Tarotscopes for May 2020

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscopes and astrology overview for May 2020! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!

The King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

May Tarotscope 2020 – Overview – King of Wands

The King of Wands suggests we’ll have high energy this month. We’re feeling vibrant, exuberant, and more alive as if we are just awakening to a new phase in our lives. The excitement in the air is practically tangible as we a sense the promise of fulfillment with everything we set out to do. Some of us have completed a full evaluation of ourselves while exploring our talents and limitations.

With a clear understanding of what we’ve accomplished, we have considerable confidence in the pursuit of our ambitions. Our sureness is not excessive, however, as we remain fully aware of our humanness. We are neither egocentric or grossly prideful as we go after what we want, ever remembering that “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18).

It’s okay if we take some emotional risks this month as we’re on solid footing. Creativity runs high, so we’ll be able to think outside of the box when it comes to unique ways of romancing another or in mending broken fences. It’s an excellent time to welcome someone new into our lives if we’re single; if in a committed relationship, we look to expand horizons and have more romantic moments together.

Career-wise, many of us look for inventive ways to get tasks done at work. Midmonth, the air seems a bit chaotic, and we may struggle with expressing our basic needs. Others in authority may not have the time for a sit-down meeting, or timing is off, or we’ll struggle with the appropriate delegation of duties. Nevertheless, we won’t back down from any attempt to tackle a longstanding issue. Inwardly, there’s a sense that no obstacle is too difficult to overcome.

Affirmation: “Success is mine to harness.”

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May Tarotscope 2020 – For All 12 Zodiac Signs

The Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): The Eight of Swords

With the Eight of Swords foretelling what’s to come for you in May, Aries, you may be feeling a bit nervous. The spring is in the air, bringing in erratic, energetic changes and a foreboding sense of uncertainty. Good vibrations make you excited and uneasy all at once. You’re restless and eager to see what unfolds but are also unsure of your next steps. You’ll take a “when-in-doubt-do-nothing-approach” with all decisions. Rather than dive right into any situation, business partnership, or personal relationship, you’ll wait until all your ducks are in a row, all resources are at your disposal, or you have complete understanding about where you stand mentally, emotionally, or financially. You’ll demand unwavering transparency.

Career-wise, you will either feel trapped in your current position or your opportunities are limited right now. But this is only because of your eagerness for change and growth; this is a period for reflection, contemplation, and planning, not action. Your desire for change is so intense now that your impatience will likely make you irritable. If you rush headlong into projects at the wrong time, it will only create more frustration.

In love, if you’re in a committed relationship, you may feel your partner is cold, aloof or they are isolating you on an emotional level. Insecurity reigns for the time being, so you’ll wonder what direction the relationship is heading. If single, you remain on guard and refuse to let anyone into your life on an intimate level.

Affirmation: “I trust my inner compass to guide me through uncertain waters.”

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The Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Ace of Wands (Reversed)

If you are looking for a fresh start in a situation or relationship, the reversal of the Ace of Wands suggests there will still be more delay before you see any movement in this regard. You might feel uninspired; intellectually, or emotionally thwarted, or as if you lack the sheer force of will it takes to get things off the ground. Creative blocks are also possible, because you feel entirely out of touch with your muse or disconnected in a spiritual sense. You feel like your entire life has gone into hibernation.

In your career, no matter how competent you are in performing your duties, you’ll question the quality of your most recent performance. Serious doubts about your skills weigh on your mind. When problems arise, your lack of creative vision has you at a loss as to how to solve even the smallest issues you face. Now is the time to tap into the insight of others until you can see things with clarity or overcome your broody mood.

In love relationships, you may be holding back on sharing your most intimate feelings, likely because you’re uncertain about how your partner will receive what you have to say. The fear of outright rejection contributes to your hesitancy to share your feelings. If you’re single, you will hold back on getting serious with anyone, at least for now.

Affirmation: “My passion for life renews and revitalizes me.”

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The Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): Three of Cups

The reversal of the Three of Cups suggests the likelihood of overindulgence is high right now, which is not at all unusual when you are prone to extremes. The form of overindulgence depends on your current state of mind and whatever best satiates a preexisting imbalance. If you get a natural high from shopping, you’ll find yourself binge shopping at the mall, all the while convincing yourself that you are taking full advantage of the massive savings you’ll get from current sales. If chocolate is your fix, you may find yourself wolfing down Bonbons while binge-watching your favorite television shows.

It’s better to remind yourself these “fixes” are transient, only offering temporary relief followed by a lot of guilt, all because of a lack of impulse control. The challenge this month calls for you to dig deep, explore, and look at the root cause driving you toward emotional fixes. Once you identify where the problem originates from, you can develop a plan that provides a more permanent or practical solution.

Career-wise, you’ll crave the limelight and will engage in a lot of socialization whenever you get the opportunity to do so. Be careful not to be overly chatty – it may earn you a reprimand or unwanted attention from those in authority. In love matters, you might consider a physical or emotional affair outside of your existing relationship, especially if tensions are high on the home front. But, it’s like slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound; the affair only serves to distract you from addressing the real problems that exist and will exacerbate the issue if you’re caught in the act or after the fact. If you’re single, you’ll date, but will not have any longing to develop anything beyond a casual connection.

