Dream of Miscarriage?

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Whether you’re pregnant or not, you can still have dreams about miscarriage. No doubt you’ll find the imagery you see disturbing. You’re likely to wake startled. You may even carry real feelings of fear and grief into your conscious state. If you are pregnant, such dreams may trigger anxiety in your waking hours. If you’re not with child, chances are you’ll wonder why you’re dreaming about such a graphic and taboo subject. Yes…miscarriage is still verytaboo

Dreams About Miscarriage Table of Contents

Dream About Miscarriage

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Nobody likes talking about miscarriage. The subject is a topic people don’t like thinking about; never mind discussing the matter. Unless a person has experienced a miscarriage and they’re working through the grief, the subject is generally a hush-hush,” subject, especially among friends and immediate as well as extended family. Why? Some of the reasons why people refrain from thinking and talking about miscarriage can help in determining the cause for such dreams in the first place.

Dreams about a miscarriage are usually based on a wave of intense emotions. Or, both rational or irrational thoughts can serve as triggers for miscarriage dreams. Real-life conditions often relate to or trigger the traumatic pregnancy dream too. What’s important to remember is just because you saw a miscarriage in your dream, it is not necessarily a prediction you’ll experience the problem in reality.

The upsetting depiction of something so horrific might stay fresh in your mind for a long time. The more vivid the dream narrative, the greater the likelihood it will linger. The reasons for frightening dream images might be the subconscious’ way of ensuring you will remember the dream content you see. For example, when we wake up from the dream, we lose 90 percent of the memory of what we see within minutes of awakening. The more unsettling the imagery, the greater the chances are you’ll remember it. When you wake up, the emotions you experience during the dream, like fear, sadness, and grief, may carry over into your waking state.

Miscarriage Dreams and Settings

Unbelievably, where you have the miscarriage in a dream is as important as the event itself when determining the meaning of your dream imagery and narrative. For example, if you dream you are alone in your home when the issue arises, it might symbolize the feeling of being all alone and without family support. Or, if you are being cared for by a midwife or you’re in a hospital, your miscarriage dream might symbolize the fear that despite being close to the right resources, you won’t get the help you need in a situation.

If you are pregnant and you have a miscarriage while driving, you may fear something is going to steer you off your life path. If you are a passenger in a vehicle in your car (or someone else’s), you might feel a total loss of control over your own body and life’s direction. If the miscarriage occurs in an ambulance, you may be worried about the potential mistakes that medical professionals might make regarding your well-being and the health of your unborn child in your waking life.

Miscarriage Dreams and Relationships

Would you believe that sometimes, miscarriage dreams will have absolutely nothing to do with an actual miscarriage? It’s true. In fact, the event might relate to fears someone has about getting into a relationship, getting out of one, or trying to keep a love affair from falling apart. Consider the fact that a fetus brings the DNA of two individual’s together: It is a bond formed between two living beings.

Considering the physical connection a fetus symbolizes, it only makes sense that a miscarriage dream could represent the fear associated with a failing or failed love affair. The grief associated with a lost love can be almost as intense as the grief associated with losing a child. If a lover has emotionally betrayed you in some way, the miscarriage might signify your disappointment, grief, and sadness. Ultimately, the dream imagery signifies a painful emotional event that’s going to happen or that has already happened.

Dreams of Bleeding While Pregnant

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Dreams of bleeding while pregnant are certainly unsettling. To see blood in a dream is to witness a graphic and upsetting scene, but it doesn’t mean the situation will happen in reality. If the dream is so upsetting it causes emotional strain in waking hours, seeking guidance from a medical professional is always advisable. Symbolically, dreams of bleeding while pregnant relate to your energy levels. Blood symbolizes your essence and “life force.” Now, look to your waking life to see if you’ve been feeling your personal energy is draining away. Many questions arise when you see this type of imagery. Consider asking yourself the following questions for dream insight:

Are you investing your time, one of your most valuable assets, into conditions, relationships, or projects which are no longer serving you?

Are you pouring “your blood, sweat, and tears,” into something you deem meaningful, all while having a blind spot to potential dangers?

Do you feel you’ve endured and continue to nurture a love relationship that has really caused more emotional pain than “flesh and blood can stand?”

What is it you are bringing into the world that you might give your life for, but does not promise the blessings you think you’ll actually reap?

To see yourself or someone give birth to a stillborn child is to see a miscarriage scenario at its worst. Your dream may be telling you to prepare for the worst in a situation in your waking life. Or, you might be too pessimistic with your point of view. As such, the stillborn birth dream points to how you view the world through a cynical lens. Also, stillborn dreams warn of conditions where you anticipate excellent outcomes until the “bitter end,” and situations where the result is shocking because you are not expecting the actual outcome. Thus, stillborn dreams point for the need to change perspective and to be more realistic with your expectations.

