How to Analyze the Dreaded Teeth Falling Out Dream

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Fighting to awaken, you force your consciousness to eject from the nightmare. Dark and disturbing dream images swirl around you. The small hairs on your arms stand up as you recall the awful feeling of one or more teeth falling out, cracked and crumbled as they fell to your feet – the last thing you […]

Dreams About Snakes – The Complete Guide

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From the time before time, human and serpent spirits have writhed together in this world. When they dance together in dreams, the symbolism can be sexual, psychic, and strike fear into the heart of even the most stalwart soul. Dreams about snakes are one of the most common dreams. The mental and emotional effects can […]

Learn to Interpret the Meaning of Dreams

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Frantically struggling to free yourself from the nightmare twisting your unconscious mind like a wet kitchen towel, you surge to semi-consciousness. You become aware that you’re crying, just as you were in the dark dreamscape. You immediately begin processing the grotesque storyline that hijacked your peaceful slumber. You laugh! Godzilla wearing a sombrero, rampaging through […]