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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscopes and astrology overview for June 2020! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!
June Tarotscope 2020 – Overview – Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords indicates June is a month where our energy levels are seemingly at an all-time high. We are deeply connected to our inner warrior and ready to fight for whatever it is our heart desires. Confidence spills forth from every pore, whether we’re at work or simply engaging in friendly conversations with our closest allies.
There will be times this month when we feel particularly daring and bold, especially when involved with competitive people at work or when dealing with relationship challenges. We’ll face any financial conditions or tenuous situations head-on and without fear of failure. While some may find our optimism and certainty admirable, we should take care to ensure we don’t let our overconfidence trip us up; if we do, our mistakes will prove costly and regrettable.
Career-wise, we forge ahead with plans, blueprints, projects, and work tasks without hesitation. If we perceive obstacles on the horizon, we breeze right through them as if they are nonexistent. If we’ve been experiencing opposition, all troubles resolve in our favor. We’ll excel in our work roles, and when difficult decisions come into play, we make all the right choices as long as we listen to our spirit.
On a personal level, some of us may feel a growing desire for something meaningful. Our altruistic nature will shine. In matters of love, we’ll find someone amazingly attractive on both a physical and emotional level, so we’ll take deliberate steps to fulfill our desire for a more intimate connection, even if it means we have to break through a communication barrier to do so.
Affirmation: “My mind is clear; my actions are deliberate.”
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June Tarotscope 2020 – For All 12 Zodiac Signs
Aries (March 20-April 19): Seven of Cups (Reversed)
The reversal of Seven of Cups defines the energetic influence for the month, indicating a period of clarity, understanding, and assurances. When facing choices, you’ll tune into your emotions, listen to your heart, and allow intuition to be your guide. In June, you’ll not only see all conditions and relationships with exceptional clarity, but you’ll toss all illusion to the wayside.
You are focused, centered, goal-oriented, and ready to take the initiative to make things happen. Your no-nonsense approach and feisty attitude toward all matters of business practically ensure the continuation of your success. If you are an entrepreneur, your drive, enthusiasm, and optimism will be at an all-time high, mainly when you reflect on recent achievements or milestones. While opportunities on the horizon are limited, the options open to you are, indeed, exceptional and, therefore, easy to embrace.
If you are in a committed relationship, you’ll know in your heart of hearts you have found the right life mate. If you’re single, you’ll find someone worth dating, but will only continue the relationship if the individual is looking for more than a casual affair. Right now, you want passion coupled with the potential for a lifelong connection.
Affirmation: “The decisions I make are defined by what’s in my heart.”
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Taurus (April 20-May 20): Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles suggests a period of retrospection, evaluation, and careful consideration. You’ve planted “seeds” for the future, are watching them bloom, and are nurturing conditions to ensure success. Now you pause to consider the next steps you’ll take in reaping emotional or financial rewards in the future. You’ve entered a temporary pause, but will not retreat from or fear what’s on the horizon. Now is a time to take considerable care to ensure all your hard efforts pay off.
As you assess conditions or relationships, you’ll review all aspects of the situation or pairing. If your thoughts are on love relationships or partnerships in business, you’ll make sure all participants are contributing their fair share in terms of the effort necessary to make things work. When something isn’t working for you, you’ll “weed it out” of your life as you are only looking to ensure all conditions result in satisfaction.
Career-wise, you’ve worked exceedingly hard to climb the ladder of success. Now, you’re either looking to create a new strategy to safeguard the continuation of your triumphs or to create a new blueprint to fulfill your remaining aspirations. The goal is to make those with power take note of your exceptional skills and contribution. A promotion may be in the offing, or you’ll finally step up and ask for what you deserve after giving full consideration on how to approach your request.
In a committed romantic relationship, you will continue to have a loving connection that thrives. You’ll experience even give and take in terms of emotional expression and support. Both of you will enjoy a period where you’re open, honest, and genuinely affectionate. If you are single, you’ll re-evaluate your definition of what it means to have a meaningful relationship.