Affirmation: “I strive for balance in every thought, word, and deed.”

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The Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles indicates the energies in May will have you quite busy at the drawing board, Cancer. Many opportunities will arise where you can make money or create something of lasting and increasing value. You may even find yourself working on the finer details of a project you’ve had in the works for quite some time. Dedication, determination, and deliberately keeping your nose to the grindstone assure the successful completion of the tasks at hand.

Career-wise, whatever duties you deal with will call for attention to the finest details. You’ll finish every task with a tremendous sense of pride, or a willingness to sign your name to the project so you can let the whole world know the piece of well-done work is your accomplishment. If you’ve been delaying getting things done up until this point, a great sense of urgency stirs within you. Something tells you there’s not a minute more to waste, and that potentiality plays a factor in this deep sense of urgency. Despite something demanding you to address your calling, you have an innate understanding that rushing through things simply will not do. It’s time to put the extra hours in, pump out that over time, and use every spare minute to achieve perfection.

In relationships, feelings are intensifying, and it’s time for you to define the next stage of your love affair or redefine your ideas relating to what will make you both happy. Singles will consider the relationship they want to build and the ideal romantic partner to pair up with to make one’s fantasies into a reality.

Affirmation: “My creative genius flows through every action.”

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The Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Knight of Wands (Reversed)

The Knight of Wands’ reversal tells of the slow movement forward in work-related tasks, personal projects, and relationships. Things will move at such a slow pace it will sometimes seem like there’s no movement at all. Much of the hold up will have to do with all forms of communication. Obstacles fall away as you see a path forward. You are not feeling expressive. You may struggle with finding the words you need to say what’s on your heart and mind.

In matters relating to business, you’ll find what you’ve invested your time or money in doesn’t deliver the return on investment you have been expecting. If you work for another, you’ll feel held back, blocked, unappreciated, or unrecognized. When working for yourself, you’ll reconsider your business plan or marketing methods to identify the weakest areas in need of your full attention.

If you are in a committed relationship, you may have difficulty communicating with your love mate. Either you aren’t expressing yourself with clarity, or they just don’t understand where you are coming from right now. If you’re single, you won’t find someone who “gets you.”

Affirmation: “Transparency mends the broken bridges of communication.”

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The Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Two of Cups (Reversed)

The reversal of the Two of Cups indicates a strong, perhaps unspoken desire for healing. This month, you may face conditions or relationships that require mending. If you tend to immediate conditions right, you may move from the barren ground you’re standing on to fertile soil with a merger, partnership, or relationship. But, as things stand, there’s still more work ahead before you can achieve the long-desired “happily ever after.”

Career-wise, there is a collaborative project or partnership you’re dealing with where not everyone agrees, or there are clashing personalities within a small group at work. Either way, the disruption is making it hard to complete a project or get a merger off the ground. The situation calls for greater flexibility and the recognition that all points of view, opinions, or positions are of equal importance and valid.

It matters related to love; those in committed relationships may try to work through communication difficulties or recent misunderstandings. If you’ve been less than flexible with your partner or refusing to hold their opinion as valid, it will only lead to further tensions. Keeping in mind your partner’s strength and the fact that their abilities balance your weaknesses will open the door to smoother communication and greater understanding. If single, there’s a need to heal yourself within before pursuing a relationship with another.

Affirmation: “As within, so without; self-love paves the way for true, romantic love.”

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The Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Page of Pentacles (Reversed)

The reversal of the Page of Pentacles indicates, this month, you’re not on sure footing. You’ll be more philosophical as you think about what you value, ethics, and convictions. What’s true for you, and what you want are also highlights for your consideration. All projects are on hold until you find the right approach. The main goal is to avoid any problems or mistakes you’ve made in the past. You’ve reached a level of emotional maturity. Henceforth, you want to take on a more serious approach to life or to let go of foolish or impetuous behaviors. Practicality rules and all of your ideas are more realistic.

In your career, it’s a time of inaction, limbo, or no movement forward. It is an excellent time to reflect on what you truly desire and what steps you need to take to achieve your highest aims. You might seek greater enlightenment or empowerment through higher education to further yourself in your career path.

In matters of love, the long-term health of your love relationship will be at the forefront of your mind. Discussions about what happiness means is in the offing because you’re hoping to develop a blueprint for manifestation. If you are single, you’ll covet it a serious partner who knows what they want in a relationship and out of life.

Affirmation: “My life is happy and prosperous.”

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The Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Ace of Cups (Reversed)

The reversal of the Ace of Cups suggest you’ll covet peace of mind, but will fall short of getting it. There’s been a deep desire for spiritual growth, but you feel stuck, uncertain, or may question your faith. You might feel out of touch with the universe or all alone in the world, even if you have connections to your family or you’re in an existing romantic relationship. Something is skewing your current perception, making you feel others are more blessed than you. This month, you will have cause to question why all things are the way they are in your life.

