Tarotscopes for May 2019

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Welcome to the most in-depth monthly tarotscope and astrology overview for May 2019! Please bookmark us so you can come back throughout the month for more tarot insights!

The Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

May Horoscope 2019 – Overview: Ten of Cups (Reversed)

As we enter May, the reversal of the Ten of Cups tells of hard work at hand. The card illustrates a cheerful family in front of a home in a quaint country setting. Ten chalices in the air rest against a rainbow in the sky. Upright, the Ten of Cups signifies prosperity and fulfilled promises.
In a reversal, the same positive energies remain, but conditions are muting positive vibrations.

Yes, there are rewards ahead, but only if we take the steps necessary to harness the bliss we seek. The key to making the most of these energies involves tearing away any veil of self-deception and breaking down illusions. It’s time to admit to ourselves “wishing doesn’t make it so.”

We should keep the expression, “Nothing comes from nothing (ex nihilo nihil fit),” always at the back of our mind. If we take no action, we get no action! Many of us have dreams we have long thrust aside. Now is the time to rekindle those aspirations and to take decisive steps forward. No more fantasizing! We’ll have to get off our collective arses; there’s plenty of work to do!

The Ten of Cups is the tenth card within its suit, so the energies of the numbers ten and one are influencing immediate conditions (Number 10 = 1 + 0 = 1). “One” signals the need to call on The Magician within each of us. With the card’s reversal, we have a concept of happiness but have yet to create the blueprint we need to give birth to our ideas. The number one’s energies call for the alignment of our actions with our thoughts. Like the magician, we have all the tools we need to make manifest all we intend, but only deliberate actions will deliver tangible results.

Part of our path requires a shift in our priorities: Dream fulfillment and self-care take the lead. If we’ve felt guilty or self-indulgent in the past, this is an emotional obstacle we need to conquer. We also need to be proactive regarding the design of what is to come: Vision and dream boards, journal writing, meditation, and affirmations are tools we can use to establish a dynamic framework strong enough to ensure our success.

Affirmation: “With mind, body, and spirit aligned, I free myself from the chains preventing success.”

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May Tarotscope 2019 – All 12 Signs

The Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aries (March 20-April 19): Ace of Cups (Reversed)

The Ace of Cups signifies potential and promise. In reverse, the waters flow over the chalice showing there’s some emotional work to do before obtaining what you want, Aries. You’ll face a waiting period before you can embrace this promised bliss; for you, this can prove mildly frustrating because you’re not comfortable even with the smallest of obstacles keeping your desires at bay. There’s a call for patience here, as the Universe allows things to unfold. A new beginning is at hand.

The Ace of Cups also aligns with the number one. As such, this card points to reliance on your psychic senses and intuition, and like the Ten of Cups, reminds you to call on your inner magician. You’re more open to your connection with the Universe, so it’s likely you’ll receive Divine messages or inspiration at this time. Remember, the true power in Divinely provided insights lie in the use of the wisdom you gain.

Affirmation: “Patient and trusting, I embrace the lessons the Universe shares with me.”

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The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles signals a focus on foundations and beginnings, Taurus. The card portrays a mason at work on a building. Two people look on as he completes his work. He’s much like an artist who is sculpting a work of art. Three coins (pentacles) appear in the arches of the structure representing the Divine Feminine, emotionality, and intuition.

In May, you’ll be stabilizing relationships at home and work. You’ll put yourself into everything you do. You can practically hear the words of a wise elder in your life whispering, “If you’re going to do it, make sure you’re willing to sign your name to it.” In work, your efforts help you shine as those in authority recognize your dedication and sincerity in collaborative efforts. In love relationships, your attentiveness with your partner helps you become closer than ever before.

The Three of Cups resonates with the number three; this hints at upcoming growth. You’ll feel a need to create. The Divine connection you experience has you giving birth to amazing things in your life!

Affirmation: “I can create the reality I desire.”

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The Justice Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21): Justice

Justice features a female on a throne holding up the Sword of Truth in one hand and scales in the other. What’s interesting about the Rider-Waite depiction, unlike other portrayals of Justice, is lack of a blindfold on the figure. Where all is visible, no one escapes justice. The scales are in balance, suggesting all things will be equal in May; wrongs are made right, and karmic retribution is at hand.

In career, if you’ve had your positive efforts go unnoticed, the scales tip in your favor. You’ll get that raise or promotion your deserving. If you’ve been lackadaisical, taking short cuts, or having an attitude, there’s strife ahead. You’ll either lose out on an opportunity for advancement or continue in the same status with no rewards coming your way. As far as your love life, consider the saying “All is fair in love and war.” If your partner is loyal to you, your relationship thrives. If, however, they have strayed or don‘t fulfill you emotionally, you’ll cut ties. You’ll be in a “just” relationship or not with anyone at all. The Justice Card tells of being “true” to yourself, first.

