the job and wants the world to see his artistry and skill. Two others look on with a document in hand: Perhaps blueprints, or a contract in the offing. The structure looks like a church or sacred space. Three coins are in the archway with one coin mounted on the other two, forming the shape of a triangle or pyramid.

Your artistic side shines this month, Taurus. Your natural eye for beauty inspires you and leaves you wanting to beautify the entire world. You’ll start in the home, your sacred space, where you can enjoy the freedom of self-expression. You might slap a coat or two of fresh paint in one or more rooms, or change up your current interior design. Whatever changes you make, they’ll reflect your appreciation of earthy colors and your love for life. At work, you’ll make changes on the smaller scale by rearranging your desk or switching up the layout of your office.

It’s time to pour every ounce of your heart into a loving relationship in October, as you and your romantic partner draw closer. You feel particularly blessed when you realize the two of you are together, you create something far greater than when you are apart. If single, casual dating doesn’t do; you’re looking for a real love connection.

Affirmation: “I see the beauty in all things.”

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The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): The Chariot (Reversed)

The Chariot features a charioteer steering two sphinxes into battle: One black and the other white. The charioteer holds a wand in his hand. He wears a full set of armor, with half-moons on each of his shoulders. A square appears on his chest plate. Behind him in the distance, appears a castle. He wears a helmet featuring an eight-pointed star, and the drapery of the chariot depicts the starry cosmos. The front of the chariot features the charioteer’s coat of arms with the image of a hammer.

This month, you’ll have a bit of difficulty making up your mind, Gemini. The reversal of The Chariot foretells of a period where you’ll often feel pulled in two different directions. Nothing will be a simple decision because there’s too much a gray area to consider. It’s no time to make life-changing choices.

There are challenges ahead, and you’ll either side-skirt them or try to avoid them entirely; you’re just not feeling prepared for a battle. In a romantic relationship, you’ll put up your emotional shields, especially when you and your partner don’t see eye-to-eye. At work, you’ll feel as if you’re making no progress or not getting credit for work well done. But, there’s still light on the horizon if you look at this period as one of rest. Use this time to restore your mind, body, and Spirit.

Affirmation: “In times of stillness I open to Divine guidance.”

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The Star Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): The Star (Reversed)

The Star card depicts a female water bearer. She is nude and kneeling by a body of water as she pours a jug of water into it. The fresh water creates waves and depicts the ripple effect of her action. She holds a second jug pouring water onto the grass. As she kneels, one of her feet is in the water, implying her connection to the realm of emotions, imaginings, dreams, and the psychic senses. The other leg kneels on the land, showing her maintaining a balance between the tangible and intangible realms. There are eight stars in the sky, each of them featuring eight points. The larger star represents the Spirit while the remaining stars link to the various chakras running from the base of one’s spine to the crown of one’s head.

With the Star card signifying October’s energetic influences, you’ll experience a time of wonder and magic, Cancer. Wishes do come true this month, as you seem to manifest whatever you desire with great ease. Hard work from the past pays off now. Existing relationships thrive and intensify. If you’re looking for love, the stars light up the night sky revealing the soul companion you seek.

The Star signals a time where you’re imaginative and dreamy. All things creative will attract you now. You’ll seek new mediums to express yourself artistically.

Affirmation: “What I manifest within I manifest outside of myself.”

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The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune features the words “Tora” or “Rota,” the latter of which is Latin and translates as “wheel.” The inner portion of the wheel features four Hebrew Letters “YHWH,” meaning “Yahweh,” which is God’s name. There are also alchemical symbols for Earth, Fire, Water, and Air which align with four extended spokes. Each symbol represents one of the four elements and the Cups, Wands, Swords, or Pentacles suits of the Tarot. Each corner of the card hosts a winged figure-The Lion, Ox, Eagle, and Man, symbolizing the four Evangelists. The winged figures align with one of four zodiac signs: Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo. A serpent appears to be moving around the wheel in a counterclockwise direction, while the Egyptian God Anubis moves clockwise. On top of the wheel is a Sphinx.

You’re noble, “kingly” nature has you feeling as if your destiny is one of greatness. In October, there’s plenty of synchronistic moments. You’ll feel lucky when things seem to fall into your lap, or everything in your life seems to fit together like you have found the solution to a complicated puzzle. The vibes for this month will energize you and have you believing in miracles once more.

If your romantic life has been stale, you’ll sense a change of mood and attitude from your mate. The two of you will spend more time together, and the conversations you’ll share will prove engaging. In work matters, you may strike out on your own as you rekindle the fires of your greatest passion.

Affirmation: “I seek to fulfill my calling and know my role in the Universe.”

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The Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords depicts The Hand of God bursting forth with an upright sword. There are mountains below the hand holding the sword. Atop the blade is a crown signifying victory over tribulations, achieving clarity, and the discovery of truth.

The month of October you’ll be of sound mind and look at everything in your life objectively, Virgo. You’ll feel like your analytical skills are at their peak, and you can quickly think your way through just about anything. If you’ve been stuck lately or feeling like you haven’t been able to make progress, you’ll be able to break down the walls that have blocked you until now. In matters where you’ve experienced some injustice, the Karmic scales balance out.

In relationships, you’ll make amends for any mistakes you’ve made or your partner will look to repair and strengthen your bond. If you’re single, you’ll seek a fair and emotionally balanced partner who you find intellectually stimulating. At work, you fulfill your duties and willingly take on more responsibilities. Those around you see you for who you are as your most authentic self shines.


