As a metaphysical practitioner, I’m obligated by Universal Law to participate in Valentine’s Day because it’s all about love. But I believe in the energy of Valentine’s Day – with all my candy hearts. If you’ll allow February and Valentine’s Day to work their special magic, each can be a catalyst to help you become a better lover.
Every day, clients ask me how to get the love, career, confidence, and success they dream of having. My answer is always the same; clear your blocks, conquer your fears, and become a Law of Attraction Badass. If you’re not yet familiar with The Law of Attraction, it’s defined as the ability to attract into […]
Have you got your seat belts firmly attached? Good! Because 2017 starts in earnest on January 28, when the Aquarius New Moon ushers in the Year of the Fire Rooster!
Breaking free of bonds and out of self created prisons is the theme of the January 2017 horoscopes! This is excellent because, whew! There were some pretty heavy duty things on your mind as both the Sun and Mercury came to a standstill for the Solstice on December 21.
We begin the December 2016 horoscopes with the beautiful energy of the Sagittarius New Moon on November 29 as she just begins to peep out in her minute crescent form on the first few days!
Fighting to awaken, you force your consciousness to eject from the nightmare. Dark and disturbing dream images swirl around you. The small hairs on your arms stand up as you recall the awful feeling of one or more teeth falling out, cracked and crumbled as they fell to your feet – the last thing you […]