Justice features the number 11, which is a Master Number symbolizing Universal Truths and Divine Knowledge. The number, when broken down, also combines the energies of ten and one (10 + 1 =11). It signifies coming full circle and new beginnings.

Affirmation: “I am attentive to karma as I plant seeds for the future.”

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The Magician Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 23): The Magician (Reversed)

Upright, the Magician stands before an altar with all the tools he needs to manifest his desires. He draws down blessings from the heavens or universal energies to aid in his work. His wand is a tool for directing his intent and for pushing his thoughts forward out into the physical plane. Here, the Magician makes enacts his will.

The reversal of The Magician shows the incubation stage before the desire to manifest occurs. Here, the Magician is “all in his head,” considering his options and trying to decide what he will bring into the world. His mind and actions do not align, so no manifestation occurs until the end of this temporary incubation.

For you, Cancer, it means the month of May will have you spending a lot of time dreaming, planning, and getting touch with your emotions. Action will follow once you become more certain about your desires or more comfortable with how you feel. The Magician features the number one on the card, symbolizing creation and manifestation.

Number one also symbolizes the interconnectedness between the Divine and the magician: “As above, so below, as within, so without.” A reversal of The Magician, therefore, suggests a time where you reconnect with the Universe so you can tap into the creative aspect of the Divine. Your emotions influence your outer reality: Consider this the next time you have doubts about yourself, Cancer.

Affirmation: “All I think and feel are energy forms I can direct with my will and use for creating my happiness.”

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The Five of Cups Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 23): Five of Cups (Reversed)

When upright, the Five of Cups shows a man wearing a heavy cloak. It is the emotional burdens he wears like an uncomfortable wet blanket around him. He stands before three spilled cups and does not notice the two standing chalices behind him. If he lifts his head, he’ll see a bridge allowing him to crossover the troubled waters he faces.

The reversal of the Five of Cups promises some emotional healing is underway, Leo. You’re about to release feelings or beliefs; when you do, your entire perspective changes. The dark thoughts once serving as the lens in which you viewed the world lifts. Remember, “perspective shapes your reality.” Changing how you look at conditions can change the outcome.

Instead of focusing on the past, you come to understand “There’s no point in crying over spilled milk.” With your heart lighter and mind clear, you see new roads to happiness. In your love life, your lover is more expressive following a period of considerable tension. At work, you’ll feel colleagues support your ideas.

Affirmation: “Perception is everything.”

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The Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 23): Seven of Wands (Reversed)

The Seven of Wands, when upright, suggests a period where a lot is going on with your schedule and communications. In reverse, it suggests a loss of the delicate balance necessary when managing all your obligations, Virgo. On a normal day, you’re well-organized and always on point. When multi-tasking your commitments this month, there will be one or more promises you won’t be able to fulfill, no matter how hard you try.

At work, you may overlook important details while working on more than one project or task. Rather than relying on your keen mind and sharp memory, you’d do well to keep ongoing checklists throughout the month to avoid unnecessary chaos.

In love, you’re letting down your defenses and allowing your romantic partner to see a side of yourself you rarely show anyone. It’s taken a long time for you to develop this level of trust. Because you drop your guard, you’ll spend a lot of intimate moments together. Discussions of the future, dreams, and your vision of happily ever after are in the offing.

Affirmation: “I draw strength from understanding my vulnerabilities.”

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The Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 23): Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles depicts a dark-haired male clinging to four coins (pentacles) as if holding onto them for dear life. One coin rests on his crown, two beneath his feet, and one close to his heart. The man turns his back to a city scene behind him. His dark cloak helps him shelter the coins he holds.

In May, you’ll forego the traditional role of diplomat or peacekeeper, Libra. The Four of Pentacles foretells of a time when you defy conformity or refuse to succumb to peer pressure. You’ll protect your core values no matter the price. In work-related situations, there’s an immense success in cutting costs and limiting expenses, so there’s an increase in the bottom line.

In love, your core connection with your romantic partner remains safe from the winds of change or erosion; this includes the joining of the mind, heart, and spirit, even if you’ve lost a physical connection. But, take heed. You also risk smothering your partner’s independence if you don’t loosen up. Allowing your lover breathing room ensures the survival of your relationship.

Affirmation: “Confident and strong, I experience peace with myself.”

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The Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 22): Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)

With the reversal of the Queen of Wands, you’ll step outside of the guidelines others impose on you. It’s a month when you’ll feel like coloring outside of the lines all the time, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way! If someone tries to push their “rules” or belief system on you, you morph into an instant rebel! If you are in a good mood at the time of someone’s transgression, you’ll be kind enough to give a warning growl first!

