February Horoscope 2017

Monthly Horoscope February 2017 1200x630

***Special Note***
Below is the February horoscope and monthly astrology overview for February 2017. Scroll down to find the monthly horoscope for your zodiac sign! Horoscopes are provided for you, Beautiful Soul, by internationally recognized astrologer, Sara Gilbert. Visit her site LifeSpiritConnections.com.au and book your astrology reading with Sara, today!

February Horoscope 2017 – Overview

Have you got your seat belts firmly attached? Good! Because 2017 starts in earnest on January 28, when the Aquarius New Moon ushers in the Year of the Fire Rooster! Have you felt the energy building in anticipation? It has been hard to get motivated or make anything happen with all the sensitive Pisces energy that has been floating around. There have been so many illusive opportunities which fizzle out to nothing, particularly in the area of relationships! Mars and Venus just love trying to operate in changeable and watery Pisces, NOT!!!

Well the good news is that Mars moves into his strongest sign of Aries, a few hours after the lunation, so he can stop spinning his wheels! Venus chases after him on February 4 and from then on, love and passion will be firmly on the agenda, especially for the Fire signs. The Egyptian Gods symbolizing great love that spanned life itself, in Isis and Osiris, come together at the same moment with the luminaries, bringing the portent of exciting new connections for those on the prowl. The symbol for this position in the Zodiac, 9 degrees of Aquarius, embodies a flag turning into an eagle. We must act out our visions if we desire them to materialize.

Rooster Years are good for bringing out our talents, giving us the courage to be resourceful. Observant Roosters make good leaders and they are not scared to work hard to achieve their goals. They are punctual and not scared of a fight, they bring a lucky and prosperous year when we are able to shake off the ghosts of the past. Normally associated with the Sun anyway, as the rooster announces him every morning, in a Fire year this brings the enhanced ability to rise like a phoenix out of the flames!

The Moon cycle comes to fruition with a Lunar Eclipse, at the Leo Full Moon on February 11. Mercury has joined the Sun in Aquarius by this time and unites with Venus in a productive sextile, so hearts and minds will work well together to create the energy until the next eclipse season in August around the Aquarius Full Moon. This is a period where we continue to make changes to the responsibilities which hold us back from being our authentic selves, albeit in the area of work, relationships or family. Jupiter Stations Retrograde on February 6 starting to retrace his steps back to another opposition with Uranus on March 3. Pluto, Chiron and Saturn add their input from the sidelines interesting times indeed!

February Horoscope 2017 – All 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Aries Horoscope

Aries can expect a broadening of their horizons in the area of friends, groups, goals and dreams, from 28 January onward. This zodiac sign can expect some pretty magical opportunities to arise through new associations and networking activities, as the Sun and Moon are supported by a flotilla of magical asteroids. All kinds of partnerships and relationships will be under review as Aries try to ascertain which work to their advantage and allow Aries to march to the beat of their own drum, out front as they desire. Creative ideas will abound by Apollo’s help in enabling Aries’ to develop new ways of expressing themselves through love, children or the arts. This will bring much joy as it manifests more fully with the Leo Full Moon. Transformation has likely been seeded by changes to Aries vocational aspirations and status, aided and abetted by a realization of what truth actually looks like in the form of their belief systems.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aries often require grounding from their restless and aggressive nature which has them always on the go! Fire Agate will be the best stone to mellow them out while still supporting their fire power.

Taurus Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Taurus Horoscope

The New Moon brings the opportunity to more closely align your work environment closer to your true purpose in life Taurus. While financial security makes Taurus feel safe and in charge it is not the be all and end all in life. Better integration will be possible over the next few months between the daily grind for Taurus and what they really like to do behind closed doors. The change needs to originate from what Taureans believe about themselves and the world they have created for themselves. Ideas which come to mind on January 28 can pay off way into the future. The Leo Full Moon will show Taurus how to balance the stable family life they love so much with the changes to their career.

Healing Crystals & Stones: The intense midnight blue of Lapis Lazuli encourages Taurus to raise their eyes to the heavens, opening their intuitive side and taking them beyond the material world.