Affirmation: “I triumph over what challenges me.”
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The Five of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Five of Wands (Reversed)

The Five of Wands, when upright, depicts struggles and difficulties. Five males with rods in their hands are battling with each other. It suggests difficulty with communication, establishing a sense of balance, and conflicting thoughts on a matter of importance. When the card is upright, it may feel like the entire world, and everything in it is out to get you.

Thank goodness, the Five of Wands comes up in reverse for October, Libra. It means you have no trouble maintaining the harmony and balance your soul craves. If you’ve had trouble getting along with a lover, this month the tension subsides. You’ll work well as a team member at work, as you’ll be open and willing to embrace the opinions of others. This month it’s about looking at the bigger picture without letting small details trip you up.

In matters where you feel competitive, you won’t feel as if anyone is trying to steal your thunder, so the competition remains friendly. Little things that have been bothering you will seem so trivial now. With a clarity of mind and a light heart, you’ll look forward to all the future has to offer.

Affirmation: “My life and the world are harmonious.”

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The Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles depicts a wealthy man doling out coins to two people in the act of generosity. He holds a scale in his other hand, signifying Karmic balance and justice. The people receiving the coins wear colorful robes; one person wears yellow, representing the intellect, and the other wears blue representing emotions. There are six coins in the sky.

The Six of Pentacles foretells of a period where you’ll have all the resources you need for achieving your goals. You’ll attain success, and this card is a reminder to share your blessings. You’ll have an altruistic attitude in October and may help someone financially. If you have the opportunity to perform volunteer work, you’ll take up the offer. You may also mentor someone who looks up to you.

In a current love affair, you’ll spoil your partner with romantic plans and gifts. If single, you’ll either flatter your date, or they’ll flatter you; both of you are looking to make a lasting impression. At work, you may praise others for work well done. With the Karmic scales in balance, you’ll receive plenty of accolades.

Affirmation: “Life is more fulfilling and prosperous when I share with others.”

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The Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords depicts a female with tresses keeping her from moving and a blindfold preventing her from seeing. She has eight swords surrounding her, suggesting great danger to her physical well-being if she moves. A closer look at the swords reveals an opening where she can pass through uninjured, but she must sense her way out of the position she’s in now.

The Eight of Swords foretells of a period where you’ll be doing a lot of inner work, Sagittarius. Your attention focuses inward so you can explore emotions, the deep subconscious, and the path of your soul. It’s a period where you must rely on your psychic senses heavily. When conditions seem impossible to handle, the Universe is encouraging you to look inside yourself for answers why you’re being tested.

In an existing relationship, you may feel you want out, but there are no easy means of breaking free from your partner. If single, you may lose hope in ever finding the “perfect” mate for you. At work, you’ll feel you’re spinning your wheels, getting nowhere no matter how hard you try. Rather than just caving and accepting the status quo, it’s time to consider how you got in these circumstances in the first place.

Affirmation: “I have the answers within me to the things I question.”

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The World Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): The World

The World card depicts a nude female floating in the air; it is akin to images of the Goddess Fortuna. A wreath surrounds her. When looking at the wreath closely, it looks like a snake’s scales, so it also signifies the Ouroboros: A serpent consuming its own tail and a symbol of the infinite. It also represents new beginnings, endings, and coming full circle.

The World card signifies a period where you’ll want to interact with as many people as possible. You’ll feel social, happy go lucky, and pleased with everything you’ve accomplished. After realizing what you have been dreaming of, you also recognize a new journey or challenge is in the offing.

In existing relationships, you’ll feel fulfilled and content. You may take the relationship to the next level. If single, you may have ended one relationship, but you’re not ready to give up on love. At work, you volunteer to help out others in need, and you’ll put all your talent to good use.

Affirmation: “I recognize and appreciate the blessings in life.”

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The Three of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Three of Swords

The Three of Swords depicts a broken heart with three swords piercing it. Gray clouds and stormy weather complete the image. At first glance, the card suggests trying times for October. But, often a chaotic period in life is a catalyst for change.

In love matters, you may experience heartache, or you may cause someone else to suffer emotionally; this leads to a period of disappointment in yourself and your situation. Be careful with what you say and do because it’s likely you’ll want to make amends later. Choose how you interact with others carefully-this is a temporary period where you must wait out the emotional storm.

At work, you’ll feel cheated because someone else takes credit for work you do or gossips behind your back. If you’re looking for a raise or promotion, hold off until better energies reign. The best way to make it through this period is to keep your nose to the grindstone.

Affirmation: “I triumph over all difficulties.”

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The Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Two of Cups

The Two of Cups depicts a male and female, each with a chalice in their hands. They face one another, and between them is a caduceus. A winged lion head appears above the couple. Behind them, in the distance, is a white house and fertile land.

This month, you’ll be able to make connections with ease, Pisces. Whether it’s with a lover, family members, friends, or colleagues, your energies prove attractive to others. You’re open to working with others, and if you have strained relationships, you’ll be looking to mend broken bonds. It’s a month of forgiveness, emotional healing, and strengthening your resolve to live a happy life without regrets.

If in an existing relationship, you and your partner are close and will spend time together expressing that love. If single, someone will confess their attraction to you, and you’ll feel an equal attraction. At work, you may sign contracts or agreements. A promotion may be in the offing.

Affirmation: “What I manifest within I can make manifest in the real world.”

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