March 2018 is all about the feels! The Full Moon asks you to purify, simplify or heal. It’s time to bring order to the chaos. Sensitivity to, well, everything runs high this month – for all Zodiac Signs. Are you ready?
Are you ready for love? It’s time to crack that Heart Chakra wide open because romance, family, or career – ready or not, here love comes! Eclipse season is gonna be a doozy!
Ready to put on and take off your rose colored glasses? January 2018 is the time for all zodiac signs to see clearly – and that includes clear-seeing (using your psychic abilities). Whether it’s sparkly or shadows authenticity is the name of January’s monthly horoscope game.
Are animal spirits guides appearing to your Third Eye? Do your psychic eyes see people randomly shapeshift into animals? Have you been working on psychic development? It’s likely time to learn about Spirit, Totem, & Power Animals and what they mean for your psychic abilities and powers.
Ah, flying dreams. Usually euphoric and empowering, dreams about flying can stir your emotions for years to come. After all, what spirit doesn’t yearn to soar with eagles, fly to the heavens, and float amongst the stars? Let’s take a look at why your Higher Self is sending such lofty flying imagery in your dreams.
December 2017 is the time for all Zodiac Signs to take a hard look at some deep questions. Are you following your own version of the truth or being influenced by the visions and values of others around you, are you able to trust what you can’t see?