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Horse Symbolism and Meaning

Through all cultures the overall symbols and meanings of Horse includes:

  • Pride
  • Nobility
  • War
  • Transcendent freedom
  • Independence
  • Life and death (white horse/black horse)
  • Fertility
  • Powerful lust and sexuality
  • Travel across time and space
  • Epic power of mind, body and spirit
  • Trusting relationships
  • Service to others and self
  • Paths to and from the underworld plus the higher realms (Celtic & Greek Mythology)

As you read through the in-depth collection of Horse symbolism and meanings here on Building Beautiful Souls, take some time to meditate on how Horse energy speaks to your heart.

Consider what kind of spiritual gifts Horse has appeared to bestow on you and how you are meant to work with its energies.

Because you’re compelled to seek out Horse Symbolism and Meaning, it is a sign that your soul (higher self) is racing its way to consummate freedom and the ability to travel the entire universe.

For it is only Horse who has the strength and stamina to ride up from the darkness of Middle Earth, traverse all the lands of our world and ascend to the heavens and beyond; racing with grace and sovereignty between the 5 Elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit or Aether.

Horse is an amazing spirit guide representing your personal goals, ambitions, desires and overall liberation.

When Horse comes into play there is more than enough motivation to carry you through anything. Horse symbolism, however, changes depending on whether the Horse is wild or tethered. Once tamed, the Horse represents those parts of our personality that we restrict and confine, particularly sexual urges. The tamed Horse also symbolizes service and trusting relationships.

In wild form the Horse bears vitality and freedom on its hooves, not just physically but mentally and spiritually. There is no constraining the Horse when it runs with the wind, but Horse also enjoys the company of family and friends. It’s always more fun to gallop together in a setting where individuality never gets lost. That’s why the Horse symbolism speaks to our social nature and ability to move in and out of various circles equally well.

Jung felt that the Horse symbolizes personal power – things that we master in our lives, and our natural gifts. Horse is a creature of success and self-actualization. When you know what drives you and put that awareness to work, you can get much further and faster than you ever thought.

If Horses start showing up in images where they’re in a stable or tied up, it’s a message that something is holding you back and limiting your autonomy. It may also speak of low energy levels and the need to pay attention to how you use your physical resources.

Horse can only carry so many bags before it gets weary from the burden. Figure out what you need to put down so you can lighten the load in your soul.

White Horses figure heavily into global mythology, typically being connected to a solar Deity or heroes. Horses also appear in various phrases like “from the horses mouth” (associating horse with accurate communication) and “get off your high horse” (implying that ego has become over-driven).

Though the same animal spirit guide may manifest throughout our lifetime its lessons may be different in each instance and there is a difference between Spirit Animals, Totem Animals and Power Animals

Spirit, Totem & Power Animals

Spirit Animal: Horse

If Horse keeps popping up in your awareness (in physical form or in movies, songs, TV, etc.), it means the question of “What Is My Spirit Animal” has been answered.

As your spirit animal, Horse is showing itself to you as an omen that the call for freedom is galloping into your world. Horse’s repeated appearance is a harbinger for you to allow horse energy to gift you with the power and endurance needed at this time. The spirit of this trusty steed can carry you down the right path to breaking free of whatever bonds are holding you back.

Horse is a very helpful spirit animal that helps facilitate spiritual awakening and growth by teaching you how to create symmetry between your desire for independence and your current responsibilities. There is a time to rest and a time to run and a lot of living in between. Enjoy the sweet apple that drops from the tree before taking on that next challenge.

Horse spirit loves to work with the winds. It’s an excellent teacher about personal energy and working with air elementals. No matter where she takes you, you will always have a sense of balance – of how to ride and not fall or fail in your duty.

Remember that Horse is a messenger to and from the angelic realm. If you have a specific prayer, whisper to Horse and let him carry that safely to a guardian helper.

Totem Animal: Horse

If you have chosen to invoke Horse spirit as your totem animal, be very sure you are ready for the spiritual growth and lessons you may encounter. Just remember, transmutation can be extremely positive or negative so use the lessons of Horse wisely.

Look to Horse totems when you really need to express yourself freely. It is an animal of adventure, power, friendship and family. When you face a hurdle, horse knows exactly how and when to jump and overcome that obstacle.

She will also help you when you’re in a rut. Horse totems are all about going in a new direction. Is it time to move on? Should you get a new home or travel to places unknown?

Carry a Horse totem when you seek answers to those kinds of questions.

Power Animal: Horse

Because we are all connected on a cellular level, you have the power to reach inside yourself and tap into those parts of you that house the instincts, characteristics and abilities of Horse.

Internalize and utilize Horse characteristics when you want to achieve goals. Reach inside and grasp the inherent instincts and abilities you have to harmonize your energy-pattern with the characteristics of a horse. Simply put, “Be the Horse”.

In Shamanism the horse power animal safely carries the medicine person between the worlds. As such, a horse power animal helps you connect with spiritual energies and abilities in a very personal way. Horse helps you see things differently and opens the path to Visionary gifts and a renewed connection with the Earth.

Horse power animals teach us the amazing lesson of being true to self no matter our bridle. This spiritual guide reminds us to live presently and attentively with gratitude in our heart toward those with whom we share our lives.

Celtic Symbols

The ancient Celts’ understanding of animal behaviour was so studied and their acceptance of each animal’s way of life so absolute that the Horse Totem held a particularly divine place in their culture. As mystics and shamans, the Celtic people viewed all life as intertwined, connected at the source (as seen in the art of Celtic knotwork).

In Celtic lore, Horses have strong associations with the Gods, particularly Epona and Macha both of which manifest as horses who protect the Earth, show us the future and guide humankind with sure-footedness. Epona’s name mean “mare” and she was one the only Goddess that some Romans worshiped.

She is very similar in form and function to the Welsh Rhiannon who rides a Pale Horse and governs fertility.

There are also other kinds of Horses among the Celtic Divine beings like the Water Horse companion to the sea god Manannan Mac Lir.

Thus the Celtic Horse became symbolic of the ability to bridge the gap between people and Spirits, both great and small.

Native American Animal Symbols: Horse

Like the Celts, Native Americans observe, understand and respect nature and all its indigenous creatures. As Native American animal totems go, (especially to medicine men or witch doctors as they are called in some tribes), Horse Medicine is, incredibly powerful and to be treated with the utmost humility and respect.

Native Americans called Horses “God dogs”. The name alone illustrates the reverence these people held for this creature. The team of a rider and a horse shows trust and respect from which we could learn much.

Additionally Horses figured heavily into battle symbolism as a token of Power, authority and success.

Shamans of the tribe are illustrated on the back of Flying Horses to reach Spirit realms safely. As such they may also represent the ability to overcome a difficult situation.

Zodiac Signs

Chinese Zodiac Horse

Learn all about the Year of the Horse traits & personality.

Dream Interpretation & Analysis

Horse Dreams

In dream interpretation, dreams about horses tie directly to your personal energy – be it mental, physical or sexual. The condition of the horse and what they are doing gives you greater insight into the message that Horse brings you. For example, a two-headed horse represents two equally appealing options in life that leave you unresolved.

Visit my Dream Dictionary to learn more about Horses in dreams.