Miscarriage Dreams and Word Play

Looking to idioms and synonyms associated with the word “miscarriage” can help you discover insights behind dreams about miscarriage. For example, consider the expression “miscarriage of justice,” as a potential meaning behind the dream imagery you’re witnessing as you sleep. If you are dreaming of a “miscarriage of justice,” you might be involved in some legal proceedings in your waking life and concerned you will receive unjust or unreasonable treatment. Or, the dream may foretell of wrongful treatment in a court ruling, relationship, or business dealing.

Now, other words related to miscarriage are equally revealing when you’re looking to discover dream meaning. Consider all the following closely related synonyms for dream insight:

  • Abortion: A miscarriage is an unexpected and spontaneous abortion of the unborn fetus. As such, miscarriage dreams may symbolize a situation in your waking life where you’ll need to “abort your mission,” or halt a personal or business endeavor in its tracks.
  • Breakdown: If a miscarriage occurs, it is the result of the breakdown of some process. Consider what in your waking life might be under threat of breaking down. Is your resolve as strong as you think or will you break down in a situation if you are put under enough pressure?
  • Catastrophe: It’s easy to agree to the fact that a miscarriage is an emotionally catastrophic event. Ask yourself if your dream is preparing you for a difficult time emotionally.
  • Error or Mistake: A miscarriage is an event where something has gone wrong, or something in the body is not working as it should: There’s an error of some kind. That being the case, are you mistaken about something in your waking life that might result in wreaking havoc if you don’t see the light? Are you trying to birth something into your reality that will prove to be a big mistake on your part?
  • Interruption: A miscarriage is the interruption of gestation and a full-term pregnancy. Is there something in your waking life that might be interrupted or prevented from further progression? Is there some situation you are involved in that might actually benefit from being interrupted or stopped entirely?
  • Misfortune: There’s no doubt that a miscarriage will feel like a great misfortune. That being the case, are you heading for misfortune in your waking life? If so, consider that “misfortune never comes singly.” Dreams about miscarriages might point to multiple issues you’ll have to deal with soon.

Dreaming About Miscarriage While Pregnant

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There’s also an unspoken assumption about the wonders of modern medicine. People assume that miscarriage is rare because it is something more preventable than ever before. It’s true medical care for pregnant females has witnessed massive improvements in the last few hundred years. There are more accurate testing methods and means of monitoring fetal development during the nine months of gestation today than the options women had 10, 20, 30 years ago, and so on. But, it doesn’t negate the fact that miscarriage is still very much a possibility.

The likelihood of a miscarriage before 20 weeks of gestation is about 10 to 15 percent. Experts suggest higher numbers due to unreported miscarriages happening before a female becomes aware of the pregnancy. After 20 weeks of gestation, the possibility of a miscarriage and stillbirth is one percent of all births.

Because of the “unspoken belief,” about the rarity of miscarriages, it leaves a pregnant woman feeling alone. She worries others will view her concerns as “illegitimate fears.” As such, the fears may crop up in the dream realm so that the dreamer can address the anxiety in the “dream lab.” It’s the subconscious mind’s way of allowing the woman to examine the “taboo” in the safety of a dream setting without going through the physical event itself.

Still, additional real-life conditions contribute to miscarriage dreams triggered by genuine and unquestionably legitimate fears.

Fear-Based Miscarriage Dreams

When a pregnant woman dreams about a miscarriage, the typical reasons are fear and anxiety. If it is a first-time pregnancy, the entire experience is foreign. While it is an exciting, happy time for many pregnant women, the unfamiliarity with the actual physical experience of pregnancy and all the things that can happen when a woman carries a child in her body for nine months is unnerving.

If the dreamer has had more than one pregnancy, it is still possible to dream about miscarriage because of the underlying worry about the fetus and its well-being. The likelihood of dreams about miscarriage increases exponentially if a woman has already had a miscarriage; it’s natural to fear a repeat occurrence in a subsequent pregnancy.

Miscarriage dreams during early pregnancy are common until the newness of the pregnancy condition fades. For many women, the further along they are in a pregnancy, the less anxiety they experience. The reduction of miscarriage dreams might be attributed to ongoing blood tests, ultrasounds, and regular checkups performed during gestation to ensure the health of the unborn child. If all is well during doctor visits, the pregnant woman grows more confident in the future healthy birth of the baby.

Hormonally-Triggered Miscarriage Dreams

In an article on WebMD entitled, “The Vivid Dreams of Pregnant Women,” Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. and author of “Creative Dreaming,” explains how a pregnant woman will have a lot of dreams during her pregnancy. In fact, the further along in the pregnancy, the greater the number of dreams she’ll experience. With more dreams occurring, the amount of dream recall also increases. The escalation in dreams stems from hormonal and bodily changes. Many of the dream narratives when a woman is pregnant will relate to the body and her pregnancy at the time.