Gemini Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Gemini Horoscope

Delving into the depths of their unconscious is not top of Gemini’s favorite pastimes, but when their ruler Mercury joins up with Pluto there, at the end of January, there will be little choice. The gems that Gemini unravels will enable them to get to the truth of what they truly believe about life, with some interesting insights into other cultures and travel. They are on a quest to understand whether the responsibilities they have taken on around expressing themselves or children, are getting in the way of Gemini achieving their hopes and dreams in their own unique way. Geminis will receive important information at the time of the Full Moon around how to remain in the driving seat and look good when viewed by their significant others through the harsh lens of reality.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Chrysocolla, is useful for Geminis because it teaches them when to remain silent and when to speak. This helps them with their propensity to rush into sharing their perceptions without first considering the consequences.

Cancer Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Cancer Horoscope

Cancerians are going to find their attention taken up by their partner’s financial situation after the end of the month. There are opportunities to provide benefits to the wider family group through wise investments made in the past, or changes which generate from business partnerships, or possibly ex-partners in some fashion. Current relationships will likely become more intense as future scenarios surrounding death and financial arrangements are discussed and pondered on. Family responsibilities will be a focus for several months as Cancerians determine how to free up their work environment so they can enjoy more family time. The Full Moon on February 11 will introduce more creative solutions to family issues through Apollo’s influence, which is fortunate, as the need to steer the career direction closer to Cancer’s life purpose, or passion, becomes quite unbearable under the influence of Venus and Mars.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Chrysoprase will be useful for Cancer this month as it helps to heal the emotional dependence or co-dependence to which they are prone, supporting independence without a loss of commitment.

Leo Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Leo Horoscope

The potential for a serious new Leo relationship looms large on the horizon with the Aquarius New Moon, it all seems too good to be true Leo, (but of course you believe it anyway), as your ruler the Sun traverses the zone of partnerships with some very serious support from both the Greek and Egyptian realms. Apollo’s creativity has enabled Leos to put themselves in the best light and its time to do what Leo does best, just shine! The Sun joins Asteria, by the time of the Leo Full Moon, so it really does seem it’s written in the stars. Communication partnerships are beginning to pay off for Leo big time, enabling more freedom to travel and expand their horizons. Transformation could result in Leo’s daily life and the way they serve their client base.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Rhodochrosite helps Leos with personal empowerment and to find their own inner specialness, bringing out their positive emotional qualities and enabling them to love themselves in a beneficial way. Leo needs to take advantage of the exciting energy this month and balance their power issues whilst still stimulating creativity.

Virgo Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Virgo Horoscope

The Aquarian New Moon falls in Virgo’s natural house of health and daily routines, how Virgo brings their sense of natural service out into the world. It’s time to take stock of what Virgo needs to purify, or get right, about the way they live life on a daily basis and their mission in life. There is magic to be uncovered. For example, do they have pets? How does Virgo need to look after them and if not should Virgo have pets? Virgos are undergoing a major shift around home and family, which enables them to integrate their commitment to providing stability for themselves, with the support Virgo could expects through other people’s assets, to free them up to be more their authentic self. At the time of the Full Moon Virgo will uncover hidden depths within themselves to provide assistance in this process.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Holding a piece of Blue Tourmaline will remove Virgo from negative thought patterns, promoting self confidence and diminishing fear. It inspires compassion and tolerance, suggesting creative solutions and enabling Virgo to speak out when it is warranted.

Libra Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Libra Horoscope

Librans will have no trouble feeling admired this month, as the Sun shines brightly in their house of pleasure, with creativity and beauty abounding. Libras like nothing better than peace and harmony, feeling that everyone has been dealt with equally and fairly. The union of Isis and Osiris with the Sun and Moon in Aquarius will bring reassurance that great love can conquer all, even across the barrier of life and death. The groups of likeminded friends, that Libra feels they deserve, will become apparent with the Leo Full Moon on February 11. This will be all be driven by changes that Librans have recently made to where they live and who they live with. Changes to home and family life has had a direct effect on Libra’s ability to appreciate their choice of partner more fully, and feel blessed by the harmony exhibited in their life as a whole

Healing Crystals & Stones: The gentle unconditional loving energy of Rose Quartz will purify and open Libra’s heart, promoting receptivity to beauty of all kind, as well as the peace and harmony they crave.