Affirmation: “I am ready for the next stage of my evolution.”
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Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles suggests you’ll focus on establishing strong foundations this month. As you do, you’ll consider all you value and hold dear, what’s in your heart, the memories you want to build upon, and the roots you want to establish. You’ll don your emotional armor, toughen up, and shelter your heart from emotional injury. If something has hurt you, you’ll pull yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on like a tried and true trooper.
One note of caution, however; people will be unable to sway you from your opinions, beliefs, or your unique point of view. Unfortunately, even if you are wrong about something, you may find yourself in a bind when you insist on being right. You’ll avoid the “herd mentality,” and others may view your attitude as an act of sheer rebellion. Be careful and try to avoid a fixed mindset. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on opportunities to grow on an emotional or spiritual level.
In your career, you are secretive about projects, the next move you will make concerning your creative ideas, all because you worry about someone undermining you or stealing your thunder. In love relationships, arguments about money arise, especially if you or your mate behave in what seems like miserly ways. Even if your intentions are good, an unwillingness to compromise with spending leads to disagreements. If you’re single, you’re quite shy right now, so you’ll tell little about your feelings or personal history to those you are dating, at least until you’ve had considerable time to develop trust.
Affirmation: “I am free of anxiety and open to new experiences.”
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Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): Ace of Cups (Reversed)
Your confidence and energy levels are low this month, Cancer. The reversal of the Ace of Cups suggests your energy seems to drain away, or your emotions overwhelm you, leaving you exhausted with little to no “gusto.” Emotionally and physically, you’ll experience considerable instability, and at every turn, you’ll figure there will be yet another obstacle to conquer. Finding peace of mind right now may seem like an impossibility. You’re out of tune with your heart and soul, and you’ll even have trouble deciphering or decoding the signals you pick up psychically. It’s a period where, no matter how tired you might be, you’ll want to heighten your awareness. It’s best not to make big decisions now, at least until your senses are all “back online” and in full working order.
Career-wise, you’ll be dissatisfied for a long time. The reversal of the chalice in the cards suggests an emphasis on action taken while ignoring or neglecting fulfillment. It is tantamount to pursuing your desires while forgetting what makes you happy. Work has become tedious, ho-hum, boring, and nothing more than a chore where the only minimal reward is money for continuous survival. If you use this time to consider when the last time was you pursued what you are passionate about, enlightenment follows.
In committed relationships, the two of you have got caught up in the monotony of routine. You’re both too busy dealing with the day in, day out of taking care of mundane responsibilities. You’re neglecting the romantic aspects of the relationship, which is forcing the two of you to drift apart slowly. Things are coming to a slow boil, making it all too easy to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you are single, your low energy levels will have you spending a lot of time alone.
Affirmation: “Love and passion fill every moment of my existence.”
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Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Death
Big changes are coming your way this month, Leo, with the appearance of the Death card as your tarot forecast. As the earliest days of spring roll in, so too arrives a period of emotional or physical transformation. While faced with endings, you’ll see new beginnings unfold. Whether you’re ending a relationship or drawing a personal project to a close, you’re facing a period of rebirth and renewal. While there may be a sense of nervous excitement in the air, it’s because you are eager to see the next step in your unfolding. You may even fear what the new horizon brings, but each fear will pass as you adapt to new conditions. Consider all that his past, and how you have arrived where you are now.
If you’re dissatisfied with your current condition, position, or relationship status, ask yourself what actions you’ve taken to contribute to your present status. Career-wise, if you find yourself stagnating, this moment presents you with clear evidence it’s time for a change. Whether you need to take a stand and demand that raise, or you need to consider moving on to something better, it’s time you make some life-altering decisions.
In a committed relationship that’s been unstable, you’ll begin reflecting on the value of the relationship and whether it’s something you want to continue investing in; a longing for change my drive you toward a temporary separation. If single, you’ll change your dating approach or philosophy, putting less emphasis on finding lasting love and more stress on just enjoying yourself for the time being.