In your career, you might feel a complete disconnect from your boss, coworkers, or employees. No one seems to understand your needs, or you don’t fit into any click. You’ll feel like a fish out of water. It’s a good time to examine the path you’re on and where it leads. If you continue on without making changes, you’ll only experience more frustration.

In matters of love, you may feel overwhelmed emotionally. You may come to realize what you thought was real love was nothing more than infatuation. If you can’t work through the disagreements, you might face a critical point in your relationship where you’ll consider ending it rather than extending the suffering. If you’re dating, those you connect with won’t fulfill you, leaving you longing for something real.

Affirmation: “Truth opens previously closed doors in my life.”

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The Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): Four of Swords (Reversed)

The reversal of the Four of Swords suggests the ending of a temporary pause, stalemate, retreat, or period of repose. In areas of your life where you have felt stuck or that things are holding you back, suddenly, you feel all blocks fall away. Energetically, you may feel lighter or as if your spirit is ready to take flight. Mental blocks also clear as you focus on the foundation of an issue or look to implement the solutions to a longstanding problem.

At work, there is more time to relax a little. Any complications you’ve been dealing with are finally solved, so you can proceed with the plans you’ve had without further delay. Colleagues who have been at odds with you will call for a truce, or we’ll let bygones be bygones for the greater good of all.

In love relationships, your prayers are answered, especially if you’ve been looking to mend fences. Now, discussions on how to heal and rebuild the ties are underway. If you’ve separated, you’ll think about giving the relationship the green light again. If you are single, love comes walking into your life. It’s as you’ve hoped for all this time.

Affirmation: “I am ready for blessings to unfold in my life.”

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The Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups suggests you’ll feel on top of the world and like all your plans are finally culminating into one genuinely happy and satisfying reality. Promises unfold; you achieve your goals, and long-held aspirations see realization. Your feeling healthy, vibrant, emotionally stable, and financially secure. That cliché dream of happily ever after becomes a reality. With everything being picture-perfect, you may question if you’re dreaming or just how long such a spectacular period can last.

With your career, your good vibes are contagious. Who knew something as simple as a smile going viral could change everyone’s outlook so easily? Coworkers look to you for guidance, trust your judgment, or want to emulate your success.

In matters of love, if you’re in a committed relationship, you may get engaged or married. If you’ve been married for a while, the renewal of vows or a second honeymoon may be in the offing, or you’ll consider investing in a new home. If you’re single, you’ll give serious consideration to making things exclusive with someone you’ve been dating for a long time.

Affirmation: “My joy radiates from within and permeates my physical reality.”

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The Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Knight of Swords (Reversed)

The reversal of the Knight of Swords predicts the days in May will be quite a bit out of balance energetically speaking. You may feel like everything is moving way too fast; that other’s around you seem agitated, aggressive, self-absorbed, and non-observant. Others may give you a sense of being inferior, especially when they are putting full focus on themselves and their own needs; those with a sense of entitlement will particularly annoy you.

Since the month of May will be full of days where you’re feeling pushed around, rushed, or scattered, you may find you are less on top of your game in matters relating to business. Opportunities may come and go without you ever giving them an ounce of consideration or a second glance. It’s as if you are being bullied by some unseen force, leaving you feeling resentful or like the Universe is out to get you.

In matters related to love, there is a hostility that lingers in the air. The tension is so thick and heavy it may feel like your drowning emotionally or that your partner is smothering you. It leaves you wanting to run as far and as fast as you can in the opposite direction. If you’re single, you’re more than happy to remain so right now, since you’re viewing romantic relationships as far more trouble than their worth: you’re not in any mood for dramatics.

Affirmation: “My mind is clear, my heart light, and my spirit is free.”

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The Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Eight of Cups (Reversed)

With the reversal of the Eight of Cups, there’s a temporary pause before you make any progress in any area of your life where you are presently placing your focus. The figurative sky is dark because an eclipse moves in front of the sun. But there’s great comfort in knowing that an eclipse is a short-lived event, and soon, light will shine down upon the pathway forward once more. You’ve got what you need to make things work. Right now, you’re taking time to figure out how to perfect your formula or plan before taking any action toward progress or change.

In your career, you want to close the door and just walk away from it all. But you won’t do that without having another stepping-stone to move to so you can ensure ongoing financial security. As tired as you may be of your present position, your intellect tells you it’s better to be smart about things than to bite off your nose to spite your face. Even if things are downright unbearable, you’ll do your darndest to carry on until a genuine or more lucrative opportunity presents itself.

When it comes to love, you question where your relationship is heading. You feel emotionally out of touch and uncertain about what your partner wants. At the same time, there’s a deep desire to make things work, no matter how painful or difficult conditions have been. Love still remains and you are looking for an opening that will allow for improved communications, insight, understanding, and compassionate exchanges. If you’re single, you haven’t met the love of your life yet, but will consider expanding your horizons so you can open yourself up to new experiences in hopes of encountering your ideal mate.

Affirmation: “Light eradicates all darkness and my path is visible.”

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