Scorpio Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Scorpio Horoscope

Scorpio loves deep and their deepest love is their nearest and dearest, their family. The New Moon in Aquarius provides Scorpios with the right heart space to give family members the freedom they need to spread their wings, whilst still feeling safe and loved. Scorpio’s will be able to unleash their need for control just a little, and make changes to the family set up, without feeling threatened. Scorpio’s inner landscape will be feeling more balanced and appreciated, due in part to changes to their daily habits, which have enabled Scorpio to feel useful and of more service to the broader community. There is likely to be improvements to Scorpio’s health as a result, possibly amplified by a change in diet or exercise routine. These transformations have only been made possible due to a change in mindset. The Full Moon will confirm how Scorpio shines brighter in the eyes of the broader community as a result.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Argonite is the ideal crystal to promote flexibility of thought and persuade emotionally fixed Scorpio to consider different possibilities.

Sagittarius Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Sagittarius Horoscope

The spotlight for Sagittarius is on technology and the way they communicate. There is some magic to be uncovered here, provided they examine all the details and make sure they are clear about what is actually being spoken about before they respond. The areas Sagittarius needs to focus on are responsibilities or time they have committed to associations or groups of like minded people, and whether this gets in the way of their expressing themselves in the world, being creative or finding pleasure. Changes may need to be made to the Sagittarian view of material assets, or the value they place on themselves in order to balance this equation. The Full Moon on February 11 will clarify the beliefs Sagittarius has around travel, other cultures or certain matters to do with publishing and legal matters.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Sagittarius tends to live in the future moving on when things don’t go to plan. Holding Garnet for 15 minutes a day or wearing one constantly can stop Sagittarius feeling boxed in or despondent, turning a crisis into a challenge.

Capricorn Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Capricorn Horoscope

A quite magical idea will come to the surface about how Capricorn can enhance their image improving both their health and their self-esteem. This will involve more creativity in the way that their relationship develops and morphs and a review of the many responsibilities that Capricorn has assumed through their work status, without considering the impact on the amount of freedom Capricorn has to enjoy family life. The New Moon brings opportunity for change in the life area around finances and material assets through both sides of any partnership. Capricorns will be re-assessing what value they place on themselves outside of what they earn and what their status is in life. The Full Moon will shift the creative focus to their partner’s resources and how these can best be employed to deepen the relationship and facilitate more self-belief on behalf of the Capricorn partner in the equation.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Capricorn often takes on heavy responsibilities in order to get to the top. Labradorite can unexpectedly flash its brilliance in the same manner as Capricorn’s bright inner being, which is often hidden beneath their serious nature.

Capricorn Horoscope February 2017

Aquarius Horoscope

Fireworks will be going off in the whole area of physiology and your image Aquarius, how Aquarians come across to those who come in contact with them. Is it as a wise humanitarian who has the answers or as a weird know it all who wants to shake everything up? Somebody is likely to look on Aquarius favorably from January 28 onwards, even through the eyes of love if Aquarius is lucky! They will know for sure by February 11. The changes Aquarians are making to the way they think and communicate is starting to pay off for them, the right approach for the bigger picture is becoming much clearer. The transformation that is really needed is on an inner level. Ideas that begin to surface at the end of January need more consideration, before Aquarius will be able to take them fully on board.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Aquarius likes to be ahead of trends in a position to use their knowledge to change the world for the better. Holding Moonstone the “stone of new beginnings” will ensure success in communicating these important new messages.

Pisces Horoscope February 2017 350x350

Pisces Horoscope

Pisces will be keeping quiet about where the action is going down in their lives, behind the scenes and in isolation and silence, but action it still is! The Aquarian New Moon brings Pisces a sense of inner knowing and an extended connection with spirit in some way. They are trying to find themselves after all that sensitive energy from source. Soon Mars and Venus will have moved on and emotions will be clearer. Creativity exists around where this takes Pisces on a daily basis. Transformation has been happening with the kind of people they have chosen to hang out with and now Pisces has a clearer sense of self-worth and what assets are theirs to use in the world. Equally the Full Moon will give Pisces a sense of who they wish to dive down deeper with.

Healing Crystals & Stones: Amethyst helps Pisces to avoid escapism taking them to the spiritual planes and opening up a different kind of reality without resorting to alcohol or drugs.

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