Affirmation: “Change offers the promise of newness and all things.”
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Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)
The reversal of the Queen of Pentacles suggests you are far too soft on others, Virgo. Rather than defining what you want in your reality, you’re letting others decide what’s best for you or, worse; you are settling for far less than you know you deserve. Your view of life right now is pessimistic, unrealistic, and unclear. People you have counted on and believed in or thought were trustworthy have failed to support you, have not had your back, or have reneged on their promises. You had high expectations, with none of them being met. The notion that the universe is unfair consumes your present thoughts, leaving you feeling like you never really had control of anything in your life.
Career-wise, you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Colleagues or higher-ups have taken full advantage of you, and you have made no move to stand up for yourself or right things. If you have feared to pursue your greatest passion, you’ve given in to that fear and are now paying the high price of unhappiness.
In love matters, you may be in an imbalanced relationship where your partner is dominating or bullying you. Your voice seems meaningless, or you are letting your partner make all the decisions or run the show. If dating, you’ll settle for second best only to regret it later.
Affirmation: “I deserve and demand the very best of all things in my life.”
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Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Ten of Wands
The Ten of Wands indicates a time where you don’t see the forest for the trees, Libra. You carry a heavy emotional burden, or you’ll deal with mundane obligations that seem to weigh you down. Don’t be surprised if you often feel that conditions frustrate you. It’s like you’re pushing a rock uphill all by yourself with no end in sight for all your laborious effort. Remember, it may be a fixed mindset, or your perceptions are at the root of all your existing troubles. You might be too close to an issue to see things with the clarity you need to work things out. It’s like you’re standing so close to a painting you’re sure you’re seeing a Picasso, but when you take a few steps back from the image, you realize you’re looking at a Da Vinci the whole time.
Career-wise, you’ll feel like others are treating you like a beast of burden. Others dump all the odd jobs and tasks no one else wants to do on you. The workload you’ll experience will seem unbearable. But if you change up your perspective by looking at all the work before you like a chance to challenge yourself, you’ll find the time flies by as you breeze through your workday.
In love matters, you may feel like a scapegoat or that everything in your relationship that’s going bad is all your fault. Here’s a chance to lighten up, stop being so hard on yourself, and remember it takes two to tango. If you’re single, you’ll have no real free time to pursue a relationship, although you may have the occasional one-night stand.
Affirmation: “Changing my perspective changes my entire reality.”
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Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune foretells of a period where time flies because the surrounding energies are so positive. Lady luck or the Goddess Fortuna, herself, has got your back. Instinct tells you nothing you start can go badly. If you’ve been dealing with blockages, obstacles, or a lack of movement anywhere in your life, the blocks you’ve been facing fall away like pyramids turning to nothing more than sand. You’re at a real turning point in your life, Scorpio, and if you take full advantage of it, you’ll manifest your destiny or fulfill your soul’s mission.
In your career, you’ll experience good fortune in your job now, or you’ll start anew while doing something different. Now is the time to embrace change, go with the flow, and welcome the influx of positive energies heading your direction. You may note interesting patterns appearing in your life as you are more attentive to cycles. It gives you a chance to deal with conditions differently and more successfully this go round.
In love relationships, you and your significant other are entirely in synch, taking advantage of every opportunity for growth and greater intimacy. If you are single, the universe will present you with synchronistic moments marking the milestones leading you toward a “chance encounter” that has the potential for becoming a lasting love.
Affirmation: “Good fortune touches every area of my life.”
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Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Nine of Swords
With the Nine of Swords forecasting the energies for June, brace yourself from some troubling times ahead, Sagittarius. Just as a card depicts, you’ll feel like nine swords are hanging over your head, with any blade ready to come down upon you. High tension, stress, trials, and tribulations are to come.
The way you handle such conditions makes all the difference in how your future unfolds. Your thoughts will often flood your mind, making it difficult to find moments of silence or clarity. Though this card foretells of considerable difficulty, it also indicates a light will soon enter your life once more. There may be valuable life lessons in the offing.
