Tarotscopes for April 2020

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscopes and astrology overview for April 2020! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!

Death Tarot Card Meanings Rider Waite Tarot Deck 1280x960

April Tarotscope 2020 – Overview – Death

To see the Death card as the draw for the month of April is likely to make anyone a bit uneasy, especially when considering most recent world events causing a time of turmoil and uncertainty. The foreboding imagery ignites the fires of the imagination, with the Reaper riding into the scene on a white horse while holding up a flag of victory as people of all classes, including royalty, fall at his feet, it’s no wonder the card triggers feelings of unease. But Death is the perfect card to come up for this spring, indicating the month to come is full of dramatic change.

In April 2020, many of us will feel a great urgency to shed old patterns, habits, conditions, and relationships that no longer serve us. Anything superficial becomes insignificant. Our yearnings for spiritual progress, personal achievements, and genuine relationships become our focus. Any projects or tasks that we’ve left undone are something we’ll tackle with immediacy as we look to tie up loose ends. It allows us to move through the month with greater efficiency and a stronger sense of control.

April is a month of transition; for the next 30 days, we’ll all be focusing on taking the first steps toward trying to restore a sense of normalcy in our lives. We’ll shed anything that drags us down in an emotional or physical sense. Self-improvement is a major concept for many of us as we attempt to become the best we can be on every level.

Some of us may mourn the passage of the old. Restlessness reigns as we anticipate the arrival what’s on the horizon. Letting go of what no longer serves us, whether it’s a career, a habit, or a relationship, isn’t always easy. Some of us may experience a rite of passage. Like any birth, there’s some pain accompanying the process.

The changes we’ll experience this month have a lot to do with our perceptions and how we view the world and ourselves. Sometimes, the challenges we face may seem insurmountable, at least for now. Whatever the case may be, April 2020 is a month of tremendous turmoil and surprise. Nevertheless, it’s a chance to heal what needs healing.

A few of us may worry that we won’t have the willpower to make it through this chaotic period; this is especially true if we’ve had trouble sticking to our plans in the past. But, there’s something different about this month’s energy; with the Death card showing up for April, everything we face has to do with transformation and rebirth rather than irreversible change or destruction.

Affirmation: “I control my reaction to change.”

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April Tarotscope 2020 – For All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Hermit Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): The Hermit (Reversed)

The appearance of The Hermit suggests April is a month where you’ll shine a light of understanding on your future path. This month, you’re in no rush to put your desires for change into motion. Instead, you’ll take an additional 30-or-so-days to reflect and contemplate on what you want to achieve in the most important areas of your life. You’ll draw inward to explore the deepest parts of your psyche and spirit.

Those around you may accuse you of being distant or deliberately out of touch. Your isolation is intentional, but not because you want to alienate others. Rather, you prefer alone time to think without distractions from others or the external environment. It makes it easier to quiet what Buddhists call “The Monkey Mind.”

You’ll deal with mundane tasks, very much on “automatic pilot,” while your mind roams elsewhere. You’ll feel witty and philosophical. Because you draw your attention away from the external environment, it’s a period where you may be more prone to accidents. To prevent unnecessary injury, tune into your psychic senses, and keep them on high alert. It will allow you to sense your surroundings and the intentions of those you interact with daily.

You’ll be less frank than usual, not wanting outside or external conditions to draw you away from your own agenda. Your sense of humor is darker or more macabre than usual, too; remember you’re working on connecting with the shadow self, which expresses itself in more sardonic ways.

Affirmation: “The greatest enlightenment comes from the journey inward.”

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The Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Knight of Swords (Reversed)

You’ll run headlong into April, full steam ahead with your figurative bull horns ready to tear down anything standing in your way. Your willpower is at its peak, making you a force to reckon with if anyone tries to stop you from achieving whatever goals you set for yourself. Just make sure you don’t plow down people or conditions that might actually prove beneficial to your endgame, Taurus.

In romance, you want absolute honesty, as the Knight of Swords suggests. At the same time, you’ll be true to those you speak with; however, you may confuse diplomatic truth with brutal honesty. You won’t realize the difference until it’s too late, opening the doors wide to a genuine “foot-in-mouth” scenario. Remember, once you put something out there verbally, you can’t take it back.