The likelihood of having dreams about a miscarriage increase, not just because of the pregnancy. Pregnant women sleep up to 25 percent more than usual. More sleep-time equals more time dreaming. As a result of all that extra sleep, there’s plenty of opportunities for vivid dream experiences. Garfield goes on to explain the concept of “recency” and a pregnant female’s dream recall abilities. When you awake from a dream, you’ll remember the most current dream you’re having better than all others. Pregnant women sleep more, but also wake up a lot more, especially as the pregnancy progresses. It means more opportunities for dream recall.

With the idea of recency in mind, a pregnant woman will also have dreams related to recent experiences in their waking life. If a pregnant woman experiences an uncomfortable time during the pregnancy, like a sharp jab from the child’s movement or lower back pain, these issues can trigger miscarriage dreams. The latter experience is called dream incorporation where the mind incorporates real experiences and external stimuli from the environment or legitimate physical sensations into the dream narrative. A simple kick and the baby’s movement can easily translate into a vivid and graphic dream about a miscarriage.

As mentioned earlier, fear-based dreams are common during the first trimester, but so are hope-filled dreams. The most common dreams during this time are those relating to fertility and water. Dreams of water-breaking too soon and resulting in a miscarriage might occur if the woman’s fears manifest in the dream realm.

Garfield cautions a pregnant woman who has vivid or disturbing dreams to not take the dreams literally. But, if they are stirring up anxiety, she reiterates the importance of confiding in a medical professional. Garfield supports her assertion with the fact that sometimes the body speaks in unusual ways, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Dreams About Miscarriage While Not Pregnant

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If you’re not pregnant, but your mate is, it is possible you’ll have a dream about a miscarriage. This type of dream narrative is more likely if you’re a first-time parent or if there have been minor complications with the pregnancy. Your cause for concern may seek relief in your dreams. You might have worries you don’t share with your pregnant partner for fear of upsetting her; this too can manifest in the imagery relating to a miscarriage.

Bear in mind you can also have these dreams if you see someone else who is pregnant, the individual may appear in your dream as a symbol of something related to your waking hours. For example, a pregnant woman might signify something you are “giving birth to” like a project or personal endeavor. The miscarriage might be a warning to examine the “gestational progress” of your plans. Or, the miscarriage imagery might be your concerns about a project’s success rising to the fore in your dream narrative.

If you’re a man and you dream of someone having a miscarriage which is not your mate or is a stranger, it speaks to your fears about your reliance on others. Your inability to control every aspect of a situation proves unsettling for you and seeks resolution in dreams. The dream can also represent your concern about unforeseen challenges that lie ahead.

Dreams After Miscarriage (Dreams of Baby After Miscarriage)

Even if a person has a miscarriage, the subject is something cloaked in secrecy. After a traumatic event, many people struggle with how to interact with the formerly-pregnant mother or couple. People who mean well may end up saying the wrong thing, or seeming cold and detached because they don’t have the “right” words to say. Giving condolences or sagacious advice hardly seems enough when someone has experienced the loss of a child. Besides, sympathetic words in no way compensate for the enormous emotional devastation a person or couple deals with following a miscarriage.

After a miscarriage, the pregnant woman, couple, and even those close to the couple might experience miscarriage dreams. If it is the formerly pregnant woman who sees the disturbing imagery, she may be reliving the traumatic experience in her dreams. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition arising from seeing or going through a traumatic event. Among the condition’s symptoms are anxiety, fear, and nightmares. If an individual continues to have nightmares and flashbacks about the event, they may benefit from speaking with a physician or counselor.

In a symbolic sense, if you feel you’ve gone through all the emotional work following a miscarriage and you still have such dreams, the meaning may differ. For instance, if you experience a dream narrative where you see yourself struggling to deal with the aftermath of a miscarriage, you may be questioning your ability to manage emotionally troubling situations. If the dream is precognitive, the imagery you see may be telling you a situation will arise in the future where you have considerable difficulty coping.

Miscarriage dreams might also point to conditions in your waking hours that will prove life-altering. Your subconscious or Higher Mind might be telling you to remain alert, so you can potentially avoid a relationship, business venture, or personal encounter that proves emotionally devastating. You can use this dream as a suggestion to prepare yourself for emotional hardship. Or, you can use it to perhaps avoid emotional difficulties in the first place; once you’ve had the dream about a miscarriage, you can examine events in your life to see what might need greater attention or careful review. Upon identifying an existing issue, you can then take steps to make changes before something devastating occurs.

Don’t Avoid Interpreting Miscarriage Dreams

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Just because you wake from a dream about miscarriage unsettled, startled, and upset, you shouldn’t pass on trying to interpret what the dream means. Of course, these dreams will vary in meaning from one dreamer to the next. The dream narrative, imagery, and the past and current life conditions of the dreamer all play a role in meaning. One thing is for certain; you should look at dreams about miscarriage as dream messages of considerable importance. The subconscious will present you with alarming imagery if it has a particularly important message to convey. By shaking you a bit visually and emotionally, it increases the chances you’ll remember the dream as you transition through states of consciousness: from sleep to wakefulness.

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