Career-wise, this card indicates there may be a loss of a job or obstacles in the workplace. You may question your methods or the motives of others or find yourself second-guessing decisions you’ve already made. Past choices are something you cannot change. If you made a mistake on the job and covered your tracks, you may feel guilty because of it, especially if someone else pays the price for the damage you’ve done.
If you are in a committed romantic pairing, you may face disputes, hurt feelings, or regretted past actions influencing the intimacy of the relationship now. Your relationship may be rocky, causing you to fear that it is coming to an end unless there is some radical change in the immediate future. If you’re single, you may still grieve a past relationship, or you’re having trouble accepting it is over with another.
Affirmation: “Self-knowledge is empowerment.”
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Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Six of Cups
The Six of Cups foretells of the great joy you’ll experience in June, Capricorn. Friendships, family bonds, and romantic relationships thrive. You’ll feel imaginative, creative, and view the world through the wondrous eyes of an innocent child. Your mood is exceptional, the heart is open, and you’ll love the feel-good vibes you derive by helping others. You’ll have moments of nostalgia and long for the innocent days of childhood. Someone from your past may reenter your life at the perfect time. If so, you’ll reminisce about days gone by.
At work, you’ll start new projects or start a new cycle in your career. You might receive a promotion or be gifted a reward for all your hard work. The passion for what you do is evident in everything you touch.
In love, the chemistry between you and another is exceptional. New pairs will consider taking the relationship to more emotionally intense levels. The one you love awakens the inner child within you. There will be moments of flirtation, playfulness, sharing, and the expression of genuine affection. If you are single, you will have great chemistry with those you date. Love is in the air everywhere.
Affirmation: “The love I share returns onto me threefold.”
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Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Ace of Wands
The appearance of the Ace of Wands is the perfect card foretelling of the sweet blessings coming in on the changing winds of spring. Whatever you’ve been longing to manifest, you now have the means, resources, and energy to make it happen. Imagine the Gods handing you a wand that you can use magically to invoke your will or make changes to your physical world. Indeed, it will feel like you’re working magic each time you set out to achieve your highest aims or you start something new. All creative projects are ideal now, as you’ll have amazing inspiration flooding in from the world around you.
Career-wise, your passion for what you are doing now renews and heightens your energy while improving your proficiency. If you have grown tired of the same old job, the idea of striking out on your own becomes appealing. You’ll long for creative freedom, a chance to share your vision or you want your work to change the world in positive ways.
When it comes to love, it’s time to have that intimate conversation about how you feel. You may have been holding back, but all the stars are in the perfect alignment to ensure you can express yourself clearly and that your message is well-received. If you’re single, you won’t be for long: this is the time to start new relationships or to make a casual relationship more exclusive.
Affirmation: “My will becomes reality.”
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Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Page of Pentacles (Reversed)
The reversal of the Page of Pentacles tells of a time where you’re feeling amazingly deep and philosophical. You’ll wonder about the creation of the world, the origin of humanity, and the meaning of life. In a spiritual sense, you’ll question your purpose, why you are here on the earth now, and what the lessons are you’ll want to master in this lifetime. At times you’ll consider your accomplishments or personal history, but your main focus is on what the future holds or what you’ll be capable of manifesting when you’re ready to do so.
Career-wise, you’ll want to improve the odds of your success. You may consider taking a special class to gain a skill that will give you more advantage over your colleagues, or returning to college to pursue a degree is also a possibility. Seeking a mentor who offers hands-on guidance is also an opportunity you’ll consider. To make the most of all your options, you’ll try a diverse approach.
If you’re in a committed relationship, your partner will fully support you as you try to conquer your aspirations. If you’re single, you’ll delay getting too serious with anyone, at least for now. It will allow you to focus on your career goals while giving the pursuit of your ambitions your undivided attention. Practicality rules.
Affirmation: “I remain grounded even as I dream of lofty heights.”
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