At work, whether at home or in the office, you’re highly opinionated – this is fine if you base your view on concrete facts. Just don’t expect your solid truth to be “truth” for someone else. You may find you try to force your opinion on others because you’re a right fighter. It will lead to animosity and resentment if you push the issue. You’ll have a far easier time remembering perspective is reality. It’s okay to honor your voice. It’s okay to demand respect and the freedom to express your opinions. Just make sure you’re willing to give the same amount of respect to others. Remember, the Sword of Truth cuts both ways.

Affirmation: “I honor my true voice.”

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The Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): Queen of Swords (Reversed)

You’re thinking is clouded in April. Chaotic world events have left you exhausted and with a bad bout of brain fog. You’ll need a couple of weeks to regroup and recoup. It’s even possible you’ll find yourself dealing with a sore throat or the temporary loss of your voice – all that celebrating, and chattiness has a physical price, especially if you go overboard.

When it comes to romance, you’ve been reluctant to look at your significant other with clear eyes. Now’s a time when you’ll see the imperfections and flaws your partner has – some of the idiosyncrasies you’ll see as cute or initially adorable, but other quirks may rub you the wrong way. Remember, your partner’s peculiarities reveal their humanness. Compassion is the key to understanding and adapting to a loved one’s eccentricities.

If you’re dating and things aren’t going well, you’ll still refuse to let go of the relationship, hoping things will work out over time. The more irritated you grow with a flawed partner, the less hope you’ll have that time heals all wounds. If single, it’s a month where casual dating appeals to you, but you won’t find anyone to make a genuine connection with at this time. In moments where you may feel a bit melancholy, take time to hang out with friends so you can have a few laughs.

At work, you’ll long for greater freedom, creativity, or advancement. So, you’re all about putting your nose to the grindstone. At the same time, you’ll make sure you’re at your best as you look to make all the right people take notice of your loyalty and undying commitment.

Affirmation: “Laughter heals.”

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The Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): 4 of Wands (Reversed)

The Four of Wands, in reverse, suggests you’ll spend time trying to stabilize and build (or rebuild) a romantic relationship or friendship. If you can’t build upon the existing framework or foundation you have, you’ll demand your freedom – the spring season has you donning on a “no-nonsense-all-or-nothing” approach in love and social matters.

In the career sector, you’re considering a second job or new ways to generate more income. The entrepreneurial path proves appealing to you. Affiliated marketing or other means for generating a mildly passive income are topics you’ll research in your effort to find the ideal path forward. The lower the risks and the smaller the initial investment, the more appealing an opportunity seems.

In family life, an unstable relationship with someone in your immediate family, likely a sibling or parent, has you longing for healing. You’ll consider forgiving the transgressions of another, but forgetting is another concept entirely. If the person has broken your trust, returning to a state where you can trust the individual without conditions seems like an impossibility. This month is all about stabilizing the foundation of existing relationships just as much as it’s about starting new projects or connections on equal footing.

Affirmation: “I build strong foundations in every aspect of my life.”

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The Moon Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): The Moon (Reversed)

The reversal of The Moon card suggests the changes you’re focusing on this month have to do with your inner reality. You’re looking to slay those long-held inner demons and to break the habits that have hindered your growth or cast a shadow over your general well-being. You may experience a bit of anxiety from time-to-time; it’s a mix of eager anticipation and restlessness about what the future holds for you. One thing is certain: You’re not looking to repeat any of the difficult challenges you’ve faced in your life thus far.

You’ll have a realistic picture of where you stand in matters of career and love. All illusions fall away, revealing the cold, perhaps even harsh truth of matters. The truth you behold may bewilder you or perhaps sting if you find yourself in a relationship where all things are not equal. But, it’s best to remember, no matter how harsh the truth may be, it gives you a solid place to start when you want to implement change. If there are some good aspects of the romantic relationship, there’s hope for saving it. If you’ve outgrown each other, you now have the opportunity to demand closure. Once you do, a new, more solid, and empowering relationship on the horizon awaits.