At work, your outside-of-the-box thinking brings discoveries and innovative solutions for long-held difficulties. Your novel ideas get you noticed and will earn you a reputation as a keen problem solver. When others acknowledge your genius, it gives you an energy rush. It will have you putting your nose to the grindstone in hopes of more ego-fulfilling glory. With a high drive and intense ambition already part of your personality, you need to be careful not to run yourself ragged!

In love, you’ll find the same creative flair converting into an experimental phase, particularly in the bedroom! Hopefully, you’ve got a partner who is, not only flexible but energetic enough to keep up with your demanding pace! There’s plenty of play for lovers in the Merry Month of May!

Affirmation: “I have endless energy and potential.”

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The King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 22): King of Swords

The King of Swords sits on a solid throne holding up the Sword of Truth; He foretells of situations where you’ll reveal profound insights. The King of Swords wears a blue robe that looks like water, tying the archetype to the subconscious, dreams, and the Divine. The purple cloak signals deep wisdom, but it also hints at the symbolic death and rebirth ahead.

You’ll do serious mental homework this month, as you undergo a transformation in your internal world. Because of all the energy that brainwork takes, you’ll have little to no patience with others. You’ll appear harsh and immovable, and may the gods help those who cross your path!

At work, you’ll prefer working alone over with a group, as you’ll have no interest in idle chit chat. On the home front, if you aren’t exploring the depth of your love with your partner, you are retreating to your separate corners until fairer vibrations come rolling in from the horizon.

If anyone comes seeking forgiveness, friend, family, lover, or foe, you’ll turn them away with a few very select and cutting words – this is okay too because you’re delivering a truth they need to hear.

Affirmation: “I take full responsibility for the creation of my inner and outer realities.”

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The Tower Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20): The Tower

With The Tower as your card for May, you want to run for cover (at least at first)! But The Tower isn’t all bad and can lead to great things this month. What might seem like a period of absolute chaos can prove a new beginning. Yes, Capricorn, rapid changes are happening this month. If you’re uncomfortable with change, it only makes your tension worse!

Lightning strikes the tower, and people fall to the ground as the structure crumbles. The scene relates to the Tower of Babel, where God changes the language of all the builders so they can no longer communicate with one another. With the inability to share ideas and express themselves, the Tower crumbles to the ground. In May, you’ll have trouble with expression. Those you communicate with are on a different page, and you won’t see eye-to-eye.

Chances are you’ll experience lightning strikes of inspiration or epiphanies this month. Chaos in your life might be just what you need to stir things up enough so you can shake off stagnation. Following the tower’s destruction, it’s time to work your way out of the rubble. Look around you: There’s nowhere to go but up!

Affirmation: “I am akin to the Phoenix and will rise from my own ashes.”

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The Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18): Page of Swords

With the Page of Swords as your card for the month, you’ll be brimming with energy, Aquarius! Your creativity runs high, and you may have trouble shutting your mind off. Expect a few sleepless nights! Ideas flow freely. The anticipation you’ll experience leaves you with a euphoric high. You’ll feel youthful, on top of your game, and ready for action!

The Page of Swords foretells of your quick thinking and movement at work. You’ll work circles around your colleagues and tick off each item on your to-do list with lightning speed. If you’ve been procrastinating the past few weeks or months, you’ll buzz right through each task without an ounce of hesitation. Just remember, making quick decisions is excellent if you land on your feet. But, all your rushing around will you make more vulnerable to making mistakes, so be careful!

If your love life has been on a slow simmer, you’re feeling a lot more lustful this month. You’ll plan romantic interludes and getaways to spice things up. You’ll have plenty of stamina too. Just remember, don’t forget to let your lover have a break now and then so they can keep pace with you the entire month!

Affirmation: “I remain wise when making choices and channeling my energy into tasks, projects, and relationships.”

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The Five of Swords Tarot Card Meanings 1200x630

Pisces (Feb 18 – Mar 20): Five of Swords

With the Five of Swords as your card for the month, you may worry about difficulties ahead, Pisces. The card depicts a man ready for battle, with other figures in the background appearing to have suffered emotional and physical losses. You’re ready to fight for whatever it is you want, but this card begs the question: At what cost?

The Five of Swords foretells of a time where you are experiencing emotional regrets and seeing all the loose ends in your life. Because of this, it’s time you let go of the things you have no power to change and get closure where you can. If you are holding a grudge or you’re on a path of revenge, the Five of Swords forewarns of continued loss. Consider whether the Universe is testing you or not. Remember the karmic repercussions of your actions. Francis Bacon said it best: In taking revenge, you’ll get even. Passing up on revenge makes you superior.

At work, you may feel as if you are going against the grain with everything you do. You may even rub your superiors the wrong way. It’s best to keep a low-profile now. If you’re at odds with a lover, the temptation to have the last word is too great, but it won’t have you coming out the winner.

Affirmation: “There is wisdom in knowing when to make a move and when to be still, when to speak, and when to be silent.”

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