In a career, your path is set in stone. You’ll make progress with no wild or untamed elements standing in your way. The path to contentment is long but clear. You can see your future success on the horizon with ease. Pay close attention to the symbols you see in dreams, as they offer you guidance for the path ahead.

Affirmation: “The messages I receive through dreams are vivid and clear.”

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The Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Nine of Cups (Reversed)

The reversal of the Nine of Cups puts your focus on navigating the emotional realm-something you don’t enjoy necessarily. You are a creature who prefers concrete facts over abstract thinking and all the talk about feelings leave you confuzzled and broody. There’s nothing simple about feelings and Virgo, and simplicity is your middle name. But it is because you continue to compartmentalize all your feelings, tucking them away for another day or the ideal time before you deal with anything that the Universe now puts this challenge before you. Your psyche and spirit demand balance.

In romance, you’ll work on how you express yourself to your partner. If your lover accuses you of being cold or aloof, you’ll try to be more romantic, intimate, and open about how you feel. Again, the sheer act of making yourself vulnerable enough to talk about feelings in the open will likely make you uneasy, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. You’ll reap rich rewards for doing so, too since your lover will see you making a real effort to connect. If you’re single or dating, others find your openness attractive, so don’t be afraid to show people who you are on the inside.

In a career, it’s a month of smooth sailing. Being at work is a comfort because tending to basic, routine tasks makes you feel right at home. If you’re crunching numbers, that’s when you feel the most comfortable as working with figures is when you’re at your best.

Affirmation: “I am satisfied with every emotional milestone I conquer.”

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The Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

In matters of love and career, you’ll feel as if you’re in limbo, Libra. You’re all too eager for change, but you need to remind yourself these things take time. Since you want things to unfold without delay, you’ll feel restless, anxious, and may even have moments of irritability.

In your career, you’ll feel like this is a period of “hurry up and wait.” You’ve taken all the steps to prove your loyalty and worthiness as a dedicated and valuable employee, and your commitment to the job is something no one will ever question. But, you have yet to reap all the rewards you were promised when you were initially hired. In fact, you fear all this waiting around will lead to missed opportunities or that someone other than you will get the leg up or promotion that is rightfully yours. Right now, your patience will pay off, and you’re on the verge of a period of considerable success.

If you’re in a committed relationship, you’re comfortable-in fact, probably too comfortable. Things have grown stale as you and your mate have neglected taking the extra romantic measures to keep things spicy. When dating, you’ll find those you meet “ho-hum” or unextraordinary, at least for now.

Affirmation: “The path before me remains free of obstacles.”

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The Six of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Six of Pentacles

All things are in perfect balance for you in April, Scorpio. By the end of the month, your love life and career are right where you want them to be. In the realm of emotion, finally you bring more attention to how you feel. You’ve been compartmentalizing feelings so you can handle your emotions without being overwhelmed by all that you hold back or hold onto normally.

In a committed relationship, as you often do, you’ve put full focus on the feelings of your partner without addressing your own. You’re doting and compassionate, but you often forget to address your own needs when you’re too busy making the one you desire feel like a million bucks. Now, you start to express how you feel and demand the same, well-deserved attention in return.

In career, you’ve been all too patient when it comes to waiting for the rewards you want to reap. All your hard work has gone seemingly unacknowledged, which leaves you feeling irritated and irked. It stirs you into action, so you demand what you deserve. Not to worry, your efforts pay off-that raise, or promotion you’ve been waiting for is in the offing.

Affirmation: “I have all I need to make me happy.”

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The King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): King of Wands

Creative projects are a big focus for you this month, Sagittarius. You’ve had several ideas just brewing in the back of your mind, incubating really. Now they merge as the perfect formula or innovation, which appears to be a significant key to your success. You’re eager to bring the idea into manifestation, with the knowledge that all of your efforts will expand your horizons, introduce you to new experiences, and put you in the right place to meet the right people.

Your inner artist is wide awake and looking for any doorway of opportunity to come bursting forth from your consciousness. This same artist is one who feels it has been oppressed and held back from the recognition of its true talents for far too long. With the long-desired acknowledgment of your skills, it’s likely a wave of euphoria will wash over you: All the attention is intoxicating and you’ll feel genuine elation as your inner muse floods your mind and heart with a good dose of creative energy.

In matters of love, you’ll either find your mate inspiring or a real downer whose energy is just not gelling with your new creative vibe. If the two of you are both on a creative bent, there’s nothing that will stop you from giving birth to extraordinary works. If you’re both moving in different directions, you’ll agree to disagree and let one another have the space necessary to pursue separate paths. If you’re single, you will refuse to connect with “unextraordinary” people.

“My inner muse inspires my next adventure.”

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The Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups reinforces the Death card this month, giving you the desire to tie up loose ends and let go of whatever is holding you back from embracing what awaits on the horizon. Often times, your “I can fix it mentality” has you investing your valuable time and energy into projects or even relationships that were never meant to work out, no matter how hard you try. You may have spent several months walking a fine line from being cool and rational to overly emotional and stressed out beyond all belief. Now, with clear eyes, you can see for the first time that elements are missing in your relationship or project plan, which have prevented it from working out all this time.

April is a time for closing doors, but it doesn’t mean you won’t find your way to new opportunities. You’ve simply reached the end of one cycle and are about to enter into the new. There’s a bittersweet sense about it since you’re leaving behind what you once found familiar.

You are always committed to the workplace and insist on a job well done, but you’re tired of your current position or career and long for something a bit more adventurous. Similar feelings may occur if you’re in a committed relationship. If you’re single, you may experience changes internally, where you let go of behaviors, feelings, or thoughts that have outworn their usefulness. All the changes this month may leave you feeling fatigued, but you’ll recoup quickly. When you do, you’ll find as long as you honor what’s true for you, happiness is just around the bend.

Affirmation: “I honor my personal truth.”

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The Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Four of Swords (Reserved)

If you thought March was busy, wait until you feel the buzzing energy within just waiting to release itself all through April. Your mantra is likely “There’s no time like the present.” You won’t stop to rest all that much as you’ve been waiting for things to unfold and now you can sense big changes that await. For you, it’s an answer to your prayers as you’ve grown quite tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In romantic relationships, it’s easy to find peace of mind. You can finally let your emotional guard down and feel comfortable letting someone else into your heart. Though you’ll still demand the independence you crave, you’ll want to spend a lot of time with the one you’ve decided to commit your heart to this month. Your partner makes you feel at ease, complete, and the comfort you experience is on a level you’ve never experienced before. If you’re single, you’ll be quite casual about dating. Life is carefree and easy-going.

At work, you’ll do a quick evaluation of where you are, what you want, and figure out if you’re where you want to be. If not, you’ll reflect on your motives from remaining at a standstill. Once you identify what it is that’s been holding you back, you’ll decide it’s time to develop a new blueprint for your career. Your intuition will guide you in the right direction.

Affirmation: “I embrace the wisdom of my inner voice.”

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The Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Ace of Pentacles

It’s been a long time since you’ve been this optimistic Pisces. You’re feeling upbeat and ready for anything that comes your way. The Ace of Pentacles suggests a period where you long to be a force of change in the world. You’ve long since had the ability to make an impact on those around you. It’s a period where you’ll either expand your mind or help another get a leg up that they’ve long deserved. Otherwise, you’ll show the world your altruistic side by volunteering in support of a cause or by making a sizeable donation. The feel-good vibes you’ll generate will lift your spirits and proves a major confidence builder.

In romance, committed relationships flourish. You love being in love, and so does your partner. The two of you seem perfectly in sync with the same goals in mind for the future. It’s a month where you’ll both focus on self-improvement so that you can spend the longest lifetime possible together. If you’re single, you’ll meet intense and wonderful people when you partake of your interests.

In career, you set a goal some time ago, and now you’re on the brink of achieving it. You can practically taste success as it approaches. You’ll find yourself working at a job you’re incredibly passionate about and making good money doing it. If not, you’ll close the door on an old job and finally decide it’s time to follow wherever your heartfelt desires lead.

Affirmation: “I embrace the wisdom of my inner voice.”

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